Avatar of Lugubrious


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2 mos ago
Current Forgotten footfalls, engraved in ash
3 mos ago
Stalling falling blossoms in bloom
3 mos ago
Even if our words seem meaningless
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4 mos ago
Time turning on us always
4 mos ago
Fusing into the unknown


Current GM of World of Light. When it comes to writing, there's nothing I love more than imagination, engagement, and commitment. I'm always open to talk, suggestion, criticism, and collaboration. While I try to be as obliging, helpful, and courteous as possible, I have very little sympathy for ghosts, and anyone who'd like to string me along. Straightforwardness is all I ask for.

Looking for more personal details? I'm just some dude from the American south; software development is my job but games, writing, and trying to help others enjoy life are my passions. Been RPing for over a decade, starting waaaay back with humble beginnings on the Spore forum, so I know a thing or two, though I won't pretend to be an expert. If you're down for some fun, let's make something spectacular together.

Most Recent Posts

Alrighty then, let's get this show on the road. @RokkuHoshi, @Zarkun, what do you say we enact our free-for-all on Tekken 5's Moonlight Wilderness?

Well, shoot. Looks like I missed the mark by 3 minutes. Apologies. I hope this will proceed in a more interesting manner than our last PVP, Zark.
From his hidden position, Souta watched the proceedings with palpable intensity. By the fierceness of the look of determination on his face, it seemed, he hoped to bolster the chances of the gambit's success. As one might expect from a demonic trickster with centuries and centuries of experience, Lily was doing well. The angels, riled up though they were, seemed to believe her. When she mentioned the Charred Council, he grimaced, but in a matter of moments the demoness span it on its head to try and extract safe passage from Heaven's forces, should her ploy succeed. Very good! Too good. That kind of cunning and talent for deception is not safe. He felt sure now, upon seeing the apparent effortlessness with which Lily duped the angels, that he wanted to keep her at arm's length at least.

His sidetracked mind returned to the present abruptly, however, when Lily's attempt to leave encountered sudden and unexpected resistance. Souta watched, sweat beading on his forehead, as a new angel arrived to the scene who seemed to have his ally figured out the second he arrived. Less good. Not good at all. Being found out made him nervous, of course, but now that he thought about it, couldn't Lily take this guy? He talked big and looked tough, but the smith had seen Lily in action, and he felt that nobody the trio might encounter this early in a mission could possibly challenge her. Curious, he put aside his trepidation to focus on what came next.

Out of all possible options, Souta did not expect Lily to instantly betray his position. ”What. Why.” Leaving them as hidden backup would have been a far smarter move in his estimation. Did she think he, a lowly human and metalworker, was going to spring out and whiteknight her the instant things started going sour? Hah. Regardless of what Fenn did, Souta felt that the ball was still in Lily's court for her to play with as she saw fit. Now that the angels knew that she had company, however, he could not help but fidget and reflexively summon his defensive weapon, Silverbeast. The gleaming clawed gauntlets appeared on his arms and hands, ready to rip and tear or grab and block, but their owner remained still. For a moment before he caught himself, Souta could not help but gawk as Lily reverted her transformation and attacked the holy warriors with a full-frontal assault, giving her allies a clear view of her rear in the process. Even for a demon...! She has no shame. He looked away, rolling his eyes, and listened to the angels going on the alert. They called him and Fenn out, and Souta's quickened heartbeat did not relent.

He couldn't quite make them out, but Lily and the new angel exchanged words. The auspicious lack of fighting made him think that a peaceful solution might be possible, but he wasn't about to make a chicken out of a feather.
Level 3
Day 2
Location: Tetris Castle Grounds
@Etherean Fire
Experience: |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (27/30)

Involved as he was with Naija, Slayer did not notice the intruder until too late. Silent and swift, the cat burglar gave no indication of its presence until its theft sent an uproar among the funeral attendees. The vampire failed to turn in time to see what was stolen, but the tail end of the fleeing streak clued him into where it had committed the act and a simple glance took care of the rest. In an instant, the robber vanished, a speedy blur threatening to escape with its ill-gotten goods. While any do-gooder worth his salt would have leaped at the chance to return a pilfered object of importance, particularly something so important, the only muscle Slayer moved was to raise an eyebrow. He knew without having to look that a great many of those present would throw themselves after the thief, so he needn't concern himself with how to manage a speedwalk without losing his composure, and instead the gentleman cast his thoughts elsewhere.

”A barbaric act—and one as insipid as barbarity. Putting aside how it shouldn't have been able to infiltrate such a crucial establishment as this place, it must have been awfully sure of itself to try and snatch a soul from a place so dense with heroes.” Mischievous little beasts relieved of the burden of intelligence were not by any means unheard of, but if such a creature could get inside the grand hub of heroism known as Tetris Castle, it was either more than met the eye or aided by some other entity. Guile echoed those thoughts as he barked out an order to the posse, but it seemed like he hadn't thought of -or at least put much credit in- the thief being some kind of shapeshifter. One after another, the others took off after the Tac, and fast thought it was Slayer suspected the chase wouldn't last long unless it fled into some portal, protective barrier, or the like, probably established by a hitherto-unknown accomplice. As he thought, Slayer hummed the tune of the song performed by the odd but talented troupe of animals in memory of Mario. He did not expect one of those very musicians to plod over and, now that Slayer's chair had descended following Naija's departure, ask him what the problem was.

Slayer uncrossed his legs and stood up to his full height, causing his chair to morph back into his cape. With a droll expression he removed his monocle, produced a hankerchief from his suit jacket with which to clean it, and replied, “A yellow creature shaped like the head of a cat rushed in and made off with Mario's essence and cap. The more exuberant among us have, it seemed, all sprinted off to accost the rogue and return its plunder, possibly flushing out an accomplice in the act. The sight of them all running off, a great mad gang after one rotund robber...wouldn't you say it's almost comical? Overkill, I'm sure, but given the stolen items, I shouldn't wonder that so many would be so eager to get them back.” He finished with his monocle and held it up. It glinted in the morning sun, revealing it to be spotless, and with a satisfied look Slayer replaced the eyepiece before holding out his hand. “Goodness, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Slayer. Your performance just now was exceptional, considering the...'unconventional' choice of instruments.” He eyed the bird in the bear's backpack, noting her vivid red plumage and sharp eyes. These two, it seemed, were a package deal. A partnership far less contortion-prone than poor Zappa's.
Abysmal will not be joining us after all. @Ayame, the path is clear for you, so long as you can bear the mantle of responsibility for the RP. There's a posting requirement of at least once per two weeks, though ideally more, and you're expected to communicate if there's some sort of problem that's stifling your posting ability. If that's good, then I'll eagerly await your application.
Please notify both myself and @Dusksong if you would like us to remove you from our member's list. This will remove you from all future notifications.

Do so, please.
<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

Do you mind if I PM you about this?

I do not mind.
"Let's fight Slayer in a remote location! :D"

^Tantamount to suicide. Lol.

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the universe, Sol's hit with an inexplicable sense of envy for some reason.

Heh, not to worry. Slayer's going to be pretty easygoing in the arena.
Alright, that means the free for all is good to go. I'll get to work soon. Would we be free to choose the stage, or is it a standard, unchanging colosseum or wrestling one, like the one in the picture, @Holy Soldier?
Ahhhhhhhhh. Sorry.

Made a big deal about it in last post and acceptance post, but it seems like @Ayame wants this more than I do, and I don't feel like I should be stopping that/making them feel like they should rush their CS to get it done before me, if this isn't as much of a priority to me, as I've only been semi-working on the CS for this. So I'd rather let them taking than me possibly 'stealing' it from them.

I don't know what indicates that Ayame wants this position more than you. Either way, this isn't stealing. It's you having a prior claim and being first in line to get what you want. If anything, Ayame winning this competition would be more like 'stealing', and while you say you've been semi-working on your sheet, Ayame hasn't indicated anything yet. So don't just give it up because there's someone else in the mix.
I would like to join if possible.

That would be fine even though it appears that you're new and trying to join a fair few RPs at the moment if it were not for @AbysmalDemon, who preceded you in asking to fill the only open spot.

However, in the spirit of the RP, I'm willing to make it a competition. If you manage to beat Abysmal in submitting an application, and if it's better than the one he provides (that's if one is provided by him; if one isn't, you'll be accepted some time after applying so long as your sheet's up to snuff), then the spot is yours. However, if he beats you in applying, he's got a major advantage instead. Sound good? This might be a little strange, but I feel like it'll work out.
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