Avatar of Master Crim


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4 mos ago
Current The proof of a healthy mind is not its ability to solve the problems that are before it, but the subconscious understanding not to for the sake of health itself.
5 yrs ago
Ever look back on your old PM and think "Man that was the shit! Why did we stop?"
6 yrs ago
As the bowl of patunias would say, as it falls through the air to meet the planet's hard rocky surface: "Not again."
6 yrs ago
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No says the man in Washington it belongs to the poor. No says the man in the Vatican it belongs to God. No says the man in Moscow it belongs to everyone
9 yrs ago
Talking in riddles is fun. Putting them to poem is better. Presentation is the key.


Why does anyone care
No one really looks at this part
Its all just pointless.

Most Recent Posts

I feel it would be best to wait until all characters are conceptualized so we can then work together to create a cult that would fit our group.
The way I see it, is not that the Corp/Government wants everyone Cybernetic, but just under control. This is achieved through the behavior mods that I assume give the feel of natural thought towards what they want you to do as well as being able to monitor your thoughts and actions. Without this mod we are free no matter how many implants and prosthetic you have. I don't think that all Cybernetics are Open Network Connected.

The Neoshamanism path could be molded in a way to work with the "Sacred Text" playing out the story of the Corps taking over and taking away individual freedoms, and a chosen uprising giving back that freedom and overthrowing the Corps.
@Jangel13 how old is the prophet and what did he do before his priestly endeavors?
Sweeto! I will get started on a character tonight
I can wait until the OOC is up if it is better that way or has more lore context, but I would not be apposed to taking a look.
Yes sir, just wanted some clarification.
Alright, I was just wanting to know for the kind of character I would make. I was wanting to know so I know how to make a character. I was just wanting to know if the prophet has some sort of Icon, Effigy, Sacred Text that the followers held as holy making this a religious cult following some set of rituals or acts preformed in questionable ways with mislead amiable nature.
Today we are freeing this soul from it's infested and polluted shell *Drills through the front of their skull as the gathering of followers recites* PASSING FROM HERE WE LONG TO SEE YOU IN THE AFTER

I am curious, but wondering is this really a Religious Cult or an Cult Uprising? You seem to want to make is a Religious Cult and an uprising. Would there be some kind of misunderstood practice/zealotry happening within the cult?
@Beetlebug Can we get character sheets to work on for the time being?
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