Avatar of LeeRoy


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current Discord crashed lads. Can't get back in.
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6 yrs ago
I've opened art commissions up, anyone who wants relatively cheap art PM me here or on Discord: LeeRoy#8459
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9 yrs ago
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"If you kill a man, you scorn his wife. If you kill his wife, you scorn her child. If you kill her child, you scorn his village. If you kill his village, you scorn the kingdom. If you kill the kingdom you scorn an empire. If you kill an empire, then who is left?"

Most Recent Posts

You should get on Discord.
I'll box your corpse, remember what happened last time I got into a scrap with one of you old timers?
I did a poor quality shin kick and @Skallagrim retired from roleplaying for six months.
Imma bash you, and I don't even need to dismember myself to do it this time.
@Xavier Bloodbayne
Fair enough, I might use a rework of The Baron against him.
@Xavier Bloodbayne
My fight offer still stands, of you want some excitement
Understandable, what a shame.
@Dynamo Frokane
You don't have to ask Rilla's permission to do shit, he's just a Stooge we call in to help with shit.

Innit right, @Rilla
can we go to easy mode leeroy?

*Rubs his eyes.*

I have been going easy on you guys.

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