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7 mos ago
Current Achmed the Snake
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11 mos ago
It's kind of insane to me that people ever met without dating apps. It is just so inefficient.
1 yr ago
One, polyamory is notoriously difficult to administer
1 yr ago
I'm guessing it immediately failed because everyone's computer broke/work got busy/grand parents died
1 yr ago
In short: no don't use basic acrylics.


Early 30's. I know just enough about everything to be dangerous.

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Mythos elements are completely open to the PCs though there might be minor tweaks if I feel that things need to be bought into line.
Shots tore passed the freighter as it ascended into high orbit. Neil juked sideways, narrowly avoiding a spray of brightly colored plasma bolts. Saxon barred his teeth and Sven watched as impassively as ever.

“The Terrans are shooting at us?” Saxon hissed. Junebug shook her head weaky, her skin had grown very pale and she felt light headed.

“Nah, it has to be the locals, a Terran cruiser would swat this bucket without breaking a sweat,” Junebug explained.

“Neil didn’t mention local ships,” Sven pointed out. Junebug laughed bitterly, pausing to devole into a wracking cough for several seconds.

“This is an intra system tramp, I guess the captain didn’t spring for combat quality sensors,” Junebug explained. Most ships made do with very rudimentary sensor suite, radar and directed lidar for dangerous conditions. Neither of those systems were effective against fast moving targets at the kind of ranges space battles were typically fought at.

“Captan Cykali,” a voice crackled out of every speaker on the ship, rending the words in an uncomfortable stereo. Even the speaker on Saxon’s armor echoed the words. They must have been being transmitted by a tremendously powerful radio over every useable band. Smoke puffed from one of the vents and began to coil in lazy streams towards the underperforming ventilation ducts.

“Captain Cykali, this is TEF October Sky, respond at once.” Neil looked over his shoulder at her as though seeking direction. She tried to shrug but succeeded only in lolling her head to the side.

“Can’t… can’t hurt,” she whispered. Suddenly she felt immensely tired. If she could just get some sleep.

“She is crashing,” Sven observed without interest. The vessel rocked as something struck it, half the lights in the ship went out in an instant.

“This is uhhh freighter Edwardian, we have Junebug, err Captain Cyckali aboard,” Neil shouted. He shouldn’t be shouting Junebug thought sleepily, Saxon was leaning down over her shaking her shoulder.

“Is Neil Edwards with you?” the voice over the radio demanded. Neil’s response to the question was lost but a moment later he cursed.

“Holy fuck, the Terran’s just splashed everything in the air except us!” Neil shouted. Even without the sensor readouts, the sudden flurry of torpedos from the warship and the accompanying blasts, made this obvious to anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of space warfare.Saxon was shouting something about Neil working with the Terran’s but Junebug was already slipping into unconsciousness.
@FetzenGo ahead and apply!
Dresden, Vampire the Masquerade, Iron Druid and others like that are big influences!
Writing Philosophy

Players will be responsible for a considerable amount of the world, starting with the immediate lore regarding your character. How do vampires work? That is up to the vampire player to decide. What are wizard politics like? Ask the wizard pc.

Always feel free to push the plot forward or to add depth and color the city. If you push too far, I will ask you to rewrite a portion of your post.

Some basic tenents to keep in mind:

Yes and - This is an improv technique, never shut down something another player sets up in the narrative. This dosen't apply universally but it is a pretty good starting point.

Dramatic Tension and Spotlight - If a scene is built up, a dramatic stand off, a battle with a demon ect, don't unilaterally end the scene, give everyone a chance to contribute and write into the scene. If you think you have the ending in mind, feel free to check with me and we will work on it.

Character Submission

Please post character pitches in the OOC section. Once they are approved they will be moved to the Characters section.

Character Concept:


Not a real character

Name: Alexandria Flores
Character Concept: Drug dealing wizard
Trouble: My pockets are stuffed with my fathers blood stained money
Scene: A short scene which lets me know who your character is.

Characters will be accepted based on merit, not first come first serve.

Dark Streets

The city is all around you, a hungry, embracing darkness, it is an insatiable machine that draws in lives and grinds them to ruin. We dress it up with parks, with developments, with fucking shopping malls, but that dosen't change what it is. Beneath the glitz and glamor, behind the broad defensive walls of the suburbs, beneath the feeble glare of streetlights, the city is a relentless monsotorous beast, gorging itself on a cornucopia of flesh and corruption. And that is just the humans.

Beneath the streets dark forces are at play. Coven's of vampires move through the night, stalking their next victims. Strange fae courts dance to music no mortal can hear, granting gifts to mortals that twist in their hands to destroy their very souls. Dark things from the infernal realm ride behind the eyes of inconspicuous business men and leering insane wizards plunge daggers into the hearts of their sacrificial victims. Worse yet these forces move against each other, grinding mortal and magical alike between their titanic metaphysical mass.

A storm is coming.

If you want to survive the storm, you had best get busy...

Welcome to my very ill advised attempt to run an Urban Fantasy game. You should be thinking along the lines of the Dresden files, Supernatural, Vampire the Masquerade, with a touch of The Wire and True Detective. This is a Noir Rp, if you ask yourself if you need to be more Noir, then you obviously haven't gone noir enough!

This will be a story about survival against the odds and against powers

Alot of the detail will be workshoped in the RP but the characters will all be members of the extended magical community in a major US city Detroit Michigan. Magical influences are always clandestine, preferring to pull the strings from the shadows. The cops may be working for vampires, but they probably dont know it. This dosen't mean you have to be a magical creature, you can be a mundane who through skill or training or bad luck is pulled into the underworld and knows the real score. If you are a magical creature you are probably low powered and you are on the outs with your own faction for some reason or another. You also have a way of blending in with the normals, it could be a glamour, it could be a baseball hat.

Some ideas: Wizard, Vampire, Werewolf, Fae, Hunter, Oracle, ect.

I will be accepting four players total. Period. End of story.

You will be expected to provide significant input to the plot and the setting. You will also be expected to have friends, allies and enemies who will be caught in the crossfire. Lone super hero orphans who sprang from the ground fully formed and ready to fight evil need not apply.

Oh I love this so much *gets to work*
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