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7 mos ago
Current If your writing partner goes radio silent with absolutely 0 warning, yeah you can go ahead n shelve it. You probably got ghosted for one reason or another. It happens.
7 mos ago
I apologize for inactivity - muse has been elsewhere lately. I will reply to RPs here asap
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I have not seen or even heard of the show until now. We just got rid of our cable, so I can't really check it out (unless it's being streamed or w/e) but it sounds kinda nifty
whump whump
I keep forgetting this exists.. And then I see it in my subbed threads thing and it pleasantly surprises me every time. |D
Just be patient y'all, Poly's probably got some IRL stuff going on and hasn't been able to check the Guild.
@Ryonara I love Yumi already. Friggin' jerkass, wanting to use people's suffering as an opportunity! xD

@Shadow Dragon Why not just make them a plain ol' human with a knack for trickery? Like, they don't have the strength to fight fair, so they fight fast and dirty? Blinding opponents with mirrors angled just-so so that the light hits them in the face, or throwing smoke to get away when they've realized they've bitten off more than they can chew? Sounds like a fun character to me.
@Shadow Dragon
Handheld mirrors and smoke grenades seem fine to me, (I did a brief check to make sure the tech for smoke grenades is a least possible in medieval times (it is)) but idk about magic allowing for a "weak teleport." I mean... 1. It seems like it could be a bit too High-Fantasy for this RP, and 2. why would he need a teleportation ability at all if he has the other two means of escape anyway?

I'm not the GM, but at the same time @Polybius hasn't logged in for a bit.

probably gonna regret this I'm gonna end up biting off more than I can chewwwwww
By the time Cassius realizes that his jibe was in poor taste, they're only a few more steps away from the chapel - but then again, if she was really offended or threatened by it, would she have continued to follow him? Probably not. After going up the steps, he uses his free hand to open the doors and allow Monika inside first. As he walks in with Skurr, he shuts the door behind them. He sets the fisherboy down carefully on one of the makeshift beds of hay and cloth. Cassius sort of looks at Monika and simply nods a goodbye to her as he skims around the chapel for the noble he was supposed to be guarding over.

When he does finally spot her, his first feeling is relief at her being alive and well.. or at least as well as one can be after a night like the last. The second feeling is shame, for having left her side for so long without giving her notice. "Milady," he says as he's walking to her, "are you alright? Are you injured?"

@Strange Rodent Monika (in scene, subtle interaction)
@Haeo Skurr (updated position)
@Polybius Maren (spoken to)
@Zaphander Annabeth (in scene, is with Maren)

thinking about adding a plots sub-section, or re-adding the 'characters' sub-section, but I'unno yet.
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