Avatar of Medili


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2 yrs ago
Jesus' mom works 15 hours shifts??
2 yrs ago
There's definitely things to do instead of crying or feeling victimized. You could calmly digest the nice advices people gave you 14 hours ago, for example.


Seriously, pineapples are, like, miracle fruits. Pineapple jelly? Yum. Pineapple juice? Ooooh. Pineapple cake? Yesss. Pineapple cookie? Godly! Pineapple salad? Ambrosia. Pineapple pizza? The best pizza there is, fight me. Got nothing to do with pens though, so I wonder what that one Japanese guy was all about...

Now on to actual info:
1. I love pineapples

Most Recent Posts

Place(s): Near the southern border of Ersand'Enise
Time: Pandes, Vardes 29, Dami-Zept 54, 1:30 HD - 3:30 HD
Interaction(s): The Mysterious Magusjaeger@Force and Fury | Indirectly, all those who witnessed that certain wide area thing that she had cast

Mirage of Lotus

Unbeknownst to seemingly all but Eun-Ji, Flavius, and the mysterious Magusjaeger, the battle was not yet over. Away from the celebrating king and the other members of his honor guard, Flavius had an encounter with Avrael himself while Eun-Ji continued her attempt to find and eliminate the enemy. Whoever this was, Eun-ji knew that they were dangerous. Noticeably more than the rest of the assassins that had been sent to finish off the King of Perrence. It made her even more assured that she cannot let this person go. It was too risky; one with such skills can likely kill the king all by themselves, turning the seeming victory into a disaster with a single fatal bullet. No, it was her mission to protect Rouis, and she will fulfill it even if it meant facing a potentially superior opponent and risking her own life.

Eun-Ji hid behind a tree. A reckless move will likely mean death. This had became akin to a lethal game; a game of tricks between two illusionists and also a game of precision and speed between two kineticists. She took her time to concoct a plan while remaining vigilant, her senses both mundane and magical sharpened to their limits. Whatever her next move is, it will likely be crucial in determining who will come out on top between them. Failure is not an option. She recalled the words of her instructors in the Lotus Sentries. You should be death before you fail. Your life is worth nothing compared to your mission.

And with those words echoing in her mind, she made her move.

There were much to draw from, what's with the flames raging through the forest. These flames also helped with obscuring what she was about to do. Drawing as much heat as her capacity allowed from the flames, she prepared to cast something at four different points. About five meters away from herself to the north, east, west, and south. And then without hesitation, she cast it while keeping her eyes closed. Intense flashes of lights immediately emerged from those points, covering a wide area in their blinding radiance. Ultimately harmless to all but the eyes, yet definitely far more than enough to temporarily blind a person nonetheless. The Light of Ahn-Shune, even though Eun-Ji herself didn't actually know that this spell had a name.

Yet this was but the first part of her plan, intended to both potentially blind the mysterious attacker while also alerting to the others that the battle had, in fact, not ended yet.

She opened her eyes as the flashes of lights faded way. Even for a burning forest, moisture and water can still be found in the air and more significantly within the soil. It was with these that the second part of her plan shall be executed. Using the Liquid Telekinesis that was her specialty, she swiftly gathered water, enough water to resemble the shape of a person her own size. As the water took on its humanoid shape, she imbued upon it as advanced of an illusion as she could, causing the water to turn into a clone of herself. And then, she moved it, making it seemingly run to hide behind a rather thin tree, the clone's head peeking out as if looking for the enemy with its right arm and leg exposed. In short, Eun-Ji had deliberately made the clone looked vulnerable; as if a combatant that was not aware that she had made a mistake by hiding behind imperfect cover that will not protect her.

This technique was the Mirage of Lotus, Eun-Ji's own original spell that she painstakingly created and continued to endlessly refine. And now she can only hope that it shall be enough to draw out her enemy while she waited and observed, a kinetically empowered dagger in her right hand ready to throw as soon as she can locate the enemy by the origin and trajectory of the gun that they will hopefully expose to her.

All things considered, the standoff ended rather well. The dragon, while still not pleased with what Catherine had done to the body of her kin, did not turn hostile. Anki watched it all in silence until it was over. For the most part, she didn't thought of anything much out of it. Although she did wonder about a particular point, and not seeing anything wrong with it, mentioned it openly to Srikandi beside her. "I do not understand what the dragon meant by treating the corpse with respect. What is the difference between letting the body rot and be consumed into naught but bones by nature, and harvesting its body so that it might be used for useful scientific or magical purposes? In the end, it will be the same. Rotten flesh, and then bones, and then nothingness." Her expression as she asked the question was one of true curiosity. Earnest innocence without the slightest bit of sarcasm.

Anki then turned to look at Almira and her crews again as the strangers from beyond the stars approached the party. It seemed that it was finally time for proper introductions, and thus Anki proceeded to do just that. Her Pataliputran was half-baked however, and thus she kept her own introduction simple. Very simple.

"Khaltesh Anki du Oberia. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Then her gaze flicked over to the armored security crews and the one actual robot also with them, her own artificial eyes brimming with curiosity. Anki seemed to scrutinize them for a full minute, looking over the details, the shape, and the materials of their armors. Then, she turned to look at Almira again. "You made these automatons? You, alchemist? Wizard?"

Place(s): Battlefield - Saitama Prefecture
Time: Afternoon
@Mole @Izurich

"And that is a point for me!" Teodora remarked confidently as she pulled her beam rapier back after landing the stab at the creature's right foreleg. The creature fully revealed itself after that as it realized that it couldn't rely on being stealthy anymore. "Oh my. With some of the other Warped I can kind of identify what they're trying to look like as... But you? What are you supposed to be? Oh well, it doesn't matter. Ready to frag this one, Seraphima?" Teodora reset her stance as she prepared to continue her assault on the creature, while the creature itself; or rather its tail, seemed to watch both her and the now arrived Seraphima.

The Warped then seemed to charge up an attack using its snake-like tail, aiming it at Teodora. "Oh. I'm afraid I cannot allow you to do that, fufu." In response, both Chi-Mechframe pilots quickly reacted. Seraphima flung a dagger at the creature's one prominent eye, while Teodora performed two moves in quick succession. First, she swiftly fired off a single shot from her beam rifle at the creature's snake tail. Then a split second after that, quick blasts of flames from the engines of her wings propelled her forward in an instant as she rammed the creature in the torso, her beam rapier held in front of her to stab the creature again while also hopefully pushing it back away from the allied soldiers even further.

The beam from her rifle will hopefully stop whatever attack the Warped was charging up. If not, then Teodora was sure that her barrier can hold up to the attack. Thus why she made no effort to evade at all, counter attacking instead. It was a decision Teodora made almost by reflex in response to Seraphima's own actions. Hopefully, with both her own rapier charge and Seraphima's dagger and claws combo, it will be enough to push the creature back. Enough so that the incoming firepower that should be coming from above won't cause any friendly fire casualty to the Japanese soldiers, so to speak. "All yours, Infernus! Light 'em up!"

And thus with Teodora protected by her barrier and Seraphima by her force field, to stop the creature from moving away the two were ready to risk staying in the danger zone of the incoming aerial bombing.
Higashiakemi Ryuuko
Nazca Whitehall

Even as everything was going on, Anki continued with her administration of the Healing Touch to treat the unconscious Fei. Her head followed Galmira as the now in human form dragon walked over to speak to Catherine. Anki's gaze, unlike Srikandi's or Dumas', was not one of fear. It was one of curiosity and fascination. This dragon had brought with her a group of very peculiar individuals after all, and she have yet to become hostile unlike the dragon that they had slain. So curious she was, that she had forgotten to turn her body along with her head, and thus now had her head rotated a hundred and eighty degree.

Soon enough she was fully finished with her healing of Fei, putting her hand down after. And yet with her head remaining backward, Anki continued watching as Catherine answered Galmira's question, wondering what the dragon's response will be. As far as Anki was concerned, Catherine's answers were fully reasonable, as it was honest despite the added provocation.

I suppose we shall see if this dragon will be more reasonable than the last... Of course, Anki did not in reality pick up on the provocative nuance of Catherine's answer.

Place(s): Battlefield - Saitama Prefecture
Time: Afternoon
Interaction(s): Other members of the Defense Team

Oh, this one's good! Teodora mused in her mind as the beams she fired at the near-invisible Warped all missed their mark. To be exact though, she didn't exactly miss. Her aim was true, it was just that the creature had managed to evade the beams with its great speed and erratic movements. Of course, that it was near-invisible to begin with probably contributed to the attacks not landing as well. More importantly however, was how the creature then proceeded to ignore her and continued on to try to attack the Japanese forces instead as if it deemed her as a no threat. Teodora grinned excitedly once more. It was easy to conclude that this creature's definitely a boss level just like the komainu Warped.

She'll let Lousia and Xuan-Yu frag that one. She'll take down this invisible one instead.

Teodora pretended a few soft coughs to the intercom before beginning to speak. "Yes. About keeping my eyes peeled while keeping my beams blasting, Mr. Lang... I'm afraid I will not be able to fulfill. The invisible one's headed straight to wreck havoc on our allies, you see..." She swung Uragan to the side once before taking on a fencing stance. The engines of her wings began to hum louder and louder as blue light once more can be seen gaining intensity within the exhausts. See, Uragan. I told you that your time to shine will yet come in this battle. Well, that time is now, fufu.

"As for coordinates, Seraphima... Follow my flames! Supplice, moving to close quarters combat!"

Right after that exclamation, powerful bursts of jetfires exploded from her wings, propelling her straight toward the near-invisible threat. Teodora abandoned overwatch duty in favor of engaging the imminent threat, one that she has concluded must be met with her rapier and rifle at close range, her beam rapier poised for a high speed jet-propelled stab right at the Warped reaching out with its forelimbs at the clueless Japanese forces' soldiers...

Bat Hunting

"Yes, yes. We shall. Let us begin!" Out of all people, Ryuuko didn't quite expect that Nazca would be the one to accompany her in the search for the slimy manbat. Still, Ryuuko didn't mind the company. Who knows, maybe this occasion will really proof to Ryuuko that despite the Abya Yalan's poor brunch choice, she'll be a capable companion out in the field. The devices Nazca lent to Ryuuko were already going to be of great help if they ended up really finding the manbat- or any other things that might prove to be useful in the search for evidences that can strengthen their defense of Jeanne's in court.

One minor worry at the back of her head was about the one who ended up keeping watch of Jeanne. Hopefully, the Frenchwomen really will behave and stay put as she were asked to and thus not giving Bang a lot of trouble to deal with.

The two girls had left the Incan-style apartment before the curfew began, avoiding the need of forcing their way out. As for breaking their way back in later on... Ryuuko's plan was simply to stay outside until the end of curfew. Anyhow, nothing that needs to be worried about now. Heh... Ryuuko looked around at the surrounding, now well and truly engulfed in the annoying seaweed scented mist. "Wonder if anyone else broke the curfew as well aside from us and potentially our enigmatic manbat, haha. Anyways..." She looked at Nazca as she paused, a wide toothy grin on her face. "Guess we should just start walking now. Let's stick together closely, eh?"

And with that, she turned around and started walking, expecting Nazca to follow closely after herself.

Place(s): Ruined City - Outskirts
Time: Feb 23rd, 2057 - 11th Hour
Interaction(s): Members of the Forward Team

Walking through the outskirts of the Ruined City along with Erik, Akaia, and Poppy as part of the Forward Team, Cerise briefly stopped to look up at the dust-colored sky, Lariat held in her hands at the ready. It always feels a bit sad, walking in this city... she mused in her mind. It was far from the first time that she had entered and traveled through the city. Cerise had some now very vague memories of being in this city even before she joined the Commune. The city, after all, held within it many things to scavenge, and though most of it had been picked clean over the years it was very likely that some usable things yet remained that have not been looted yet. "I often wondered how it was to live here before things... went wrong." she mumbled softly mostly to herself.

She focused on being aware of her surroundings after her musing were done, continuing along with the others. It was soon after that that the whole team stopped, becoming aware of the horde of Losts that were not supposed to be there for half an hour more. Yet there they were, horrible once-Revenants that had became devoid of sanity, moving only according to their endless hunger. "....." Cerise observed them, sighing softly at the sight of the creatures. She didn't hate the Lost; they're miserable things victim to their own condition. Even though she had seen countless of them over the years, she remained feeling a bit sad at the thought that these creatures were once Revenants just like her and the others.

Still, she also knew that once a Revenant became Lost, then they remain Lost; no going back. She steeled herself, nodding as Poppy explained her plan and asked for Cerise to provide her with cover. "Got it, Poppy. Big Bro, Kaia, I'm moving up top... Be careful, everyone." Without missing a beat, she then started nimbly climbing up a nearby tall building, one with a faded out billboard on top of it. It was tall enough so that it will provide her with a clear line of sight of Poppy and the horde of Losts, while the billboard should be usable as cover to conceal her from immediate sight by the Losts. For this kind of building, she didn't even need to use her power to quickly get up to the roof; it was easy enough just to find the nooks and edges she needed to climb up.

Finding the rooftop clear of hostiles, Cerise quickly got in position, crouched low to the ground and peeking out from behind the bottom of one of the billboard's thick legs. She focused fully on the task of providing cover for Poppy, closing one eye while looking through Lariat's scope with the other, scanning the area while tracking Poppy's and the Losts' movements. It looked easy enough, and Poppy seemed to manage just fine with her first opium bomb, managing to neutralize some of the horde...

But then it happened very quickly. Cerise spotted the chain and sickle first before the Lost who wielded it. She quickly followed the chain back to the wielder just as the Infernal Lost slammed Poppy down into a car. It was then very obvious to Cerise what she needed to do. She adjusted her aim just as Poppy shouted out for her to take the Infernal out, all calculations such as the distance to the target and the strength and direction of the wind done nearly instantly out of an abundance of experiences and skill slowly honed over the years. She got it, the Infernal's head right in her sight, and all she had to do was to squeeze Lariat's trigger.

Then she heard the groaning noise behind her. Cerise's eyes widened as she gasped and promptly disappeared into a pool of shadowy tendrils just as something swished through where her head was just the moment before. She reappeared near the top of the billboard, eight tendrils resembling shadowy spider legs emerging from her back and attaching her to the billboard's back. She had Lariat already aimed at the attacker that had ambushed her, traces of shadowy tendrils still on the creature itself... It was a Lost, one that evidently used to be a Revenant that possessed powers similar to her own.

Cerise did not hesitate. She squeezed the trigger, firing a bullet right at the head of her attacker while shouting as hard as she can. "I'm ambushed! Big bro, Kaia, get Poppy out of there!"

Ryuuko listened to the others talk while finishing up with her meal. Information were exchanged, some new and some were confirmations of what she already knew. Good progress were definitely made in this first day that marked the start of their investigation. Things remained inconclusive, and a defense still needed to be made... But they still have two more days for that. And besides, there was still time yet to do more today, even in the lateness of night. It was something that Ryuuko had been considering to do depending on what information were discovered by the team.

"Alright then. I have an idea of something to do to possibly get us even closer to nailing this thing." Ryuuko grinned wide while pushing her eyeglasses up by the bridge of it with the middle finger of her right hand. "It's pretty obvious, but what the heck I'll state it nonetheless. As we all know, that Robespierre kid's prosecution focus is on making out this whole thing as if it's the fact that Jeanne's the only one that's guilty about what happened. So, we really need to bag this manbat person or at least find more evidences of their involvement with the incidence, thus allowing us to call bull on that kid's primary point of argument." She paused a bit as she considered her next statements. "Now, we also know that this manbat themselves claimed that they're an opportunist... Yes, we don't know exactly what they meant by that, but I feel that we might as well do a gambit by baiting this opportunist with an, well, opportunity. A bait that they will hopefully take. That is to say... I'm going to break the curfew tonight and see if the manbat will show up again or not."

"Now, of course, this doesn't necessarily mean there will be a fight or some other such... dramatic happening. To that end, I'm wondering if any of you have an audio recording device that I can borrow. Nazca maybe?" She looked at the Abya Yalan girl as she spoke so, continuing "If not, then even just a camera will do. Anyways, in the end, the point is to collect potential evidences to build our defense... So I am open if anyone have more ideas of what I should do or bring with me while I'm out breaking the curfew. To make the most out of it and such. Or hey... Maybe any of you would like to accompany me on this endeavor? Haha."

Ryuuko then sipped on some drink as she finished speaking. However, she soon spoke up again after remembering a certain thing that she had forgotten to mention. "Ah, right. One more thing." She turned to look at Jeanne, giving the Frenchwomen a friendly smile as she addressed her directly "Jeanne, I'd like to ask you to please stay put for tonight. After all, we need to keep you out of trouble for the sake of us all. Surely you understand, yes?"

Place(s): Battlefield - Saitama Prefecture
Time: Afternoon
Interaction(s): Other members of the Defense Team

The Naughty Komainu & The Sneaky... Something

Looking good. Looking good indeed. Fufu, these Warped doesn't stand a chance! Teodora smiled as she continued surveying the battlefield while taking out of some of the Warped that were getting too close to the Japanese forces' defensive line. Things were far from over, but it really did seemed like the situation was starting to turn for the better. And add to that the decent number of Warped that she had personally fragged! She was getting quite giddy of her rising kill count. One thing however, was starting to bother her. Still... This is getting a bit boring, isn't it? It's just more of these oni-like Warped... Are there not supposed to be more variations? I'd love for some bigger target to show up right now...

It was then that the creature showed up, fulfilling Teodora's wish for a tougher foe. The truck-sized creature was anything but subtle, boldly announcing its presence to the entire Defense Team. It looked rather like a komainu, though unlike the komainu of the legends, this one was a rather naughty and destructive one. It definitely looked much tougher than the small fry Warped that had been charging at the Defense team; very much like a boss-class enemy. Of course, with its entrance being as bombastic as it was, Teodora immediately spotted it. An excited smile grew wider and wider on her face as she saw the creature charging at Louisa. "Oh my, finally a big one! Heads up, everyone! We got a big, big naughty dog attempting to breach through, heading straight for Grendel!" Teodora then pointed her rifle at the creature, ready to provide fire support. "Supplice, engag- Nggggg? Waaaait a minute, what-...?"

Her words were cut off as she caught a very out of place shimmer out of the corner of her eyes. It was enough to cause her to fully turn to face toward the direction where she saw it. It was brief, and she couldn't seem to immediately spot anything that might be the source of the shimmer, causing her to wonder if her eyes had simply played some tricks on her... That felt veeery very wrong though. Like something reaaally fishy is going on. Her guts were telling her otherwise. And thus she decided to give it a better look, focusing her sight on the area as she looked through the holosight of her rifle. For a few moments, she scanned the area without any result, causing her to start doubting her gut feeling. Then, just as her mind were telling her that she's wasting her time when there's a big and juicy target to frag... "Oh!" She gasped as she spotted it. Whatever it was, it wasn't perfectly invisible; it left faint traces, an almost transparent outline betraying its position along with its movements. And judging from the trajectory of its movement... While the komainu was being completely blatant and explosive with its advance, this one was the exact opposite. It was very obviously trying to go for a sneak attack against the soldiers now attacking the komainu.

Teodora wasted no time. She was already looking down the holosight of her rifle anyway, with it pointed right at the sneaky near-invisible creature. Without hesitation, she fired three streaks of beams from her rifle in quick succession at it while at the same time notifying her teammates of the threat. "Watch out, everyone! We have another quirky Warped trying to flank our Japanese forces allies here! Kind of invisible, not sure what it is! I'm engaging!"
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