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    1. pkken 10 yrs ago


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Roy Kusayanagi

Roy didn't raise his head to face Mako until the gym was cleared out, even then he still was a bit hesitant to speak. Roy was extremely thankful that Kenichi put in his two cents and helped clear out the the room with some helpful advice. As things were, he wouldn't have been able to even face anyone as he is right now. For a short amount of time, the 3 would be alone with a tall order to fill. Resolving what was going on wouldn't be no easy feat, well at least for Roy with everything that was going through his head. As much as wanted to come completely clean and explain everything, he simply couldn't as it would only damage the morale of the class even more. Telling the truth about how Takeshi is apart of the shadow clan and how he along with Roy and Kaida are under their watchful eye. It was important information, something that once you know you can not forget. Who's to say that they didn't have people working on the inside? There was only one, maybe two or three people that he could come to about the situation at hand, Mako and Jett were not one of them.

Jett claimed that it was nothing that concerned anyone else but it was a clear lie, at face value it would concern anyone in the gym. To be honest it didn't even concern Jett who had happened to be the one to catch the heat. Roy didn't lash out at Jett because of what he said, he lashed out at him because of fustration. Jett just happened to be the person to light the powder keg.

"It was just a show of will. It wasn’t like Roy was going to ACTUALLY shoot me...Right?"

Roy didn't answer this question, simply because he knew that he definitely WAS planning on doing just that. If it wasn't for Jett causing him to second guess himself as well as Kaida, Tomoe, and Yukari intervening then he would have let that arrow fly. Roy simple turned his head and took in a deep sigh, he would have to explain himself someway somehow, if he didn't then Mako would grow even more suspicious.

Best way to lie is by telling a little bit of the truth.

"He is right, emotions were running high for everyone...especially for me in particular...so I wont blame Jett 100% for starting things. If I kept myself in check then we wouldn't be in this mess...I guess I've been in my head too much for the past few days, being isolated didn't help much either since I was left with my own negative emotions and thoughts. Thoughts of wishing that I was better equipped for the situation that had happened, wishing that we weren't at the mercy of our foes. My emotions got the better of me...and I am regretful that it took the equally strong emotions of my classmates just for me to realize that me lashing out at Jett wasn't the best way to deal with it."

Even though it felt pretty good

@Zeroth@Silver Carrot@Aerandir

Roy Kusayanagi

The arrow in Roy’s hand began to radiate strongly as the boy pulled back even harder, it began sparking violently. Roy stuck his index finger out as a guide for the arrow, his hair and clothes were being affected by the power of his quirk. His hair was being blown back while his hoodie and pants were quaking from the energy being released. As he was about to fire but some one stopped him, his eyes grew wide at sight of Kaida stepping in front of with arms spread wide, blatantly preventing a clear shot.

Roy gritted his teeth as he retracted his arrow a bit, as he lowered his guard the ferocity of his attack weakened, he whispered under his breath.

Why are you getting in the way...

He looked at Kaida straight in the eyes, she was adamant on stopping the fight that was going on and would even go as far as to sacrifice herself. This caused Roy to come a bit back to his senses as he looked around and surveyed the damage that he had caused I..caused this?, he then faced Kaida once more with sea green eyes, the disappointment in her eyes pierced him like a needle to the point where he couldn't look her in the eyes for much longer. There wasn't much time to loath in that moment as Yukari exploded in an emotional bout, her words hit home pretty good. Rage can be so blinding, the strong feelings emotions that he was experienced weren't even because of Jett in the first place, yet he took it out on him anyways. As tears streamed down the blind girls eyes, Roy fought hard against his own, seeing her cry triggered some dark memories. Ones he didn't want to think about in such a vulnerable state, the rage within couldn't protect his heart forever.

From far left field he could even hear Tomoe going off, her words beared even more weight than Yukari's because of the history they had. Out of everyone, his actions had to shock Tomoe the most, someone who he had spilled his dreams of being a pro to countless times. To see him to act in such a vulgar manner must have caused her great pain. He could hear her on the verge of shedding tears just by the sound of her wavering voice.

"I thought I knew you, stupid..."

These words had to be the most painful blow he had received all day, he was sure Tomoe was silently sobbing after saying those words. He could hear her signal to Acion, suggesting that for them to go to the infirmary, he wanted to tell her to wait but he didn't have any strength left in his body to do so. Not only that but he couldn't muster any words right now, on the inside he was a mess of emotions right now while. On the outside he was standing silently with his head tilted towards the ground. Roy didn't even have the courage to look at anyone right now.

In a split second Ms.Mako appeared in front of him, quickly making light work of the energy that he had gathered. The boy didn't even flinch at the sight of Ms.Mako, simply submitting himself to whatever punishment came next. He didn't even have to look at Ms.Mako to feel the disappointment emanating off of her as she stood in front of the boy. The emotional strain got the best of him, no good would come from this. Him lashing out would only spark a domino effect as the moral of Class 1-A begins to crumble from underneath himself as well as those around him.

@Zeroth@liferusher@Norschtalen@Silver Carrot@Ryonara@Conscripts@Heartfillia

Marius Anderson

Interactions: ???

Once a good amount of distance was placed between himself and the two other test takers, Marius decided to stop and a take a short break to calm down. He leaned against a warn down building and clenched his chest, begging for his heart beat to slow down as he slouched over. He quickly turned his body, placing his back against the building in which he shortly slid down onto the floor. He took a deep breath before throwing his hands against his face before silently sulking to himself.


He questioned why his quirk worked in that manner, upon activation his personality would flip and he'd turn into an aggressive beast, a monster that he was honestly afraid of. It was another side of him that when released it instilled fear in not only him but those around him, the way that boy looked at him was proof. He looked at him as if he as crazy and that wasn't even close to Marius being at his worst, though the girl on the other hand seemed much more startled then frightened. The pup took his hands away from his eyes to look up into the sky and take a deep breath, the physical changes that he had equipped during his short transformation began to revert back to their original state. The boy slouched his head back down towards the ground before holding his legs in a fetal position, his eyes drifted from the ground towards his watch which had been broken when he got trampled in the mob.

"Oh gre-...THE TIME"

He nearly forgot about the exam which was going to begin soon, Marius leapt from the ground and frantically looked from left to right trying to figure out which direction he should go in. He then paused remembering to use his senses, Marius closed his eyes in order to direct more focus onto his nose, the pup inhaled the aromas that surrounded him before sprinting left.

I can still smell the turkey!

Marius began running on all fours, increasing his own speed as he made haste towards the entrance exam area.



In a cloud of smoke, a white haired man appeared at the center of old Shinto village square. The pro known as Houdini captured everyone’s attention as he made his entrance, the excitement on his face was clear as surveyed the area of all the partcitpants before greeting the examinees.

“Good morning examines, I hope you had an easy enough time making your way over here. I am the pro hero known as Houdini and I will be overseeing your exam this year.”

Houdini placed his right hand in the air before flicking it, like magic a red 3 of diamonds playing card appeared in between his index finger and middle finger. The man threw the card swiftly onto
the ground and from it a foldable table, chair, as well as a briefcase had appeared. Houdini slid behind the table taking a seat while simultaneously opening the briefcase.

“If everyone can neatly form a single file line, I will begin to get all participants checked in and accounted for before we begin the Sekai Academy entrance exam”


Marius was beginning to close in on the exam area, his ear perked up at the manly voice he could hear in the distance. The only thing blocking him from reaching the exam was large wall that separated the abandoned village, it towered at about 15 feet in the air. Marius felt a bit daunted for a split before a voice popped into his head.

I can make it!

The pup lowered his body and began to pick up in speed, once he was about 25 feet away from the wall Marius lept onto the side of a house situated near the old shinto village border before vaulting over the obstacle. As he lept off the house, he his finger and footprints on the side of the building. His eyes grew wide as he cleared the wall. Though what waited for him on the other side was a rather large bush in which the boy ended up kissing.


were the only words he said before disappearing into the bush, his yell could be heard from quite a few students that were situated on the outskirts of the square whom quickly whipped their heads around questioning the sound, only to find no culprit. After a few seconds of searching they surrendered and moved to checking in with Houdini.

"Lets go check in."

Marius took a moment to gather himself, other than a few twigs stuck in his hair he was pretty much fine. His ears perked up at the voice of some girl who was most likely talking to a friend, saying that they should go sign in.

Marius peeked through the bush that he was in to check if the coast was clear, he already attracted enough attention today and didn't want to be popular for another 'public event'. Once he believed that there were no eyes facing his direction he hopped out of the bush and cleaned himself off.

"Is that you Marius?"

The boy froze in place as he heard his name called out by a familiar voice, his feet grew cold and he dared not turn and face the person who had called him out.

Part 1

Roy Kusayanagi


Jett gave a confused look when Roy claimed he was ‘shitting’ on their hard work. Theirs? He was telling Roy not to act like he was the only one with problems. This only pissed Jett off even more that this guy couldn’t even follow the argument. But before he could say anything he notice the foot sweeping back and the clear cocking of the arm. His training kicked in as he quickly shifted his own weight.

Using his left hand he quickly raised it and batted roys arm to his right while moving left. Then delivered a sharp jab with his right hand to the side of roy's face, aimed at the back of the Jaw and under the ear.

Roy’s eyes narrowed as he saw Jett evade his punch and retaliate with one of his own aimed towards Roy’s face. Roy slid his foot farther back and shifted his weight forward, standing his ground while simultaneously constructing protective headgear similar to what a boxer would use. The punch that Jett had thrown landed on its mark causing Roy’s head to be flung towards the side but he wasn’t out the fight. Taking a blow like that full force would have easily put anyone out when backed with enough power, especially someone who had suffered injuries to the head not to long ago.

With Roy’s left hand he quickly acquired a vice grip onto Jett’s bicep before turning his head back towards jett cocking his right hand back as if he was about to go for another attempt at his foes face...Well that’s at least what he wanted Jett to believe.

In reality, him going for a punch to the face was indeed a feint! As Roy was about to release his strike, the boy tucked his arm under his shoulder. From an elbow, a burst of concussive energy was released slingshotting a haymaker straight for Jett’s rib cage with enough power to create a bit of separation between the two of it happens to land.

Jett was a bit surprised when roy was able to construct a headgear in the mere second of his counter attack happened in, and that he was able to latch onto his arm. He shifted his weight incase he was about to be thrown but only saw the arm cock back again. Expecting the attack aimed for his face he shifted his weight forward and to the right, into Roy. Pressing his captured forearm into Roys upper chest. Pinning Roys left arm to his own chest as he held onto Jetts bicep.

While doing this movement he didn’t see the change in Roy’s right arm, and continued to proceed with his plan, ducking his head under his captured arm. Protecting his face. As he pushed forward he lifted up his right leg and repositioned it behind roys left leg. Using the force of his push to knock him back.

Roy’s haymaker aimed for his ribbs launched suddenly. Catching Jett in the shoulder, and grasing jetts nose in the process. Unbalanced from tripping Roy, the force would cause him to fall face first into the ground.

He didn’t let this stop him though, as soon as he hit the ground he pushed himself up and rolled sideways away from roy and back onto his feet. Working out his left arm to get used to the pain while holding his nose which was bleeding now.

Looking at his blood on the back of his thumb he glanced back at Roy with a glare that could kill. He was fucking pissed now. He was going to show the little shit he didn’t need his quirk to beat his ass. He moved forward quickly but in control. Trying for a powerful jab to Roys chin, it wasn’t his main target though, he was waiting for roy’s next move before delivering a combo to knock him back.

Roy leg slid slightly out from under him as Jett used his own concussive blast along with a well positioned leg against him. Roy tried to regain his balance but he isn’t exactly the most graceful on his feet and eventually hit the floor. Without wasting time,Roy rushed to get back onto his feet, paranoid that Jett would try to take advantage of his vulnerability. Thankfully that wasn’t the case as Jett also sent tumbling backwards from the impact, this game the boy a bit of time and space to plan out his next move but not too much as Jett had now collected himself and was making his way full force.

Compared to the shadow clan, he isn’t too much of a handful...the only thing is he is a whole lot quicker than me.

Jett was closing in quickly, Roy would have to make a move soon. The boy raised his fingers up aiming that at Jett, his fingers were shaped like a gun. Soon the boy let off a couple rounds of shots, the first one fired sailed right past Jetts face. It was probably for the best that Dulga had evacuated Kaida and Tomoe from the bleachers because where they had sat was there were now a couple of deep dents.Taking advantage of the distance and staying on the offensive was the most optimal against someone who could teleport, to be honest he was surprised he didn’t do so yet.

As Jett was moving forward. He hesitated midstep when he saw roy make a hand gun. It threw him off, but knowing Roy it was possible he actually could… but he really didn’t believe the guy would ACTUALLY go through with it.

“What are you gonna do? Sho…” He started to ask, but was immediately answered as he shot off a couple of shots. He instinctively curled up and twisted his body after the first shot zipped by his face. Luckily the second shot missed him as well. After another moment or two he realized where he was and where the shots went. He spun his head around, totally expecting Tomoe and Kaida to have been hit. Luckily that was not the case as he saw Kaida and Tomoe closer to the door now holding Acion.

“ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?” He screamed as he turned and rushed Roy, Cocking his right arm back and punching him in the face, following up with two hard body shots and starting with his left fist. He then finished it off with a powerful front kick to his chest by planting the sole of his foot against it.

His shots missed the mark, which he somewhat expected a bit since he had little to no time for practicing his aim, Jett delivered a blow to the boys cheek followed by some body blows before following up with a kick to the chest knocking Roy off his feet. The boy rolled a couple of feet back before landing on his face, he struggled a bit to get up. Out of all the blows that were delivered onto his body, Roy was only clenching his chest and panting heavily.


That had to be the one place he didn’t want to get hit, thankfully it was a kick that did impact damage instead of a punch that would’ve rattled his core. A single line of blood began to flow from his mouth and travel down towards his chin before dripping onto the floor.

“Are you done!? You could have hurt Kaida and Tomoe you Dipshit!” Jett yelled at him, lowering his hands to his side.

His eyes also flicked from yellow to sea green before staying solid yellow. Roy took the time to unzip his hoodie before tossing it to the side, under which he didn’t have a shirt under. His stomach was wrapped in bandages, clearly showing that he hadn’t exactly recovered completely from his last battle.

“Shut up!”

His breaths were short and he began to cough frantically, he was now facing a time limit. Roy managed to get back to his feet eventually, he looked forward and squinted as he saw two Jetts slowly mesh into one. Roy clenched and unclenched his fists, almost as if he was doing a systems check on his body before continuing with the fight. Now that the hoodie was off he could feel his freedom of movement expand, the boys right arm had begun to be enveloped by yellow energy which slowly began to expand in size before he shot out a large hand with sharp claws from his right arm that was aimed towards Jett who hand now lowered his guard.

The construct opened its palm and managed to grab ahold of Jett’s torso, once contact was confirmed Roy supported his right arm with his left and twisted his body as he swung his right arm across his chest. The construct reacted to the change in motion of Roy's arm and swung its captives body to the right before throwing Jett some ways across the room.

“Time to give you a little taste of what I’ve experienced”

Blood continued to trickle down Roy’s chin and onto the floor as he released the construct and straightened up his stance and faced Jett.

Jett was an idiot for letting his guard down. He didn’t have time to get out of the the way when Roy reached out and grabbed hold of him with his light construct. Before he was tossed though he could feel the heat starting to burn him on his exposed forearms.

He hit the ground hard and slammed into some racks that held training equipment. It took him a moment to get up, groaning as he did. He really wished his quirk would start working for him right about now. He paused while on one knee, hearing the pathetic one liner this guy gave him.

“Oh please, just throw me into another rack. I rather have that than listen to you trying to act tough.” Jett said as he pushed himself to his feet.

Roy held his right hand out as if he was grabbing something before bringing his left hand to join in, soon a long bow construct was formed but it had a different air around it.

“What? The finger gun not flashy enough for you?” Jett said as he rubbed and rotated his left wrist that jammed when he landed hard.

Roy began made an arrow to go along with this bow but it was far from energy, as he drew back on the bow the arrow began to howl and boom with energy which began to grow more violent and powerful the farther back he drew. Despite what was going on Jett was no stranger to slick comments, Roy just simply smirked before simply replying with one word.


Jett stood there, glancing at the items around him. Weights, staffs, bokens, and...rubber balls? Great he had nothing. There was nothing to jump behind… He looked over at Roy who was smirking like alittle shit. “Go ahead. Shoot me. You lemon.”


Roy Kusayanagi

As Jett’s palm flew into Roy’s chest the boy felt the adrenaline begin to course through his veins, his body began to shake as he tried to his best to keep from decking Jett square in the face. Though with the rate that things were going at, it would be inevitable. Jett and Roy were now face to face in a full on shouting match and were now accumulating a small crowd around them.

Roy could feel his body temperature rise alongside his anger as smoke began sparsely emanating from his head as the moisture in his hair evaporated. Jett truly didn’t know Roy’s purposes or why he was here and spewing out these false accusations seemed to only further push him past the point of no reasons. Roy’s eye twitched when he claimed that he only got into the hero course just to even put a number of students, a clear low blow that ticked Roy off even more.

Jett continued on with his claims of how everything was but it really just showed how completely ignorant he was to the situation at hand. He didn’t know about why they were attacked in the first place, what they had to go through to survive, nor what was given up in order to survive. All he did was just hear the short and sweet version of what happened and based his assumptions off of that. Jett didn't know a thing about why he was here nor what who he was doing it for.

“Shut your fucking mouth”

Despite saying that, Jett continued on with what he was saying, claiming that he was going to take what Roy was dishing out, his voice at this point was like nails to a chalk board.

“Stop acting like you know everyone’s fucking story, you don’t know a god damn thing about us or what we are going through! For us to get here we had to overcome our own demons, I’m not going to let you shit on our hard work!”

Roy’s eyes had dilated and his mind went blank, the only thing he could focus on at the moment was Jett and relieving his anger. Rage swept over the blonde boy in one fell swoop as he slid his foot back, cocked his fist, and swung at Jett's jaw with a right hook, his movement was so quick that the hood of his jacket flew off from the top of his head as he made the first strike.


Roy Kusayanagi

Despite changing the scenery, it didn't assist much with liberating Roy from his rampant thoughts. He tapped his foot violently on the ground and tensed up his whole body as his anger began to take over, the more he thought about what that man from the shadow clan had said the more he thought about his father, what made him even angrier was that he knew that he was overthinking things yet he could not stop himself. He began grinding his teeth together and cracking his fingers, desperately searching for a solution to prevent himself from exploding but there was no hope for that. Jett has now coincidentally decided to seat himself right next to Roy, how ironic that the LAST person he wanted to be near decided to take a seat next to him, of all the seats in the bleachers why next to him in the front row? Not only to boot but he had that smart ass look on his face, just seeing that made Roy grind his teeth and tap his feet even harder.

Ya know… the whole ‘Emo’ thing, doesn’t really work with girls nowadays…What's up buttercup? Sun behind a cloud? Girl issues? Or someone eat your last toaster strudel?“

Roy's movement came to a abrupt halt as he gave Jett a menacing glance as he rose from his seat and faced Jett, his hands were balled up in a fist, parallel to his body, Roys eyes were no longer green,they were now a vibrant gold color as he looked Jett in the eyes.

"You know Jett...you really getting on fucking nerves. The dumb look you always have on your face, how you walk around as if you're the shit, even the sound of your voice is enough to make me piss me off. But what really drives me crazy, is how you don't take anything or anyone seriously, the only thing you are worried about is yourself." Once he started going in on Jett, he was sure he would begin to accrue a crowd of some sort just by the tone of his voice as well as the stance he took but Roy did't have a care in the world, whether he had witnesses or not wasn't going to change what he had to get off his mind.

"You'll never understand how I feel or what I'm going through right now, I had to fight tooth and nail, rain or shine just to get to where I'm standing, I had to overcome so much adversity and there were so many restless nights that I had, there were so many times where I had to see my mother cry and I can't help but feel guilty because my weakness was the reason why she had to shed tears." Roy's tone of voice began to rise the more and more while simultaneously getting closer and closer to Jett who was standing in front of him, he gripped his fists tightly as if he was going to strike at any moment.

"I had to fight to get here, while you on the other hand had everything handed to you. You never had to struggle for much and it shows by how seriously you take things, you just spend your time messing around with people and flirting with girls. You don't care about being a hero, the only reason you even got into Komei was because of your Grandpa." With that last word escaping his breath, Roy stuck his finger hard into the boys chest, enough so that Jett body was slightly pushed back.


Damian Ivorn


Damian was quite appalled by the explosion that had completely obliterated the numbers advantage that their foe had, not only did it surprise him but it also triggered him a bit as well. Sure his idea was to draw out the enemy but he didn't think that they'd blow up their men along with the supplies meant for the village. Once the damage had been done a man emerged from the stalks of wheat who seemed to have taken great pleasure from the suffering of the men that were wasted behind him. With a impressive display of agility, the man made light work of Sara's celestial spirit, sending the cow back to the spirit realm with ease.

The man introduced himself as Jean Vali and urged the wizards to surrender but there wasn't a slim chance that they would even consider throwing in the towel without a fight. Damian simply replied to the man by unsheathing his sword though as he was about to charge in it seemed as though the impulsive wizard named Trixie had beat him too it. Rushing in with her large hammer she attempted to bash him with her hammer but after the display of speed he just put on he knew that Trixie wouldn't have a chance at striking him head on, her hammer was to heavy and slow to be used in combat against someone as speedy as Jean. With one hit the man made light work of Trixie's weapon, severing the hammer in two with relative ease.

After witnessing Trixie's attack fail he noticed four blasts of poison gas go off, seperating Jean from his two allies, this coudld have only been done by Vali wherever he might be at the moment. Damian took notice of what Vali was planning and wasted no time, the boy firmly planted his left foot into the ground and began setting the playing field for his Great arc of trees. The blonde began to further strengthen and expand the network of roots within the wheat field."I trust that you guys will have my back!" the blonde said directly to Sara, Argus, and Trixie though this actually a hidden message for Vali that said Cover me. A yellow magic circle appeared below Damian as he began citing an incantation.

"Grant those I choose with power that rivals the divine! Heavenly Strength and Speed!"

Soon enough a few roots would make slight contact with Argus and Trixie, shortly after the roots made contact a green magical aura surrounded both Dragon heart members delivering them a noticeable boost in magical power.

Roy Kusayanagi

”Out of respect for your spirit, courage, or sheer stupidity, whatever you want to call it, I won't kill you today… Partially out of respect for your father as well.”

Roy had flung out of breath, breathing rapidly as he tried to keep up with his hasty heart rate. He clenched his chest while taking deep inhales while exhaling slowly as a way to return his heart beat to normal. The same dream again...I can't seem to shake it. The boy rubbed his face anxiously as he tried to regain his grip on reality, once he took his hands off his cheeks he could feel that they were slightly moist. Roy dragged his fingers over his forehead, rubbing off some sweat. The blonde let off a deep sigh before clenching his sheets tightly, the incident has shaken him up badly, to the point where it led to many restless nights. Coupled with a large amount of time where he was left alone with his thoughts, anxiety was beginning to break him down even further. In all ends of the spectrum, that had to be the worst day of his life.

His hands were now thrown up into his scalp, tufts of blonde hair squeezed threw the cracks of his fingers as Roy stared at the wall of his dorm room with a blank gaze.

"I need to get away..." he spoke to himself in a forlorn voice.


Roy took a quick shower before throwing on a baggy grey hoodie and sweatpants before heading towards the training grounds, his mind was still in a pretty dark place. He spent no time drying his hair as it was still soaking wet but he didn't give a damn, his mind was elsewhere. It triggered him that he owed his life to someone who wanted no part of him, he could feel his temperature rising just at the thought of it. I don't owe him anything. He thought to himself, but then he took into consideration of the only gift he had ever received from his father being the cloak that he owns which seemed to spiral him further into his shitty mood.

Without even noticing it he had reached the training area, he could see a few familiar faces through the windows on the doors, it seemed as though things were pretty lively from the looks of it. The blonde boy casually walked inside and made his way over to the bleachers, he took note of Kaida and Tomoe who had been sitting near each other. Normally he would've said hello but he quickly dismissed their presence, turning his head and taking a seat in the front row. Once he took a seat, the boy pulled his hoodie further over his face as he watched the other students train. Anyone who acknowledged Roy arriving would have noticed his arrival would have also noticed the boy's still wet hair and shameless eyes before anything else couple this with him not greeting anyone and anyone that had every held a conversation with him would notice the strange behavior.


Damian Ivorn


Damian just smirked a bit, Sara was pretty naive of how bad this world is but it was nice to know that she had a good heart. The wizard just nodded his head in agreement with the task she selected. Now all that was next was to go find members, something that wasn’t the easiest for the guy since he doesn’t have much of a reputation. It was a good thing Sara was somewhat of a social butterfly and was able to nab some members, though each of them seemed a bit off. Trixie was first on the list, she seemed like a knucklehead who enjoyed swinging around that hammer restlessly. All in all she seemed like someone who would make this job unnecessarily more difficult, this raised some red flags in Damian’s mind that caused him to second guess going on this job.

But it was too late, he already gave Sara his word and he never goes back on it, Perhaps she would decline Sara? Maybe trixie wouldn’t see this mission as something interesting? Damian held his thoughts inside hoping this was the case.

“I’m up for it. What do you need me to do?”


The boy tried his best to keep his true emotions inside but as soon as she had accepted the boys eyebrows twitched a bit out of disappointment. But soon enough a blessing came in a different shape and size, the level headed sniper, Valishin. The wizards mood flipped as Vali offered up his services, perhaps he would be able to keep hammer girl tranquil with his cool and collected persona.

The last to join the group was Argus..well more like forced against his will to come along by his sister Juno. Argus was definitely a character, he took great enjoyment out of triggering other people with his tricks. Something that Dame just didn’t quite understand.

The boy chuckled as his sister easily coheresed the boy into joining up, watching the tight bond between siblings was always something bittersweet for Damian as he also had siblings. A little sister and brother who he’d rarely see do to him always training because of his birthright, there were also other reasonings as well but he had to end his train of thought hastily.

Before he knew it the team was formed and were heading towards a four wheeler, despite being a rather efficient form of transportation, Damian preferred an rather old fashioned form of travel that was full of interactions with nature. Alas, time was of the essence, being the tallest member of the group,the wizard claimed the shotgun seat and simply stared out the window pretty much the whole ride, completely unaware of the pitiful driving that was to come.


Once the car came to a stop at mill village, Damian immediately got out of the car a bit shaken up. ”Id thought trixie would be the one to do more harm than good first but I was mistaken.”. Once the boy took a good inhale he could quickly feel how dire the situation had became, the boy grabbed a small bundle of wheat that had been ran over by Sara and quickly surveyed the conditions of the crop with his magic.

”These crops are not in the best condition, not only that but the ethernano in the area is rather low.” Damian placed a hand on the hilt of his sword as Sara pointed out something of interest. A band of carriages full of men in black robes were seen not to far away, an obvious trap pointed out by Argus. Immediately the crimson haired man began strategizing even if it was just a little, seeing this side of him made Damian trust the guy a little bit more. Not only that but he seemed to have a rather interesting arsenal of gadgets.

Sara pushed for them to go forward saying that she’d cover them which was probably for the best since she wasn’t exactly someone who was built for the front line.

”Well if they’ve already took notice of us why not just confront them? I’m sure we can handle them, don’t you think Trixie?” Damian said, gripping the hilt of his blade with a questionable smirk.

Damian Ivorn


Damian let out a sigh of relief as Sara took care of the frigid weather inside of the guild hall, despite the cold not bothering much he was much more of a warm sunny day guy. The wizard let out a small grin at the sight of the celestial spirit, Fornax, who released a wave of heat to melt all the ice inside the guild before disappearing. With the departure of Fornax, Sara had turned to Damian, giving him a pleasant greeting while also pouring him a cup of alchohol. The wizard replied with an equally pleasant greeting of his own, before taking a swing of alchohol.

“I’m holding up pretty good, I just came in see what the commotion was, kinda wish I didn’t”

Damian downed the alcohol in one go before turning back to face Sara who awaited his response with a warm grin. He never really got the chance to really get to know her, it’s not like he would mind it though. Next to the Mis’s, Sara had to be one of the nicest people in the guild and Damian did find her personality rather inviting.

As he was about to ask how she was doing, before a wave of energy that caused the boy to jitter while he watched color fade from the room. A grin was plastered on his face, an expression opposite of Sara’s, Damian took great enjoyment out of seeing new magic, especially Master Kukan’s arc of space magic. Damian watched as he broke up the fight almost effortlessly while also lecturing everyone though most of it was directed at Muko and Vega. Once he was done with his speech, he released his magic that held everyone in the guild hall captivated.


That wasn’t all that Master Kukan has to say, he also came to place some new jobs up on the job board which was always nice, it’s been a while since Damian had took up any jobs so he might take a look to see if anything interests him. The boy turned back to Sara who asked if he would like to join her on a job followed by a nice very warm smile that was hard to say no to.

The boy placed his mug on the table before getting up from his stool to”Well when you smile at me like that, how can I possibly say no?” The wizard beckoned towards Sara as he made his way to the job board, ”Lets go see what’s available!”
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