Avatar of Lucius Cypher


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2 yrs ago
Current Ethical? No. Illegal? Also no.
2 yrs ago
Some people need to make a hard choice when deciding which two karaoke streams they want to listen to. I have no such weakness: I have two ears for a reason.
3 yrs ago
The hard part about trying to play some politically savvy mastermind is the assumption that the world operates off real world politics and not your DM’s politics.
4 yrs ago
Don't put too much stock in prophesies. At best they're full of shit, but more often than not they're one of those self-fullilling kinds. Plan for what happens afterwards instead.
4 yrs ago
A character isn't deep or compelling just because you let them get hurt a lot, are always depressed, or do morally questionable things.


If you're here either you're wondering what I'm doing cause I need to post in your RP (In which case, calm yo tits, I'll get around to it), or you want to know who I am. So let's begin.

I'm a college age asian kid who has more heart than he has senses. I'm still working out this whole "adulthood" thing, so until then I just do what I feel I must. As far as personality and traits go, I'm not one for boasting. So if there's anything redeeming about myself you'd have to figure it out in person or by word-of-mouth. Generally however I'm rather perverted, in the best and worst ways. nothing is too much until I've crossed the line, and that just means I've started.

As far as Roleplays I like, I have a thing for fantasy, though I'm also good for some types of sci-fi, supernatural, Modern, and slice-of-life. If it's open and sandbox, I'll probably join it. Never really been a romantic, I often chose to sexualize any notion of romantic encounters I come across. I generally write at Casual quality, though I have no issues with Free-Level Rp/Players and I can hold my own in Advance.

Most Recent Posts

I need to think of something to post. Bleh...
@Lotrix Molick

As mentioned before, this man is drunk and it’s not unusual for guys like him to sell information to gangs and others for money, so sticking his nose into other peoples business or facilitating them to do stuff like gamble or whatever could potentially allow him to use that info to gain something in the future.

Given that he wants your guys help betting on a fight, he might also be inadvertently sizing you guys up concern your martial abilities. After all, only people really confident in their fisticuffs would wanna do weaponless, armorless scrapping. Of course winning some money is also as much an important factor as learning more about your guys abilities in the event he needs or wants to sell your information to people.

Lastly, while he doesn’t mention this, you can also infer that there’s something he’s not telling you about these Fisticuff brawls. It’s like he’s intentionally trying to undersell the actual difficulty of the bouts to make it sound less of a challenge and conversely, make the group think it’ll be easy money.
The only surprise came in the form of a loud horn from the deck, followed by the rushing of footsteps. Over the thunderous sound of boots hitting wood you could hear something that instead of dread, would bring you joy. "LAND HO!" Everyone, even the ones who were asleep, were roused to help make sure everything was ready for landing. Cargo was to be double checked as well as ensured there's no violent stowaways, whatever was and wasn't tighten down on the deck was secured doubly, and many people were eating their meager breakfast of biscuits and mash as they moved around. Naturally as a guest, you were not expected to help, though you were free to do so as long as you didn't disturb operations.

It would only take a few hours before the ship would reach the docks. Everyone was still hustling and bustling and should you go out to look for him, Sticky was still hard at work too. He wouldn't have any time to stay and chat as he was very eager to make sure nothing goes wrong when they reach port. He has already spoken to the captain and will receive a severance pay upon landing, which was more than he had thought he would get. Thus he wants to leave the ship on a good note. Othie would've stayed back at your cabin, training with her toothpick as well as eating some breakfast. Things would be peaceful as you reach land.

After long last you have arrived to the Majadan Empire, in the city of Kaijhong. A very popular port city known as the Golden Gates due to it's rather ornate golden archway that many people would have to cross to get into the city proper. A hub for trading and entertainment, as well as a major location for various adventurers and mercenaries. The work never stopped for the crew as once they landed they were quick to unload their cargo, receive their pay, and shuffle off to enjoy some time on land. However Sticky would come find you, having geared up with his belongings. "Well... We're 'ere."
At your command, two arrows sunk into the orc's shoulder. One had found flesh while the other was stopped by chain and hide. Hurrik looked down from above, his demeanor stoic as ever as he drew two more arrows. "Aaaaaah!" Derrick shouted as he jumped across the gap between the ships once more, having tossed aside his scimitar to pick up one of the dead orc's greataxes. His opening attack was foiled due to his battle cry, however his follow up managed to cut the kaptain's shins. He snarled but turned to you. "Even if I may day... So will you!" He roars as he brings his axe back down onto you. However thanks to a combination of your holy shield, your fury, and your own competence in swordplay, his blow failed to connect. After which your crew were quick to descend upon the lone orc, shooting bolts of steel and magic, slashing with cutlass and spears, and finally finishing the orc was none other than Tayang, who threw his axe right into the back of the orc's skull, splitting his helmet and causing him to fall to the ground. Derrick was quick to chop the orc's head off just for good measure.

The battle was won, and so far everyone seems to be in fairly good condition sans yourself and Tayang. "W-We did it! We killed em all!" Oliver would shout in cheer as everyone else seemed pretty happy at how the battle had turned out. Derrick looked over to you, taking out his healer's kit. "Captain, sit down so I can treat ya. You're bleeding all over!"

You leave the Silver Stag and head out towards the Castle Ward. At this point the hustle and bustle of the city feels almost quaint. Despite the craziness that had happened just a few days prior, everyone was going about their business. Aside from the occasional odd stare no one would bother you as you arrive to the Castle Ward. Unlike the market place which was adorn with all sorts of home-made ornaments and decorations, the Castle Ward was clean and had very uniform banners, flags, and paintings on it's walls depicting the duke and his accomplishments. There were some artists still at work, guarded by a few of the knightly looking sentries.

Eventually you'd find a bookstore called Under The Sun, with the tagline "We have every book". Despite how small it was, it was filled with books and neatly organized. Each wall had bookshelves with metal plaques labeling their genre, and a table with stacks of books that looked notably more aged and used compared to the newer ones on the walls. Another thing you may notice was the price: Almost no book here was worth less than 100 GP. As you peruse, a young man walks from around the door in the back. He wears a clean white tunic underneath a beige apron with ink stains on it. "Hello! Welcome to Under The Sun, I'm Tuscon, owner and scribe. Is there anything I can help you look for?"
The orc smiled as Lei got close to him, feeling quite randy for no good reason. Seeing the chip he blinked before his smile twisted a bit. "Ayo, I remember this! Damn daughters kicked me out of their casino for using it! Fucking drow man. I think I got this... What, somewhere around here. Real dump of a place. Wait wait wait, I remember now! I won a couple of these chips from some skeever behind the bath house. They got a lil dive back there. Played some cards with them, won some tokens, and tried to use it at the Daughter's but they said the chips were fake man! I'd kick their asses if they didn't have so many goons around." The orc says as he takes a swig from his bottle. He looks over to Lei with a mischievous smirk. "Hey hey, I got a great idea how to fuck em over! Why do y'all say? Wanna help an old orc out?"

The orc points towards the alleyway he came from. "Those shitters operate out of a warehouse just behind the bath house. Sell cheap booze and you can win some coppers playing craps or cards, but the real money is betting on their bare-knuckle brawl. Y'all look like some scrappers, if y'all go in we can clean em out! Odd'll be against you cuz you're new but none of those guys are worth shit in a fistfight. Well, cept the house champ, but he's a big fish in a small pond. We pool our coins together and bet on your guys, split the winnings. And hey, if you're looking for more info about that chip, I'm sure the drow bookies there would know something. Might even give you some good info for being one of the scrappers!"

Donny sat excitedly listening to everyone introduce themselves and what they thought about heroism. He's never actually really talked about it before, at least not in person. Sure he had some opinions online but those were lost to the tides of time, so maybe here he could actually have a chance to discuss what it means to be a hero with others with vastly different perspectives. After all your thoughts about what it means to be a hero will definitely color how you act as a hero. Donny has definitely read some articles about pro-heroes who have quite a controversial reputation for both subverting or playing certain heroic stereotypes straight. Whether it be the gritty ones who won't hesitate to break their opponents physically or mentally, or the ones who always try to save even the most heinous of villains. After all, heroes are supposed to be a symbol of justice that everyone likes, but you can't please everyone. It makes Donny self-conscious because he worries that even if he does what he knows is the right thing to do, if public opinion turned against him what good would any of his actions have been? He couldn't handle being the type of hero no one likes or appreciates.

As he was lost in these thoughts Mako told everyone to meet her at the gym. While everyone else went to change Donny simply put his things away, including his current school uniform, folding it neatly into his bag. Clothes are kind of meaningless for Donny so it was best just to make sure his uniform doesn't get dirty. Though he did leave the food he had stored inside of himself at his desk, which included the twelve pack (currently only nine cans) of cola, three bento boxes, a thermos, a loaf of bread in plastic wrap, four chocolate bars, a pack of gum, a small baggy full of dog treats, and an apple. With his lunch out of his mass Donny felt a little bit lighter as he arrived at the gym.

Everyone had to show off their quirks, though Donny wasn't really sure how he could do that. His specialty was tunneling and eating, and he wasn't really sure how he could do either of them here. He certainly didn't want to get into trouble for digging through the school floorboards. And he wasn't too sure if Mako or the other staff would want him eating anything that belongs to the school. Because outside of those two things, his quirk didn't really grant him much else. Sure he might be tougher than most but that has less to do with his quirk making him tough and more just because he lacks the usual flaws of the human body. And it's not like this one wasn't without its issues either. Donny wasn't exactly fast and his strength is, at best, better than your typical high schooler but far from superhuman. And considering how quirks can affect one's body even your "typical high schooler" could very well have some level of super strength, so it wasn't really a metric that Donny could measure himself with accurately.

As he watched the other students do their thing he continued to frantically look around for something he could use to show off his quirk. Something he was certain it was okay for him to eat or somewhere that's okay for him to dig around. The more he thought about it the more nervous he got until he realized that he's basically doing party tricks. His grandpa had him learn how to use his powers to entertain people before so he had an idea of what he could do to show off his powers without too much destruction. He just needed something he could eat.

When it was his turn Donny walked up to the boxes and looked around for probs. He picked up that metal cube Dulga had made, that’ll be handy, as well as a flashlight. He flicked it on and off to see if it was working. And finally there was a small teddy bear. ”Weird. But this this can work.” He picked that up too and went to present it to the students.

First he would show off his shape shifting. His black blobby form shifted into its own stage, with the teddy bear, metal cube, and flashlight on the stage. Then the bear stood up, waved at the crowd, and did a little dance. Donny had put one of his tendrils inside of the bear to allow him to puppeteer it from the inside. ”Thank you for this meal!” He had the bear go over to the metal cube and take a literal bite out from it, showing the actual part of the cube that had been bitten out. What Donny tried to hide was the bit of his own body coming out from the bear’s mouth that was doing the actual eating. He had his puppeteered toy finish eating the metal cube in two more bites before moving onto the flashlight. He had the bear open up the flash light, eating the light, wiring, and plastic. He took the battery and gnawed it in half allowing the battery acid to pour out into the bear’s mouth, where Donny consumed it without issue. ”Spicy!”

With those two things eaten Donny had the teddy bear bow before he ate it from the inside out, reforming back into his normal shape. This wasn’t the best way to show off his powers but hopefully it would give everyone an idea of what he could do. It would be more impressive if he could eat something bigger but this would have to do. He slithered back to his spot in line to watch everyone else use their powers.
I was wondering, do the pirates of Keratia use the Black Spot or some other kind of symbol to convey death threats to those who incur their wrath?

I feel like I answered this question before, but no not usually. Might be one or two pirates that have a sort of signature style of showing their dislike or hatred against someone, but nothing common enough that every pirate would know the meaning if they see it. The closest thing to a Black Spot that most pirates would understand would actually be doled out by the Thieves Guild or their regional equivalent which is the Non Grata. Basically means that even thieves, smugglers, criminals, and other low lives and scums don't want to associate with these particular pirates, so they're outlaws even among outlaws. Again this is mostly doled out by thieves guilds and not pirates themselves, but it's not impossible for a particularly powerful pirate with strong connections to send a message to his rivals or enemies that certain waters are no longer going to be friendly to them.

<Snipped quote by Lucius Cypher>

Did you make this up yourself? I feel like I've read these words before, but I'm not sure where.

I did not, I stole this quote from a porno. Hentai has a funny way of finding great bits of literary treasures of which I plunder for my own ends.
I thought you had a +7 to Persuasion, but I forgot you rolled well for your charisma. Cool. So here's what you know:

The orc smiled as you got close to him, feeling quite randy for no good reason. Seeing the chip he blinked before his smile twisted a bit. "Ayo, I remember this! Damn daughters kicked me out of their casino for using it! Fucking drow man. I think I got this... What, somewhere around here. Real dump of a place. Wait wait wait, I remember now! I won a couple of these chips from some skeever behind the bath house. They got a lil dive back there. Played some cards with them, won some tokens, and tried to use it at the Daughter's but they said the chips were fake man! I'd kick their asses if they didn't have so many goons around." The orc says as he takes a swig from his bottle. He looks over to Lei with a mischievous smirk. "Hey hey, I got a great idea how to fuck em over! Why do y'all say? Wanna help an old orc out?"
Cool, time to work your stuff. Roll me a persuasion check please, @Rune_Alchemist. Remember with your ability if you happen to roll less then a 17, we treat your roll as if you did. So this mostly applies if you can roll higher than a 10 on the die.
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