Avatar of mattmanganon


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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5 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
5 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Most Recent Posts

Sorry for not posting. Every day this week has been either work, or travel, with no real in between time. Anyway, I will try to get a post up tomorrow.
@Sep Sorry, man, it was 3am and i was just kinda determined to get a post out, regardless of how good it was. Not an excuse, just the truth.
Sorry if Eggman was about as subtle as a thermonuclear detonation in his "I'm smarter than everyone else in this room" attitude, but it's kinda how he is.

Also, sorry for getting Resurgence and Daedelus mixed up.

Egg Carrier

In the last few days, The Egg Carrier had been to 10 different worlds. Most either under Imperial control, in the process of being brought under Imperial control, or completely barren. In any case, their search for the hiding Prince of Mobius was baring no fruit. They had finally come across a shimmering cloud that their sensors couldn't penetrate and decided to investigate. Upon arriving, they found another fleet of strange ships. A quick discourse with them had found that they had found much the same enemy with the Empire. They had been forced to pay docking fee's by giving them Egg-Pawns.

"I still don't believe it." Eggman shook his head. "Alternative Dimensions are one thing, but completely different time-lines are another..." He groaned.


"Don't you take that tone with me, mister." He grunted. "But it doesn't make sense. How's the Chaos Emerald doing?" He asked. Sonia looked at it.

"Seems fine, why do you ask?"

"If this is an alternate dimension, then the Chaos Emerald would be reacting to the presence of the same Chaos Emerald from this dimension.

"Unless they are too far away?" She retorted.

"They have damn near infinite power, if they sensed each other, they would be reacting badly, as in "Blow up and take half the universe with it" badly." He replied. "Unless they don't have Chaos Emeralds here, which is preposterous, because the Chaos Emeralds are needed to break the dimensional barriers like this." He rubbed his eyes. "Dimensional travel makes my head hurt..." He replied.

"What if it's Time Travel?" Asked Jack.

"DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THAT!!!" He cried as he grabbed his baggy eye-lids and pulled them down, his glasses not moving. "Look, the other ships seem to want to get the scientists together for a big think-tank to try and sort this out. I think it's safe to say that i qualify."

"I will go as well." K'Tari replied. "I imagine that my magics will be very useful in-" Eggman put up a hand.

"Look, don't want to burst the bubble, but they're ALL Overlanders on those ships. We don't know what kinds of relations they have with the Mobians on their world are."

"Did you ask them?" Oglivie asked.

"Of course not. When you're trying to make friends, you hardly lead with "By the way, my people failed to genocide the native mobian population. How did your extermination go? Baby steps. Soon, they'll be eating out of the palm of my hand." He grinned. "Unless you want to come as my slave or something?" He asked. K'Tari's hand waved, before Eggman slapped himself across the face, hard. "I deserved that one..." He then looked at the data that had been sent to them regarding the Empire. "It's at times like this that i miss Kodos. That guy knew how to kill Overlanders, he'd have loved this."
In the grim, dark future, there is only war...

After the Emperor of Mankind united the warring factions of Terra under 1 banner, he set his sights on the stars to unite them completely. To this end, he created 20 Legions of post-human, genetically enhanced super soldiers known as the "Space Marines". These Legions varied in size, strength, tactics and doctrines, but all united under the common goal of bringing Humanity to the top of the food chain in the universe, to take their rightful place as the rulers of the galaxy, to route out the Aliens, the Mutants and the Heretics and put them in their rightful place.

"Do not feel pity for them. It is no-one's fault that Humanity was born superior. Fate handed us this role and we cannot rest until they learn to play their part."
- Emperor Of Mankind.


This is a Casual-Advanced RP where you are given control of a Primarch of the Imperium of Man and get to choose how their story unfolds. I will, every so often, the tables will be flipped and random events will break out. Random invasions of your conquered planets, Characters of your Legion getting in contact with the Dark Gods, Alien Religions permiating the ranks, stuff like that.

Remember, the Cult of the Immortal God-Emperor isn't a thing yet. Your Legion aren't pious zealots unless you make them into them.

*You came here expecting to be GM'd by a Madman, but instead your GM is a GOD!!!!* I am the be-all, end-all of arguments here. If i say "Quit that shit" then i expect that shit to be quitted.
*Be Courteous* This is a RP for everyone involved, if i feel that someone is griefing too much, or causing others to not feel comfortable, there will be disciplinery action taken
*18+* Always one that comes up. If you have the feeling that what you are posting isn't for wholesome christian websites like this, then put it in a hider labelled 18+. So, yes, if you want gory slaughter, or hard-core nudity and in-depth descriptions of the horizontal monster-mash, then feel free to, but at least warn us with that hider.
*Posting Expectations* This is going to try to be as laidback as possible, as such, i expect people to make an IC post at least once every 3 weeks, if you let us know over PM or just posting in the OOC, then that should be ok. If you are having trouble coming up with a post, then do feel free to spitball idea's either in the OOC, Discord or by PMing me.
*Female Space Marines* I personally have no problem with them. If you wish to use them, feel free to, but do please note that Female Space Marines will look and sound very much like Male Space Marines, with most of their feminine features being visible only on their face. Remember, they are getting a massive dose of super-steroids and the cloned organs of a male god. Under the helmet, they are going to look and act very much the same as their male counterparts.
*Be Polite, Be Efficient, Have A Plan To Kill Everyone You Meet* Professionals have standards.
So, just assuming this was DOA?
@Sep Fair, i don't know the specifics of this stuff. I knew that nobody on the ship would be able to use it, my thinking was that they had it for study. I'll edit it.
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