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Western District - Camera & Film

"Gotta develop some photos," Aya told him, implicitly asking for the key. Even though Tsunoda forgot about every aspect of customer service, she couldn't bring herself to tease him or even bring it up. It's been so long that she'd expended practically every snide comment, playful remark, and honest opinion about how he treated his customers. Granted, he did have the only specialty camera store in the city. Sure, big-box stores carried cameras too. Specialty lenses, polaroids, and other items for hobbyists had to be imported at the cost the purchaser. It was the only place where the internet-challenged and those who feared shipping could get anything.

"Say, d'ya believe in ghosts?" Aya asked him. "Like if you took a photo of a bride 'n groom and there was just a ghost there, what'd you do?"
Oh hell naw, Locke did not just call Serafaye fat... >:(

big boned

"If the bulk of the soldiers are lured away, I can block the vision of the archers. Provided there's no court mage to dispel everything, it should give us cover from everything above the walls." Locke added to the plan. "Not much I can do after, however."

An alternative idea that briefly came to his mind was getting Cecelia and his fairy to launch Serafaye onto the walls using their wind magic. From there, she could simply charge every archer and toss them off. Though, he abstained from sharing this idea as it'd leave him with one less meat shield. He wasn't even sure that she could be lifted by the two of them. Judging by the fact she was unmoved by blows, she must have weighed enough to collapse the wall itself.

He also mused the idea of trying to teach magic to the dragonkin, as his patron had bestowed the ability onto him. From earlier, Locke remembered her slowfall. Nobody cast it on her. At least, none that he knew. She must had either received a blessing from much earlier, or her magic was currently autonomous. If the latter was true, then the method of magic was what was lost on the girl. Such an idea was horribly risky. While he was curious of Serafaye's magical ability, he was more interested in getting out alive.

HP: 140/140 SP: 100/100 MP: 30/30
STR – 10 | AGI – 11 | END – 12 | DEX – 10 | LUC – 10

"We got one! Do I see two?" Came the announcement from Mags' voice, rattling out like a auctioneer. "After all, I need to start a fight with multiple people."

She was thinking of hitting Lew's nuts for the first time he volunteered for the fight. This time around, however, the attached removal of custom emotes made it too painful a consequence. No longer would she be able to reply to messages with that stupid pogfish, nor could she post the Giga Chad. Well, she technically still could. She'd just need to send them as small images. They wouldn't be in line and that made it too sad.

Preparing for combat, she took off the two starter 0 stat sandals on her feet and equipped one in each hand. They were her improvised weapons, after all. Las chanclas. Lethal weapons.

"Ames, don't you want in on this...? I'm classically trained to fight, after all."

HP: 140/140 SP: 100/100 MP: 30/30
STR – 10 | AGI – 11 | END – 12 | DEX – 10 | LUC – 10

Rather than getting a fight, Mags got something more in line with what a toddler would receive: strict reprimands. No, she received nothing but scorn for her attempts to streamline the process of unlocking the brawler class. Really, the giant being such a coward kinda hurt. The fact that he was going to offer up the entirety of his starter stipend to not get into a fight made Mags almost consider taking it. The thug class did sound pretty entertaining...

No. It was too difficult to do this early on. She'd also have to wipe someone down to 20% HP, which was easy. She could have just beaten up probably Amulak. The difficult bit was stealing 10 more silver and then running it down to Thunderstruck Grove to find a hideout. She'd continue to try to get brawler, for now. Though that twenty silver was enticing...

Wait. She had a better plan. If those cowards REFUSED to fight her with goading, she'd just move to the next emotion: embarassment. With the same amount of energy as a toddler that chugged fifty hours worth of energy and didn't get the toy they wanted, Mags started to thrash on the ground in a wicked tantrum.

"I just want to fight!" She whined with the verisimilitude of a failed playwright. Bad acting, certainly. But she was making a scene. Though, after a few moments of thrashing, she essentially gave up. Less of being embarrassed at her own actions and more being bored at how indirect the baby method was. After coiling her legs into her torso and rocking onto her shoulders, she kicked up with a push from her hands. Quickly back on her feet, she made another general threat to the group.

"If I don't get my brawler unlocking fight, I swear to god I'll throw a steel chair into the crowd. As we all know from award winning documentary The Boondocks, it's an event that'll only end up in a complete riot." She paused for a brief moment. "Old show, don't worry about it."

Avalice's classes weren't difficult or easy. Sure, her body got tired and she couldn't everything that was asked of her. Still, it wasn't something she considered truly hard. No, it wasn't an insurmountable task she couldn't complete. She could chip at it day by day. Just like an arid field tilled, she'd soon see the fruits of her labour. Though, she still had much difficulty with the issues. The refinement of her own magic could only go so far, especially when limited by two weeks. Two weeks of study and effort, even when guided, wasn't enough for some life altering change. She certainly understood her powers greater, but not as much as the others. While she certainly worked hard, she didn't put as much effort into it as the others. She'd push herself to the point of collapse if asked, but if not? She'd just put in enough effort to get by and learn.

Maybe it was the fact that she didn't just get it. She didn't really know how to improve herself unless told. It was hard for her to look inwards at herself, especially because she didn't know what she wanted to become.

In terms of getting along with the other students, she was moderately less successful. She didn't really come to make friends, nor was she the most social student. Unless she had reason to talk to someone, be it of her own interest or someone talking to her, she simply didn't talk.

That extended to the mission they were on.

After being instructed to meet at Genelogia Station, Sanhan arrived only to stand as filler to the crowd. She didn't really have anything that interested her at the moment, nor did she feel the need to talk to anyone else. Some of the others were excited to be going to the city. Not Sanhan. It was just something she needed to do. Hard to be excited about going to someplace she knew nothing about. The others formed their groups to talk about things. Nothing they talked about really interested Sanhan. If they talked about food, animals, or music, maybe she'd pipe in. Maybe. Thus, she relegated herself to idly standing by.
I should probably write organized crime lore at some point.

"Ojou-sama! You're going to be late!"


With a swift stomp, the golden koi had been shut up. Only a breathy 'guh' escaped his fish lips as the air forced itself out of his body. Other-Tokyo always had a sort of dirty vibe to it. With practically everything made out of living beings, their bodies, or the things they produced, nothing felt sterile. The cold concrete and warmth of LED lights that covered real Tokyo was much easier to stomach. But even for the seediness that coated the especially unsavoury areas of Other-Tokyo, the ramen shop Sae found herself in was on a new level. To call it filthy was an understatement. Not a single other restaurant could compare to the hazard the shop posed to its customers. Despite this, Sae often ate inside. Why?

Because it had good ramen.

Even with the shoji walls formed from bone and thin-stretched leather, the flooring worn down to the point where walking became difficult, the seats uneven with cushioning falling out, and dried oil splashes coating every surface imaginable, the ramen they served was delicious. Nothing in real Tokyo compared to it. Sae would often buy the largest bowl possible. The shop would often oblige her desires, piling on the noodles and toppings until they formed a mound that extended above the bowl.

"Please, ojou-sama. At least have a light meal instead!" The fish pleaded.

Another stomp met Ryūjin's stomach. "If I'm ever doin' something, I'm goin' all out," came Sae's reply, placed between her self-stuffing of noodles. "And 'sides, I gotta carry your heavy ass. Need the strength."

Ryūjin's face grimaced about as much as a fish could. His pride was shattered.

As the last of the noodles and toppings had been devoured, she upturned the bowl and drank as much broth as she could in a massive sip. With a deep exhale, she got her fill. She left the bowl on the counter and turned to the chef. With a quick bow from Sae, the chef bowed back. With one hand, Sae grabbed her sword. With the other, the golden fish was slung and held on her shoulder. Now, she just had to get to Black Babel plaza to meet with the people in her squad. Big night, after all.

Sae never liked the gate daemons. They were docile, but the pressing fear of one of its teeth coming back down as she went through was always there. As such, she always closed her eyes and walked through one as fast as possible. Strange thing to be afraid of, especially for a witch. There she would be, fighting against the vampire menace, and she's still afraid of gates. Well, part of it might have been that she could slash, smash, and trash a vampire. Couldn't really cut up a gate without getting in trouble. She had the same issue with the security gates at shops in real Tokyo. Closed her eyes and sped through those, too. That one was just something from her childhood that she carried with her, though. A bad habit.

Thankfully, she managed to spot the first member of the squad. Well, probably. She knew what he looked like. Issue was, he wasn't exactly a landmark. The rest of the squad was considerably more unique in appearance. There was dirty eyepatch, pale goth, abs undercut, and the blue beauty. The only one she could quickly spot was someone who'd get credited in a movie as 'high school student #7'. Not exactly someone who could command their presence. In comparison, despite Sae's short stature, her unique hair colour and the fact she held a large golden koi on her shoulder made her pretty easy to pick out in a crowd.

"Yo. Tsukiboshi?" She asked up him up front.
a hunk of rock is a weapon

to say otherwise is betraying our ancestors

Western District - Camera & Film

The question about shoes gave Aya a brief pause. No, he didn't have her shoes. At least, she didn't think so. The baldie carried her out, after all. "Don't think she did." The simple reply came out.

"Well, if you hear anything, I got a photo of 'em on accident."

She left the car, thanking him for the lift with some words and a polite bow. She told him that she'd get a lift home. Either that, or she'd pass out inside of the dark room. One of the two. She entered Camera & Film through it's old, scratched door. Really, why was it open 24/7? Business at night wasn't exactly booming. Not like it was booming during the day, either. Aya couldn't really critique Tsunoda. It was his store and it wasn't ran into the ground just yet.

"Ojisan?" she loudly called. She had to get the key to use the dark room, after all.
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