Avatar of mattmanganon


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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5 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
5 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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@Sep Alright, i've added all of the characters i immediately wished to use. Sadly, a few character sheet entries that i couldn't really take a character from due to the small crew compliment... Or in the case of Vengeful Spirit, i literally could not figure out what to do there. But i rounded out the rest of the list with logical Star Wars characters. I know that Satine is currently being used by you, but i put her up because i see 3 ways of sorting that:
1) I play Satine from now on and continue the story you've got going on with her.
2) You continue to play Satine, but now she's got a Star Sapphire ring.
3) You tell me no dice on Satine and i go with my second choice of the ring grabbing Anakin due to his love of Padme.
Essentially, i wanted someone that would prevent Maul from just taking the red ring and murdering Obi-Wan with it. And i could not justify the red ring grabbing anyone other than "Man, literally, too angry to die"

This is the CS as the ship gets picked up by Daniel, do you want me to write out character bio's for the Crew Members it picks up when it arrives?

Not sure if non-human rangers are allowed, but i've had this idea in mind for ages and wanted to try it out.
Always up for Power Rangers
@Sep Hense why i said a background character. Nobody that they would plan on using. Definitely taking Mr Redskirt and his powerful Chad Stride from Enterprise
Hey, this is back. Seeing how the power ceiling is higher, would you mind me trying that idea i discussed last time we tried this RP? Essentially, the Green Lantern Guardian Ganthet has his hands on one of each of the Lantern Rings, so when he arrives in this universe, he recruits a nameless background character from each of the other ships as well as from the Star Wars universe at large to be his Lantern crew?
After a short argument, the party had decided to search for the Princess and go back for the supposed mirror later. The forest was lush and thick, their first entrance seemed a little difficult with vines and other knotweeds preventing easy incursion. As they finally managed to find a way into the forest, the dense cannopy began to block most of the light, the photosynthesis-starved smaller branches and bushes grabbing at their clothes as if the claws of demons. Cio-Cio began to glow as a lightsource as the forest quickly began to look as if night had fallen. Finally it opened into what looked like a maze of paths. The Dreameater seemed to lead the way, seeming to sense the pure heart off in the distance.

Following her down a path, they could each feel an evil presence emanating from further in. As they continued to walk, Kalak would quietly pick at the strings of the guitar. Suddenly, they would hear a familiar sound before a scream. "What in the heck?" The party set off at a run towards where the sound had come from. As they reached the clearing, they found the body of the green man they had met back at the castle, laying in a slowly expanding pool of blood, his chest impaled by several a large spears of wood. "Ooooooh..." Kalak winced. "Who the heck did that to you?" Cio-Cio slowly buzzed over to the body and began looking it over.
Noticing that nobody was following, Kalak stopped as Canaan brought up some valid points about the current situation. "Don't..." Kalak laughed "Don't want to be a negative nancy on this, but i'm hearing a lot of "Pretty sure" and "If i'm right"" Kalak stated. "Ok, she's got a lot of magical power in that castle somewhere. 1) We don't know for a fact what it is 2) even if it is an all knowing magic mirror, we don't know what's guarding it, could be powerful 3) If it is a magic mirror and its guards are weak enough for us to push through, we don't know it'll answer any of our questions. It might be inclined only for the queen herself. And whilst we're wasting time pushing through a lot of unknowns, that bug-guy and the skull-guy and whoever else is out there are still trying to kill that maiden." He shook his head.

"Our first priority is finding that princess and getting her safe, then we can storm the castle and deal with the magics in there. My point is, one of our goals is time sensitive, the other isn't. We should deal with the one we KNOW about first and deal with everything else later."
As the party seemed to bow and bid a hasty retreat, she called to them "Oh, and i will give you a reward for the hearts of anyone who tries to protect her. She has already used her charms to corrupt a pair of the first mercenaries i sent after her. Nothing is as heinous as a traitor..." She said. Kalak had the strange feeling she was staring at him when she said that. As soon as they closed the door behind them, her smile instantly turned into a frown. "I have a feeling they are going be a thorn in my side..." She sighed. Barely a few minutes had passed when there was a flash of light in the corner and Grimhilde stood up, staring a the being that had just appeared. "Who are you, explain yourself." She demanded. The man that entered took a bow.

"Greetings, dear queen. Truly, the elegance, beauty and grace of someone such as you is matched only by... Well, me!" the man laughed.

"You seem to presume much to come in here and make a claim to my throne of fairity." She said, her lips curling into a snarl as she raised her hand, seemingly ready to strike with her magics

"Then fear not, my queen, for i come to you with great tidings. You say that some of your mercenaries are having trouble killing this traitor, constantly being corrupted by her?" Grimhilde's hand slowly lowered. "Then allow me to introduce you to a new weapon in your arsenal. One that i give freely." A rhythmic stomping of many feet in unison was heard as Grimhilde's face curled into a curious smile. "I presume them to be to your liking?"

"Very much so..." She smiled "Go forth, my new soldiers and kill the wretch known as Snow White." She ordered.

"KILL!!!" A chorus came in unison, before she watched her new army file out of another door towards another exit to the castle.


Outside, Kalak and the others gathered back in the courtyard. "So, she's hiding something..." Kalak sighed. "But right now, all we have to go on is that girl and the longer we stand here, the closer those other mercs get to her." He jumped up on the well and struck an epic pose, whilst pointing out towards the woods. "ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE!!!" He jumped down and set off at a run towards the woods, hoping that the others would follow.
So, being that Spider-Man isn't on the active roster in the Character Section, does that mean he's open to throw a CS up for? I had an idea for a story with Spider-Man trying to redeem a bunch of his villains.
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