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The frog's blast of force stole Maive's breath. It was much too powerful. Bashing her head against a palm trunk didn't help. Verity's initial blow to her skull probably made things worse. Her ears rang and her vision was troubled. However, she did not die. Even though the trunk had splintered and exposed its inner timber, Maive survived. Was it the blessing the visage that lent her its strength? Was it dumb luck? She couldn't tell.

Oh how she wanted to sleep off her disorientation. Do the exact opposite of what a doctor would recommend. Just close her eyes and drift off to sleep.

Verity wouldn't have any of that, so it would seem.

With her face grasped by Verity, she had no option but to listen to what Verity's mind called a pep talk. The dizziness seemed to compound on this. She had no option but to look Verity directly in her beady little eyes.

"A magic roach!?" She exclaimed in utter confusion. Well, she just had to do what Verity said, didn't she? Use wind to fly around. Punch a hole through its belly. Give the roach a palm-and-airy emblem-ism or whatever it was called.

Grasping onto the tree trunk, she rose from her position. Her eyes still didn't work right. Her brain hurt. She still had that obnoxious buzzing in her ears. They all had to be safe. They couldn't be safe until the frog was dead. Simple motivation. That's all she needed.

Wind spun and collected behind her, yet dispersed as she was unable to properly focus.

But it was not of her own hand that the toad fell. Some tried to distract the toad, actions with extraordinarily bad prospects. Others fell to fear, an understandable reaction to the first confrontation of their youthful immortality. One uttered familiar words. Words that Maive had instinctively uttered. Words that Verity tried to copy. Words that brought about the impossible. Though Daniel had said something different, the meaning was the same.

Daniel's mist had decayed the frog to sea foam, its death throes ineffective. It was over. Until the next headcount, at the very least.

"Oh..." Maive said as her voice quieted, "I'm glad...

In relief and exhaustion, Maive collapsed onto Verity. Whether or not Verity would catch her was a mystery for the ages.
Yasu was personally going to drop down with the Trapeze lad, with the intent of stabbing it on the way down so that when it hit the stage, it'd like, crack open like a walnut or something. Just didn't write the stabbing cause I didn't know if it would actually drop or not.

Anyhow, will post later on this week, to let others do hijinks first.

You can write that in as a free flavour thing if you want, it just won't do much compared to having its legs-equivalent chopped off (if you do it for flavour). It's much too gooey and malleable to be nut-busted.
With people being revealed, combat proper has started. I don't know if I have anything to add in this OOC update besides Nils still having the option of a sneak attack.

The car's trait is revealed (rip the realest of the clown homies) and you get a little clue on what one of the ringleader's traits are. How mysterious!
  • Honest
    • Tough Love: Refuses to act unless ??? or ???
  • Yasu
  • Cam
  • Nils
  • Emma
  • Lion-headed Ringleader [HEALTHY] [2]
    • Beast of Rage: ???
    • ???: ???
  • Half-Man Sized Car [UPTURNED] [1]
    • Clown Car: If possible, creates another clown.
  • Elephant-headed Unicyclist [HEALTHY] [1]
  • Elephant-headed Trapeze [DISMEMBERED] [1?]
  • Clown with Accordion Arms
  • Clown with Oversized Axe
  • Clown with Undersized Mallet
  • Clown Covered in Party Poppers
Special characters have special qualities that may be hidden until they become apparent.
Undetected characters can freely act until detected, but can only take one action that would reveal them.
Elite entities require multiple actions to fell and have special (possibly unknown) characteristics.
Greater entities may require multiple actions to fell.
Lesser entities can be slain by a single action.
Destroyed entities are usually out of the fight
[state] denotes their current state and [#] denotes how many actions they can perform each round.
> {Name} denotes who the enemy is currently focusing on.

With a swift cut of the blade, the trapeze had been wrested from its ceiling domain. It plummeted to the ground, its natural fortitude preventing damage from the fall. The stage was a different story as the trapeze's body created an indent. The trapeze didn't move in response; it required a brief moment to recover.

The supernatural did not conventionally have brains, but they were still beholden to the concept. If a monster had a head, slicing it off would defeat it. Of course, that only held true if the monster didn't possess using qualities like false body parts and regeneration. Luckily for Yasu and Emma, this was a case of a simple monster. The mind of the trapeze, if mind was even the appropriate word for it, was contained within the dangling body.

If they managed to--or even wanted to--grasp the limp length of sinew that now helplessly dangled from the roof, they could dangle above the stage out of reach. However, the falling party streamers and lumps of flesh signified that the sinew would not last long.

The performance was ruined. That's what the expression of the ringleader's face said. It warped and contorted with rage and anger. Its previous disgust at the troupe's lack of audience seemed to be nothing in comparison. The whip cracked as the ringleader swung it. This time, it slashed a deep gouge on the stage. It would stop these interlopers from ruining its performance. It approached Yasu as a quiet growl escaped its lips. The difference in height became apparent with each step; the ringleader was approximately two Yasu tall.

The unicyclist had chosen a different target. Not swayed by an innate rage, it had chosen to violently throw its pins at Emma with a remarkable lack of accuracy.

Reckless brutality was enough to silence the accordion clown. Cam's choice to bite down the neck of the axe clown wasn't the best. What flooded her mouth was not the familiar taste of blood, flesh, and evil. What she had tasted was spoiled cream and mouldy pastries. It wasn't poison, but it was still not pleasant for someone who one job away from eating the finest the district had to offer.

But there was one thing Cam's violence missed: the true reason why the clowns were trying to upturn the car.

A rumbling came in front of the bestial cleaner. The innards of the car groaned and creaked. The doors rattled as something tried to emerge. Suddenly, it stopped. A brief moment of silence before the door violently swung open. A clown covered in party poppers had been launched towards Cam.

A supernatural car that lacked eyes, of course, could not aim. The party-popper clown flew above her by a few feet and did what it does best: exploded in a shower of red mist and confetti as it struck the ground behind her.

At first, the mallet clown was as distracted as Cam was. Bewilderment turned to scorn as tears (blue paint, rather) began to flow from its glassy eyes. It swung violently at Cam, its surprisingly quick little swings only diminished by the fact that its arms and choice of weapon were too small to even scrape her skin. Cam could have simply stuck her hand on the clown's forehead to completely stop his reckless advance.

Poor mallet clown.
Also I'll update tomorrow, most likely.
Going down with Yasu's all good! I'm sure OwO will tell us later what would've happened if we stayed in the stinky room with the finger of death. Cause I do need my curiosity sated.


Unfortunately, Rin had not yet constructed a spiked fence when a beast had arrived. Even if Masato had been able to warn her, she wouldn't have been able to react since she wasn't listening to him anyway.

It was a strange experience. She had gone from dangling on branches to prone on the ground with a beast on top of her. Claws pressed into her waist, the weight of the beast-amalgamate stealing her breath. It was certainly different. Rin was used to being injured. After all, whenever Kunio wasn't with her, she'd have to personally test what she made. Her thoughts of what she overlooked usually dulled the pain.

This time, there were no thoughts. There was no reason why this had happened. There was no math error. There was no point of failure. There was no scrapyard bolt that sheared. There was nothing she could try to solve as she lay on the ground. It wasn't like she could think, anyways; thinking was a privilege afforded to those not on the precipice of life.

For the first time in her life, Rin had nothing as she watched others try to deal with the beast that had oh-so-lovingly whetted its appetite on her branch. The flying kick of Maki who had bought her seconds of time. The footsteps of beasts running past at least signalled that she wasn't immediately to be devoured, despite what the beast on top of her would want her to think. The stones of Kogen, a pitcher's attempt to fight, would briefly steal its attention. But it was just a boy throwing rocks. The beast could easy tear her throat with a single tooth and deal with the chuunilinquent later.

She felt her heart beat. There was no breath to cushion the reverberations. Her heart refused to stop beating. Even if Rin couldn't think, her heart would guide her. No inefficient solution to a problem this time. Her long forgotten sense of survival was guiding her. It was a surprise that it came back; Rin was the type who refused to eat for entire days because she wanted to finish something. A wave of warmth washed over her and flowed into her arms.

Was it a blessing that she had not landed with her tools on her back? Was it a curse that she was not protecting her most prized possession? She felt the familiar nylon.

Her hand gripped her bag as tight as it could, her fingernails dripping with blood as the warmth hid the pain.

If the beast wished to eat, then it would certainly eat. Rin would force nylon, polyethylene, and steel down its throat until it was full.

Her first words upon arrival were not instructions nor did they make conversation.

The first thing that came to her mouth was an indecipherable scream of anguish and survival.


She swung her bag at the beast, the weighty tools jingling as they collided with each other inside.
So almost done with my post, just a quick question re: how to end it.

Emma would've definitely followed Yasu up the stairs (or rather, tried to drag her along, even), so I can react to the stuff in the projector room if I decide to yeet her there, but should I end the post upstairs or is the hope that we'll all end up in the theater asap? Also, would we see down to the theater from the projector room/the hallway/the balcony? Might have her peek down there while Yasu's doing projector room stuff.

You can do either or both. You can hop down from the projector room to the theatre since there's a big window where the projector is. You could see below for the same reason. From the hallway, not unless you go further than the project room (think of the stairs and projector room all converging at the bottom of the U). It's basically a U-shaped hallway with door frames. One door leads to the projector room, the rest are open to the balcony.

You don't have to immediately participate in combat, either. You can wait and do a sneak attack (or abuse summons) from projector room.
The implication was that Yasu was gonna hit up the stairs, ye. Is it an action to get into the projector room or naw?

Nah. You can just have her doing projector room stuff and file it under "she was doing it while they were opening the door."

If she opens the projector room:

The lock is one on the knob, so it's not very secure. Kicking it open is enough, but it would take Yasu a few kicks. She can pick it too, but it takes a bit of time. Either way, she can hear some shuffling and goopy noises inside before she can get the door open.

Inside the projector room is a set of four corpses. The bodies are pretty recognizable: they're wearing the uniforms of Hylic operations teams. Think something like this but everyone is wearing a mask/helmet. There isn't a sign that the supernatural killed them, but their necks have been snapped and bones broken. The bodies seem recently deceased judging by their lack of smell. Besides that, the room is filled with boxes and old reels.

There's a single green finger that's difficult to spot (lack of light) on one of the boxes. If Yasu sees it, it'll red flag every one of her base human instincts and she'd want to leave the projector room as soon as possible.

There is a faint smell in the projector room, but Yasu wouldn't know it. The most she knows is that it smells wrong and seems vaguely poisonous, but her instincts tell her that it won't actually harm her at this level.

For everyone:

The left and right stairs both lead to the same hallway that surrounding the theatre filled with doors to access the balcony.

  • Honest
    • Tough Love: Refuses to act unless ??? or ???
  • Yasu
  • Cam
  • Nils
  • Emma
  • Lion-headed Ringleader [HEALTHY] [2]
    • ???: ???
    • ???: ???
  • Half-Man Sized Car [UPTURNED] [?]
    • ???: ???
  • Elephant-headed Unicyclist [HEALTHY] [1]
  • Elephant-headed Trapeze [HEALTHY] [1]
  • Clown with Accordion Arms
  • Clown with Oversized Axe
  • Clown with Undersized Mallet
Special characters have special qualities that may be hidden until they become apparent.
Undetected characters can freely act until detected, but can only take one action that would reveal them.
Elite entities require multiple actions to fell and have special (possibly unknown) characteristics.
Greater entities may require multiple actions to fell.
Lesser entities can be slain by a single action.
Destroyed entities are usually out of the fight
[state] denotes their current state and [#] denotes how many actions they can perform each round.
> {Name} denotes who the enemy is currently focusing on.

With Niid boldly leading the way, Niid and Cam found themselves in front of the heavy door. Thankfully, Niid had taken something that relaxed him rather than a pure stimulant. Nobody had kicked the second set of doors down as Honest had done to the entryway. The heavy door opened without a sound and revealed the next room to Niid and Cam.

Opposite of the entryway was a mixture of theatre and stage. Far above the entry group, a projector without a reel buzzed while illuminating a tapestry screen. In turn, the front half of the theatre was given light. The top half of the walls gave way to balconies full of seats. The ground floor was much more sparse; the seats that had survived the scavengers were long since reduced to an uneven rubble.

There were six entities that they could see near the stage.

An unconcerned ringleader with a lion's head paced the stage. It growled at a non-existent audience as if to narrate a performance. The lack of response of the nonexistent crowd was interrupted by the ringleader cracking its whip and pacing to the other side of the stage to repeat itself.

An elephant-headed figure on a unicycle rode in circles on the stage while juggling three bowling pins. Perhaps "on a unicycle" wasn't the most accurate description; its lower half seemed to be the unicycle itself with flesh making tire and bone making spokes. The bowling pins were made out of similar organics.

Another elephant-headed figure dangled from the roof above the stage. Following its rope-leg up to the roof revealed something distinct: the roof had been covered by a web of flesh and party streamers. The flesh made sense, but the party streamers were new

In front of the stage lay three half-man sized clowns and a small upturned car. The three clowns seemed to push and pull at the car. The clown with accordion arms was the most involved as it pushed and pulled. Its arms made that signature sound that filled the building. The other clowns--one wielding a large axe and another wielding a small club--were no help in returning the car to its upright position.

The existence of these figures was confirmation that something was in this building. Supernatural occurrences in unpopulated areas usually confirmed the existence of a relic. It was either that or a hiding immortal. Sometimes it was both.

Thankfully, the shadows had allowed their entry into the theatre room to be undisturbed. Not one of the entities had noticed them open the door.

Honest had followed Nid and Cam. She entered the room and stood against the wall opposite of the stage. When someone looked at her, she gestured her head at the stage as if to say "deal with it already." She wasn't exactly keen on doing the dirty work when her job was to look after the kiddos.

Though maybe Honest should have kicked the entryway to this room in too. The door probably would have cleaved the three entities on the stage in half.
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