Avatar of Landaus Five-One


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current The Multiverse is within us all. But the biggest one within me is A Fantasy RP and A Sci-Fi Series classified as "Jaina'Res."
4 yrs ago
I'm still working on a Fantasy RP, it isn't dead. Its just writer's block sucks ass... :(
4 yrs ago
I've been working on a Fantasy styled roleplay. It's still in the development stages since it has no name right now.
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5 yrs ago
What's this? I'm finally updating my status in 10 months. Wonderful. I hope you all enjoy it. As well, profiles are what I enjoy creating.
5 yrs ago
The Sanctuary, VC, NCQuest, Talrae and the ILR all have one thing in common I am in them in terms of the RPs.


I am Landaus Five-One, which likes being called Holy since its A, Easier and B, I've used that distinction much longer than Landaus. I am into roleplays of any variety as long as they are interesting and unique for me to be apart of. There's a list below showing the roleplays I am interested in.
  • Sci-Fi
  • Space Opera
  • Magical
  • Fantasy
  • Modern
  • Post-Apocalyptic Themes
  • Alternate Universe / Alternate Reality
  • Horror
  • Insert any Fandom Here

I can play both genders easily, even though lately I've been playing mostly Female characters. Artificial Intelligence Characters are something of a odd quirk I like doing only because I have like a few characters that are basically massive AI Controlled Starships. Additionally, you can contact me via Discord using Holy R. Enigma#6381 for anything really. My birthdate is June 26, 1987, going to be soon 33 years old. Might as well add that these are the only two things I am going to put on here. Out of everything, I am really enjoying my time on roleplaying guild, just need to start working on the massive revamp of the Jaina'Res Mulitverse/Main Realm and the Fantasy RP I have been starting to work on. It's still in the Development stages in terms of the Fantasy RP I am going to GM.

Hopefully everyone has a good 2020 and beyond, gl and hf. As well, I'm highly interested in Strategy Games, Grand Strategy and MMORPGs aka play FFXIV.

The Roleplays I am apart of: The RP's Creator - Roleplays listed second.
Letter Bee: Iliad City: A Magical RP in an original world resuming & Academy of Noble Arms - The Golden Generation
LetMeDoStuff: Persona the Beholder
The Jest: Lost Innocence RP Reset - This roleplay went through a complete reset. The Pages are children whom gained magical powers from being infused by dust of a crystalline race. Need to still finish the required profiles I've been working on mostly been sidetracked a little. However, Sidetracking is always a pain in the ass. Additionally, The Jest is still working on all details of said roleplay before he launches it.

Roleplays that have an OOC and were rebooted once before:


Interest Checks that Caught my Interest:

Creation of Something New: Getting back into the swing of things...
The Venerdale Legends RP: Retinue of the Ariel Guardians - The Name has finally been chosen, which is the Fantasy RP that is still in development. Got many things to work on, at least its finally named. (Like the Magic System and others)

Most Recent Posts

Location: The Galactic Bazaar
Interaction: Finbarr @The Man Emperor, Alan @The Jest

Narvia heard Finbarr grumbling about what’s going on with Alan, one of their friends, of course. She noticed the enormous pillar of flames in the distance, and it made her slightly gasp in fear. It took her to look towards Finbarr and feel as worried as he is. When Finbarr starts talking about Alan in terms of getting incredibly unlucky, it makes her feel a bit bad for feeling irritated by not having a peaceful time. ” Finbarr this is scary. I have no idea how he is breathing or alive either, but it’s better to help him out!” Narvia said with a slight bit of worry in her voice.

It didn’t take long to hear Maria’s telepathic message to her about extinguishing Alan and the pillar of flames. Narvia gave a slight nod to Maria’s order instead of everything else. She then heard Finbarr about creating a portal and using the fire extinguishers on Alan. ” It’s a good idea, and your portals will make it much easier to get close to him and extinguish the flames. W-What the…?” Narvia questioned slightly. She was only a bit confused when one of the gunships careen out of control as if the one and only Nero hijacked it.

Narvia kept with Finbarr, and when he opened a portal, she went through as well. It wouldn’t be a good idea to leave anyone behind, as her godfather usually says when he isn’t so cryptic, that is. She grabbed one of the fire extinguishers and started using it on Alan and the pillar of fire that surrounded Alan. ” Alan! P-Please, we are here for you!” Narvia said towards Alan. In her voice, you can tell she was worried about her friends, and that would include her boyfriend’s friends too.

’ That’s scary in what Nero said about the people hunting Alan, B-Bounty Hunters?’ Narvia thought to herself. It incredibly worried her that people wanted to put any of her friends into prison for being unlucky. She will protect them with all her power, even if she has much of it in spades. It does help that she has Finbarr right next to her, and she’ll help in every way possible.

Location: The Galactic Bazaar
Interaction: Finbarr @The Man Emperor, Flame & Ashton by Omnitool Message @Letter Bee

Narvia had a smile on her face while she listens to Finbarr’s response since it is hard to figure out what you want to buy. Her facial features slightly changed when he said or whiskey and made her a bit worried. It was clear as day on her face because they shouldn’t be drinking at all. However, Finbarr chuckled and tapped her on the shoulder made her sigh in relief that he was joking about it. ” You had me worried, Finbarr. Yeah, it would be better to wait on something like that.” Narvia said with a smile. It didn’t take long for her mood to be a bit frustrated when she saw her omnitool start giving out a message from Flame.

Narvia gave out a slight sigh in frustration, and all she wanted to do was relax and have fun shopping with her boyfriend. She sighed slightly more about the whole ordeal, but the Star Marines needed to be helped out, but she wouldn’t want to harm anyone. ” Agreed, Finbarr.” Narvia said with a sigh and rolled her eyes. She felt like the world was against them to have a normal life or something, but they were experimented on by the Ascendancy. ” Finbarr, it looks like our date has to take a rain check. What’s the world coming to when I want to have a normal life now? Yeah, let’s go. We have to help our friends.” Narvia said with a slightly frustrated look on her face.

So Narvia kept up with Finbarr to rendezvous with Ashton, Flame, and the others. She kept close to Finbarr to reach where they need to meet with the other Star Marines. Hopefully, they can deal with not causing any harm to anyone in the Galactic Bazaar. ’ What did my godfather usually say? Oh yeah, suspect the unexpected. I should not lower my guard, but I want to relax with Finbarr. It feels like we need an enormous fire extinguisher or something for that pillar of fire.’ Narvia thought in her head. Her feelings were mixed about the whole thing but keeping causalities to a minimum and keeping her friends alive is a top priority.

Narvia sends a message to the other Star Marines that aren’t with her that Finbarr is. ’ Finbarr and I will rendezvous with you, Ashton and Flame!’ Her messages are adorable when she sends messages to everyone since it is how she acts all the time. However, this message was a bit more adorable with how she put Finbarr before her in a different type of way. If it weren’t hinting at something, many people would be blind or deaf to what has happened between Finbarr and her.

Location: The Galactic Bazaar
Interaction: Finbarr @The Man Emperor

Narvia’s omnitool made a noise, and she looks at it and sees that Finbarr response to her messages to him. She had a smile on her face, and it means that she’ll don’t have to wait too long outside of the Xuanzang in the Galactic Bazaar. It did cause her to try to think about other things, but she wants to be with her boyfriend and shopping with him. It is an excellent way to get shopping out of the way before they have to go on another mission by Moonstrike. ’ I’m happy for the first time in my life. Hopefully, I will not get any more nightmares.’ She thought to herself with a slight bit of trying to figure out if she had forgotten anything extra.

Narvia had been a bit distracted with her thoughts, but when the Xuanzang door opened, and she saw Finbarr come out. She smiles wonderfully and beautifully when she sees Finbarr and what he is wearing. It looks handsome on him. It didn’t take too long for her to recognize what he says and asks of her, and they should be going so they can shop. ” Hehe, same to you, Finbarr. I love this outfit I have on, and it’s so cute on me. Yes, we should go.” Narvia said. She wasn’t nervous at all about what’s going on right now. It was serenity and peace.

It didn’t take long for Narvia to get close to her boyfriend so they can stay close together while they travel through the Galactic Bazaar. Narvia wanted to shop and get a gift for Finbarr for helping her open up. ” I am so happy that we are together, Finbarr.” Narvia said cutely. It will probably take a long time to heal from all the self-made disasters that happened to her by her father’s plans. At least, right this second, Narvia feels happiness and never wants to let it go again as all the times she didn’t fight for it previously.

Narvia remembered one thing before they genuinely get down with shopping. ” Um, Finbarr, do you have anything you want to buy? While we are shopping.” Narvia said with a curious look on her face. She did want to know what he was going to shop for since she had something to buy for him. It is a fun thing to deal with, wondering what the other person will buy while at the Galactic Bazaar.

December 30th – Trebin
Interacting with: Jean & Lucia @LetMeDoStuff

Diana was walking with Lucia and Jean through the trenches to reach the village. In the back of her head, she felt a slight bit pang of guilt for not finishing her mother’s letter. Because of this reason, Diana didn’t notice or realize that Jean drifted away from Lucia and her. She slightly sighs about the whole situation in the war without allowing herself to see her parents on the principle of being a Vastergoth. Her family is the most important people in her life and support her until she joined the war and her mother was distraught about losing her. ’ Rebecca, Gavin. I will not give up until I get home. I don’t know any more about this war or anything anymore. How will I live with all these traumatic experiences in my life?’ Diana thought to herself. Diana sighed about how tiring all this is and how hard it is to keep everything in order in the war are. Mostly it is because Diana doesn’t know how long it will take to recover from these traumatic experiences.

Diana had to bear these problems and nightmares the best she can, but those nightmares usually happen when she sleeps. She slightly shakes her head, puts her left hand on her cheek to feel the warmth of her hand in the cold. It didn’t take too long to for her to start looking around her and realize that only Lucia and Diana are upfront. She noticed some things with Jean looked similarly drained of all the bullshit in the Federation’s Trenches. Diana was mentally still beating herself up over what happened during her confession to Jean. She is probably one of the stupidest things she has ever done, but she already did apologize for it previously. It made her look like a strange girl that wants attention during a battlefield setting bit of a stupid thing to do, but she was stubborn, hardheaded, and naive.

Therefore, Diana needs to get out of her head to be a person for others. This war entirely shot her enthusiasm or mood to nothingness, and she can’t deal with many things right now. She sighs at the whole situation, but it’ll probably require something to help her stop feeling like Diana can’t move on through this hell. In terms, Diana looks over to Lucia and sees her sweet smile, and that’s a bright spot in the hell that is EW1. However, Jean starts speaking up and asking about what she’ll be doing at Trebin. It causes her to think about what she’ll respond with, but she hopes they can reach the village sooner than later. These trenches are helluva annoying to traverse, for one thing, and sometimes getting lost is a pain.

” Primarily, the Bar, Jean. I do need something to drink to feel slightly warmer than I feel right now.” Diana responded to his question and felt like he wanted some small talk. She was blunt that she wants to go to the bar besides saying the real reason, but getting a drink and reading her mother’s letter all the way through would be better at a bar. ” They are nice. I give that bar something. They do have good employees. I do hope you have a good relaxed rest of your day, then.” How she spoke held a bit of emphasis on hope, good relaxed, and day with her Northern Edinburghian accent.

Diana gave Jean some encouraging words to him since he does need it more than others, even more so than her sometimes. It is hard to keep herself from being so twisted by all these horrible events, but she sighs at frequently falling back into her mind. Therefore, she decides to stop thinking and pushing them far in the back of her head for now since it would be hard to read the letter. ” Guess you were the one who suggested talking to the Bar Girls? Lucia.” It felt like the correct thing to ask Lucia since it would seem like something she would suggest because of how sweet she is.

Diana sighed in relief when they arrived at Trebin because it feels like an excellent place to be less annoyed at the arrangements of the military. Her eyes brighten up a bit, and her smile was back to how it was before Amone happened, which will probably be a black spot on their military’s history. She would rather not experience some things again, and what happened at Amone would be one of those. She did keep up while walking through Trebin, and she heard shanties, soldiers singing, and other types of music. These songs were delightful, but she needs to get to the bar to get a drink and read her mother’s letter.

Therefore, she notices Jean goes towards the south-western part of the village, probably to relax as he said to them earlier. Diana decides to help Lucia’s idea by walking her to a bar that she wants to go to because she wants to talk to Bar girls. Diana enters the bar with Lucia and realizes on small detail, having only enough currency to buy at most three drinks. It had always been that way, and no matter what, there is always a small hitch to her wanting to feel a bit warmer than she has. The weirdest currency had to be cigarettes of all things, but thankfully, she doesn’t smoke them. ” Can I have a drink, please? I do need one since it would warm me up a bit.” She sits at one of the tables at the bar since it would be better to sit at a table instead of at the bar itself. It takes her a small amount of time to take out her mother’s letter and sighs, looking at her mother’s beautiful handwriting. ’ Why do I feel so nervous? Where was I? Do I even remember?” Diana thought to herself. She puts her left hand on her forehead in disappointment in not reading it all the way through when she first got it.

Jessica kept her guard up from what's going on near them, and she gave a slight look to Reynard that told her and everyone else to stay alert. She gives a subtle nod to Reynard, trying to stay in the defensive guard position to be prepared for whatever is going on. It feels like whatever is going on around them isn't good, but she did see Asher get out an iron bar compared to a notebook. There is a calm before these monsters come out of hiding from the bushes. ' Ugh, I hope it isn't those pink fuzzballs with poke-a-dots. They are painfully annoying.' Jessica thought with a frustrated look on her face. Her mother talked about those monsters much to her, and she had a particular bit of mixed feelings about them.

Tearsy couldn't help but interrupt Jessica's train of thought or, in reality, what she's feeling right at this moment. Jessica's mixed feelings are usually the most delicate to deal with at a certain point. If anything, Tearsy would like Jessica to be more lady-like than she is, but you can't be picky as a sword goes. It's great to be near Jessica as much as she is, nonetheless. " Jessica, you can tell little ole me what's frustrating you so much. I would believe you should believe in yourself and show who you indeed are instead of hiding it behind that demeanor of yours. You should stop having mixed feelings about certain things, dear." Tearsy thought projected into Jessica's head with a bit of a teasing tone too. The sword sheath shifts between dimmer and brighter glowing of its aura.

Jessica hears the thought projection words of Tearsy, and they felt a bit too embarrassing for her to believe. It did make her think about what the sword is trying to do her in her subconscious, but all she does is let out a small sigh after trying to get a proper response to Tearsy. ' Tearsy, what are you trying to do? We are in a middle of an intense situation right now. Can you please stop embarrassing me in the most critical points, but you can't. You can probably guess why I have mixed feelings about those pink fuzzballs with poke-a-dots now.' Jessica thought to answer Tearsy's teasing of her again. She tries to get back on the task at hand by looking at Carver, who talked about it being unnerving and looking around. He took a bit of time and said something about not in any real danger. The near the end of what he said, a rock hit him.

Tearsy couldn't help but be lost for words since she saw the inner thoughts of Jessica specifically about these pink fuzzballs with poke-a-dots. It was a bit cute and all, and there might be hope that Jessica will chill out one of these days and relax for once. The sweet Jessica has her problems, yes, but that's why Tearsy loves her so much. She couldn't help but giggle slightly only to Jessica about what she thinks of these goblins, but she will defend her clients against these creatures when she's on the job. It is part of the job description of being a bodyguard, and all she did was wait to be released by Jessica's need to defend Carver.

Jessica hears Tearsy's giggle but had a look of slight worry about the rock that hit Carver, but the historian only fell flat on his butt as he stares at it. She looks in the direction of the commotion of the bushes. Jessica hears that the squeaks and chirps were much louder, and the bushes were being shaken and rattled. Her eyes narrowed when Jessica noticed the Goblin that came out of the bushes, but they traveled in packs. She watches the Goblin as it was chattering, squeaking, and motioning with its weapon toward Carver's feet. It caused her to sigh a bit annoyingly at sight, but thankfully, the noises around them calmed down. ” Seriously? Goblins, a pack of them, just great.” Jessica said with a tone of disdain in her voice. It had disbelief, feelings of annoyance, and wanting to get rid of these goblins with the tiniest hint that they are cute. She had an enormous amount of mixed feelings about these monsters compared to others in Fiore.

There were many things that Jessica was thinking about, but the one thing that would be primarily on her mind was Carver's health. She was taught the one you are a bodyguard is vital to keep safe no matter what, no matter the monster or other in your way. It makes her put her hand onto Tearsy's handle and get in a slightly more offensive style than her defensive one. She had no idea why the goblins were chittering, squeaking at them since they need to get to the ruin. It doesn't help her know how to communicate with them, but how she deals with a problem is to get rid of it. " What do you guys think? Reynard and Asher." Jessica said to Reynard and Asher. It was primarily because of what she wants to do keeping Carver safe rather than dealing with the demands of these Goblins.

Jessica didn't want to wait for a plan and acceptance of her wishing to defeat these Goblins quickly but under like three seconds of waiting for a response from those two. She starts to pull out the Sky Tears Sword of its sheath, and when Jessica pulled it out entirely. The sword's light greenish glow starts to spread from Jessica's left hand to her whole body in a beautiful glow surrounding her. ' I enjoy this part of Tearsy. One of the reasons why I like showing off with her!' Jessica thought with herself. She had a smile on her face while having a similar disdain look on her face as what she said previously.

Location: Xuanzang → The Galactic Bazaar
Interaction: Finbarr @The Man Emperor

Narvia went to sleep in her bedroom on the Xuanzang, and it was well deserved and needed for what happened earlier. The confession to make herself much happier by having a boyfriend after all this time, she's growing up finally. She had a smile on her face while sleeping in her bed. It was peaceful, and she had tranquility in her heart compared to the frustrations of being away from her mother and older siblings. Narvia had found normalcy in her heart and feelings after the trials and tribulations. Hopefully, it does help, and there are no bad dreams that had caused her to be utterly depressed and felt like she was losing it.

Thankfully, no such nightmares popped up this time around while she was sleeping, and all she could do was dream something more meaningful. It was about Finbarr and her instead of anything, but how innocent Narvia is, it wasn't any underlying meaning to it. Narvia's dream boils down to what her love spoke earlier before she went to sleep and got some ideas and need to plan to get through it. It will take a long time to get those ideas through anyone since they are wild and imaginative like, Narvia is.

Narvia didn't toss or turn as much as she has in her sleep, but she was cuddling her seal plushie as cutely as possible. It was the one that her Godfather bought her after all, and why wouldn't she cuddle it. However, the second one she has was crafted by Phi, and she loves it too. The plushie that Phi crafted was correct beside her in reach of her arms because it was also adorable. It didn't take long for her to have two seal plushies in her arms while sleeping. Narvia felt relaxed in this whole situation and wanders her dream space.

Narvia slowly wakes up in her bed after that beautiful dream and finally goes into her happy place. True happiness is with others and forgiving and forgetting past mistakes of people's actions. It shows, proper growth and she looks at her omnitool, and she got much more sleep than she had thought. Her omnitool was optimized to shows how long she has slept by some of its calculations. She saw it was at least 7 hours of sleep, as Narvia needed rest after not getting that much sleep. ' I will Dragius, I will tell Nikolas I don't hate him anymore." Narvia thought to herself with a smile on her face.

She gets up from her bed and takes a shower since it would be better to feel happy and fresh. It causes her to get different casual clothes that are even more beautiful than her previous outfit. Her new casual attire has a baby fluffy seal laying on snow on her t-shirt with words of adorable and pretty on the back of her shirt. And a pretty cute skirt that's multicolored to be aligned with her favorite colors primarily. Her socks particularly match her t-shirt's color of bluish silver. " I-I'm so cute in this outfit. I do hope Finbarr loves it." Narvia said out loud in front of her mirror. All she could do is giggle to herself while brushing her incredibly long hair.

Narvia didn't take long to brush her incredibly long hair and puts it in her favorite hairstyle of a ponytail, with the white ribbon her mother bought her. She had a smile on her face, and she remembered the ship was going to be at the Galactic Bazaar. It gives her an idea, and she should shop with Finbarr, it would be a wonderful idea for their first date. " Hehe, hopefully, he will accept my invitation to shop at the Bazaar." Narvia said. She sent an encoded message to Finbarr so none of the other Star Marines can take a peek at it. Finbarr, want to shop with me at the Galactic Bazaar? It would be lovely. I hope to see you, my love.

Narvia slowly gets out and puts on her cute tennis shoes, and she wears on a broken deal since her combat boots would quite clash with her outfit. She thinks for a slight second and wonders if she has a makeup kit. It didn't take too long to remember she doesn't have any because, for one being part of the Dragon's Brigade Fleet, her Godfather didn't want to buy her some. Nikolas’s philosophy was by the book of what a soldier should look like on the battlefield. She was only on the battlefield once, and all the other times were only on the flagship of the Fleet. ' I guess I could buy myself some makeup at the Galactic Bazaar. Also, other things I would need too. I should probably buy my love something at the Bazaar also.' Narvia thought to herself. She would have a new experience by buying for someone that makes her feel complete. However, all these outfits and stuff she has are because of herself mostly.

Therefore, Narvia walks out of her room, shuts the door, and walks to Xuanzang's Exit to reach the Galactic Bazaar. She stops at Xuanzang's departure door for Finbarr to go on their first date and figure out what she wants to buy at the Galactic Bazaar. Narvia looks at her omnitool to precisely see the specific shop she wants to buy at, a beauty product that sells a place with makeup. It was cute, and she was trying to find beauty products though she was running out of her favorite shampoo and conditioner since it would be a pain if her hair gets tangled. She tears up every time she has to brush her hair when it's so twisted with tangles, and it hurts every single time. ' I'm going to add that on my list then since the Revitalize Shampoo and Conditioner is vital to my hair not being tangled.' Narvia thought about making a list of products to buy that she remembers. She's going to be careful not to blow all her GCs, but she still needs to think about what she's going to do.

An idea popped up in Narvia's head about plushies and what to do with them, but it was something instead of nothing like she had previously. She probably would need to set it up and get a plan together about the finer details of her idea. It'll be similar to what Finbarr is planning with a business to keep them afloat since they would be living in the same house. Narvia blushes a bit while nervously thinking about her idea with the money as a backdrop. She doesn't want to spend her galactic credits illogically or against her ideals since it would be too much like what others want her to do. ' Plushies, but I should probably think about this more than I have. I do wonder what kind of thingy could open with plushies. I wouldn't want to use it for ill intentions. Everyone needs a cuddly little friend near them, though!' Narvia thought with a smile and still red from blushing. She found a list maker on her Omnitool and made a list of what she wants to buy for herself and Finbarr.

Narvia walks out of the exit door of the Xuanzang and felt slightly nervous and worried. Therefore, she sent out another message to Finbarr telling him exactly where she was since she was a bit nervous. All because it would be safer with him than without him, but she can defend herself. Only it is because it's the first time she ever fell in love with someone. " Uhh, did I forget anything else?" Narvia asked herself a rhetorical question.

Location: City Sewers -- The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

Kalie’s look on her face was white as a ghost from how bone-chilling that scream was. She shivered up and down from what that scream meant, and it terrified her slightly. It didn’t take long for Kalie to notice the tunnel Graves went down as he sprinted ahead of them. She didn’t have much time to think of any plan because if she thought about it, whoever screamed that way would probably be killed by their lack of action. ’ Oh god damn that’s utterly terrifying.’ Kalie thought with a look of slight terror on her face.

It didn’t take long for Kalie to follow Graves since he was running ahead of the group. She was making sure while running behind Graves not to trip and keeping up with him. Kalie would try to support her group with her dark sight vision done this tunnel and all the other objects of choice. Also, she put her Scythe back on her back to avoid losing it by dropping it, and that would be stupid. It would be a bad idea to be without your weapon and being surrounded by rats that want to eat you. Thankfully, she focused enough not to make a stupid mistake like that, but it would be bad nonetheless.

Kalie didn’t want to interrupt Graves searching for the human that screamed by his specific talent for blood. If anything, it’s one reason she stayed away from him when it was a game since he would have tracked her to the ends of the game world. ’ Hopefully, he can find a human that screamed with what he usually does. No matter, I will be ready to use my Scythe to help if they need it.’ Kalie thought to herself. She tried to develop a small plan to use her Scythe but other than wielding it regularly without its spells.

The Labyrinth of a maze was hell on Kalie’s legs since she’s now running instead of walking. She had hoped they would find that person who screamed that bone-chilling scream. As long as she’s with Graves, Rael, and Alja, they will get out of this Labyrinth of a maze sewer and deal with the rat’s nest. It is to get the reward at the end of the tunnel, talk to Kazuma again, and tell him that she changed her mind about the decision she made previously.

Kalie kept her eyes peeled for any different types of bodies compared to all the dire rat corpses. She was thinking about all the things she would do after getting done with this sewer, and explicitly taking a bath would be good. It causes Kalie to think of smells that were much more pleasant than what she has to deal with right now. ’ Ugh, I would rather smell flowers than this sewer anymore.’ Kalie thought to look of disgust on her face besides what is going on outside. In contrast, to her thought patterns of the yucky sewer, she tried to stay focused on Graves and the others behind her.
Meagan Holly Trace
The Grand Usurper
Photokinesis and Flight | Unknown, estimated in eight hundred thousand | Female/Fallen Angel

Once, an angel fell from grace after trying to steal the powers of her Goddess that caused many deaths. She committed many crimes in seeking power, but she aims to become redeemed to set things right from her vindictive nature. As a master of the corruption form of Photokinesis, it puts people and creatures into stasis and turns them into monstrous creatures under her control.

I've edited my profile to the parameters required. :)

Location: Xuanxang, Her Room → The Kitchen/Mess Hall
Interaction: Finbarr @The Man Emperor
Mention: Laurey @jdh97

Narvia tried to sleep peacefully after Laurey's conversation with her seal plushie in her arms. It was a bit odd, but this is the first time she didn't cry herself to sleep, and it does make some sense. The Crew of the Xuanxang completed the first mission as successfully as the Xuanxang's crew can deal with, even though there were some snags along the way. Narvia's emotions were in the state of being in a deep sleep, but it hasn't been this way for a long time. She had trouble getting to sleep without tossing, turning, and other types of methods of sleeping. It felt amazing for the first time in a long time to get asleep and was peaceful.

Especially, Narvia was dreaming a dream to reach one of her goals of reuniting with her family. It had always been her goal to reunite with her biological mother, Lana, and her two older siblings. There was an oddity in the dream that made her slightly scared because she repressed it for so long. It was a bit nonsensical and had something to do with the problems her emotions are so out of control for all this time. She feels like whatever this is, she'll need someone to help her after the dream is done.

Narvia wakes up in a panic as if she had a nightmare with her sweating and tears going down her cheeks even more. She looks at the time on her omnitool to see how long she had slept for, and it wasn't even that long. The nightmare shook her out of her peaceful sleep as much as she was trying to sleep. She holds her seal plushie even tighter than she usually does because the nightmare was terrifying. It helps her understand the thing Scott was trying to say to her all those years ago, and it scares her to be a wreck.

Lana and her older siblings are who she loves the most in her life, but there were thoughts in her head. These thoughts were about the others that helped her throughout her life, including the Star Marine Family she gained. ' H-How could I be so blind? It was right in front of me all this time. Why did this have to happen to me? I-I don't want to choose between anyone. S-Scott, I still don't hate you for what you put into motion.' Narvia thought with her tears flowing much more freely. It hurts having to choose between the people you love with all your heart, and she never once thought of it.

There is a searing pain in her heart that feels like it is tearing her up inside. It causes her to have her tears flow freely, and most of her tears hit her seal plushie that she is holding tightly in her arms. Narvia felt even more vulnerable than she had previously. It causes her to realize she should get something to eat and get some chocolate milk. She gets up from her bed and only for a few seconds so she can take a shower and put on her casual clothes after it.

These emotions and feelings made her want to chat with someone in her group of friends to make her feel better. ' I wonder if someone is in the kitchen, mess hall to talk to them. Hopefully, I can get these things off my chest." Narvia thought with the look on her face right now. The look on her face had a frown, and she looked depressed. Usually, she smiles and keeps everyone's morale up, but her morale has hit rock bottom.

She feels much better after the shower and wearing casual clothes that are super cute on her. Her entire body language shows many things that she was terrified of and had to make even more complex choices. In Narvia's mind feels like she shouldn't hate her father for what he has done, but she's scared of what he's planning. She gets out of her room, shuts the door to it, and slowly goes to the kitchen, mess hall. It didn't take long for her to enter the kitchen, mess hall to notice Finbarr in the room working on writing.

Narvia decides to walk over to him, sighing deeply with hints on her breaking points. One small thing would cause her to break down entirely, and not even a plushie could help her. Her curiosity in what he was writing was something to do. " F-Finny, what are you writing? I-I'm sorry for interrupting your creative process, but I need someone to talk to because I can't stop crying." Narvia said without showing her usual smile with some tears going down her cheek. Whatever was wrong with her, but it is obvious she had a nightmare or dream since it's pronounced as day in her body language. She's not acting her usual self, even more so than usual.

Narvia slowly sits down across from Finbarr and lays her head on the table while keeping her tears in check. She rubs her eyes frequently to keep the tears from flowing. " I-I dislike my options. I-I didn't want to grow up without my mommy and older sisters." Narvia said with not a single idea what to do anymore. She's at the tipping point of being a wreck for the rest of her life or having to deal with it slowly.

However, Narvia would probably always had been on the edge of breaking down completely. She has been discovering herself ever since she hit the age she is. It hurts so much about everything that has happened to her. She lifts her head off the table and sighs and crosses her arms because she feels slightly cold. " H-How am I suppose to feel happiness? D-Do you know Finny." Narvia said. It has been an arduous journey to realize she's soon going to become an adult. There has to be a choice to find happiness or to be forever in tears. ” O-Oh yeah, what are you going to do with the 20 million galactic credits that Ashton and Flame gave us? I-I have no idea how to deal with or develop an idea that doesn’t feel like a waste. T-They were sweet in doing that.” Narvia said cutely, sad with tears going down her cheek.
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