Avatar of Morose


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Two 4+ year long RPs completed within 20 days of each other - now THAT'S what we're talking about!
1 yr ago
Congratulations to the cast of the Gifted, we just finished our RP after almost four years! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
It's official - accepted an offer and I am going to grad school next year! :) #DrMorose
4 yrs ago
Congratulations to the Gifted for hitting 500 IC posts and to Darke Magyk for completing the RP! Excelsior!
4 yrs ago
I graduated from college today~


Age: Mid 20's
Birthday: May 15
Ethnicity: Irish & English American
Pronouns: She/Hers
Major/Minor: Chemistry
Occupation: Graduate Student
Languages: English, French
Current Bio Theme: Beelzebub / Good Omens
Previous Bio Themes: Lorna Dane; Sylvie Laufeydattir; Ahsoka Tano; Harley Quinn; Mood Board / Wanda Maximoff; Bernadette Rostenkowski; Fiona Goode; Sally; Scott Lang; Felicity Smoak; Nico Minoru; The Frost Triplets; Gertrude Yorkes; Violet Harmond; Clint Barton; Lorna Dane; Selesia Upitiria; James March; Tony Stark; Olivia Moore; Harley Quinn

Rp's Currently Gming:
Rp's Currently Enjoying:
Future Projects:
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Empire

Completed Projects:

Most Recent Posts

Guinevere Stark

"Go for Hammer," Hammer answered just a few seconds after Lance called him. Guin wasn't nearly as quick with her response time to Tony. She sat down on the couch numbly, knowing that she had to say something or she really would be shipped off to rehab again. Rehab had been one of the worst experiences of her life and she never wanted to go back there again. Her eyes were watering and she dried them on her sleeve, missing already when all Tony had to yell about was her mouthing off at teachers.

"I never used any of that...," she said quietly, looking down at the ground now. She felt like she was going to be sick to her stomach. How did she explain to him what was going on? She didn't know what to say - did she tell him she got the stash because she thought she might want it again? And sure, she had already told him she never used any of it - but would he believe her? And even if he did believe that she was telling the truth, which she was, would he decide against sending her away to rehab? Her mind was going faster and faster as she kept on generating more and more questions she simply didn't know the answer to.

"Please don't send me back there..."

Guinevere Stark

Guin's breath caught in her throat and her amused slightly taunting smirk vanished from her face as Tony dropped the bag in front of her. She bit her lip, trying to think of what to do or say. She knew that he was beyond angry - anger from him was something she could deal with. It just meant a screaming match between the two of them. No, his silence terrified her and she pulled out her headphones, bundling them up in her pocket as she finally remembered how to breathe. She opened her mouth in an effort to explain herself, but her chin started to wobble and then tears sprang up in her eyes.

She was glad Lance wasn't there yet.

Guin tried to look away, but she couldn't bring herself to. She was staring at Tony, knowing that he could easily send her back to rehab for this. She hadn't even used since she got out. The stash was just there as a safety net - or at least, that was what she told herself. She'd been intending on using the night before but she hadn't. However, if she had thought telling Tony that would help her, she would have done so in a heartbeat. "I see..." she whispered. "Good choice in lecture material..."

Guinevere Stark

The rest of the day passed relatively uneventfully. Banner checked on Lance an hour later than he said that he would and was none the wiser that he had snuck out of the tower. Guin didn't receive detention or a suspension, which was a bit of a happy surprise. However, by the time she was due back at Stark Tower, she was still at MidTown Tech. She had gone into the chemistry lab, picking the lock to the door as soon the teacher was gone. It didn't take her too long until she found what she was looking for. This was a bonus phase of the plan. She then crept out of the room, before heading to the lockers of the perps and pushing the nozzle of the squirt bottle through the vents, before spraying the inside with amines.

"Awesome revenge plan part two, check," Guin said to herself with an amused smile. Their lockers would reek like rotting fish for months. And they wouldn't be able to find the source of the odor no matter how hard they looked. She had emptied the squirt bottle and she slipped it into a recycling bin, putting in her earbuds as she walked out of the school. The last part of the plan would be taken care of that evening. She'd corner them in the alley on their way to Flash's party, beat the shit out of them, and then leave. It wouldn't be too hard to track their phones. She had gotten the names of the kids responsible and most phone apps, especially with social media, had some version of location services.

Eventually, she made it back to Stark Tower and took the elevator up to the top floor, dropping her bag on the couch. "So Dad - what'll today's lecture be on?"

Iris Kingston

Location: Outside of Justice Asylum
Skills: Perception, Photographic Memory

Iris pulled up the poster for the Russian Circus on her phone, memorizing its details for a moment. She typed the address into google and realized that it wasn't too far from the airport. There were fairgrounds near the airport so she supposed that it made sense - though she was still a bit surprised that the Russian Circus had come all of this way. While that sort of thing was common in Europe, she had been led to believe that in the United States, cultural enrichments like those were rare to come by. Perhaps it had just been prejudice on the part of her fellow British citizens who were still nursing a wound that even the War of 1812 couldn't fix.

She wasn't too certain what she'd find once she arrived at the Circus, but it was only a twenty minute drive. She pulled up the Uber app in her phone and put in the details for pick up and destination, before requesting a ride. She was a city girl at heart and accustomed to taking a lift whenever she could to get where she was going. As she waited for the ride, Iris mentally went over the details she had seen earlier - recalling in particular the report of the missing white tiger she had seen on the news. Jaina and Cynthia had to be connected to the Russian Circus somehow - she just wasn't sure exactly how yet.

Dr. Dorothy Pender & Dr. Fitz Townsley

Location: Prometheus: Lower Deck
Skills: Perception

Dorothy watched Mei split off from the group and head on to medical, leaving her sister, Jackie, and Fitz. She noticed the way Fitz was peeking at Daphne every few minutes, as well as the slight blush on his face. He might as well have declared his crush on his sister right then and there, as everyone in the ship would know before the night was over, if they didn't already. The engineer didn't seem to be able to hide his emotions even if his life depended on it. However, Jackie seemed to think that Dorothy was playing the role of a concierge.

"Mostly amuse ourselves," Dorothy answered her, clasping her hands behind her back. "Lot of us play cards. Some people read. Some people chuck ridiculous books filled with nonsense at each other. Others have made a bit of a sport out of tossing people out of the airlock, yeah." She paused, her eyes flickering towards the engineer again. He had a hand on his bag and seemed like he wanted to say something.

"W-well...I have...Cl-Cluedo..." Fitz explained, rubbing the back of his neck a bit. "W-we could play that if you're bored, J-Jackie...and y-you should join too, Daphne..." He smiled awkwardly at the ex-pilot. He regretted that they hadn't had a chance to dance properly, but board games were more his element. Dorothy was going to remind Daphne that she still had work to do, but given that Anisa had fired her, she didn't think her sister had to fulfill her punishment anymore. She was technically a passenger on the ship now.

"O-O-Oh and you're in-invited as well," Fitz added to Dorothy. Dorothy considered it for a moment before shaking her head. She wanted to get her room unpacked and organized. She had spent a majority of her day running around on various errands and the thought of having a disorganized mess of a room was appalling to her. Besides, she knew she'd begin to feel tired soon enough. She was always an early riser, meaning that she tended to head to bed a little earlier. "Another time, Dr. Fitz."

Virginia Crypt

Location: Corner of Portland Place & Oxford Street -> Westminster Bridge (Northside)
Skills: N/A

Virginia noticed Mary's smile - she supposed that it was only fitting for Mary to smile at the mention of Veliona. She was the Dark Maiden, after all - a goddess of death and remembrance, of power and strength. Had she not a brother to care for and friends to defend from the trappings of society, Virginia fancied she would have pledged herself to dark forces and campaigned in Veliona's name. It was what her mother had always wanted for her, that much she was certain of. As for what happened after death...Well, that would be a thrilling adventure.

As much as her family was enamored with death, Virginia never thought much on what was awaiting behind the curtain. She preferred to focus her attention on the here and now. She could be enthralled with death and the chaos it brought on, attending public executions with her brother and observing intently as the necks were snapped as the victims fell. She could obtain cadavers and dissect them, teaching herself more about the human body than most people her age would care to know. And yet, what occurred after death did not trouble her. If pressed, she might recite a belief that Veliona would protect her - that she would see her ancestors again - but she had every intention to Seek Life Elsewhere. It was not yet her death day.

Beatrice Decker

Location: Eden - Service Corridor
Skills: Pistol, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Stamina

Beatrice raised an eyebrow at Lola's wink, before she shrugged. If that was Lola's way of making a pass at her, she wasn't protesting. Sure, she imagined that some people would've been prissy and claimed that they wouldn't do that - but they were all just human at the end of the day. It wasn't about loneliness for her - it was just a need that needed to be taken care of from time to time. It was low on the list of requirements for survival but it wasn't entirely at the bottom. Her radio crackled and Beatrice paused, before responding. "I copy. We're coming from the south," Beatrice replied.

"Kiwi, they're coming from the north east - in the building already," Beatrice said as she pushed forward, rejoining Lola. She spotted a hostile to the west and pulled her gun, firing off a few quick shots aimed at the head. Anyone who came too close either got a bullet in the brain or an elbow to the face. Part of the severity of the situation was lessened by Lola singing the entire time. It was comforting, that sort of crazy - but it also made Beatrice wonder how long this job would end up lasting. It had felt entirely too easy so far, but she had been safely tucked away inside of Lola's tank. The others probably had different stories to tell.

Jack Hudson

Location: Arnco Mills Safehouse (E10)
Skills: Pistol

Jack took a deep breath. No one had mentioned anything about Tatiana - and he was trying to convince himself that was a good thing. No news was good news. The only news they could have for him at this point would be bad - he tried not to imagine Ash coming up to him and informing him that his wife was dead. At their wedding, Tatiana had promised that she could live without him - but Jack didn't know if he could live without her anymore. The walls of Newnan and the comfort and security hadn't made him soft. Love had.

He glanced over at Niesha, before a thought stuck him. Riley must have been separated from her sister, right? There was a ginger missing from this group that should have been there. More and more names of people in Newnan were popping into his mind that should have been there. There had been so much death and loss - and he knew that not everyone could've made it out of...whatever that was alive. But he wanted them to all have made it. He was a member of that community. He was its second - they were his people. He had to take another breath to clear his head. "Let's get stahted then," he told Niesha, drawing his pistol as he entered the building with the others. He was trying to remember where exactly the supplies would be stashed away.

Nancy Parker & Andromeda Aldrich

Location: Ville au Camp - Main Building, Dining Room
Skills: None

Nancy chuckled a bit as Giouse brought up September 1st. And Gilbert seemed to be quite insistent on using the phrase the Rules over and over again, as if Nancy could somehow be tricked into believing they were a good thing rather than horrible little restrictions on freedom. She would have done well as a nihilist or an anarchist. "Go on, Gio, remind me," Nancy baited him. She didn't care if Giouse thought September 1st was a disaster - she had had a great deal of fun that day. The more chaotic things became, the more Nancy enjoyed herself.

Andromeda couldn't help but find herself agreeing with those arguing in favor of preparation. Having a plan - even if it needed to be adapted - was always better than having no plan at all in her opinion. The process of formulating a plan forced a careful consideration of all the forces at play, lowering the odds that one could be blindsided by a foe. However, given that she had died and the fourth Emendator was still alive, Andromeda couldn't help but wonder if maybe Nancy was onto something. The Emendator had to have been doing something right in order to survive for such a long period of time.

Nancy raised an eyebrow at the Paradoxes just claimed her more or less - a ginger and a blonde. Well, she couldn't hide the look of irritation on her face. "I can hear," Nancy reminded them. Had they asked her if she would accompany them, she wouldn't have been so annoyed. Well, that too wasn't entirely true. She didn't end up bonding with Paradoxes very often. There usually would be one with an intangible quality that would pique her interest and she'd more or less claim them herself. It was largely how she had befriended George. There had been a few others as well, but those Paradoxes weren't around anymore.

Andromeda had only really seen three of the four Emendators. But of the ones she had interacted with chiefly, she felt the most comfortable with Lady Luck. It was hard not to be comfortable around someone after helping them to stitch up a corpse, in addition to the brief moment of connection they had shared when her powers first manifested. It was odd - in a way, Evelina had many qualities that reminded Andromeda of her own mother. "I'd like to go with you as well, Lady Lucas," Andromeda requested.

Nora Kingston

Location: The Egyptian Museum - Vera's Office
Skills: Deduction, Intuition

Nora fell silent as the latest tragedy was detailed to them. Her thoughts flickered to all of the deaths that had been attributed to the curse of King Tut. She did not doubt that some conspiracy theorist or another would find a way to claim that Harry and Aziza had been among its victims. And yet, with all of the strange occurrences, she did not doubt that as a possibility. Perhaps the strange forces at play had also claimed the lives of those supposedly murdered by King Tut's curse wreaking vengeance on those who profited from the disturbance of his tomb.

Of course, Nora was very much aware that she should have had a stronger reaction to Harry and Aziza's death. Yet truthfully, they were no more than passing strangers to her. She had not retired with the others to the Barracks. And she had no prior affiliation or relationship with either of those two now deceased members of this Fellowship. She had known Haakon slightly more and that was purely because he had appeared in her dream the previous evening. She nodded at Lady Munn as Vera set herself at work with the identification of the coordinates, pulling out her own journal and making a brief note of the Seperumu. There was definitely something there, based on the conversation being had.

Scott Rydzynski

Location: A Pastry Shop - Seattle, Washington
Interacting With: Gideon, Jace, Janelle, and Isley

"You got it, your royal highness," Scott teased Isley with a huge smirk. If anyone argued that everyone had the potential to be a gentleman, Scott would perhaps be Exhibit A for the opposition. He knew that Isley disliked the nickname and so, he went out of his way to come up with a way to top it. He was the same person who would say hold my beer before going off to do something ridiculously stupid - or who taunted their friends into taking risks by shouting YOLO at them. He was a merc with a mouth, to make a long story short.

However, the kids did raise some good points. They all had the same weird dreams and abilities, though the powers were different for each of them. They also all became deathly ill at one point. There had to be something connecting all of them. "How much do you want to bet that dead bitch over in Phillie was one of us?" Scott proposed. There were other faces he'd seen in visions but now, it seemed more and more likely to him that they all were just other people who had the same dreams and also developed abilities.
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