Avatar of Leaves
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1131 (0.33 / day)
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    1. Leaves 9 yrs ago


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4 yrs ago
Current It's been a while since I roleplay'ed. With filing for unemployment, a lot of free time has opened up. I hope I can join despite the rep sheet I have for being inactive for some time.
7 yrs ago
I'm just going to drop this. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Is there someway that I can report the person below me?
7 yrs ago
This roleplay gives out free cookies. roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
7 yrs ago
Trapped in TV Land Cliche roleplayerguild.com/topics/…


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Most Recent Posts

Fitness Feya

Catching the View and Salt

Interacting with:???

The fitness woman's body emerged out of the water. She laid her back on the water and let the waves push her around. Her arms and legs bobbed in and out of the sea. She spewed water out like a fountain; some of the salt water got inhaled after she fell overboard. Coughing only to get the taste out of her mouth, she looked up at the sky. Ignoring the damage to both ships, she admired the sky above her.

"Well, this was anti-climatic," Feya complained. Her body was riddled with scratches, bruises, and cuts. Even though the salt in the water caused more pain to her wounds, she still found the time to joke about her misfortune. "A lost fight, huh? That's an extra workout."

Feya started planning appropriate workouts to excuse her poor performance in the previous battle. Though she might have done exceptionally well, Feya felt her results were not up to par considering how much she trained. She began promising herself to increase the number of exercise sets. Sighing to herself, she could hear her crewmates above her.

"Down here!" She bellowed in a dead tone.

Soda Girls.

Not really. I didn't really receive a lot of attention for this roleplay. It would be hard to implement it with the number of people who have shown interest.

Health: 800
Mana: 1200 >> 900
Renn: 688 >> 8
STATs Tree:

Health: 700
Mana: 000 >> 100 >> 000
STATs Tree:

Dubstepp looked at the group of wolves before him. He sighed, he thought the entire scene before him was a bit cheap. He vanquished all of these wolves before. Now they suddenly teamed up together in hopes of creating a more difficult challenge? Dubstepp took out his horn from the inventory. This was the first time he held it in his hands after he received it from the admin.

Dubstepp found himself rubbing the smooth surface a bit. "Alright, let's do this. I hope you guys haven't lost your edge over the last few days." He threw out his hand and summoned the beast Totoro. The giant rabbit appeared before the group with a mighty roar; his neck tilted to the sky as he released his deafening growl. "Good morning to you too, buddy."

Dubstepp started playing the wind-piped instrument. He helped Totoro regain his mana and health points. "Give them a hop, dude." The musician gave his rabbit monster a simple command. Totoro approached the group of wolves and crushed the earth beneath him. The pressure of the jump affected those around it. Totoro would start punching one of the smaller wolves.

Then, Dubstepp utilized three hundred of his mana points to make Totoro a permanent pet. Looking back at the rest of the party, he spoke to them. "While some of them are dazed, now would be a good time to attack." Dubstepp snickered.


Dubstepp used summon [Totoro]
Dubstepp uses Green King's Horn
Totoro used Hoppitidy Stomp
Totoro attacks Wolf 1
Dubstepp uses Make Permanent Monster [Totoro]

Interacting with:

In Alphabet Game 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@floodtalon@Old Amsterdam@Demon Shinobi@Leaves@BCTheEntity@Spiffy@yoshua171 Basically everyone that isn't Gard, we're now at the 7 day mark since the last GM update and only one person has posted. This makes me a saaaaaad panda. But t's the holiday season, so I get it. Now I know Spiffy and Yosh have both said probably Tuesday will be when they can post, so that's that. OA wants to wait for some others to post, ok. Aaaand BC has said that he's waiting for Leaves because what goes on with Feya will determine what Dirk does. That's everything that I recall from what people have said to me, so if anybody else has anything else to tell me, please inform me of your status. I would be most appreciative.


My character is in the water. I have yet to decide to make her unconscious or just injured. I was trying to reflect on everybody else's post to determine her state. I guess given how the posting process is going, I'll just have her swim around.
My girlfriend called me a pedophile. I said that's a pretty big word for a 5-year old.

Health: 800
Mana: 1200
Renn: 688
STATs Tree:

Health: 550/700
Mana: 000/100
STATs Tree:

Dubstepp scratched his head once the red-haired woman responded. He gave a slight chuckle before answering her question despite it possibly being rhetorical. "All he does is eat. I'm pretty sure he has three stomachs," he joked.

Dubstepp noticed her beverage of choice. He kept a mental note of that. Usually, you can get an idea of a person by what they are drinking. This woman most likely enjoyed herself. Even then, she ended up coming with an empty beer and a full one. Dubstepp took a few swigs of his ale. After swallowing, he couldn't contain a smile. "A convention, huh? I hope you are talking about the giant rabbit and not me." He teased.

His eyes rolled to the ceiling as he listened to the woman's name. "Chari? That sounds appropriate for a red-hair." Taking a spoonful of pot pie, he quickly bit it to give out his name. "You probably heard my name before. It's a regular noun. My name is Dubstepp. I tend to drop jokes like I drop bass." He grinned.

Dubstepp looked out of the booth and saluted Aster as he left. "I don't know that woman enough to tell you if that was weird of her or not. All I know is that...she's female." Dubstepp shrugged, commenting on how Aster directed part of the conversation to Chari. Dubstepp took a few more bites of his meal. Totoro let out a burp after finishing his food.

Interacting with:

Roman cringed, his shoulders sank low when the sheriff told him to shut up. The kid did have the tendency to ramble. He was still learning how to behave in most situations. Unlike everyone else in the room, he was probably the most immature. Roman tugged on the collar of his shirt nervously. He didn't feel as though the woman should be receiving such treatment. Roman only had negative scenarios planned out in his mind.

In one second, she will lunge and sink her teeth into Nunchuck's neck. Boom! Pallet town is horribly fucked. Roman crossed his arms and kept staring at the exchange. He watched Nunchuks return to his feet and put two fingers to his head. "That's a weird salute. I wonder what he means OHMYGOD!" Roman's arms broke out and hanged next to his hips.

The boy couldn't fathom what had happened. Everything occurred so quickly. He witnessed a soldier plant a bullet in the back of the woman's head-- execution style. His hands reached his face, he could feel goosebumps start to appear all over his body. He lifted his head up and stared at the ceiling. "I can't look or I'm probably going to throw up. I can't look, nuh-uh."

Curiosity got the best of him and he peeked at the floorboard. He could see the woman's head opened up, exposing a large portion of her brain. Blood trickled from the wound. Roman held his hand over his mouth; he gagged for a while trying to control his reflexes. His body flung back and forth as his gagging continued. With some determination, Roman helped himself to calm down and not puke.

Roman settled down and took a few breaths. He listened to the sheriff elaborate more on the situation. The guy could definitely talk. Though having a logical reasoning, the guy still came off as an asshole. Roman blamed it on his young age given he must hate those with an authoritative figure. "Scooby-Doo gang? I mean, I guess? I just--Wow, this is not what I woke up expecting." The boy admitted.

He thought more promptly about the situation. It was horrible to think that he along with the three others were prime suspects in a murder. If that was true, what would happen if they did not find the actual murderers or murderer? Would they be executed the same like the waitress on the floorboard? Roman sighed, "If we manage to do this, can we leave the town whenever we want?"

Roman held onto his mouth, he wasn't sure what came over to him to start negotiating. He did not like staying inside the walls at all times. Even then, the news about The End certainly kept him in high hopes. Roman piped down and looked at everyone else's reactions. The spider-woman sent shivers down Roman's spine; her question regarding the possible death of the murder really put Roman on the edge. She probably did not seem like hugging type of girl.

Roman then saw the two other individuals speak. The normal-looking girl spoke first. She mentioned her name as this was her first day in Pallet Town. "Wow, this must be a horrible first day for you. So why do they call you Honey? Is it because your ass is so sweet?" Roman's eyes opened wide when he suddenly heard what he said out loud. Clapping his hands together, he apologized quickly.

"Sorry, sorry. Anyone-next? Jonathan-already-went, I-met-him-before. Crazy-guy. So-I-guess-I-will-go. My-name-is-Roman-Martin-Presley. I'm kind-of-a-huge-deal. Nice-to-meet-you-all. I-also-call-dibs-on-being-Fred." ROman spoke quickly and resumed his rambling. This was his poor piss attempt at trying to cover up his last remark concerning Honey's physical features.

Nunchucks stroked his bead and observed the party's reactions. They responded differently toward the woman biting the bullet, his monologue, and to each other. His eyes kept bouncing from one side to the other. It was almost like he studied everyone. Clearing his throat, he started addressing their responses. Some of them had questions while others--made too much noise for one person.

"Boy, you are the definition of featherweight," the sheriff growled. It was difficult to say where he was at with the young kid. He watched as the boy squirmed and gagged once his eyes met the woman's warm corpse. Nunchucks couldn't tell if the kid was amusing or just annoying. Jerking his head over to the spider-woman, he appreciated her response. Though he thought she almost seemed disgusted by the nature of the execution, Nunchucks heard her spoke.

She asked if killing the culprit was acceptable. Nunchucks released a soft chuckle. "Miss Spider, I don't care if you cut them up, put them between two slices of stale bread, marinated with mustard, and feed them to a rabid zombie. I just want them gone." His hands folded together to demonstrate a sandwich. He then held out his hands out. "But might I say, you have some serious bowling-size female balls. Probably more than some of these men that work for me." The sheriff laid out a compliment followed by some awkward coughing from the soldiers. They did not know who he was referring to; they immediately stood up with their backs straight and chests out.

The one wearing a mask did not move a muscle. There was no flinch in his arms or legs. Nunchucks could not even see the man's facial features because of the damn helmet. When the masked man spoke, a robotic voice emanated. The sheriff wanted to believe that beneath the mask and under the generated voice, that the man was freaking out. Maybe his face was wrinkled up and his voice started cracking? This was not the case though. Nunchucks knew that this man had probably seen some shit.

Afterwards, all of the party members began introducing themselves. Nunchucks leaned back once the greetings began; he could not help trying to doubt them. First, the new girl spoke followed by the calm-collected individual sporting the mask. Then the boy spoke. He definitely put both feet way down his throat. First was verbal harassment that resulted in only more rambling. Nunchucks then made his decision. This kid was in fact annoying. "Kid, what the hell is wrong with you? Where is your mother?"


"Alright, guys. I'm going to make my leave. I have other things to attend," he walked backwards to the door. "Go ahead and keep catching up. You guys have about 3 days to find the culprit." He turned around and pushed the door with his right hand. A little crack opened. "By the way, before I forget, I ignored you the first time, but it's a deal. If you guys can find me the murderer, I will let you guys leave and enter whenever." He grinned and answered Roman's question.

He nodded at the soldier who brought Olvia inside for the body. "Nice to have you working." He smiled at the woman. "Whenever you're done, maybe I have some more work for you." He mentioned.

As he walked outside, he was bombarded by several of the townsfolk. He calmed them down, explaining himself and what occurred before. Nunchucks thought about the party. He still considered them suspects. "That spider-chick and Jonathan seem way too comfortable with murder. Even the spider-chick suggested killing the culprit. Meanwhile, the kid said he met Jonathan before. So they aren't all strangers."

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