Avatar of MarshiestMallow


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6 yrs ago
Current "Doing your best" does not mean working yourself to the point of a mental breakdown. Its no longer your best at that point.
7 yrs ago
The word homeowner has the word "meow" in it. Good luck pronouncing it correctly ever again. You're welcome ^.^
7 yrs ago
When everything seems wrong...something goes right, and it changes darkness into light, and makes the shadows a little less daunting.
8 yrs ago
People cry, not because they are weak. It's because they've been strong for too long
1 like
8 yrs ago
the bad thing about being bullied is that every time it happens it steals a little piece of who you are if it happens enough little by little you become a little less of who you were meant to be.


To be written.

Most Recent Posts

It's because The person who controlled the Emerald Phoenix Slayer is no longer a part of the roleplay. They disappeared, we pushed the characters to the background.
<Snipped quote by MarshiestMallow>


Damian's going to need a bigger squirt bottle.

Isn't that what Jasmine is for, now with her magic?
Because he's an exceed to a Fire Phoenix Slayer XD


"People think I'm the scary one... "
~ >

𝒢𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓁 𝐼𝓃𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃


Iggy, Ig


Who knows?


No guild currently

Guild Mark location:

𝒫𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝐼𝓃𝒻𝑜𝓇𝓂𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃


Perhaps considered a rather aggressive, tough, ill-tempered person, Ignatius nevertheless has a deeper side to him, one that generally takes a lot of work to get to. He is in fact quite clever, romantic, and loyal, showing that he is a rather complicated individual. He simply enjoys exploring with his hands and eyes, touching and examining the word around him with a cool rationalism and spirited curiosity. He tends to move from project to project, not wanting to stay in one position to long perhaps in fear that he will begin to get too close to others. Because of this, he has quite useful knowledge on many different things, finding no greater joy than figuring things out and making them better than they were before.

He enjoys people having an interest in what he is doing, and sometimes he doesn't mind them getting into his space. Of course that is on the condition that they don't interfere with his principles and freedom, and they will need to be open to Ignatius returning that interest in kind. He does typically enjoy lending a hand and sharing his experiences, especially with the people that he cares about. In a rather rude manor, of course. He never wishes to be considered a "Softie" and as such keeps up his rough exterior.

A very private person, he does not appreciate others interfering where he considered they don't belong. He can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but does tend to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking his interests in a bold new direction.

His decisions stem from a sense of practical realism, and at his heart is a strong sense of direct fairness, a "Do unto others" attitude, which really helps to explain many of his rather puzzling traits. Instead of being overly cautious though, avoiding stepping on toes in order to avoid having his toes stepped on, his is likely to go too far, accepting likewise retaliation, whether good or bad, as fair play. The biggest issue that his is likely to face is that he often acts too soon, taking for granted his permissive nature and assuming that others feel the same way. He will be the first to tell an insensitive joke, get overly involved in someone else's life, roughhouse and play around or suddenly change his plans because something more interesting comes up.

Comic Books

Clothes (except his cape)
The smell of alcohol


Ignatius likes to think he his a man- er-
cat of the world. He has travelled extensively, eating fine fish whenever and where ever he could, and told stories for his meals.Sometime in his travels he ran into this scrawny, little exceed, who without a thought of introduction, demanded he give her his food. After he fed her, Ignatius knew that he needed to keep her, believing that she wouldn't survive. Rajah became his companion, although sometimes he wonders if perhaps she stayed because she believed he wouldn't survive without her.

Penny kept her gaze on Jasmine, watching her with concern. She knew that this was massive information- and Penny wished she had all the answers, but she didn’t. She didn’t know how any of this worked, she barely knew anything about her own abilities. She didn’t want to fail Jasmine… but she suspected that she was going to. ”You don’t need to worry about Nolan, Jasmine… I won’t let him hurt you.” she promised, falling silent once more, watching her.

”I don’t think there is a mistake, Jasmine… “ She said, almost regrettably, seeing that this was distressing news to the younger girl. ”I… Most slayers are trained, yes… but I was born one. It happens.” She said softly after a moment or two, not sure how to explain. When jasmine leaned against her, Penny put her arms around the younger girl, keeping her close and letting her cry herself out, giving her what comfort she could.

”Jasmine… it’s going to be okay, I promise you.” She said, after a while, her voice soft. ”I’ll do all that I can.” She didn’t register the passing scenery, keeping her attention on the distressed Jasmine. ”We’ll figure it out.”

Jamie frowned, watched Karn/Edolas Karn, and sighed. She had ideas on how to help them, but there was no way to test them… she could see how that could appear to be doing nothing… she would help the duo, when they were back from the island… Things should, she hoped, be normal then. ”Some time. No one really knows where the island is.” She said, looking to Zero/Zenoram, before her attention was drawn back to Ferrin.

Jamie shook her head, ”Perhaps soul is too strong a word. Memory might be better. The memory of them, my… friends, my family… I would summon them, and… become them, for a period of time.” she said softly, ”All gave me their permission for it… “ she trailed off, clearly upset by the topic at hand, but willing to talk about it. She shook her head, ”Never apologise for seeking knowledge. Knowledge is a weapon against ignorance.” she trailed off thoughtfully for a moment.

”I think the magic has always been there… and is gifted randomly. The new magics- or perhaps they are simply old, lost to time- that have appeared… perhaps it does have something to do with the island. But I believe it was all there, merely waiting to be unlocked.” As Ferrin turned to foursome, Jamie excused herself, letting Ferrin speak uninterrupted with them.
@Crimson Raven@Silver Fox@Demon Shinobi@Lunarlord34
“Come on.” Gabriel said, smiling, “lets find somewhere to go, sit.” His brother was here, and to Gabriel, that meant more than anything in the world. Even if he had to put up with leo, and the Spirit King, finding the long lost Zodiac keys. It was all worth it, to see his brother again. They’d never spent more than a few days apart since they were born, these last few months… it had been hard, and Gabriel was glad for the chance to catch up.

Leo, however, seemed to have other plans as he sauntered across the desk, towards Zev, flopping down easily beside him on another crate, and before Gabriel could do anything, was speaking him. Mortified, Gabriel hurried over, knowing full well just how annoying Leo could be. He tried not to subject him on anyone.

“Sorry, he has a mind of his own and… I can’t close the gate.” he admitted, although Gabriel had tried plenty of times to do so. Michael trailed after his brother, hesitantly.

Jamie looked over at Zero and Zenoram, giving a small chuckle, “Not exactly as you are, no. I… sacrificed the souls I carried and kept safe for my daughter.” She said, falling silent as Zero/Zenoram continued speaking. Turning her gaze to Ferrin, Jamie paused a moment as she considered how to answer. “My shape shifting ability relies on souls. Capture in Lacrima’s, unforunately the lacrima’s needed for it are quite rare. In fact, there is only one person to get them from. Jarvis. Sometimes I wondered if we were drawn together because of how we complement one another, or something else.” She said thoughtfully.

“The Lacrima is… an odd one. Similar to Slayers the gain their abilities through Lacrima’s, mine were… like an extra organ. THe souls I carried were… special to me, and Jarvis, in one way or another. All knew what we could accomplish together and when they were gravely injured… it was a way for them to keep us safe. I… I have never come across another person who can do what i do, perhaps it is a lost magic, or an entirely knew magic. I’m not sure.” She frowned, knowing that it was probably more than a little confusing. “Well, that’s for another time.” She stopped, her gaze drawn to Karn. She smiled, but it faded as he seemed to… fall. Reaching out to him, she let her hand drop back to her side, seeing that the Edolas Karn was in control. Or as in control as either of the karns could be.

She watched with concern, nodding. They needed to find a way to help them… ‘Well, yes.” She said, with a smile, “I am always here to help, my dear.” She said softly, her smile fading slightly, a rather serious look upon her graceful features.

“Amelia.” Jarvis said,”I did not say that you had to retire. Merely that I wish you to take it easy.” He said, reaching out to her, to give her a hug, “Did you wish to look at the ship?”

Penny shook her head, “No, no… It’s… “ She hesitated, knowing she should put the younger girl at ease. But… she had never had to do anything like this before. “No, I… there’s a trait that is common among slayers- or rather, Dragon Slayers. No one is sure why.” She said softly, keeping her gaze on Jasmine as she thought on each word. The gently swaying of the carriage was more comforting to Penny than she suspected it was for Jasmine- her body automatically healed any sign of distress even before her brain could understand it. “Slayers are often plagued with Motion Sickness, so crippling that it is almost impossible for them to move. I’m not sure if its for all slayers, or just Dragon, and asking Nolan doesn’t seem wise.” She suspected if they were forced together again, one or the other of them would end up hurt.

“My body heals itself, and thus even if all slayers were affected by it, I wouldn’t know.” She continued, “But… I think it’s safe to assume your magic is a slayer type.”
@Silver Fox@Crimson Raven@Joshua Tamashii@Hatakekuro@Demon Shinobi
Penny closed her eyes and seemed to take a moment or two to compose herself. Her phoenix songs were always beautiful, some hauntingly so, and she had to close her eyes tight. The last time she'd used her song... The memory still haunted her. Solias... I know it was what you wanted... but it still effects me so... She licked her lips, leaning back in the seat, "It can do quite a few things." She said softly, deciding that Jasmine did not need to know about the death song, just yet.

"healing is by far my favourite use of it... but it can put people to sleep, making large battles quite harmless... Phoenix Fire is also more potent than my normal fire." she explained, looking away for a moment, before looking back to Jasmine, seeing that she was distracted. She paused a moment, before continuing, "I... I have a theory about what your magic could be, Jasmine."
”You’ll be fine, Jasmine. Trust me. I won’t let anything happen to you, okay?” Penny said softly, not even sure if she was being reassuring or not, just wanting to try and calm the girl down. She had already failed her once, she couldn’t do it again. She settled herself in the carriage, bringing her eyes back to Jasmine once more and studying the girl. She could well imagine what the other girl was going through, and could only thank whatever beings were out there watching over them that Jasmine hadn’t killed anyone with her magic.

Like she herself had. She let out a soft sigh for a moment, easing her those long memories aside, and giving her a smile. As the carriage began to move, she watched Jasmine as she spoke, explaining what had happened. She frowned, not truly understanding, but it was what it was. She didn’t get the chance to respond, as Jasmine looked like she was about to become see-through. She leaned towards the girl, concerned.

Motion sickness?

Pausing on that a moment, Penny frowned, before she rose, moving to sit beside Jasmine and took her hand. ”Let me.” she said softly, before she started to sing softly, magic infusing every where. The beautiful melody filled the carriage, the magic warm and comforting, like hot soup on a cold day, and it hovered around Jasmine, seeking to soothe away any ill feelings. The healing song wasn’t very complicated, and it trailed off to a soft close.
As they boarded the ship, and settled in, Jarvis kept an eye on Amelia, and at her question, he glanced to Jamie, who seemed distracted, Jarvis turned towards Amelia to answer her, giving her a smile. ”We can do anything you want, Sweetie. For the moment, you do need rest… i know you want to go on the island, but if you’re still not well… “ he said, trailing off, before sighing softly. ”But there is plenty of things we can do… you’ve never been on a ship, have you?” he said thoughtfully, ”Would you like to learn how they run?”

Jamie surveyed the ship, her gaze going over the various guild members, making sure that they were all okay and settling in. She let her gaze linger on the Dragon slayers, and other various slayers on the ship, well knowing about the Dragon Slayers weakness to travel, she was curious to see if it extended to the others. Relaxing, there was nothing that demand her att-

Her eyes narrowed over Karn and Ferrin. What had happened there? Automatically, she was moving. What had come over Karn? Intent on making sure the ailing boy- and the Edolas version of him that shared his body- were okay, Jamie ran a keen gaze over both of them. Nothing too serious, it seemed. No serious injuries, at least. But it was clear that there was something else going on here, and she was intent on making sure what it was, so that she could help.

Or sit them down and ensure they weren’t going to destroy the ship, at least.

Zero and Zenoram got there first, rushing past Jamie to hug Karn, seemingly ignoring or perhaps not aware of the situation that had just occurred and seemed to be occurring. Watching for a few seconds, Jamie approached, pausing at the conversation. She tilted her head, frowning. ”I do not believe I have ever given the impression that I am incompetent.” she said, in a soft voice. She paused at Karn/Edarn’s display, frowning slightly.

They’d have to do something about that, and soon. Helping Ariel and Ethel had certainly given her a few ideas on that regard, and she’d have to focus on that after this mission. It was clear the two versions of Karn couldn’t continue on like this. At Ferrin’s question, Jamie couldn’t help it. She laughed, her voice seeming to fill the ship for a moment or two before fading away over the water. ”A fair question, and if I still carried the souls of my shape shifting counterparts, well it would be a rather larger number.” She said amusing still dancing in her voice.

Michael nervously walked on the deck of the ship, his arms around himself. The last time he’d been on a boat… he shuddered at the memory, and glanced about him, looking for a place he could go… searching for Prince, or Zephyr. He avoided others, for the moment, wanting instead to find his friends… to have some level of comfort around so many people.

”You know exactly why you’re here, Gabriel. Because the King wants you to be, and I must guide you on that path. The mere fact Sanders said you could go, means you are meant to be here. Now stop complaining!” a voice said, only catching Michael’s attention because of his brothers name. He look about curiously. Was Gabriel here? He hadn’t been under the impression that his brother would be going- he didn’t think there were many from Frenzy Plant here, but… Had something changed? He looked around for any sign of his brother.

”But… why me, Leo? Why is it always me?” His brothers voice made his heart soar, it had been months since he’d seen him.

”G-Gabriel?” he called, searching for him still.


Michael turned around the ship’s house, and ran directly into his brother. He didn’t hesitate, instead he wrapped his arms around his twin, hugging him tightly.
i forgot mentions... but... its technically for everyone
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