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29 days ago
Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
1 yr ago
Nine years seems a lot longer than it feels.
2 yrs ago
Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
4 yrs ago
Biting Spider Writing
7 yrs ago
They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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The first Etoile knew of the antimagic field was the barge stopping. This did a few things to her. Firstly, the door in front of her slammed open from the sheer force of momentum, revealing that there was literally nothing on the other side and that she'd gotten up in arms about what was probably a gust of particularly irritating wind. Secondly, she pitched forwards into an epic-level faceplant. She took the fall on her metal right arm—which, she realized with some horror, had gone totally dead—before her forehead donked against the deck and she let out a high mewling sound that she immediately wanted to punch herself for. Her sabre was ripped from her grasp by the fall, tumbling away from her and clanking upon the deck, only narrowly avoiding the edge of the barge.

Disoriented, confused, unable to use her dominant arm, embarrassed at the noise she made and deeply cross, she stumbled to her feet with a horribly aching head, hoping that she wasn't concussed, breathing heavily. She was in full-on fight-or-flight mode, ready to beat the ever-living piss out of the first thing to get anywhere near her that she didn't expressly want to stop from being injured. She breathed deeply for a moment before growling out an angry "Impulsus ventus!" at the door to slam it shut and maybe take out some of her frustration. So imagine her surprise when nothing happened. The door remained open, her palm remained outstretched, and the wind remained eerily still after the constant howling wind of motion that she'd become so used to. Her eyes widened fractionally in something between more confusion and panic.

Slightly off-kilter, she dashed over to her sabre, hefting it in her biological left hand before giving it the same Ventus-magic treatment that she'd given it before. And as with the previous spell, nothing happened.

"What's going on?" she asked nobody in particular, voice ever-so-slightly quavering before she shook her head. No time for that. Focus down, Etoile. Whatever's going on, you can deal with it. She took a deep breath. She'd read about antimagic fields in her training, and about how they could suddenly form over bargeways and other modes of transport, causing catastrophic accidents. She just needed to wait for it to pass, or for the barge service to come with more manual modes of transport and shove the Eoldysseus out of the zone.

Then a shadow flitted across the barge. She looked into the sky, glaring angrily at whatever obnoxious cloud decided to make the day even worse on her when she realized that there were more important things to worry about than a lack of sunny weather. There was, in fact, a massive flock—swarm?—of birds bearing down on the barge. Etoile narrowed her eyes. There were a lot of things wild animals would do when a fast-moving object suddenly stopped in their general vicinity, but to come dive-bomb it en masse was not one of them. Whatever was going on, it was setting off her inner alarms something fierce.

A particularly-nasty looking raven broke off from the flock and dove straight for her. Holding the sabre at her hip, she waited for the last moment before lashing out with it, neatly bisecting the screaming aerial vermin and spinning out of the way before its dark blood could splatter all over her face, where it had clearly been heading. She was now deeply glad that she'd trained a little bit with her left hand; while it was nowhere near as good as her right with the sword, it was at least workable.

She heard the kid say something and realized that she had been right. Trying her best to ignore the fact that she'd made a less-than-dignified sound in his presence a few moments ago, she shook her head as she looked at him. "The fact that you even have to ask that makes me even more sure you have a death wish. I don't know about anybody else, but I'm getting out of here right about now, and I'd suggest you to come with me if you want to have any hope of making it to the next town alive."

She was making her way over to the side of the barge, preparing herself for the painful jolt of dropping twenty-odd feet, before she realized something, stopping short and hissing in a breath before breaking into a dash, headed for the still-open door. Damnitall! The idiots inside won't have a chance! I need to get them out!

@Altered Tundra@Kal-El

i need to post
"Look, Nimmie," Tori said a few hours of reminiscing later, as she replaced the newly-repaired Sigyn on the straps attached to her back, "It's been...wow. Just...wow. But I'm pretty much living on the road right now, and," she waved her scroll haphazardly in the air, "a new job just came in. I need to do it, and you probably shouldn't with your arm still a little shaky. I'll stay in touch with you, but I gotta go, alright?"

With that, she exited the repair workshop. Meeting Nimmie again had been even better than Tori had ever imagined. She was a tad miffed that it had been cut short by the order coming in. Pulling the left gauntlet out from its harness, she ran her finger over the deep nick on the backplate near the elbow joint, where it had been slashed up by Nimmie's Chopfyt during a sparring session barely a day before the incident occurred. "I guess I can afford to get rid of you now, huh?" she hummed to herself, smiling softly as she returned to the main room of the shop. Which, she suddenly realized with surprise and some embarrassment, was full of people doing quite a slew of different things.

During her work, her aura had replenished sufficiently to mend her bruised and/or broken bones, so it was with a strong stride and a cold stare that she returned her gauntlet to her back and stomped over to Maroon's counter. "I'm going out on that newest call. I need extra-fine grade dust powder. A lot of it."

She scrutinized what was put in front of her. "Alright," she said, doing her best to ignore the madness surrounding her and to carry on in a businesslike fashion, "I'll get some of this, this, this, this and twice as much of this," she continued in a clipped tone, pointing at, in order, red fire, cyan ice, yellow lightning, white air, and raven-purple gravity dusts respectively, before dumping a change purse of Lien on the countertop, not letting the hope that she actually had the money to afford it all show on her face.


After she checked out—she grimaced, examining the three Lien coins she still had on her person—she turned around. Her stomach flittered about with a combination of some sort of dread and a version of anticipation of what she was about to do. It had been a long time since she'd worked with anyone, but Nimmie's resurgence had left her feeling very alone in the world, and for the first time in years, Tori Frejsdottir found herself craving companions and teammates to fight alongside. After all, her Semblance was pretty useless alone.

"I'm heading out on that newest order. Anybody care to come along? I'll watch your back if you watch mine."

a friend just let me use their FIRST account

I uh

I uh

>Mfw I have something insightful and interesting to say and all that comes out is a spew of nonsensical memes

@tobiax I'm still here. I'm just trying to figure out where to go with Tori now that the Nimmie arc is no more. Maybe Aven could get some love.
@PrinceAlexus Oh shoot, I read that as 5'9" instead of 4'9". My bad!
It had been about an hour, and Rajvi had found her saving grace. There was one thing...one thing...that could calm her down when she was in such a state, when there were so many people around her, when the crowds were so tightly pressed together that she could hardly move through them:


Lots and lots of alcohol.

Maybe a tumbler and a half—okay, two tumblers—of scotch into drinking, and she'd rapidly shifted into a bumbling, clingy, and intensely chatty person. Her face was colored a bright red, both from the drinks and from the cold, and the booze was having a really intense effect on her. It had been well over a year since she'd gotten properly drunk, and since she'd subsequently promised herself that she would never get drunk again. The glass in her hand sloshed as she put it down on a table nearby before approaching Victoria again.

"Vic—Victoria," she drawled, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl's shoulders and resting her chin on her head, "you...you're a nice person. You're a nice person." It was fairly evident that she was quite beyond her normal limitations at the moment.

Disengaging from Elsa—she laughed loopily as she thought of it—she stumbled straight into Milo, looking up at him without any of the prior fear and trepidation. "Milo," she said, "Milo Milo Milo Milo!" Then she reached her hand up and tweaked his nose, collapsing into a fit of giggles immediately afterwards. Some time halfway through her first tumbler, she'd undone her long braid, and her lengthy hair hung loose around her face, trailing nearly down to her thighs.

It was fairly obvious why she'd promised herself she'd never get drunk. When she was, she became...well, handsy, and given her usual demeanor, it tended to have uncomfortable ramifications later on, when she remembered that she was quite terrified of people and then discovered that she'd gotten a little too friendly with someone. That had been an awkward Monday for her. However, she wasn't thinking about that at the moment. She was thinking about the fact that Milo smelled good.

And she told him so, too.

Gaius rumors:

1: He is a direct descendant of one of the Blades from the Oblivion Crisis.

2: He obeys orders from his superiors without question, to the point of burning entire villages and putting their inhabitants to the sword without any real reason.

3: He once killed an entire patrol of Thalmor on the road (don't lie, you all know you've done it).

4: The Milonem family, Gaius III notwithstanding, has a sordid history of incest and debauchery, and as such, they all worship Sanguine.

5: He once ate an entire whole suckling pig and approximately 10 whole potatoes in a single sitting.
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