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sorry for all the late replies, coming up on finals week and trying not to fail
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*rises from the grave* haha school is cancelled so i can rp
5 yrs ago
finally home and at my computer - ready to get replying and gm-ing again!
5 yrs ago
congrats. i'm going to see astro this month :D
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Older, wiser, and hopefully cooler.

1x1 Interest Check: roleplayerguild.com/topics/180117-on-…

Café Crème: roleplayerguild.com/topics/176064-caf…

Character Gallery: roleplayerguild.com/topics/181798-you…

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yup... I think we're waiting on @Squirrel98 and @Amaralyn mostly. I wanted to give them a chance to post before I reply to @DestinyStar.
heyo, how is everyone....?

"Ah, y-yeah." Minkyu laughs, albeit nervously, shaking her hand. She can probably tell he's nervous; hopefully his hand isn't gross and sweaty or something. What does Amelia do to make the atmosphere more relaxed? Sitting up straighter, Minkyu tries to look more professional and less nervous in hopes of making Mari feel calmer, only to realize he's still wearing his cosplay cat ears. A blush spreads on his cheeks. He must look really silly, trying to interview somebody like this.

"It's, um, a café. That Amelia and I started. And... the theme is "cat maids." There's not a lot to it, really." Minkyu shrugs, looking down at his hands before remembering that eye contact is important. He coughs, clearing his throat once as he tries to think of another question. Having never worked before isn't bad, and Café Crème wouldn't be the worst first job in the world, but what would Amelia say... What would be a good next question...

Honestly, after having spent a lot of time in Amelia's shadow, he feels a bit sad when Mari confesses she's "not good at much." He nods sympathetically, remembering all the times Amelia overachieved and Minkyu slipped behind in math, in science, in friends... Comparing yourself to what seems like the best and brightest big sister in the world is never good, but sometimes, he couldn't help himself. And it always hurt.

"Oh, I've got it," Minkyu says, then realizes he said that out loud and immediately turns bright red. "S-s-sorry. Um... How good are you with customer service? 'Cause I think that's what Amie is looking for. Since we are getting a lot of customers nowadays..." Come on, you must be good at something!

"Can I make u mine?"

As the day wears on, Amelia can feel herself wear down as well; the café has quickly filled up to the brim with customers, and while she's thankful for the work, it's also a little more than he can handle. If Minkyu was here... she's starting to realize just how useful another waiter is (even if Minkyu doesn't technically leave his beloved counter) when the café is this packed. Jet and Naomi are working hard, but it would be nice to hire Mari as a full-time waitress.

Hm. if that girl does get hired... Maybe another waiter? It would be nice to get another specialty cook, maybe somebody to help March...

"Jet, put a smile on your face!" She scolds, passing by Jet on her way to pick up some omelets from the kitchen. "I didn't hire you to sigh and roll your eyes; the customers want a good experience, so don't let them down." Like a lot of things, Amelia can tell Jet's not a people-person--it's alright, as long as it doesn't interfere with his ability to get his work done. She does get a bit annoyed at him when he looks so sad, though!

Sighing loudly but squaring her shoulders, Amelia shakes away her thoughts and tries to concentrate on her work, something she's usually very good at. Being the co-owner has many responsibilities, however, and her mind often strays to her mental to-do list and the few ideas floating around for further investigation.

"Megan, why don't you take some time off to prepare more éclairs? Lunch time is coming up, and our morning pastries are almost out." Directing her employee to the counter where the barista would be and the display cases are, she picks up a strawberry cream crepe to give to a customer. "You ordered the strawberry cream crepe, right? Please, eat it all up~!"

Checking the clock above the entrance, Amelia's attention is directed to the introduction of another character, one who looks around, digs for his phone, and eventually addresses the shop.

“Miss Amelia? I’m here for a job interview, for bussing?”

"That's me," Amelia responds, almost automatically. She was going to greet him in normal cosplay fashion, but now she's just relived there's another potential wait staff. Goodness knows they needs them. Our income is probably enough to support another two employees...

"Actually, Minkyu's already interviewing someone, and it's kinda rush hour, so..." Amelia shrugs, but then all of sudden, a lightbulb goes off in her mind. That's it! What about some "hands-on" interviewing? She can keep an eye on him (not a hard thing to do if you're Amelia von Grado) and he can help out! it's a win-win! "You know, why don't you show your stuff right now? Grab some cat ears from the staff room in the pink cabinet labelled "Accessories" and meet me back here in five minutes. If you can hold your own during the lunch hour rush, then I'll know you're capable."
@NiceSpice now that I think about it, you mentioned that daehyun had "triangular ears perked forward" in your post. um... you're not referring to cat ears, right? because nekos aren't a thing, the employees are just cosplaying XD sorry if I misread and this is just a slip of my judgement.... just though ya should know :P
@Versa thinking about a bunny priestess... I hope to have her up soonishhhh??? I d k
somebody save akimoto. please. she needs.... a lot more help than one lousy dagger lol
KitKat Winters

"This is AWESOME!"

So said the excitable naiad as she flew about the forests and plains and basically everywhere, really, trying out battle mechanics and throwing her dagger at objects (safely out of the way of anybody else, of course) in a bid to "sharpen" her skills a little more. The dagger itself was also delightful, a beautifully stylized butterfly engraved into the handle, with shiny, sparkly accents on the holster strapped to her thigh. It almost makes up for the ridiculous amounts of time and money spent worth it--almost. But it wasn't real money, back then, so who really cares?

"Let's see about these abilities..." she muses, activating Butterfly's Gift, a buff that boosts spellcasting speed and mobility, and watches a cloud of ghost-like butterflies rise up and cover her skin with a slight purple sheen. Huh. Pretty cool, but sort of useless.

"Wonder if there's a monster I can kick in the face..."

Exploring the forest for potential victims, Akimoto's curiosity brings her farther and farther away from other players, leaving her alone in a clearing full of mossy rocks and a small stream. Sighing, she sits down next the running water and plays with her dagger for a moment, then puts in back in the scabbard and lies on the ground. It really is weird, thinking about actually being in the game. Now that the initial interest has worn off, Akimoto almost feels like she's in the same spot as before--friendless and alone. How are her parents faring, she wonders? She hopes they aren't too sad about her disappearance, if that's how it is. Maybe she'll reappear years later and it'll have been a week, maybe, or no time at all...


Suddenly, Akimoto feels a presence behind her. Hesitant to open her eyes, she tries to concentrate on any sounds that are out of the ordinary, and finds that there is a low... growling.

Her heart stops.

Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, she cracks her eyes open until she is looking up through her eyelashes, up into the eyes of the huge, snarling, furry (but not in a cute way), ugly-faced werehound that is standing above her.

"O-oh," Akimoto says, breathless, bare shoulders touching the soft blanket of moss beneath her, turquoise curls spread softly around her, staring into the eyes of what might just be her demise.

But she doesn't freeze. She doesn't panic. She doesn't even scream--no, she only carefully reaches for her dagger, keeping firm eye contact with the wolf--until the moment she throws her hand up and stabs it between the eyes.

Senses suddenly thrown into overdrive, Akimoto pulls her dagger out and rolls out of the way in a swift motion, one that she probably owes to Butterfly's Gift but likes to think is her own doing. The wolf, understandably, is very angry about this, but Akimoto is too fast for him again--she jumps to her feet, hands slick with monster blood, heart beating wildly as she fumbles for a spell, a potion, anything to stop the beast for a moment longer. She happens upon a "shock blast," a small flask that is said to hold liquid lightning, and throws it at the wolf as hard as she can. And then she screams.


A very shrill scream arises from the tops of the trees.

If one were to be in the forest at this time, this is what they would most likely see: a naiad, wearing a bikini top and a flurry of skirts, hands covered in sticky, burgundy blood, tears in her eyes and generally a mess, sprinting through the woods with a terrifying werehound snapping at her heels. Akimoto is running for her life; how stupid can she be, coming into a monster-infested area without a party!? Also, when does that speed buff wear off? She's dead meat unless she can find someone to save her, and soon!

@13org I would say either one or two. those pictures are awesome.

While making the quiet, gloomy trek towards the last sensor, it seemed like everyone had noticed the explosion; not surprising, since it was an explosion. Fiore, pulled out of her worries by Riyame's request, takes a quick look around the perimeter; her psychic drive (and her common sense) places the area of the blast near Team Yui Gang. Fiore guesses it must have something to do with Falk's bombs; she hopes the damage isn't severe. It was extremely close to their first sensor...

Checking her radar, Fiore discovers another strange occurrence, one that takes the form of the afore-mentioned "large target" that appeared on the map earlier. Weirdly enough, it seems to have teleported halfway across the map, and while Fiore can't be sure, she has a bad feeling it wasn't just for the heck of it. No, it's hunting down somebody. Or somebodies.

"The large Invader has moved its position drastically. Or... It's a different one? I can't tell, but it suddenly appeared, and..." Fiore shrugs, then frowns as she inspects the map before her. "Wait. Mila and Mavis are close, really close. Do you think they can handle it or...?"
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