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Can't wait for Anu to find out about Dirka's shenanigans. A human husband? A Demi-God son? Oh boooooooy!
Interacting with: @Dealdric

Elaria watched the human with disgust as it spoke to her of waiting but a moment. She would have responded, but before she could the human turned around to ignore her. In that moment, she would have killed him, for her anger was boiling. To be disrespected by a creature so low, was highly insulting, and to make matters worse, the human had called her a demon again. Lightning flashed, and Elaria decided that this human did not deserve death, but he would, in time.

She quickly began whispering a spell in a language recently acquired. She upheld her arms to the sky, then turned her head up and shut her eyes, as the whispering became louder and louder. At the epitome of the whispers, Elaria clapped her hands together in a great shock wave. Her spell... No, her curse was complete.

However, before she could see it take effect, she was halted by something truly special. A portal, not unlike her own, opened up to reveal two massive crystalline creatures, and even more intriguing, a new human. Yet in the brief moment that he was there, and insulted her, Elaria could sense that he was something more. What that was, she did not know, but what she did know is that he carried the mark of Dirka. She stared at them with malice as they entered the portal, leaving her alone in silence.

She smiled though, for the curse would start soon. The man who had insulted her so greatly, would be subjected to a blood curse. Courtesy of Dirka herself, for it was Anu who had been given such a power to work with, and she passed down to Elaria. This curse would work slowly, giving him a craving to consume blood. Eventually, he would succumb to the curse, or embrace it, for Anu was a benevolent Goddess, and she hated to kill what could be useful.

Elaria then ripped a portal open in front of her, it was time to tell Anu what occurred her. The moment she stepped in the portal dissipated, letting back in the rainstorm. Dark days were ahead.
Alright, I have updated Anu's relation sheet for all God's currently. I have also updated my creations sheet, so feel free to take a look at that. There is some relevant information in there that might be useful for some of you. I plan on expanding it soon enough when I have Anu create more things, yay!

Also, for those that might have thought I completely forgot about the map, here is a currently updated one. Most physical realms that I read about have been included. If not, then tough luck! Nah, just kidding. Let me know if there are any concerns.

Also I can't help but notice that @Kalas has been gone for almost a month. Whatever is to be done with our God of Souls?


Valeri Andora

A Dance of Two Roses

The news that the Princess Evangeline would meet her so soon was a bit of surprise to Valeri, but a welcome one all the same. She even liked that Eve had picked out the spot and time, a most interesting development. The Primfiran Princess hadn't bothered to set any date or place, for she simply knew not what the Earthican's plans for the day were. She smiled, supposing that Eve wanted to get this little meeting of theirs out of the way. There was nothing wrong with that, it was smart. If Valeri was in the same position as she, she would have done the same. Yet, Valeri was not in the same position as she and had time to kill. So she decided to explore the garden in it entirety to become familiar with the place. So she explored, stopping every now and then to enjoy the exotic beauty held within the warm climate of Exodus. Plants upon plants were in every direction, their petals and leaves an assortment of colors she had never seen before. Her eyes were that of a child, large and full of wonder at seeing so much beauty in a concentrated place. Even she had to admit that Exodus wasn't all that bad, at least the gardens.

Eventually Valeri settled down on a bench near the middle of the garden. She crossed her legs, closed her eyes and with a soft smile on her face, embraced the peace of nature. She knew not how long she sat there, but Valeri was pulled from her trance when a lovely voice caught her attention. She opened her eyes and turned to see Princess Evangeline walking her way. She was clothed in such a form fitting dress, leaving little to the imagination. The centerpiece to her body however, was the fiery crown of hair that magnified her attire. She was very stunning, and Valeri felt a mix of jealousy and desire just by staring at her in the late morning sunlight. All of her knowledge on the Princess came from sources inside Earthica and all had made points that the Princess was more of a tomboy, yet fully capable of ending life if she was threatened. Valeri had no idea she could clean up so well, she could hardly contain her excitment in the form of suggestive half smiles and eyes that wouldn't look away as the Princess came nearer.

Wrestling control of herself, Valeri stood up, smiling broadly at Eve before giving a small curtsy. Next, she crossed her hands over her stomach, and spoke, "No worries, darling. It hasn't been long at all." she said in silvery voice, "It's so good to finally meet you! You must forgive me for my sudden request this morning, but a thought occurred to me as I woke. I failed to meet you yesterday at the party, a grievance I thought might be rectified today. And I'm so very glad you came!" Valeri exclaimed happily before tilting her head slightly to look Eve up and down once more. This time when she spoke her voice was smoky and soft, "I must say, you are absolutely beautiful. Your hair is so different then mine, don't take offense, I mean it in such a good way. Who knew the color red could look so perfect." she finished while biting her lip, then smiled at Eve again.

"We have much to talk about, you and I. Shall we walk?" Valeri asked while playing with a loose strand of her hair.

Evangeline listened to the pale princess speaking, wondering where her rambling was headed at. She was not used to people addressing her looks, other than to tell her it was inappropriate. So the compliment from Valeri came quiet as a surprise to her. A welcome one, she noticed. As much as she wanted to protest against the words, she couldn't deny it felt great to hear them. A woman should never be judged based on her looks, she should never have to look or dress a certain way to please other individuals or groups, and therefore should also not be addressed with solely mentions of her looks. Of course Evangeline knew that it was a large tradition to tell a woman she was beautiful, tell her she looked stunning. But how come that wearing a revealing dress she could not move freely in, wearing heels that killed her feet, wearing a hairstyle that pulled on every root of her hair and putting on make-up to cover the natural beauty she was born with was the standard her beauty was judged on? How come when she wore muddy boots, dirty pants, loose shirts, sported wild hair and no-make up to cover up the red spots on her skin, she suddenly was worth less in society's eyes, when her wit, her cleverness, her dedication, her passion, her education, her personality, her opinions had not changed whatsoever?

Eve gave Valeri a soft smile as she forcefully brought her wandering thoughts back to the conversation she was having. Valeri, in fact, was a beautiful woman as well. But Eve restrained from telling her. She was certain, now more than ever, that the princess was used to people adoring her looks, men and women alike falling weak to the revealing nature of her attire and the teasing, well-placed flirtations. That is, of course, assuming that Valeri's behavior was not exclusive to only Eve. She decided to take the conversation into a different direction.

Evangeline began to walk slowly, expecting and somehow forcing Valeri to follow her if she wanted to continue their talk. "I appreciate your kind words, princess. I apologize for my rudeness, but I have not been able to have breakfast yet, so I brought myself a little piece to enjoy while we take our stroll." Her fingers slowly unraveled the wrapping from her piece of bread, which turned out to be a deliciously prepared sandwich with a variety of vegetables, meat and fruit to offer. Eve was unsure about the combination, half of the things she spotted she had never tasted before, but her stomach was starting to feel rather empty and so she took a bite. The red-head continued to speak once she had devoured her first bite. "As different as our looks might be, perhaps we do match in other aspects, interests maybe? What is it you're interested in, princess Valeri?" The woman turned her head, her eyes softly gazing over the features of the princess' face, an honest, humble curiosity shimmering from her green eyes. Valeri had peeked her interest, to say the least. "What is it that you do to make your heart skip a beat?"

Evangeline's former feeling of discomfort during the feast when Valeri had first entered was slowly vanishing, replaced by deep curiosity, a need to know the person behind the mask. There was still a little voice in the back of her mind, asking her to be careful, telling her to watch out for what she might say. Eve made a mental note of it. The Earthica princess wondered how much wall there was that this woman had build up over all these years of her life. Undoubtedly she was a great heir to the Primfira throne, but what was going on beneath all that?

Valeri followed after Eve, not at all surprised that she wold take the lead, she welcomed it. She wanted Evangeline to feel comfortable around her, and if that meant letting the girl take control, she would do so gladly. Not only would she get to know her, but Eve could be free to ask and talk to her heart's delight. So Valeri listened, taking no offense to Eve's eating. She felt quite bad actually that the Princess hadn't been able to enjoy the breakfast prepared for the guests, but then again, Eve had dictated the time after all. She returned the red-head's gaze as she spoke. She had not noticed her green eyes before, now of which dazzled like emeralds. An intense display of curiosity radiated from them, that of which Valeri seldom saw in adults. She began to suspect Eve was much like her in a way, very clever with a penchant for knew things.

She giggled lightly before speaking, "Please, Valeri will do. There's no need to be so formal here, it can be tiresome, as I'm sure you know." she said with genuine candor. "There's no need to apologize either, if I had known this palace housed such a beautiful garden, I would have enjoyed eating out here as well. With good company to boot. And come now, we don't look that different do we?" Valeri said with laugh. "I'm pale as milk, while your hair is flame. Yet, we both smile still. Think of us as roses, my dear. You are the brightest red from the bunch, and I am one white as snow. Physically, we both look different, but they are still roses aren't they?" She asked, going silent. The sounds of the garden became apparent as Valeri let Evangeline eat, and digest her words. It was humbling in that regard, while so much was going on around them, the garden and in inhabitants knew not a care in the world besides sunlight and water. She envied such a life.

The unlikely pair kept on walking, while Valeri thought about what interested her. There were many things, both appropriate and inappropriate which she could mention and before long Valeri spoke again, "Mhm, interests? I shall save you from what you can probably already guess, all of those cliche aspects of princess' life. What I really enjoy is meeting people. There's no shortage of fascinating faces in the world, and to think of the stories they might tell!" She smiled at that, for she didn't just talk to people to hear their stories, but secrets too. She was a good listener in that regard, but something told her Eve wouldn't spill any secrets to one such as her, at least not yet. "People." Valeri mused, "Yes, that's what I find most interesting. All of our little intricacies, to soft spoken words of joy and to that of hidden doubt. You can learn a lot about someone just by paying attention to how they act, and how they might react. Listening is also so vitally important, for most times all we need is a shoulder to lean on. But foremost is touch, my dear. To feel a lover's embrace can illicit the fondest of moments one might imagine. Of comfort and happiness, especially on sad lonely days." she finished softly.

Lost in her train of thought, Valeri perked up, looking to Eve again, "I shall leave you to guess what truly makes my heart skip a beat however." Valeri said alluringly with a warm smile. Through her veiled words, she expected Eve to fully understand what she was talking about. It would be most interesting to see how she might react to that, but Valeri did not want the conversation to stall there. So she kept looking at Eve, her voice returning to it's normal tone as she spoke again, "What about you, love? What interests you?"

Roses hm? Eve continued to silence her stomach with the delicious sandwich as she listened carefully to the answers Valeri was giving her. The little bit about herself she would be willing to reveal already. She had never thought of herself as a flower, or any plant in fact. And she wasn't so sure what to think of that silly comparison. But nevertheless a smile formed on her lips. Valeri was joking with her. She had not expected the Primfira princess to be trying to maintain a soft, fun conversation and even suggest to lie down the stiff act and formalities. Eve very much welcomed that. She wondered if Valeri really felt that way or if it was a strategic move to make Evangeline feel more comfortable, so she would trust Valeri more. The red-head woman found it hard to let go of her inner voice, which continued to warn her about the stunning lady walking next to her. Caution!, it softly whispered.

"Oh well, I had never thought of it like that. I assume there is a certain truth to it. Though the flowers will die when cold winter days arrive, to be then reborn as spring comes along. A pessimist would probably assume them to be weak, not able to deal with the winter in their full beauty, but having to retreat until warmer days. An optimist perhaps would beg to differ and assume them to be persistent, though under harsh conditions they may loose their beauty, but the roots survive and come back just as strong, every and each year." Eve ended her rambling, feeling a little lost as to where she was actually heading with this.

Luckily, Valeri then decided to answer to her previous question. A much more interesting topic of conversation. Eve listened closely to her choice of words, to each sentence she spoke. She noticed quickly that Valeri used her words in a way that aligned well with Evangeline's own thoughts and interest in people. She wondered, once more, if Valeri had chosen them to soften Eve's walls or if they were actually that much alike.

When the pale princess mentioned the touch of a lover, Eve's thoughts produced the image of a certain smiling red-head and her cheeks began to flush slightly. She cursed her body for reacting such way. She was not a fool, she was fully aware that Valeri was, just like her, observing her every move, her every words, and she would not miss the slight red on her cheeks. Eve felt betrayed by her own body. And to worsen it all the image of Laurel would not leave her mind just yet, her thoughts trailed back to the sleeping lady, wondering if she had awoken yet, if she had wondered where Eve had gone. Had she been upset to find herself alone? Eve hoped her condition to be a lot better than the day before. Hopefully rest had restored most of her energy.

Eve looked over at Valeri just as she was putting on a very alluring smile. It suited her so well. Evangeline could not imagine her ever not smiling like that. And had she just called her love? The princess seemed to find a great liking in calling her nicknames. Perhaps another way to indicate closeness between them?

"People interest you a lot, I see. I would have not assumed otherwise." But not solely people, was it? There was something hidden within her words. Evangeline's gut told her that Valeri was mostly interested in deeper, darker aspects of humankind. She had a way with words, a way with her body, especially those lips, to distract a woman, to make innocent thoughts travel down a sinful path. Her revealing dress luring the traveling thoughts in, inviting them to go down a different path, to turn into lustful, inappropriate ones. And for a moment Evangeline wondered what Valeri looked like when she was hunting her prey without the caution she was addressing Eve with right now. Out of curiosity she almost wished for her to drop her caution, she wanted to know what tricks were lying hidden there, how skillful the woman was in her field. But that was foolish, as surely Valeri was more than capable of causing Eve to loose her mind. And she could not let that happen out of curiosity of what that might feel like.

Lust. Secrets. Shame. Blood-thirst. Weaknesses. All dark aspects of someone's soul, things people were often trying to hide, things that Valeri was most interested in, she assumed. Eve felt differently about people. She wanted to know the real person, wanted to know what they struggled with, so she could help, so she could be a shoulder for someone, so she could offer someone to be a real friend. Everyone wore a mask. And she was interested in what was behind that. She wanted to know what made someone feel happy, what they looked like when they decided to let go and be goofy, she wanted to hear people laugh with their whole heart. And right now there were two people she was interested in more than others. Princess Aamaya, who she felt undoubtedly pulled towards. And princess Valeri, who was playing the same game as Evangeline, very likely with different motives, but still... it was the same game, different perspectives.

"I am, much like you, interested in people. Their thoughts and beliefs, the things they wish for, the things that make them happy. You can call me naive, but I find joy in people being comfortable and honest. It is such a good feeling to see someone truly be happy, hearing someone truly laugh and especially people being loose, letting go of their guard. I appreciate that very much. I would like to give people the feeling of being safe in revealing their true self. I think a lot people could use someone to talk to without the fear of being judged. You must think of me as so silly, for it is silly, I know it is." She shook her head as if in disbelief she had revealed such a thing about herself, but she was fully aware of her actions. Eve had revealed a part of her soul willingly and she was waiting for the direction Valeri would take with it. She expected her to be charming, to make her feel comfortable with what she had revealed. It was an opening, an invitation to get closer to the true self of Evangeline.

The sandwich was gone by now.

There was a certain wisdom behind Eve's words of death and renewal for the roses. She was inclined to believe what she said, it was poetic in a way, and she admired poetry. She also noted the woman's cheeks had flushed red at her words about a lovers touch. Valeri had ignited a small ember within Eve, and one that still smoldered with hidden passion. Did she have a secret lover? Someone she was crushing hard on perhaps? It was most intriguing to Valeri, and a task she would have to delve into to find the truth. The tall girl looked at Eve, wondering what was going on behind those rich green eyes, oh how she wanted to know! It would have to wait unfortunately, for their conversation was not yet done but perhaps something could be gleamed just yet?

So in turn, Valeri listened to Eve speak, mesmerized by how passionate she sounded. They did indeed have things in common after all, and that was people. But, Valeri also knew that their interest was like a dagger. She was one side, and Eve was the other, but both met on the edge to share the pointed tip. By now Valeri suspected that Eve had a notion of what she had hidden within her words, so she smiled more. A part of her cared that she knew, but another part wanted her to know. Oh the things she could teach Eve, the things they could learn from each other! It was a tantalizing prospect, and one that she would have to pursue if she had time to do so. Her main goal was still Amaya, but if she could have both Princesses, now that might make the Festival far more interesting. Pushing that thought away for a moment, Valeri continued listening to Eve, taking careful note of her words and they way she spoke them.

The pale girl began to admire the red-head for being so open with her after just after meeting. It was something she had not intended so soon, but Valeri knew it was right, for she had struck a chord in Eve. The girl felt comfortable around her, which was exactly what she wanted her to feel. She would now do her best to not violate such trust between the two. She would not be the one to make an advance on the girl, no she would have to let Eve do that. Valeri might prod just a little, but to achieve her goals, Princess Evangeline would have to fall for her, if possible. A hard prospect to consider if the Princess already had another lover. But over the years Valeri had seen many dark aspects of humans, and chief among them was lust. In the heat of the moment, it can be oh so hard to stop. Regret would come later, but not in the moment. The worst case scenario would be Valeri having to fully utilize her abilities and try her luck unhindered, which might have less then satisfactory results. For now, she would wait and see what might happen.

The two woman walked on for a ways after Eve finished talking. Before the silence became awkward, Valeri spoke with sincerity in her voice, "Silly? No, I wouldn't say that's silly at all. I'd say it's noble, and something we should all strive to be. I cannot say the same for you, but living this life, you have to be... rigid and fixed. Royalty and ruling take a toll on the soul and body, more so than many care to ever admit. It can be extremely difficult to open up to people, as the nature of our occupation can be negatively impacted. Being safe and free of judgement would be a luxury, even for the likes of us. For we have to put up persona's and wall's to have an inkling of safety..." she went silent as they rounded a corner to face a long stretch of flowers. The display was pretty, and reminded her of home.

"No, not silly." she began, "It's actually very attractive. To be so open with yourself? To be so confident! You truly are a gem, Evangeline Townsend, and I am very thankful to have met you." She said, then stopped walking before the sweet smell of lilies. She looked at the small delicate flowers for a moment, then turned to look at Eve. Valeri then placed a soft hand on Eve's shoulder and smiled sweetly. "I want you to know, I feel safe in your presence, and... I hope you might feel the same." It was a reassuring touch.

The conversation between the two princesses had shifted, it was undeniable. Evangeline had crossed a line and Valeri had stepped right over it with her. They had become closer in a matter of minutes due to the nature of their last exchanged words. Caution, the voice whispered once more. Evangeline listened.

Valeri was interesting, intense and very skilled in the art of persuading someone with her words. She used the right amount of being intrusive and restrained. She listened carefully and within a moment she knew the proper response to strike a chord in the other's soul. It was a dangerous thing, for someone could easily lose themselves within her honey sweet nature. Eve noticed how she wanted to let go of her guard and let her in. She wanted to believe every thing she said. Valeri was an attractive enticement.

Her flirtatious words hit just the right mix between being open enough for Eve to undoubtedly notice while staying vague enough for Valeri to deny them, should she have to. A way of interpretation, Eve thought. The way she chose her words, the way she played with Eve, pulled her closer to then draw away, was what essentially bewitched the ginger woman.

They rounded a corner and Eve watched Valeri as Valeri looked upon the flowers. The words she spoke sounded like music to her. Attractive, confident, a gem. The words she described her with were unlike anything anyone has ever used to speak of her. Or to her. The pale woman reached her arm out to touch Eve's shoulder. It was a simple gesture. But it broke another wall of distance between them. Valeri had decided to touch her. And although innocent and humble, it changed things. It was a silent invitation, it was a form of closeness. Evangeline would now be able to gentle deny the closeness or to allow and accept it.

"You are too kind", she returned the charming smile, her hand would reach to give the one resting on her shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I am delighted to have met you. I greatly enjoy our conversation, if I may say so." A soft giggle left her throat, it was innocent and melodic. She shook her head and a strand of hair loosened and began to dangle in front of her face. "Who would have thought that two such different souls as us could get along so effortlessly?"

Eve looked out at the sky for a moment, she closed her eyes as she soaked in the warm sun on her face. "I enjoy the sun very much, don't you?" Her face turned to look at her, forest green eyes meeting with honey ones. They were of such a sweet color, she got lost in them for a second or two.

As she returned to her senses and looked around the garden with its beautiful flowers surrounding them, she couldn't help but wonder how many lovers had sneaked out here to kiss. It was a romantic scene, if one wanted it to be. The many colors, the warm sun, the relaxing fresh smell, the quiet and calm. A gorgeous marble bench was standing there, ten feet ahead of them. Eve's eyes began to glisten.

She walked alongside Valeri patiently until they came close to the bench. The marble felt cold beneath her as she sat down, but it didn't bother her. Eve leaned forward, reached down at her feet and pulled one heel off, then the other. Leaving the black shoes standing beside her feet she began to message the arch of each one for a couple of seconds before sitting up straight and giving Valeri back her attention. "You must forgive me, Valeri. My feet are not used to these shoes and they have been complaining already. I don't mean no offence, my love, but I assume you will not be bothered if I continue our walk on bare feet?" Evangeline picked up her black heels and stood again, joining Valeri's side once more to continue their walk.

The dirt beneath her feet felt soothing, the soft coolness of the ground healing her from the pain she felt. Her body posture relaxed. The woman began to lift herself up on her toes and then to lower down to the soles of her feet again. Enjoying every bit of skin meeting directly with the earth. Her heart skipped for a moment and she let loose, taking a single spin around, walking backwards as she faced Valeri. "This feels so refreshing. I do that in Earthica's forests all the time."

Her lips formed into a wide grin. "Valeri, have you ever tried to climb a tree?", she asked teasingly, her grin forming into an inviting smirk. It was true that she felt a lot more comfortable around Valeri. It was a real relief that she did not have to put up the stiff act around the princess for too long, Valeri's strategy was clearly based upon Eve letting loose. And the red-head hoped that she could convince Valeri to let go too. She was most curios what that would result in.

And a part deep within her hoped that her words, her actions, every smile of hers was true. That the bond they began to form was not solely based on winning a strategic game they played. Because this side of Valeri Eve actually really liked.

Eve's small squeeze sent a small shiver down Valeri's spine, it was a welcome touch and the first bit of contact she had recieved since arriving in Exodus. Her smile grew wider before the moment was over, and they began to walk again. She had hoped Eve might reciprocate the same feeling she might have given her, and it worked. There was suddenly a new atmosphere in the air, one of which where it felt good to just be alive and live in the moment. It had been growing the moment they had met in that garden, it was the inevitable conclusion to their meeting. In the face of tragedy in the night, there was still time to enjoy the company of another and laugh with bliss.

"I am glad you feel the same way!" she beamed to Eve. "There was nothing ever to fear, darling. They say opposites attract after all." Valeri answered effortlessly. She was beginning to greatly enjoy Eve, not just for her looks, but for what was within. Valeri watched her intently as Eve stared up at the sun for a moment, noting how she was starting to act differently, looser and more of like herself. She was comfortable, good.

"Mhm, the sun. I love it and hate it. It brings such lovely warmth, but if I stay too long under its rays, I find myself burned. Such is my fate as a pale girl." Valeri giggled as she held Eve's gaze. Try as she might, the pale princess still found it hard to believe such eyes existed. Deep like a forest, yet sparkled like sunlight. She felt her cheeks grow hot, Eve would probably notice that they became a slight shade of light pink. For Primfirans did not blush naturally, their paleness denied them red. Instead of being embarrassed, Valeri welcomed it and wore it like a badge of honor. As they looked away, Valeri began to play with her hair again. Twirling long white strands through her dainty fingers.

They kept walking, coming to another marble bench engraved with some Exodus art. A thought flashed across her mind as she looked at the bench. It would be such a nice spot to share a kiss. She looked back to Eve, quite surprised to see her taking her shoes off. She stared at the girl's slender legs, the way her dress fit her splendidly. More thoughts flooded into her mind, only to be quickly banished as Eve spoke again.

She laughed, "Not at all dear! Do as you please, such shoes can be a hassle."

Valeri then watched Eve's facial expression as her feet touched the bare ground. It must have felt good, for her twirl put an even large smile on the other princesses face. Her body language was very inviting, and that smile was one any could fall head over heels for. She returned the smile with grace.

Eve's latest question brought forth a happy memory, one that she had shared with her mother a long time ago. "When I was but a girl I climbed a tree too high for my own good. I became too afraid to climb down, and adamantly refused any help. I could do it, I knew I could. I climbed the tree, I could climb down. I was... a prideful child to say the least. My... mother had to climb the tree to get me, after a pitiful protest on my part. When we were on the ground she looked at me as any mother would and said, My little swan, always remember this; It's alright to ask for help when you need it most. That's how we grow." Valeri said with a small tear falling from her left eye. There was a distant look on her face, before she quickly wiped the tear away and looked at Eve with a small smile. "I don't think I'd be able with this dress." she lightly giggled. It was funny how words could open up memories that were mostly forgotten, yet bring them forth with renewed intensity. She hoped her display wouldn't ruin the mood that they had.

It came as a surprise when Valeri changed the mood of the moment with a private heartfelt memory. She hadn't expected Valeri to share anything so personal with her so soon, if ever. Eve's smile faded to be replaced by honest empathy. She knew that the Primfira queen had passed away, leaving her daughter and a widowed king behind. When the note of her death had reached her, Eve had not payed a lot of attention to it. She had never met the queen or the royal family of Primfira, she had no interest in them. It made her feel ashamed now. Valeri had lost a person that was dear to her, her mother, and Evangeline couldn't even have been bothered to spare a single minute of thought to her. She hadn't cared.

Now that Valeri was standing in front of her, so vulnerable and hurt, she hoped Valeri would never find out how disrespectful she had acted. To her surprise a tear could be found on Valeri's cheek. Eve felt terrible for having brought such a heavy memory back to the princess. With everything going on at the festival and the tragedy of last night, that was probably the last thing she needed right now. In an attempt to support and comfort the upset lady, Eve stepped closer to Valeri and took her hand into hers, she would run her thumb gently over the back of her hand.

"I am sorry. I can't imagine your loss. I feel terrible for bringing sadness over you with my stupid words." Her eyes searched for something within Valeri's expression, but she wasn't even sure what it was. Evangeline had rarely been confronted with situations like this. She had only ever had one single friend who she could have comforted, and the moments in which it had been needed were more than rare. Is she feeling better already? I so hope I didn't leave her feeling terrible this morning. Eve's once more wandering thoughts inappropriately interrupted her attention on Valeri and she quickly banished them, feeling worse for thinking about Laurel while the Andorian woman needed her support. You really are scum sometimes, Eve!, she thought angrily.

Her hand gave Valeri's another soft squeeze. "Would you like to sit for a moment? I will leave your side, if you do not wish to see me anymore. But I will gladly stay and lend an ear and shoulder, if you'd rather. Anything you need, love, let me know." The princess wasn't sure if she was welcome anymore after having caused such trouble to their conversation. It pained her to imagine Valeri would want to not speak to her anymore, it was unthinkable.

She was quickly taken by surprise once again when Eve grabbed her hand, caressing her skin with a gentle thumb. It shouldn't have been a surprise though, had she not just awhile ago talked of this same thing? Without hesitation Evangeline had comforted Valeri, by doing such a small thing. It warmed her heart, to see Eve practice what she believed in. But it wasn't really practice was it? It was more a kin to breathing, just a natural part of life. She felt much better at the touch, once again blushing pink, but now slightly embarrassed for having caused the entire dilemma. She listened to Eve speak, her words filling Valeri with more shame. It wasn't her fault in the slightest, it had been Valeri's own. Who really would have guessed she might bring up the topic of climbing trees? Furthermore, who could have guessed that she might react so strongly to such a memory? She had grieved for a long time after her mother's passing, and then one day life continued on and Valeri did so with it. She would always miss her mother, but she couldn't wallow in grief. She had coped with it the best she could, but had never talked with anyone about it. Not her maids, not her teachers, and not her father. Perhaps that was her problem? No, she thought, I'm fine.

"No no no." she said quickly, "Please, don't feel bad. It's not your fault, how could you have known?" she returned Eve's squeeze, by gently turning her hand so she could hold it. The contrast of their skin touching was highly amusing. Valeri was so pale compared to the skin of an Earthican. She closed her eyes for a moment, just feeling her hand in her own and comparing the softness of her own. Valeri was surprised at how different they felt from what she was accustom too. There was a certain hardiness to them, not like a man's, but not like a prim noble either. Valeri then knew that Eve was no stranger to working with her hands, an admirable trait.

Letting out a large breath, Valeri opened her eyes to look at Eve. The pale girl smiled at her. "I'm fine now, love." Valeri said before continuing, "Sitting would be nice though, my feet are a bit tired. Believe it or not but I don't think I've walked this long in a fortnight." she said with a small laugh. Valeri then guided Eve, still holding her hand, back to the same marble bench from before. She sat down, crossing her legs and stared at the ground before them. She still held Eve's hand in her own, but slowly let go to play with her hair again. There was silence between them, but it wasn't uncomfortable, it was more relaxing.

"Sometimes I think about her." Valeri began softly, "Other times I don't. Then there's the times where I remember something. Usually it's a word or item that jostles my memory to action. It can happen anytime, and you'd think I'd be use to it by now, but it still catches me off guard." Valeri shifted her legs, then took another large breath. Eve would probably be able to tell that Valeri didn't really like talking about her mother, but there she was, doing it anyways. A part of her was screaming at her to stop telling secrets, to be quite but another part of her felt that it was right. That she should be doing this, consequences be damned for once. She felt a connection with Eve, one she couldn't explain just yet, but hoped she could explore.

"I find it silly really, how emotional it makes me. I'm no stranger to such feelings, it's just, I don't like them." She set her hands down on her lap, and looked at Eve with a kind smile. "We've been here for awhile haven't we? I really did enjoy your company darling, but I imagine you must be busy with... what happened last night. You have my condolences, I want you to know that. I heard your men fought bravely and won the day, and they did so while protecting innocents. I can't imagine how proud you must feel." Valeri finished, scooching closer to Eve to where their bodies touched lightly. She caught Eve's eyes with her own and spoke again. "I wouldn't want to keep you from your duties any longer, Princess. This day will be a sad one, but I shall look back fondly upon this moment. I imagine we might see each other tonight at the feast? I hope so, but until then, I wish you a very good day."

Valeri began to turn away to leave, but hesitated and looked back at Eve. "If... If you ever want to talk before the festival ends, my room is always open to you." she said with a happy smile. A sudden thought occurred to Valeri, perhaps she should reward her new friend in her moment of distress? Valeri did feel bad for having even put her through it. But there was no way in telling how Eve would react. But Valeri looked at Eve again, at her beauty, and in that moment and knew what she wanted to do.

Valeri slowly moved herself closer to Eve's lips, but at the last second she changed direction, and gently kissed Eve's right cheek. "Thank you, Evangeline. For everything." she whispered tenderly. Valeri then pulled herself away, to stand up to her full height. She turned her head to glance back at Eve with an enticing smile, then began to walk away. That had been wonderful, and she had to stop herself from going any further for fear of violating the trust they had built. It had been an innocent little kiss, but something told Valeri that Eve would be dwelling on that all day. It was up to Eve now, she might shy away from Valeri after such a thing, or she might gravitate to her. Only time would tell now.

It felt like a heavy burden was lifted off her chest when Valeri assured her that she had no fault in causing such distress for the princess. Evangeline hadn't noticed how much it had actually bothered her to having brought sorrow upon the pale Primfira woman. She felt relieved and somehow lighter.

Valeri's hand was still lying in hers, soft and warm. With no attempt from Valeri to slip it from Eve's gentle grip, she continued to allow such intimacy. It came slightly as a surprise. Eve had not intended for her gesture of comfort to turn into hand holding, but she also did not pull away from it. By any chance, it might actually be what the saddened woman needed right now. Just a little bit of contact. And Eve would not deny her that.

The softness of Valeri's skin felt like such a contrast to all the Earthica hands Eve had shaken. Contrast, it seemed, was the one thing that was a given between these two. Their skin alone was of such big difference, and for a moment Eve wondered what it would look like if all three princesses would stand next to each other. Aamaya had such a beautiful caramel skin, while Eve always considered herself pale she could be described as tanned next to the milky white Valeri. A painting of those three would look ridiculously fabulous, she thought.

Valeri accepted her offer and guided them both back to the same bench Eve had previously taken her shoes off on. It looked different to her now. Of course it was still the same marble with the same fine, detailed engravings, the same flowers behind it, but nevertheless it felt changed. The purpose suddenly seemed much more... private.

The pair sat down and a comfortable silence wrapped them up. Their hands parted as Valeri began to play with her hair and Eve decided to lay hers into her lap. She watched Valeri's hand as it twirled white hair around and wondered if it would feel different to her red mane. Would it be softer than hers? Just like the skin on her hand was softer than Eve's? Soft in a way that Eve hadn't thought possible. She wondered just how it would feel if she would run her fingers through it. Was is like silk? She felt like that could very well be possible with a woman such as Valeri. As Eve drowned into her own thoughts, Valeri began to speak again.

The woman began to explain to her and Eve listened with care. The mentions of her dead mother came hard for the young woman, Eve could tell. It almost seemed as though Valeri had not talked about the situation with anyone for a long time, perhaps ever. It made Evangeline feel special somehow and proud that the princess considered her trustworthy enough to share her feelings with her. "No one likes to feel grief or sorrow", Eve said quietly. "It is a harsh feeling, yet it can be a tool of growth to us. You have to allow yourself to feel them. Or else they might drown you. Feelings will always find a way to be noticed." As she heard herself speak those words she asked herself what feelings she might suppress. Was she even taking her own advice? There was one feeling she was not dealing with openly, that she was not considering to the fullest or allowing herself to feel it completely. She tried to push it away many times, it still came back and grew stronger. But she wasn't aware of what that feeling meant, it was new to her and frightened her greatly. The affection she felt for her best friend was taking up her thoughts once more. Why is my mind constantly returning to her? It is inappropriate and absolutely the wrong time! Stop!

Suddenly Valeri shifted in her posture and the next moment their legs were touching. A shiver got sent down Eve's spine and throughout her whole body. But somehow it was not a bad thing. Her mind felt as though it had gotten a restart. Thoughts of Laurel were replaced by a pure lack of thoughts. Her mind felt foggy and she had trouble to get a hold of the situation. Valeri had begun to speak of last night's bear attack, a memory Eve had gladly suppressed for the morning and she was not keen on Valeri having brought it up again. The mentions of her men fighting bravely and dying left a bitter taste in her mouth. The princess suggested that she must feel proud, but her words only left Evangeline feeling more bitter and heartbroken. Did she feel proud of her men? Of course they were brave, they brought great honor over their kingdom by fighting the beast and laying their lives down for a city that they didn't have to protect. But she was not able to feel pride. It felt wrong to her. Men had died, families lost loved ones. How could she be proud of that? She felt ashamed. Not for her men, but for herself. She should have been there. She should have told them what to do, commanded them to stay out of it's range. Parcours was her expertise. She could have dodged the bear, she could have helped. Evangeline decided not to speak to Valeri on that matter, not yet.

Valeri turned to leave, but she halted, stopping to face Eve once more. The offer for Evangeline to always contact her brought a smile to her face. She felt like it was a great honor, she assumed not a lot of people had that right. How did Valeri turn from a threat to a friend in a matter of one shared walk? It was fascinating how the two got along, how quickly they had bonded. Eve was already parting her lips to give her an answer, to thank her and to say one more sentence of comfort, but she froze before she could. Valeri was getting closer, her head in particular. What was happening? Eve's mind seemed to stand still, she couldn't move, she wasn't sure what Valeri was planning now. Was she heading for her lips? Wait, was Valeri going to kiss her?!

Eve still couldn't believe it when it happened. Soft, wet lips touched her cheek and planted a warm kiss on it. Her body reacted immediately. Her cheeks turned brightly red, with no chance of anyone missing it. Her heart began to race in her chest, she could hear it beating loudly in her ears. Her head was spinning with confusion and no idea how to react to such a move. Eve wasn't sure how she felt. Was she okay with this? Did she enjoy it or did she feel invaded? No, she did not feel invaded. But was this enjoyment? Was this panic by any chance? She felt like her mind was running wild, but at the same time she couldn't grab a single clear thought. Everything felt strange to her right now. Her own cheeks, the bench beneath her, the dress around her figure, the shoes she still held in one hand. Everything happened so fast.

The Primfira princess rose from her seat, leaving a weird feeling within Eve. The warmth of her body gone, the soft touch of her leg absent. She already missed her presence. What a fool I am! But at the same time she was glad that Valeri left. She didn't know how to communicate right now. She was too confused, not sure what to make of this. Eve was glad she got given some time to figure herself out. Did Valeri expect Evangeline to react like this? Did she plan for her to feel like this? Did she even plan anything?

How long she had sat on that bench before her mind cleared and she noticed her surroundings again, she was unsure of. But when she came back to her senses Valeri was gone and her body had returned to it's normal behavior again. She felt silly in that moment. Hopefully she hadn't looked like a drooling mess, but her gut told her that she hadn't. Eve definitely was not the best at keeping a straight face in all situations, but she knew she had not been letting her spiraling thoughts be shown on her face this time. Relief washed over her at that realization.

The Princess leaned back against the bench and looked upon the flowers on the other side, she placed the black heels onto the bench next to her and let the occurrences of the morning replay in her head. She must have sat for another twenty or thirty minutes before she decided to put her heels back on and return to the castle. She suddenly felt a strong need to see Laurel. Her presence always felt so calming to her and she felt a lot safer. Why she needed to feel safe right now, she also wasn't sure of. Eve wasn't sure of a lot of things right now, she came to notice.

Her feet carried her back the way she had previously walked with Valeri. Despite her confusion about the ending of their little stroll, Eve felt precious. Valeri had decided to kiss her on the cheek and it meant something. She was either playing the game a lot better than Evangeline or she felt drawn towards her. She had wanted to kiss her. Considering that made her feel special and somehow... attractive? But also guilty. In a way it felt like betrayal towards her feelings about her friend. Feelings that she also wasn't sure of yet. She had a lot to figure out.
Interacting with: @Dealdric

There was only one insult that truly offended a Devil, a unforgivable mistake it was, to be called a demon. For demons were lesser creatures in the eyes of those who sought change. Elaria was different however, she had never been a human who wanted power. Anu had created her directly from her own flesh, a process she had never attempted before. Elaria had been born with a purpose, to transform humans into creatures of greater sin. She would not be taken a fool by a creature so low as this one.

Her smile changed to that of a blank stare. Did the human really think it had power to deal? Did he really believe trying to threaten an avatar of a God would be a smart idea? Then again, this one reeked of madness. Probably one of Dirka's followers, and even though she and her mistress had made a deal, they had never said anything about it applying to their subordinates. Even if they did, Elaria found herself no longer caring to uphold it.

There was a certain venom in her whispers as she spoke now, "I am not a demon, child of man. Thee wouldst be wise to know the diff'rence between Devils and Demons. Most taketh offense to being called the oth'r, foolish child." Elaria then floated down closer to Deruga and the mimics. The rain avoided her, forming a pocket of dry air around her body. She was also tall, much taller then Deruga.

"Mindlessness, thee say? Thou art not in a position to maketh a deal. Thou are a fool." she whispered malevolently. "Didst thee think thee could threaten me? I am Elaria, child. The Devil of Whispers, an Avatar of mine own mistress. Thee have offended me, and in turn, offended Lady Anu." The weight in her whispers were powerful. She came closer still, her eyes glowing with hatred.

"A deal shall be made, whether willing or not. For Anu is a benevolent Goddess. Listen well, thee shall forfeit thy creatures to Lady Anu, falleth to thy knees and begeth for life. Only then shall thee be forgiven for thy transgression. Fail to do this and thee shall die. Attack and ye shall die. Pick now, mortal." she spoke, the words coming from her mouth with formality. The man had a choice now, to live or to die. There was little alternatives.
Interacting with: @Dealdric

The wind was howling now, and the rain fell in thick sheets. The Lesser devils had fought hard, but not hard enough it seemed. The large black devil had not attacked with the rest, instead it watched with curiosity as the battle unfolded. It noted how the man, this magician, was drenched in the rain yet showed no signs of agitation. Furthermore, the man seemingly ignored the weather that whipped around his little party. He was even able to cast a spell through the weight of thunder and wind, without even failing. When the spell was finished, he saw most of his kin turn to nothing but puddles, only to be washed away in the rain.

In fact, the man didn't even have a scratch on him, from what the black devil could see in the darkness. A most peculiar circumstance, to believe that so many devils died without even touching him. It was almost as if the man before him, was some type of God? But surely that was preposterous? He looked like a man, smelled like a man, even talked like a man. The black devil wracked it's brain, trying to come up with some logical explanation as to why the man was so powerful. He didn't know why, perhaps he never would, but it warranted a new solution. The black devil smiled, showing pointed teeth as it looked at Deruga.

It spoke in a strange garbled voice, "This one thinks it's strong, yessss? This one thinks it can make deal, yessss? This one is fool. This one shall see true power, yessss." The black devil finished, cutting itself with a sharp claw in the form of Anu's symbol. It said something in an infernal language, and the symbol glowed a deep crimson.

It looked back at Deruga with a deranged look on its face, "This one shall pay, yessss!"

A blood red portal ripped through reality, forming upon a rock just below the black devil. The entire world went quiet, yet he rain still fell and wind could be felt. The lightning still flashed but not thunder followed. Then from the portal emerged a woman clad in ghostly white. Her skin was pale, her body unblemished, and she was beautiful. Her black hair was long, and her eyes were of amber.

Elaria, The Devil of Whispers had come.

She looked to her summoner, the black devil, who then pointed at Deruga, and her gaze followed. Elaria then smiled.

Deruga would then hear a sweet voice in his ears, it was but a whisper. "Why art thee here, little magician? Doth thee not know trespassing is death? Have thee cometh to die?"
Interacting with: @Dealdric

The thick miasma of clouds that hung above the lands of Anu, cracked with lightning. Which was followed with a distance rumblings of thunder. The nightmarish land darkened further as it began to rain a foul liquid. Water mixed with some unholy substance, which blighted the land. It wasn't drinkable and agitated any skin that wasn't covered. The wind was also beginning to pick up, making the rain fall sideways.

As lighting flashed again, there was a stand off in the making. Where once the Lesser Devils had tried to attack, thinking it an easy battle, they had halted once the mimics had chosen to reveal what they really were. In the darkness that was quickly suffocating the land, the devils eyes were quickly becoming the only vivid light available. For they bore wicked glares of hatred onset by the turmoils of hunger. They needed to eat, to fill their fiendish bellies with succulent man-flesh. More starving individuals began to salivate, the prospect of eating clouding their vision and driving them almost as crazed as the magician before them.

Slowly, slowly, the hungrier Devils etched forward, clawing over rock and tree with eyes fixated on Deruga. If at all any of the lesser devils understood what the human spoke, they showed no signs of responding. The largest of the devil's there was one black as night, it's eyes crimson. Such eyes burned with understanding, for it was cleverer then most of its kind.

The air became tense with anticipation. A lightning flash illuminated the land surrounding the ill advised travelers, it showed at least twenty glistening devils, wet by rain that did not affect them, and if not more that went unseen. Thunder then erupted around above, the likes of which could be felt to the very core. When it ended, the only sound was the rain whipped by fierce gale, which increased still.

The black devil then whipped back its head, and screamed, sending the Devils down to attack the crazed magician and the mimics.
@Legion02 Feel free to have Anu as a heretical god in their eyes, if any even know of her.

Valeri Andora


Erasmi Andora

Mentions: @KahleenCuthald

A Royal Reunion

Valeri's feeling of dread intensified with each step as she neared the dining room, she had received a runner back, shortly ago. Her father had acknowledged that she would be coming, but had said nothing else. Such a few choice words were hardly anything new to the Princess. Valeri knew her father was a very by the book person, who's facade was of formality, and one that hid the true man beneath. The one she called Father. It was not hard to see that Valeri had no fallen far from the tree, at least to herself. For Valeri had a facade too, didn't she?

Her guards halted before a large ornate door, before the door began to open slowly, revealing the splendid room within. It was medium sized room with high ceilings, alabaster stone engravings lined the walls and pillars with a myriad of Exodus art, and to the left of the room there was a large patio area through oval gilted walkways. As she stepped into the room, Valeri was hit with a variety of mouthwatering aromas of cooked exotic food, fresh fruits and gourmet breads. The room held many nobles enjoying finely tailored breakfasts and drinks of all assortments. Food and drink were plated on silver and gold, and sat upon rich mahogany tables, while guests sat in exquisite chairs of the same make. The small details in the wood was astounding, and the very room made Valeri jealous. It was so blatantly stuffed with wealth that she suspected the Exodus royalty wanted to remind everyone of who's kingdom they were in. Devilish but effective. She could only imagine what the Earthican and Luthran delegates thought of such a display.

She was set upon by many people, asking them to sit and eat with them, and servants wondering what they might prepare for her but Valeri politely ignored them or made excuses. She wanted to find her father before even thinking of eating, and after a short search, she found the tall man. He sat outside on the patio, at the faraway table. The morning sun gleamed off his skin, making him almost unnaturally bright as the birds chirped carelessly. She told her guards to leave her, and Valeri straightened herself. With chin held high, she walked over to her father's table and curtsied deeply.

"Good morning, my King. I hope you can forgive me for this sudden appearance, but I thought it might be nice to dine together before the day started." Valeri said in a formal voice, while still holding her curtsy out of respect. She would wait to be spoken to before sitting down.

Clouds from the previous night still hung in the sky although far fewer in number, nonthreatening and tinged pink with the rays of the rising sun. It was a beautiful sight, one even a man as unappreciative of such art as Erasmi could take a moment out of his day to marvel at, but it seemed totally at odds with the events of the previous night and the day of the mourning that was to follow. Although there was nothing for the Andorian people to mourn, for not a single one of their number had fallen to the beast, it would be a glaring error to ignore the mood that pervaded this 'festival' and not join in the communal outpouring of misery. It was with this in mind that Erasmi had donned a black tunic, coat and trousers although all bore silver inlays and stitching; after all he was a king.

He was pulled from his thoughts as his daughter approached, dressed in a dress suitable to the mourning but stylish enough that it would serve her other purposes, pale and beautiful as always. He could see the effort she made in addressing him, the formal tone and etiquette she practiced so different from the effortless interaction she made with near everyone else around her. In some ways it was hurtful that they were unable to have a normal father-daughter relationship but such was the price of being a ruler; there were expectations placed on both of them that neither could ignore.

"Ah, my daughter. A good idea, come and sit with me." A servant stepped forward, out of earshot but close enough to catch the small nod Erasmi made at the opposite side of the table, to pull the indicated chair out for the princess to sit. "A night of surprises. You were not kept awake long, I trust?" Food was being brought to the table now, kept ready and warm until his daughter had joined him although he had not called for her, and so only the polite and far more generic conversation could be made until the servants had one again retreated from earshot. As Primfirans they both know the power of information and the usefulness of spies, they would not be so careless as to slip up in an opponent's capital although Erasmi's status and power was clear even here; the tables that had been around his crowded onto the far end of the patio so that he was left in peace with his daughter. "I must attend the ceremonies today, with the Exodus rulers absent," the lack of emotion when he spoke about the absentee monarchs was more noticeable than any sneer could have been, especially to one as clever his daughter, "but there is no such requirement for you. I imagine you can find ways to make use of your day... pursuing goals not yet achieved." The servants had backed away but he still spoke in veiled tones, an arched eyebrow and an amused smile playing on his lips as he hinted at Valeri's romantic advances on the Freyjan princess.

Her father, ever the polite figure, bayed her to sit and so she did, replying to him in kind, "I was awake when it happened." Valeri stated, "Such a tragic event, my heart mourns for those who are aching. I fell asleep with a troubled mind, but sleep came nonetheless." she said sincerely, but also not truly meaning her words. At least part of them, for though she felt sorry for those that lost people, she had fallen asleep more concerned with not bedding Amaya. A thought that still haunted her. She knew it was morally wrong to feel they way she did, but Valeri had come to terms with her nature a long time ago. It was just hard to actually care about those she didn't even know. They were all just names in the end, after their bodies were no more.

Plates of food then arrived, shifting her train of thought to warm delectable aromas. It seemed her father had waited for her, a most kind gesture. She was given a plate of some strange looking fruit and gleaming bread with butter, which she began to pick at delicately as servants finished preparing the meal and withdrew to a respectable distance. Now they would be free to talk more openly and as her father began, Valeri picked up on all of his tones, or the lack of them. The sly smiles and the veiled words, they all held double meanings to a master of the vocal arts. She knew right away he did not like the fact that the Kingdom's rulers were absent at a Festival within their own realm. Such absence even stoked a little anger in her heart. Once again, the Primfiran royalty were being shafted by fools who couldn't even show face. It was not her Father's responsibility, but then again, perhaps others would see the weakness in Exodus, and instead turn to that of Primfira.

Valeri next pat her lips with a silk napkin as she caught her what her father truly meant about her goals. She did not blush, nor did she react other then smiling warmly. He knew of her desire, was it that obvious? But then again, it didn't really surprise Valeri that much. Her parents had always known about her more nightly endeavors, much to Valeri's disdain but they also never tried to stop or hinder them. The King probably surmised that even if he told her to stop, she would just keep doing it anyways. He was right in that regard, she was addicted to her passions and there would be no stopping such decadence. Her mother she had felt far more comfortable talking with, about anything and everything.

"One would think the rulers of a Kingdom would be more involved when tragedy strikes, Father. Such a pity that they put all burdens upon their Princess, and more esteemed guests." Valeri casually stated before taking a bite of mango. She chewed slowly before swallowing and washing the taste down with wine. She didn't really like mango after all it seemed. She started again, "Ah yes, the day. It will be sad, one of mourning. I don't really look forward to it to be honest." she said with little emotion, looking down at her plate as she moved a piece of fruit back and forth with her fork. She looked up at her Father, her face now devoid of expression, "I would try and pursue some goals, but I fear them to be even more illusive then even I had imagined. There always seems to be something getting in my way, an unexpected injury, or a dark beast. I relish such challenges, but I have... certain doubts. Things I cannot control." she finished with a hint of anger. She hadn't really meant to tell her father any of that, it just spilt out, and was very unfitting of her. It seemed Valeri had forgotten what it was like to talk to someone freely, and had taken liberties a little far.

She faked a cough, and sat up straight, bringing the wine glass to her lips again. Savoring every little drop. "Forgive me Father, it seems I'm more tired then I had thought, letting my mouth run wild like that." She started to eat again, trying to shove her embarrassment down with food. She had to stop letting her emotions run amok, especially in public. She shifted in the chair, thoughts of Amaya filling her head. She was beautiful, there was denying that, but Valeri's feeling were solely based on lust, the thrill of getting into bed with her. Amaya was a prize, and nothing more, her hatred for Exodus would not allow anything else, she simply wanted to savor what she could. She needed to relax, it had only been a day, and an overreaction on her part would look poorly on her character. Maybe she would try to enjoy the day after all, see what she could find, maybe even meet Princess Evangeline. Perhaps she would be far easier to conversate with? Later perhaps, for now she kept eating small bites of food, silently waiting for father's reply.

Truly, had he raised such a master of speech craft or had the young princess merely inherited her mother's honeyed words? Erasmi had earned his skill through strife, hardship and much more death than he was comfortable admitting to but in doing so had managed to make life somewhat comfortable for his offspring. It was not his way to shower her with gifts or spoil her, the fine dresses and her luxurious life merely a matter of course for his sole heir but he liked to think that the circumstances in which she had been raised, far softer than his own, were present enough from father to daughter.

"I would like to think you felt able to talk freely to me, at least, Valeri." It was a small reprimand couched in an unspoken feeling of loss at their lack of true connection. Of course that was mostly of his own design, a fault in the nature of his power but also an advantage for Valeri on the day she ascended to the throne herself for such skills would be key in ensuring her survival. He joined her in tasting the wine, enjoying the blend of fruity and spiced aromas that were alien to Primfiran stock, as the rest of the city began to wake from its tortured slumber to a day of mourning. There were surely opportunities to be had, to be exploited, from the event but even the cockroaches of the world had a sense of honour and Erasmi's ruthlessness had its boundaries. No, there would be no politicizing of the beast's invasion. At least not by him.

He looked at his daughter over the rim of his glass, distracted by her own thoughts. Much of him wanted to use the festival as an education, how a ruler of their nation should engage with others to maximize their own position but the father in him wanted to allow her this unique chance to explore. The future may not be so contested as the present and any connections Valeri forged over the coming days would surely influence her own reign, when it arrived. Moreover, he knew the nature of her desire and the steps she would take to reach it and her apparent reluctance to pursue the Freyjan Princess was disappointing, for both of his ever conflicting roles as King and a father. It was a rare moment that he could be the latter while still furthering the former's aims.

"I've never known you to allow circumstance to frustrate your goals, daughter." He placed his wine glass down on the table, still holding it by the stem as he levelled his gaze at the occupant of the opposite chair. "It is said that what is achieved is worth more the longer and harder the road of accomplishment. The world is changing, with this festival, and it is important that we move with it, not just frustrate its attempts at progress. Old enemies may become friends and the reverse may become true as well; allow yourself to be guided by your instincts and desires, Valeri, but do not be consumed by either. You are my sole heir but you are not ruler yet, it is only now that the time you have is permitted for yourself and not for the sole sake of the Kingdom." He picked up his wine glass, signalling that he was finished speaking for now and gave his daughter time to mull over his words. It was rare for them to talk such as this but the death the previous evening and the rapid succession of events were forcing Erasmi to challenge his own view and understanding of the world and perhaps it was time for lost connections to be re-knit? It was a thought which brought back a faint hope, one he thought long forgotten, but also strong trepidation in these uncharted waters.

The Princess visibly perked up at her father's words, a small smile pursed her lips as she listened. Did he really not mind how freely she spoke? In the past she always felt inclined to keep her feelings tight to herself, especially around her Father. But there was something different in his voice with that simple sentence, and it made her feel far more relaxed then she had been. She took another soft sip of the wine in response. What he said next was truly eye opening for Valeri, and she devoured his words with a certain fervor. She thought for a long time, taking bites occasionally and enjoying the small quiet between the two of them. He was right after all, she had never truly allowed inconveniences to get in the way of her goals, there was always another way. She began to realize that she could wait, for patience had been bred into her, and the satisfaction of achieving her goal would be worth it in the end, no matter how long she waited. There was always other pursuits to be had when not focused on the main prize.

It seemed her father wanted her to do as she pleased, rather then worry about things she could not control and let it consume her to inaction. There was also the subtle warning every ruler knew laced in his words. Even if friends became enemies and foes became friends, in the end one could only trust their own counsel. She had to be strong, but not for anyone but herself. Her smile grew into that of a giddy child. Her father, in his own way of saying it, wanted her to be happy, She was touched at this display, perhaps more then he would ever realize. It was a small start, but for once in a very long time, she actually felt closer to her father. She knew not why he had a sudden change of heart, to say such things, but it was a start. One she truly hoped would last, but like he said, Valeri would still be cautious. She had learned from the best after all.

She took another sip, and set the glass down before her. This time when she spoke, she sounded much more like herself, "Thank you, father. Your words are good to hear this morning. It... It means a lot." she finished softly before pausing.

Valeri then dropped her voice to a hushed whisper, "I find myself curious however. You and I both know this Festival is insulting. The cockroach is a jealous creature father, more so then any kingdom could bear to understand.The snakes draw too much attention to themselves. First this Festival, an idea unheard of, then inviting the other kingdoms? It's enough to drive certain people mad. Whatever is to be done I wonder?" Valeri finished with a wide grin on her face. She went back to eating her food, waiting to see how her father might react. She had no intentions to stop him in anyway, if he had plans that was. In fact she was more inclined to help, then anything. After all, snakes were usually killed when caught out in the open.

It was good to see the true Valeri come out of her shell, relaxing in his presence again although the king in him wanted to admonish the two of them for lowering their guard even when around family. If he made such a mistake during his youth then neither of them would be sitting at the table and one of his brothers would be running Primfira into the ground. As he had said, though, times were changing. Primfira itself had grown under his steady hand and there was not a single person who would dare to challenge his authority, or his daughter's claim to the throne. Erasmi had been loyal to his wife, unusual amongst the ruling classes, even after her death and so had no illegitimate children who might hope to claim a title if ever the opportunity presented itself and the network of spies and assassins that he had his wife had built were intensely loyal to him and his family, not merely the throne itself. It was in this time of relative peace that a young woman, or man, should learn who they were before the trappings of rulership descended upon them, constricting their personality so tightly that it would one day burst forth and cause them to misstep fatally. Better for the girl to learn her limits and weaknesses now, while he was still alive to protect her, than to be tripped by them later in life.

"The cockroach?" He mused, swirling the light wine around in his glass and watching the liquid swell up to the lip before flowing back to the base, tidemarks like the poisoned water of the sea on a beach receding more slowly. It was a sign their strength than the Andoran people had made the insult directed at them into a point of pride but it also limited them, forever putting them behind the other races and accepting the disparaging remarks directed their way. "You are not wrong, my daughter. These events are most disturbing to the balance of things which has existed these past few years and for much of your lifetime. The merest misstep by any one of us could tip that balance one way or another and, have no doubt, my dear, that imbalance of any nature would be disadvantageous to us." He drank the rest of his wine and then leaned back in his chair, the glass back on the table, and clasped his hands together across his chest, elbows resting on the arms of his seat. "It is a sign of their ineptitude that the Exodus royals would think to call such an event. In their high moods they will think that the assemblance of all the major players in their capital to be a sign of their own power. They speak of peace and, true, they do seek it indeed but a peace with them firmly in charge. Any alliance they might choose to make would create opposing sides but with the odds in their favour."

He gestured over the balcony, toward the city where bells tolled and the dampening mood of misery was so heavy it would perceptible. The raucous joy and festivities of the previous day had vanished and in its place was a sense of defeat, shared for now in the immediate shadow of tragedy but soon fingers would be pointing to blame and Erasmi had made sure that his people were above all suspicion. His presence on the battlefield the night before, although it was not a Primfiram whom had felled the beast, would speak louder than any speech he could make. "Sometimes, it is wise to allow events to run their course. When buffoons caper about, thinking themselves clever while they trample over their own achievements, the best course of action is to stand back and simply allow them to continue lest one becomes caught up in their stupidity and is beaten by their experience." He chuckled mirthlessly, seeing in his mind's eye the absentee king of Exodus returning to his palace to find his plans in tatters, the Princess holding them together as much as her meager experience allowed in spite of her apparent innate talent for rule. "Children always learn from their parents, especially from their mistakes and it makes them wiser than their forebears. I believe that is none so evident as in the Princess Amaya who has no better example of mistaken leadership than in her parentage but she lacks experience and these events are fast outpacing her ability to control them." He steepled his fingers, touching his index fingertips to his lip in thought as he watched his daughter over the table. He came to a conclusion at last, the plans whirling in his head often needing a willing conspirator but there were better, more honest, avenues to explore first. At least, other than the schemes already in action.

"The other kingdoms will not stand for what has happened last night but it is best that we appear aloof from what will undoubtedly be a heated argument. Perhaps that status as an arbiter will further your own goals, Valeri, opening doors otherwise closed to you. I will allow you to choose which of those you choose to enter through until such a time that our path becomes set.." He stood up, adjusting his jacket from the long time sitting, and made to leave. "Remember, my daughter, that the cockroach does not do well in the light of day. We are not predators and cannot survive without others, despite our hardiness. Taming the snakelet and living off of its power is far preferable to being stepped upon." The veiled incentive given, he left the patio balcony by way of the large open doors with a small guard falling into step around him. Time enough to return to his quarters before Aziza would bring him her progress report. Despite his talk of maintaining the peace it was best it be an uneasy one, lest the bumbling Exodus monarchs actually succeed in setting themselves up as rulers of the known world.

Valeri was most glad that her Father felt the same way, perhaps even more deeply then she had even thought. When her father planned something, he was meticulous to a fault. At least she thought so anyways. He had obviously put a great amount of thought into the Festival and Valeri had faith in her father to do what must be done for their own kingdom. It was nice that he was being so open with her, in that kingly way of is. Exodus could not be allowed to rule over them all, it was unthinkable. The balance between the four kingdoms could not be shattered by the pretense of a false peace. By the time her father left and their exchange over, Valeri knew what she had to do. His final words were enough of a goodbye for her, yet she still did feel a little unsatisfied. Her father was secretive with his plans, but she was also confidant that she would be fine without knowing them. It was sometimes easier to be out of the loop then in its grasp.

She sipped the rest of her wine, feeling the liquid warm her. With a slightly devious smile she got up and went to the balcony to overlook the city. There was work to be done still, for she had renewed confidence in her abilities and now the patience to act accordingly to her station. As her father had said, Princess Amaya was loosing control. Her parents had seemingly abandoned her to rule, and to dictate the Festival. The girl was most likely stressed now more so then ever before, especially with the last nights tragic events. Valeri would wait, for something told her Amaya would break eventually and when people broke they needed help, they needed comfort, a shoulder to cry on. Maybe even a friend to tell secrets too? Only time would tell, but for now, Valeri would wait to see how the days events played out before acting. Maybe with luck Amaya would even contact her, but something told Valeri that it would be unlikely. One could wish though.

She turned around and began to walk out of the doors, now followed by a small retinue of guards. She stopped before leaving the that room, calling a servant to her side.

"Do me a favor, love. Go and find Princess Evangeline. Tell her that I would very much like to meet her acquaintance and if she so wishes, we might walk together if she has desire for some fresh air. That is all." she stated formally. The servant bowed, leaving Valeri to continue on her way. No doubt the Princess would be preoccupied with the tragedy to do anything else, but Valeri would give her an option if she chose to escape the tumultuous events that the day would bring.


The Scarred One

Interacting with: @Rune_Alchemist@Dealdric

Once the creature had given Anu the letter, she immediately noticed the seal of Lord (or Lady) Iva. She opened it hesitantly, one could never be too careful, but the letter was just that: A letter. She read it, ingesting the words like a ravenous dog. It seemed much was happening, much indeed. She barked an order for something to write on, and blood.

They waited for but a moment as her materials were brought to her. A human’s leathery hide, and blood. She dipped her finger in the blood and wrote her reply in an archaic script.

Anu then signed the letter with her seal and a blood-stained kiss. She gave it to the messenger, leaving the winged creature to its own devices as she walked back into Osarion. It was time to rest, the events of the night were surprisingly taxing. For now she would retreat to her chambers, and regain some lost power. There was much to be done in the coming days, she still needed more demons and devils to join her ranks for war was brewing.

Venturing into the corrupt lands of the Devil was certainly suicide. Animals avoided the area like the plague, plants that grew were warped and twisted by the perversion of the Mountain, and humans only went their to die- or worse. Now a misguided man, accompanied by a group of animals that by all rights should be afraid, had been followed the moment they entered her domain, by Lesser Devils. The small horned fiends were far more clever beyond what most saw on the surface and they knew the lands of Anu better then even the Flesh demons, their hated rivals.

They were curious as to why a human entered so willingly and still walked without killing himself. It tried their patience, for they were hungry now and both animals and man were mouthwatering. With a sudden howl, the magician and his mimics would be surrounded by a small band of Lesser Devils, who wasted little time in attacking!
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