Avatar of Lugubrious


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3 mos ago
Current Forgotten footfalls, engraved in ash
3 mos ago
Stalling falling blossoms in bloom
4 mos ago
Even if our words seem meaningless
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4 mos ago
Time turning on us always
5 mos ago
Fusing into the unknown


Current GM of World of Light. When it comes to writing, there's nothing I love more than imagination, engagement, and commitment. I'm always open to talk, suggestion, criticism, and collaboration. While I try to be as obliging, helpful, and courteous as possible, I have very little sympathy for ghosts, and anyone who'd like to string me along. Straightforwardness is all I ask for.

Looking for more personal details? I'm just some dude from the American south; software development is my job but games, writing, and trying to help others enjoy life are my passions. Been RPing for over a decade, starting waaaay back with humble beginnings on the Spore forum, so I know a thing or two, though I won't pretend to be an expert. If you're down for some fun, let's make something spectacular together.

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Not bad. I'd like a little bit more information on Strigiforme if you could though. While I have a crux of their nature from your backstory more details about their natural abilities and such would be nice.

I would like to ask that you make yourself somewhat less established, if that makes any sense. Ideally I'd like everyone to sort of start off on the same economical level from the start, meaning that you don't really have any support during your initial career as an adventurer. Heck, no one should be an adventurer just yet. Those who have written that they are in their backstory I have a few ideas to explain why this isn't so, though yours is a bit too, how to say, legitimate.

Beyond that he's fine as a character. More details about his race and maybe dial back his rapport with the Nightcrawlers. I suggest that Quarel has just recently started his intention to be an adventurer, moving into a distant countryside bunkhouse (that's where everyone is starting out at), without any of his bosses knowing or at least informing Quarel about his decision. It could be something interesting for Quarel to explore however.

Alright, I think I've done what I need to. There's information about strigiforme abilities in both the race and skill sections. If there's anything else, I'll try and sort it out.
Pandemonium: that was all that lay before him. Souta, so amazed that he stopped in his tracks momentarily, could only think of MOBA’s he’s seen played at various points in his young adulthood. When a teamfight began in such a game, the screen became filled with so many flashes, colors, and movements, coupled with an unintelligible cacophony of sound, that he lost all track of what was going on. The riotous scene unfolding before him was that times a hundred. His eyes darted left and right, up and down, trying to make sense of the unfettered chaos that was an open battle. For the first time he really realized that Gilgamesh’s engagements were more skirmishes than anything, and that for all its pretention about bringing humanity into league with the other powers, it was essentially a guerilla force. This was what heaven and hell could do when they pulled out all the stops. Even more incredibly, it was his task to wade through that mess to enter the mausoleum. It wasn’t as if there was a teeming horde covering every inch of soil, but it would be no easy feat for a mere man. Souta’s floodgates opened and adrenaline began to flow, kickstarting him into action. With one final whistle, he summoned Deluge to his off hand and ran forward.

Immediately, a pack of Scarecrows noticed the new intruder, but they were far enough apart so that when they launched into a murderous sprint toward him, they did not arrive at the same time. Souta slid to a stop and waited, his gun leveled, as one of the bladed demons bore down upon him. Its blade rose, flashing in the sunlight, and with nary a moment to spare the smith pulled the trigger. A spike of fused fire jammed straight into the Scarecrow’s head with enough force to lay it out, falling backward as it flew forward to skid right up to its shooter. Souta’s hammer was already on the way, and with a workman’s precision he nailed the fire spike he’d just inserted, and it exploded in a geyser of flame. He jerked back as it blew the Scarecrow apart, sending a plume upward, and he wasted no time shooting straight into it. The spike lit up as it passed through the flame, and though it missed the next target, it detonated a split-second later in the midst of the incoming crowd, throwing them in different directions. One staggered in his direction and, in the spirit of his native Japan’s favorite sport, Souta reeled back and let his hammer fly like a baseball bat. Shrieking, the demon found a second wind, and kicked out with its bladed leg to cut into Souta’s unprotected back. In a spray of green mist, a skeleton appeared from the smith’s sepulchral hammer, blocking with its own body long enough for its summoner to turn and strike again. This time the Scarecrow stayed down, leaving only three left. All at once, the remaining trio surged at him in a mad hopping run.

Krak, krak, krak! Three fire spikes embedded into the ground in an arc, causing the demons to hesitate. A moment was all Souta needed. Deluge, running on empty, disappeared and was replaced by a Trawler. Grinning, Souta inserted the warhammer Escre into the bottom of the hook, and with a hefty swing the makeshift flail swung into the Scarecrows from the side one after another. The momentum carried it around again, revolving like a lasso and with every strike the hammer made another ghostly skeleton appear to gouge at the unfortunate demon’s soft parts with its bony fingers. In a matter of moments, the Scarecrows were wiped out, and Souta reeled in his weapon to detach it. Working quickly, he banished the Trawler and made his gun reappear, then slipped Escre into a groove along the top of the weapon’s barrel. Immediately Deluge’s inner blue fire turned green. Though he was proud on the inside, and hoped the others got an idea of his ingenuity from this first little fight, Souta knew there was no time to waste and prepared to advance again.
Here we go. Let me know if there are any problems


Hi Lugu! :D


Give me a bit and I can think of Fleo... but maybe be at the guild hall?

I was thinking as much.

Sure, but with you you'll be the last character accepted. There are still a few more people who were waiting in, including some who haven't posted here yet, but otherwise further applications will be closed.

We're also going to put a hold on reincarnated people for now. We've already reserved spaces for some players who have sent a request but for reasons haven't posted their CS here yet.

I repeat, unless I've already spoken to you about it, no more reincarnated characters.

I'll be doing another round of CS checks soon.

I understand...though, rats; I would have liked to do a reincarnated character. No problem though, I'll work on and submit my application today.

You should knock me off your list, brother. I thought I could commit, but between my workload and splintered attention I am struggling to even remember that I am in this alot. I'd rather I be dropped than everyone constantly waiting for me to get my sewage behind the scenes together.

You can terminate Smiley, or use him in any way that may be beneficial to the long term enjoyment of the plot.

Sorry, kindred.

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope My Heart is On the Throne works out better for you.
@Lugubrious Been good. How about you?

I did not mention it here, but I've been traveling far out of country for some time now, actually. Hopping across Europe. It's been exciting and interesting.
@Lugubrious Hi.

Hey there friendo. I hope you're well. How's things?
Hey there, @Caits. I've been negligent but I haven't given up, not when I've put so much effort into this RP. What can I do with Fleo at the moment?
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