NuttsnBolts is a Moderator. They assist users and keep the forum running smoothly. They have power across all forums.
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8 mos ago
Current Been on the back of my mind for several months now, but I will be retiring from my position as a Guild Moderator and more or less just logging off seeing as I need Mahz to be able to demote me.


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Most Recent Posts

@YoshiSkittlez I'm happy to get started whenever, but just to note that I am working 6pm-4am shifts this next few weeks, so my wakeing schedule is really gonna be whenever my body doesn't feel like sleeping.

Gonna make a suggestion, and take a page out of Lost, but if you do want to have some prelude scene I would make it around the boarding at the airport, and then cut to everyone being in the water. You don't need the same crash scene described multiple times and having people with recollections of what happened, even confusion, can create some interesting content later.

@YoshiSkittlez You're good. I'm happy with whatever other colours are available really, so GM choice?

For the time being I'll hold off on doubling down on characters til I get this one all sorted. I've done it before, and in one RP I'm in I have 3 characters, but that's also an RP that's been running for 2 years.
@mdk@Dynamo Frokane

I would like to ask for no more personal attacks against each other. Either move on with the topic or end it.

How should I work the plasmid stuff since we have little info on it? Also, what's the difference between a plasmid and tonic, cause I do honestly forget...

From what I can see and my understanding is that things like attack bees and lightning bolt are plasmids, while armour upgrades or health boosts are tonics. They do seem a little bit gamey in a way so I'm not sure how they're gonna work in the roleplay.

The other question I have for the character sheet is the relationships. That's between characters right? So I can omit that for the time being?
NO this is not some fetish of mine. I'm actually terrified of what you people might come up with. This is an opportunity for people who don't like either me or my RPing style (or both) to come voice their opinions in a purely IC fashion. This thread also welcomes people who miss the old "bitch threads" in which I never participated. Be as mean and nasty as you want to my character. Hell, you can even have your character come in and vent about their day and leave without saying anything mean about Misty at all. I probably won't even post beyond the first time.

The Bitch Thread got shut down because it evolved from small vents to personal attacks on other members due to their views and opinions. There were several warnings and even forum bans issued due to the behavior of some.

This thread mimics those possibilities in a way that it bypasses the venting and risks personal attacks right out of the gate. I will be locking this before I have to issue any users with warnings about harassment and misconduct. There are much better ways of looking for critique and offering a jump-in, free style roleplay than the glossed coating of "This thread also welcomes people who miss the old "bitch threads" in which I never participated".
@BeautyoftheDark I have been requested to remove your character sheet twice now: once today, and a previous time of 11 days ago with the reason given to myself being a lack of communication. From what I can see in the messages received and posts by the GM, @Akayaofthemoon, she has given you an approximate time of 2-3 weeks to to make some form of communication otherwise you will be removed from the RP; a request met by unfortunate silence.

Sadly... that is none of my concern for how she operates her roleplays, but I have decided to removed your privledges from posting in this thread for the actions of posting up a character sheet without her approval, especially after she has voiced her decision. Any further communications should to the GM via the PM method.

Apologies to those others for intruding.
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