Avatar of Overlord Thraka


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current New Schedule for my RP friends. My goal is 1 reply a day, total. Meaning that of my 4 current ongoing RPs, each partner can expect a reply once every 4 days. Maybe more often if I'm inspired.
2 mos ago
I think it's funny how worried I was about catching up on posts. I caught up in a day and am now bored waiting for replies!
2 mos ago
Back stateside. Posts will slowly resume over the course of the next week
2 mos ago
To my RP partners, I will get a reply to everyone I owe one two in the next few days. Then it's radio silence for 2 weeks while I'm on vacation! I'll still be available to chat, just not post
2 mos ago
When you finally catch up on all your RP replies and are just... waiting


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Most Recent Posts

In The Room 7 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*Taboo blinks rapidly, her senses slowly coming back to her. She manages to cry out and point at Mergoux*
Taboo: She attacked me while I slept!
*Mergoux gets to her feet and shouts in fury*
Mergoux: She's a piece of slaving scum!
*Mergoux charges again, bringing her sword down at Taboo. Taboo yelps in alarm and scoots back sharply, the blow landing between her legs, just inches from slicing her a literal new one. It embeds itself in the floor and Mergoux yanks on it, attempting to get it out while Taboo continues to scoot backwards hastily.*
Taboo: Help me!
Mergoux: Kill her!

*Jilial presses her hand above one of Horus's hearts*
Jilial: He's alive! We need to go quickly! Please John! NOW!
*Her tone is one of sheer desperation and pleading as she tries to lift Horus. She starts to drag him, his back scraping over the ground and his feet leaving rivets in the earth. Jilial is clearly struggling, her own injuries weighing her down as much as her lover does. Hot tears still fall from her eyes, sizzling when they hit the ground.. Horus groans slowly, and speaks barely above a whisper*
Horus: Iri- Jilial... you must... go... Not letting you... get...hurt... for me... Danger...
*It appears to cost him a great deal of strength to speak and he visibly weakens further after doing so*
*Horus casts a one-eyed glance at John*
Horus: Keep... her... safe...
*His eye rolls back and he lies still*
Jilial: Horus?! HORUS?!
*She desperately shakes him, trying to rouse him again*
@thread generator sin@tybalt capulet
Gharn would be more than willing to stay close to the pretty lady! XD

Also really with the other pairing? Cool, I don't see a lot of other Were-creatures around here without it being some kind of of a furry thing. That's not what Gharn is, or what I'd ever play, the whole furry thing just isn't for me.
@tybalt capulet I've noticed that most of my characters seem to be more straightforward thinkers, though in recent times I've tried changing that. Most of my characters take on aspects of my personality. Gharn is my aggressive brash oblivious side, others could be my intelligent side, my happy-go-lucky side or my depressive bitter side. Generally I project myself on my characters, and most end up at least a little like me. Most don't take a whole lot of thinking before posting bar one or two, but they're all fun to write.
@tybalt capulet Exactly! His three biggest traits are naivety, aggressiveness and an incredible amount of sheer obliviousness to virtually everything around him. He's a lot of fun to play, because he generally has little to no idea what's going on or how to react. In another RP there was a time when he was so engrossed in eating a good steak he didn't realize a fight had started until something blew up!

He'd be very easily manipulated by a smooth talker, like you said, more savvy people lol.
@thread generator sin
I think the only reason Gharn would ever want the gem would be because it's pretty... He doesn't really have any idea of it's value. He's not very knowledgeable about monetary value of various objects. Hence him trying to pay for water with a tiny lump of solid silver
@thread generator sin
Do not startle Gharn... Just don't do it... XD
Gharn stammers come to a halt as he notices the soldiers burst into the room and surround the pirates. He watches curiously, then nearly jumps out of his skin at the crackle of rifle fire. He's never so much as heard of a gun before, so seeing so many fired at once in such an enclosed space spooks him badly. His body cracks and begins to expand. His ribcage bursts outwards, his legs crack and reform and a tail sprouts from just above the waistband of his pants. Golden fur grows quickly over him as his mane of dirty blonde hair turns into a literal mane as the lion takes control.

He roars in anger, ears still ringing. He ignores the pretty woman at the bar, despite her exposing even more of herself on account of the action surrounding her, and bellows at the closest perceived threat, that being the Pirate Captain before him. Gharn strides forwards, his massive form knocking aside anyone in his way, grabs a table and hurls it like a frisbee at the Pirate. "You stop! Leave metalman alone! You make much trouble, and I want to fight now!". His massive muscled form roars in a terrifying manner before grabbing another table to throw.
@summer Then I shall head thataway! Thankee kindly good sir/miss!
@Summer yeah I realized that now... Sorry to waste your time, that's what I was looking for was someone willing to create an original image. Alas I did not know! I apologize and take my leave! You have yourself a wonderful day, sorry I wasted your time!
@summer I always forget the bloody tags... sorry
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