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8 mos ago
Current Achmed the Snake
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12 mos ago
It's kind of insane to me that people ever met without dating apps. It is just so inefficient.
1 yr ago
One, polyamory is notoriously difficult to administer
1 yr ago
I'm guessing it immediately failed because everyone's computer broke/work got busy/grand parents died
1 yr ago
In short: no don't use basic acrylics.


Early 30's. I know just enough about everything to be dangerous.

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I've just changed my character from January to a Veteran named David. I've edited my CS for you to look over when you have a free moment.

My Debt NPC is an Oracle called Eyes. He holds David's 'Someone keeps pulling your ass out of the fire' Debts.

Can you give me a bit more detail about how you lost control of the city?

Is Eyes also a veteran?
@XxFellsingxX You can start setting up debts, keep in mind that I would like one used for NPCs
@VeyrinDay Awesome, tell me more about this Harmonious Society?

<Snipped quote by Penny>

I want to use the 'Someone thinks they’re protecting you, but it’s really more like you’re protecting them. You owe each other a Debt.' to make the coworker one of the NPCs.

Awesome, tell me more about this person? You get to create this NPC (possibly with help from me)
@rush99999 The mechanics will naturally push you towards corruption. Once you get corrupt enough you can retire, or if you prefer you can retire a character at any time and start a new one. Corrupted characters become villians I should point out.
@OnionEater Sure we can probably hold one more spot. I'm looking at starting the first 'session' early next week.
New Belton

New Belton is an Old City in the New World. While the origin of the city is proudly described by local historical societies and history books there have always been conflicting accounts. Local legends whisper of pilgrim women who ran off with Native American outcasts and engaged in strange rituals, later to be joined by run slaves and wyrd Irish. Even the name Belton is thought to be a corruption of Beltane. New Belton has always been a place where the down and out can find fertile soil and, within a few generations, find places in the power structure.

Today New Belton has communities from all over the world. The police presence in the city is corrupt and besieged with officers not welcome on the streets of many communities. The community has turned to alternate forms of authority. Organized crime of various kinds provides alternatives, be it the Italian Mafia, the Armenian Mob, or Tongs and Triads.

+ City of Immigrants
+ Mobbed Up
+ Enclaves

+ Overcrowded
+ Old World/New World
+ The College
Feel free to riff a few more ideas!

I'd like everyone to use 1 debt to create an NPC. This person need not be a friend, but they should be immersed in the local power structure
New Belton

New Belton is an Old City in the New World. While the origin of the city is proudly described by local historical societies and history books there have always been conflicting accounts. Local legends whisper of pilgrim women who ran off with Native American outcasts and engaged in strange rituals, later to be joined by run slaves and wyrd Irish. Even the name Belton is thought to be a corruption of Beltane. New Belton has always been a place where the down and out can find fertile soil and, within a few generations, find places in the power structure.

Today New Belton has communities from all over the world. The police presence in the city is corrupt and besieged with officers not welcome on the streets of many communities. The community has turned to alternate forms of authority. Organized crime of various kinds provides alternatives, be it the Italian Mafia, the Armenian Mob, or Tongs and Triads.

+ City of Immigrants
+ Mobbed Up
+ Enclaves
+ Silk Road
+ Overcrowded
+ Old World/New World
+ The College
@Moon Man

Tags aren't physical locations necessarily, they are facts/tropes about the city.

Something like 'Melting Pot' might imply that cultures mix, but also that its getting hot and that things risk boiling over.
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