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11 mos ago
Current Catching up today. Yippee!!
12 mos ago
Shaping up to have one of the worst weeks of my life so that's fun
12 mos ago
Pop an interest check up! Plenty of people not interested in that kind of thing. It's less visible because 1x1 discussion happens mostly over PMs
12 mos ago
#DwarfSupremacy point me at the dumb elves boss
1 like
1 yr ago
TIL Texas has used AI to translate thoughts into text.


Forever towing the line between 'is this better in RP or forum game format'

GMT | On Mobile

Most Recent Posts

In ... 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
I...I think I'm in love.
only a small update today on @Majoras End's Alice

this and Hanna are unbelievably close to being done, I just need to find the motivation to finish the last bits and pieces.
Hunger. Craving. A puppet of the larger hive. Inching forward, testing it's limbs, finding them sufficient. Tip tap tip tap, skittering into the nearest, most obvious top-most box, some natural instinct to stalk-and-ambush directing it into the darkness there. Lying in wait.

Aware. Prepared.
at the end of the day, if you make a roleplay without many mechanics, you'll get roleplayers who like not having mechanics.

If you make a roleplay with alot of mechanics, you'll get people who like mechanics.

Make the roleplay to the best of your ability and infuse your passion into it, and things will be fine. You can always tone it down or up as you need to. Just make a game you would like to play and I'm sure you'll find others out there who like it too.
200 kcal Toughness: 1
100 kcal Movement: 1
50 kcal Perception: 1
150 kcal Strength: 1
150 kcal Bioweaponry: 1
500 kcal Molt: drone
Current kcals: 0

Being awkward and voting for #2, I like the idea of trying to reclaim a planet that becomes a homeworld. Mind you we can always do that later if we successfully take over the ship.
@Overlord Thraka you can drop a CS if you wish but as Myst said, no guarentees for those in queue.

Though I did move my brushes over today, for the most part~
@shylarah tried to make her face younger lookin' and with more personality. Let me know which version you like in terms of her facial structure, including the old version:

In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
applying XP ect see above

1. DEPUTY HAWKEYE HAROLD the GUNSLINGER. created by DeadBeatWalking.

2. DAN the RANCHER. created by Duthguy.

3. FATHER C the PASTOR. created by rocketrobie2.

4. JAMIE HART the SALOON GIRL. created by CollectorofMyst.

P O S S E L E V E L 2


In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Applying Retroactive XP from easier XP mode

Updating Inventories...
1. FEAR the BANDIDO. created by Duskshine749.

2. LUCIEL the LAWMAN. created by Majoras End.

3. SCARE the LAW HOLDER, U.S. MARSHAL. created by Scarescrow.

4. DICK GRANT the PIANO PLAYER. created by Leaves.

5. AARON GOLDFELD the SCOUT. created by CollectorofMyst.

6. PASTOR JIMMY the PREACHER. created by Asura, played by PrinceAlexus.

P O S S E L E V E L 1


In C R A W L 6 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Thread mostly moved to Discord until RPGuild is all clear with the current issues.
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