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9 yrs ago
I started Ouran today....


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@Deadlyrose9641 Do you think you can post tonight?

I apologize in advance for Viola if she says something mean here xD

Might just be me, but none of your pictures are working for me.

Don't worry. You can't hurt what doesn't feel pain silly.
So, in the least spoilery way possible....
What kind of hell should we be expecting?
@Migyudon We're gonna be BEST friends.
And scared of our roommate together.
Your choice, I would repost
"Abi is a naive girl who, above all, is the quintessential little princess, barring some few princess-like behaviour. She's the type to face trouble with an equally challenging grin. Act now, think later. She is fond of things that shine and is covetous of unique objects.
So this is one of the things I have the biggest issue with. I personally like personalities to be fleshed out, hopefully over the course of 3-4 paragraphs. Describing her a princess is kind of iffy as a personality trait. Go into what makes her tendencies princess like, and why she acts that way.

"Abi comes from a lineage of pure-blooded Shadow Alter Conjurers"
This is a something I have a personal issue with, just because it does some world building sans GM permission. It's not my world, so I can't say if this is right or not, but it's my personal understanding that magic isn't a bloodline thing, anybody can learn any branch if they try. Though this could be my misunderstanding.

"Abi is also part of a two-person singing group called Night N. Gail"
This is a little random, and since this is pretty out of nowhere, it feels weird and forced.
"Gender: Attack Helicopter Homosexual"
Homesexuality isn't a gender, it's a sexual orientation.

That's just off the top of my head. Just trying to be helpful, hope you understand.
<Snipped quote by Natsu>

Sure, you can have it; real rpers worry about getting 100, 500, and 1000 :^)

nb4 post 300
Haha it's mine bitches
Fuck no.
Viola can have side bitches, but Melody is the real Waifu.
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