Avatar of Midnight Howl
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 515 (0.18 / day)
  • VMs: 10
  • Username history
    1. Midnight Howl 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current A great trick if you get the sinus bugs easy is a netty pot. They feel uncomfortable the first time you use them but they flush out all the gunk and will make your sinus infection go away sooner!
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3 yrs ago
Being an adult means that yes I can buy a beanbag big enough to fit 3 adults on it with no regrets
3 yrs ago
I don't know the cheat code for happiness but I know how to get you a jetpack in GTA SA
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3 yrs ago
Inb4 I spent a good several hours of my shift finishing my ooc trying to type codes into my tiny phone box 😅
3 yrs ago
My patient gave me a handmade scrub top ornament with lights and told me I was her favorite nurse </3


||the Sun heals the body~||
Known to the majority jk no one knows me as Beth, I am a mid twenties nurse, full of punny dad jokes, who avoids her life responsibilities at all cost. I started rping on a site known as maxdanwiz which has long been dismantled by the masses, and through various wandering over the years, I found myself here. I'm down with nearly any rp topic though my writing styles range from casual to advanced depending on my levels of procrastination and the excessive levels of collabs. If anyone ever needs anything or wants to talk you can find me in any of my pms. Always down to help my famalamas any way possible :). There'd be no way to tag all the cool cats I've met here.

I have three kitties, all adopted. One gremlin, one princess, and one sadge goil. I will likely talk about them a lot because their daily adventures feed my soul. I love fall, winter, and really anything that gives me an excuse to wear a sweater and cozy up. I am essentially Bee from Bee and Puppycat.

Useless facts about me: though originally American, I have travelled to four European countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and little Liechtenstein). I have had the opportunity to travel to Kenya (Kigulu and Kisumu) for a two week healthcare mission trip where we were teaching first aid care to the villages there and helping to treat as many of the locals as possible. I'm thankful for where God has taken me and all the adventures that are yet to come.

||~the Moon heals the soul||

||Stare into that starless void~||

Most Recent Posts

...I mean...ahem. *Leans nonchalantly against a wall.* So you want to be the twins? I was totally not waitin for someone to be them. Nope. Not me
In all seriousness they have so much potential ahhhh. I'll mark them as saved for you lol
I love you guys. And yeah @Lady Selune like Akaya stated, we are always here to Kristen. I know with either her or myself if you need to talk about things in a dm it won't go anywhere. ♡
@Akayaofthemoon I went ahead and added a cast list at the top of the character tab just to make it easier to know a name and the person who created them at a glance. Do you think I should go ahead and post this as full?
Cast List

Wonderlander Roles
Wonderland Garden Owner: Katrina: @Midnight Howl
Mad Hatter: Marcus D. Hatter: @Midnight Howl
Cheshire Cat: Chess: @AngelofOctober
March Hare/White Rabbit: Ansel Wyte: @Hawlin
Dormouse: Moxie Giraldae: @Lady Selune
White Queen: Mirana Blanc: @Majoras End
Tweedle Dee: Indigo Marie Pelacour: @EchoicChamber
Tweedle Dum: Percival Rowan Pelacour: @EchoicChamber
Knave of Hearts: Roman Jacob Hawthorn@CollectorOfMyst

Male 'Alices'
Axel Dreis: @BeautyoftheDark
Ross Sänger: @AngelofOctober
Sage Reece Winter: @hagroden

Female 'Alices'
Deeandra K. Cherney: @Midnight Howl
Alison C. Liddell: @Akayaofthemoon
Morgan Rosewood: @Majoras End
Joanna Briggs: @SouffleGirl123

Dawn Evelyn Memoli @EchoicChamber

***Approved: Ready to be placed in Character Tab
Needs to be Edited or Finished before Starter can be made
Completed and pending GMs approval
Alas once Majoras, Leaves, and Mist get their characters in I'll be able to write a starter. Just letting you guys know I'll be busy for the next couple of days because school starting up and this is my busiest semester for nursing school. But it'll chill out after that. I'll try to reply as much as possible in the beginning
@Lady Selune quick question. When you say the hotel are you talking about the Batter Estate where the Alices live? If so just recheck your formatting on a couple of your spots. So if you want them colored H3 and centered end the formatting with

If You check in the preview it will tell you if tags are still misaligned

@SouffleGirl123 Go ahead and move her to the character tab famalama ♡

***Edited Salune I didn't notice you replied to soufs at the same time so I hope I didn't come off snobby or anything ><
@Midnight Howl

Okay, understood. I'll try to implement her the best way I can. I might have to rethink the history aspect again.

I hope that it's not too much trouble ><
Available Roles

Red King
Male Alices' Always Welcomed
@AngelofOctober Perfect my liege. Place him in the character tab (:
@Leaves We are trying to decide what to do with the red queen in the wake of Your Majesty. So right now we have two options: You can decide what happened to her based on the history of your character (as to whether she was banished, beheaded, or is still around helping you reign). OR Akaya and I will do a collab on her character as to what happened to her.
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