Avatar of Lord Orgasmo


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1 mo ago
Current I have consumed far to much garlic bread. My hubris has doomed me once again.
1 mo ago
It's either: sleep is for the weak, or sleep FOR a week.
1 mo ago
Pink Starburst gang, wya?
1 like
2 mos ago
*Saxophone solo*
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3 mos ago
Remember when people used to buy ringtones? I don't think I've taken my phone off vibrate in like a decade.


"No one can escape the fate given to them.
All that remains is the end, where you will all perish.
Eternal greatness exists only within myself.
Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished."

My 1x1 thread, because I'm a shameless hack.

Most Recent Posts

Ysran could hear a small commotion from near the entrance as he wandered throughout the streets. He listened in as closely as he could. From what he could gather, this was a social call. Perfect. This would likely give him some much needed info. He decided to tail and observe.

They began to talk about their food. Hm. A bit of a strange thing to talk about. Maybe he was a foreigner like himself and this food was new to him? Well, that didn't matter right now. Time to keep listening.

Another person had soon joined them. He couldn't quite hear their names. But, with any luck, he'd either find out soon, or it wouldn't matter. The new person began to pull out some sort of food. Yams? Probably. He also held up his hands. A gesture of sorts? Maybe.

They talked about the origins of one of them. So that's what they would talk about when meeting a new person? Seems reasonable enough. Soon enough they were finished eating, and stood up. Time to follow.

One of them looked directly at him. He gave a quick wave, and began looking down in an attempt to disengage. Looks like it worked. He continued following them.
Ysran walked the streets looking for someone selling clothes, or... something of the like. The closest thing he could find was a man selling robes, much like his, but in lighter colors. Lighter blues, a couple of pinks, even a green. He saw a few others wearing robes, and decided he'd blend in enough. If anybody asked, he'd just say he's a foreigner. But then there's the matter of his ears... Apparently half-breeds were shunned and hated. He himself wasn't a half-breed, but certain... exposures had changed him. With any luck, he could pass it off as a birth defect.

He leaned back against another wall, observing the humans once more. What else would he need to know? What about their diet? That may be useful. Looking around, the few that were eating seemed to be eating meats, cheeses, and breads, with the occasional fruit or vegetable. Hm... perhaps he could try interacting with someone? No, that would only raise suspicions. Better to let others start the interactions, and avoid direct questions. For now, he would need to continue his observations. There was much to learn.
@Sanctus Spooki

The Shaded Menace

I ain't good at this thing, that's why I'm asking you doods
That may have been part of the reason. :P
@LadyinInk I don't mind others having a second character. I myself will likely not be making one.
Pretty self explanatory. You give the person above you a wrestler name. This can be based off of a profile pic, username signature, ect. Special move name optional.
Beats me. I'm still creepin' in the trees.
Ysran looked up to the mountains. A large collection of buildings sat in the mountain's side. Sanctuary. Apperently this was a unique phenomenon nowadays. All these humans all living in such a large group. A "city" they would call it. Apperently these covered the earth many years ago, but this was likely the only one now. He would likely learn much here. Not to mention the technology would be far more advanced than anything he'd ever seen. Time to head up.

The trek up the mountain was uneventful. No wildlife. No demons. Not even a passerby. But at last he was here. He walked past the entrance, and into the streets. He supposed he should start his research now. He leaned up against a building and watched the streets. So, how did humans interact in such a large group? Well, most seemed to walk right by one another, yet some walked in groups. Siblings perhaps? Family? He was unsure. He also noticed the diverse clothing everyone was wearing. Most wore light colors, yet others wore dark. He then realized his long, purple robe was seriously out of place. He needed a change of clothes, otherwise he wouldn't blend in to well. He lifted off the wall and began to look for someone willing to trade for clothes. Judging by how some other people had various things set out on stands, and seemed to be trading them for... something, but couldn't quite tell what.
Speaking of Manaketes...

why are there no manaketes
@Tenma Tendo Laguz can only use beaststones to shapeshift. They can't use weapons. Same with manaketes.
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