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@DarkRecon: Hm...

Well, there's... A lot to unpack here, but I'll go down one by one.

  • Minor point: Infection by standard means (read: mouth) guarantees mutation. Can't have that.
  • The character as a whole seems very... How do I put this... Flat? Amnesia plus lone wolf plus no connections to people means that the character has no stake in... Well, pretty much anything, as far as I can tell. That's probably the biggest problem that I have here; from getting dragged along by the government into being sent off for a 'goodwill' program (which is also something I'll get to), the dude has next to no reason to interact with other characters and thus in my opinion wouldn't mesh well with the rest of the cast.
  • The reason that people are scouted is because they haven't been picked up yet locally; national security is very important to pretty much every city-state/nation in the current state of the world, and so giving up perfectly usable personnel to an international organization (even if they do provide aid) does not seem like something that would happen in the first place—doubly so given that they are essentially a PMC in the grander scheme of things. I also believe that such an offer would likely be rejected out-of-hand given the timeline and circumstances anyways; Chi-Mechframes are expensive and gearing temporary personnel comes at a loss, and sending staff with said equipment carries a very heavy financial burden on the party offering with a very real risk of no return. Presenting an 'offering of goodwill' to an independent organization with high risk and comparatively low return does not sit well with me, and I doubt that it would with any high-ranking officials in-universe.
  • Minor point two: given that he is an amnesiac that was found in an abandoned apartment, how would he even have any material possessions? There wouldn't be anyone to confirm if they were his or not on-location, and given that search-and-rescue was the means by which he was found, anything not explicitly important to him (e.g. any form of ID, which given the circumstances of his name he would not have had on his person) would likely not have been retrieved.
  • The walking contradiction that is the despondence of the character towards any intent of pressing forward in spite of the circumstances and the presence of a strong will is also... Odd? As it stands, they come off as wholly resigned to their fate and only continue to push through because of a combination of what momentum they have and people around them more or less forcing him ahead. Things just don't line up on that front.

Hmmm... Yeah, that's about it for my thoughts on the matter at the moment. As for equipment design... I'd probably prefer something more akin to, say, tokusatsu outfits than smaller mecha to fit with the current cast aesthetic, but that part is less mandatory than what's been stated thus far.
Elise Kim
The Horizon — Dining Area

Nodding her head in silent agreement with the other Pilots' words, Elise took a few more moments to ponder upon the situation before shrugging her shoulders. She had only been apprised of the details of the job because she had been somewhat curious, given the sheer amount of work to be done on a regular basis. Even so, helping to take back a region of Japan was certainly on a scale unlike any they had encountered to date—even if it had been fairly sparsely populated compared to the nation's major cities, that was still a lot of ground to cover.

With their meals winding to a close and the proper meeting time approaching, though, Elise chose to finally finish up her meal and deliver the dishes (now bereft of food) to the cleaning station before heading off to the command room. Better early than barely on time, after all.

The Horizon — Command Room

Situated near the bow of The Horizon, the command room had become a familiar sight to the Frame Pilots—Elise included, of course—and with the appointed time fast approaching, it only made sense that the area was astir. There were multiple people situated behind computers, all of them lined up in rows that curved around towards a view of a massive monitor in the center. In front of that, though, stood a certain woman waiting expectantly for the Pilots to file in. Once they all had, the woman—the owner of The Horizon and their boss, Sandra Morrison—cleared her throat and began to speak.

"I thank you all for arriving here on time. The order of business today will be to give you an overview of the mission ahead," she said, raising one hand as the monitor behind her brought up a series of maps and images of the landmass below. "The primary goal is to aid Japanese military forces located within Tokyo in retaking the entirety of the Saitama prefecture. Given its close proximity to the actual city, doing so will provide a buffer with which the city can use to further prepare for Warped activity should the need arise."

Stepping to the side, Sandra continued to keep her gaze trained upon the group as the monitor zoomed in on the prefecture, pinpointing a few locations on the map and a route leading towards the west from Tokyo itself.

"This is, of course, a joint venture with the nation, so there is no need to worry about having to handle the entirety of this zone on your own. Your focus will be placed towards clearing out the western area here while Japanese forces make headway into the north of the prefecture. To that end, we have divided you all across three teams, each with a different purpose."

From here, the visuals on the monitor switched from a focus on their route to a split segment, showing the separation of the Pilots into the aforementioned teams, their profile shots lined up accordingly.

"Constantina and Fukada: your objective is to scout ahead and clear a path for the Japanese forces assigned to our group to be able to secure the area in its entirety. Place priority on targets that cannot be handled with standard firepower, and if possible, redirect them to areas away from the main force.

Kim, Dulac: take out any Warped that Fukada either cannot handle on her own or that the other team may have either missed or deemed too problematic to engage with their firepower. Coordinate as necessary, and do not hesitate to retreat or call for aid if the situation requires it.

Drakos, Faye, Constanza: protect the main force as they follow after the other two teams. Even in an ideal scenario, there will still likely be large amounts of Warped moving in towards your position, especially as you head further west. Be prepared for anything, including retreat.

If you have any further questions about the objective at hand, speak up now. Otherwise, collect your Chi-Mechframes from the engineering bay and head to the hangar. You depart in thirty minutes; I wish you the best of luck in your efforts. Dismissed."

@DarkRecon: We're still open, but honestly, if you're looking for something directly analogous to Monster Hunter or mecha series (e.g. GaoGaiGar, Gundam, etc.;), then this RP might not necessarily be the right one for you. Of course, I could probably state more clearly if I knew what exactly you might expect/want, so... Hey, I'm all ears for that.

Though, I suppose it does make sense to clarify that characters can be whichever, it's just that the given trend of the cast seemed to be leaning female (and given the mecha musume bit in the title, I suppose that makes sense anyways).
@Medili: Yeah, looks fine now. Accepted.
@Medili: Hmmm...

All right, there are a few things that I'd like to have edited in this form...

  • Echidna to the mouth is guaranteed infection. Character would've mutated on the spot if it ended up there; you'll probably need to figure out an alternative here.
  • The longest a character could have logically trained for this in-universe is a year, and the time having the actual gear would be half that (with respect to the cast), minimum. This also sort of hurts the 'gunner' part of the skills listing by proxy, I suppose, depending on what focus the character actually places on which skills.
  • It's Chi-Mechframe, not Chi-Frame.

That... Is about it? Once edits are in, I'll take another look.
Elise Kim
The Horizon — Dining Area

Before she could place her attention towards her bowl of food, Elise found her attention being pulled towards the young woman that had called out to her.

"Ah?" she responded almost instinctively towards her name before turning towards the source—Pyralis, as it were—and nodded with a smile. "By all means, feel free."

The subsequent arrival of the more muscle-bound Louisa was greeted with equal cordiality, and the slight smirk soon turned to a wry smile at the newest arrival's words.

"It's just past noon here," the white-haired girl spoke, motioning towards the window ever so slightly with her head, "but I suppose some people might still consider this morning, no?"

Deciding to not take any further jabs at the other woman's expense, Elise turned her attention towards her food once again...

Only for a certain brunette to burst onto the scene, chipper as ever. The few months she had spent with the girl already had allowed Elise to grow used to her boundless enthusiasm, but the way she seemed to consume food as if it was water was still a bit...

Was 'comical' the right word? Or 'terrifying'? She still couldn't tell which.

"...Right. She certainly comes and goes like a storm," she said, finally pulling her attention away from Hoshiko as she ran off to bother Norika in order to take a few bites of her noodles before they grew soggy.

There were a few moments of silence as everyone present took the time to eat, but after taking the time to savor what was in front of her, Elise took another deep breath and glanced back towards the other Pilots sitting with her.

"I don't think we'll need as much energy as she does for the day, but I guess we'll see soon enough," she said, placing her chopsticks off to the side for a moment. "I heard that we'd be getting split into smaller teams to help the advance force earlier, but they said that they were still in the middle of finalizing who's handling what."

With another sidelong glance towards the other pair off to the side, Elise leaned back in her seat and crossed her arms in front of herself before turning back towards the others.

"You'd think they'd have told us in advance to prepare better or something, though..."

@Medili: Hm...

I think there's probably some leeway. Maybe that six limit should be removed or something...

...Yeah, I think you're fine if you want to apply.
Elise Kim
The Horizon — Dining Area

If someone was to ask Elise about how life as a Frame Pilot would have been a year ago, 'surprisingly comfortable' would not have been her first answer. The skybase that she and the other Pilots lived on was essentially a flying cruise ship, as far as she could tell—and all the luxuries that came with that were just so subtly uncomfortable to her at first. Even now, after a year on The Horizon, things still didn't feel quite right. Regardless of if a lot of the cities across the world had returned to something barely resembling normalcy, being able to sit up here with a clear view of the skies as she ate after spending the four before carefully rationing out rice with her father...

The only thing Elise could really do now was to accept that her current living situation was both a blessing and a curse, if anything. And so here she was, about to start eating a bowl of ramen in the middle of the skies above Tokyo. The base had made the rounds around the world more than a few times over the course of her time here, and it felt just as fitting to eat local cuisine while they were present anyways.

Not like they couldn't while The Horizon was elsewhere in the world, of course, but it was about the principle of the matter... Or something like that.

Of course, it wasn't as if working as a Pilot was all about this sort of life—doubly so, given how she was supposed to head out later today on a hunt. A joint effort with the Japanese government in Tokyo to attempt to reclaim parts of the Saitama prefecture, if she recalled correctly; something more important than the usual small skirmishes with weaker Warped to help get them more used to fighting, at least.

Hopefully the taste and warmth of the broth would calm her nerves instead of letting her stew in her thoughts any more... Or that the others would finish getting their meals before briefing. A nice chat was always nice to help break the tension in the air, and they did have some time to themselves for the moment.
@Mole: Form for the most part looks okay, but there are like... Two minor nitpicks I'd like to fix.
  • 'First Frame Pilot' refers to the first person who tested a Frame Gear out; any after are just called Frame Pilots (and maybe they have a fancy name for a subgroup but who knows).
  • Chi-Mechframe name... Could probably be changed a bit? As for the reason, I will refer you to the name of Hoshiko's; they're a bit too similar, and it might make things confusing for the future.

Anyways, other than that... I think the character is fine.

With that settled, it's time for me to kick the IC off. Woo.
All right. Well. I have my own form spun up here. First post to be coming sooner rather than later; any forms accepted after that point can be weaved into the story well enough, I think.

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