Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

Most Recent Posts

In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Interacting with: Fauve, Corc, Devlin, Ren, Witch
Mentions: @Candy @Jensoman @Hokum @Seraphin @Dartbored Fairy

You know that feeling where you just feel so tired of being manipulated that you just don't care anymore? Gabriel was feeling that right then and there. First off, as he was walking to the witch - which he only took around three small steps forward - ended with him being closer to her than he anticipated. Which was not right, since he was sure of what he was doing since being close to the witch was not optimal. Then the witch made a shooing motion and then he was back next to Fauve. He did try to think about what kind of magic she was using, but unfortunately, he didn't know. And right then and there, he didn't care anymore.

Maybe later once he's sorted his thoughts. But right now, that was very jarring.

Gabriel grabbed the map when it floated towards him, folding it and then putting it back into his backpack. Giving the witch a warm smile despite everything, he said, "Thank you very much. We appreciate the help." Whether what she said was true or not, it was better than being hacked to pieces. Devlin, as he now knows her name, wasn't exactly the most polite of people as she continued with her speech. But then she questioned the witch's knowledge about the Resurgence. Gabriel seemed to freeze on the spot. He began rifling through his memories.


It was the first time he didn't hear of anything that seemed so significant. The witch claimed that this may be because she just knew too much, or they knew too little. That hurts when you say that in front of a magical researcher who prides himself for having to go into ruins and live through it. He looked down for a moment and then looked back up. "A pleasure to meet you Nona. Until next time." He bowed his head as a sign of respect before following Corc out. The way she told them that she was going to give them some information if they live through the ruins guaranteed that there was something dangerous in there.

The thought itself made him giddy. Life-threatening ruins were something he was familiar with. This was something he could completely understand. Patting Corc on the shoulder, he gave him a thumbs up. "You excited about the ruins? I'm sure I am." There was just something so alluring about brushes with death. But it would seem like the group he's found himself in was more than capable of handling and taking care of anything the ruins might throw at them. He could still feel this odd pulses of magic from his groupmates, and it just seemed odd.
<Snipped quote by Polaris North>
Are you sure about that? There's several heavily armed and armoured war machines heading your way right now.

I'm sure several heavily armed and armored war machines aren't going to actually kill everyone.

Ha ha.. ha...
Still here and still alive.


Via watched in wonder as Amrec handled the rest of the skeleton warriors without even seemingly breaking a sweat. Figuratively speaking of course. When he turned back to her, she was surprised to see a streak of blood on his cheek. It didn't seem anything too major, but it was worrying that her companion had trouble and she didn't even help. There was a feeling of guilt that washed over her. Then again, if she did, there was a possibility of her being a hindrance to Amrec as he fought... so there was that.

Shaking her head, she smiled at Amrec. "That was so cool Amrec!" She cheered as she bounced towards him and accepted the magic stones - depositing them into her bag. She then nodded. "The guild ought to know about it huh..." She then remembered that there actually were some other adventurers who looked like it was their first time like her, but didn't have any companions. Her heart dropped. What if they bumped into skeleton warriors as well and no one was there to help them? What if that all happened? That'd be devastating news for the familia...

She sucked in her breath as Amrec asked if she was ready to go. She nodded. "Alright, let's go." Her signature smile back on her face. Her eyebrows creased. Weren't there four skeletons? Huh, maybe Amrec just pocketed the magic stone. Shrugging to herself but keeping alert of her surroundings, she followed the dwarf.
In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Interacting with: Fauve, Corc, Devlin, Ren, Witch
Mentions: @Candy @Jensoman @Hokum @Seraphin @Dartbored Fairy

Gabriel knew very well that his position had been compromised when the witch looked to his direction. Well, it wasn't like he could actually hide from her. Letting out a sigh, he placed the arrow back on his quiver. He was about to come clean when the witch started to speak about how they had no manners and how her 'friends' - which he supposed was them - was going to attack them with being none the wiser that she had spotted them. He opened his mouth to speak in his defense, but was suddenly picked up and pushed forward by a burst of wind.

So what instead came out was - "Whoa!" He spread his arms in front of his face as he hit the ground.

Quickly recovering, he stood up and then smiled at the witch. "In our defense, we're still a bit freaked out by the whole skeleton attack thing. Pretty much on edge. Sorry about that." It really wasn't Gabriel's style to suddenly attack anyway but precautionary measures were needed. Now that it was obvious that he could even shoot an arrow without it veering off course and hitting him instead because of the witch's apparent control over the wind, then there was no choice but to talk.

The flute guy had gone first - his hands fluidly moving to say what his voice couldn't. Gabriel couldn't catch everything, but he could get that he was excusing their behavior. Okay, good. That's what they needed. The last thing he wanted was a wind witch going all ballistic on them. Fauve was... less respectful but nevertheless strove to quell the fires of the confrontation. Gabriel nodded along every now and then as he placed his bow on his back once more to show that he didn't mean to seem all aggressive.

"Ow, hey-" He muttered as he looked at Fauve when she kicked him. When she mentioned the map, he slowly nodded and then scrambled to take it back out of his bag. Now that the map was in his hands, he slowly stepped forward to show the witch the map. "Some guy dropped this when he was running away. No clue why though." He explained to the witch - still unsure of what the witch would do. He couldn't get a read on her yet, which was surprising considering he should have already. Maybe it was because she was still in a defensive mode.

"We were just looking for answers. We don't mean any harm." He wondered if the witch would get angry with him saying that considering the fact that he was the one with the drawn weapon earlier. Then again, he didn't exactly put that bow down ever since the attack.
In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Interacting with: Fauve, Corc
Mentions: @Candy @Jensoman

Gabriel nodded at Fauve's response. The path does seem safe, and no sounds of battle could be heard yet. There was no need for alarm and Gabriel knew from experience that sometimes that could be a good thing. Besides, given everything, they were a pretty good group with fighters in it so he shouldn't really worry all that much. He looked at Fauve and Corc and then nodded. He should really go back and tell the others about the safe path.

This caused his to drown out any sounds that came from the Daughter of Despiun and the conversation between Corc and Fauve. Then a strong gust of wind went through them and that successfully snapped him out - not because of the physical wind, but because he could feel something magical coming out of his companions when he couldn't have earlier. It was rather odd. It's like the feeling of when something's enchanted and that he could feel it. It felt odd to feel it from living beings like them.

"What happened?" He asked out loud accidentally before moving forward - completely forgetting about telling the others that the path was safe. He then knelt beside Corc to peek through the bushes. Just as expected, the Daughter of Despiun and the flute guy from earlier. A sense of dread took place over him and then looked over to Fauve and Corc. "It wouldn't actually do us any good to hide. Whoever let out that magical burst of wind is looking for anyone around, and whoever that is probably knows we're here." He whispered to them.

He looked back at the situation in the clearing. The wind chimes seemed louder to him, or maybe it was because the wind keeps them going. Someone came out of the large skull - which he really didn't find disturbing - and put on the hat. Wait, there was a hat? Huh... that was weird. Something about her didn't rub him the right way. He tightened his grip on his bow as he looked at the girl. There was around eighty-five percent chance she knew they were there but was only focused on the Daughter of Despiun and flute guy for now.

Taking an arrow from his quiver, Gabriel looked like he was prepared to shoot down the girl but also looked hesitant and worried. He did not like this person.
Y'know I'm still in.
Furitta didn't want to admit it. She really didn't want to. But Rogue Bat had really gone crazy - far beyond that which she imagined. She shook her head at the speech Rogue Bat let out. "I do realize this. The world isn't so black and white, just like how we all saw it as children." She admitted. She wasn't about to lie through her teeth and say that good's everywhere or some optimistic thing like that. She's grown out of that phase. Ever since she had seen the darker side of the world, she didn't quite see things the same anymore. It happens when you reach your older teenage years. Thing just change. You don't know when, you don't know how - it just does. Suddenly, you understand why adults do things they do when as a child you hated it.

"Tell me this, then. If you're really looking out for the world, then why not just do it with us? Why do you need to take our Miraculous away from us? We were given the chance to finally contribute to something that's important to us. I can't speak for the others but I want to help make the world a safer place, and you'll just rob that from us?" She knew there was no use in talking, but she continued on anyway.

When the wire zipped back to her, she clicked her tongue when Rogue Bat managed to expertly landed. She hated the guy, but she had to admit that he was pretty damn elegant. Furitta managed to flip back just in time for the staff to make an arc - so she avoided it. She spotted the one thing that might save their life - the control panels for the multiple tech for the lounge. Furitta looked over to Talon and muttered, "Go." She hoped he understood this as a signal to escape as she turned back to Rogue Bat. "If you ever think about teaming up, just holler alright?" Furitta pressed a button and smoke began to spew out of the smoke machines and created a thick cover for them.

Furitta turned and ran for the exit as fast as she could, and considering her Miraculous - she had gotten out of there in mere seconds. She spotted Usagi and then motioned for her to get the hell out while they had the time. "Transform back!" She mouthed. Once they were in their civilian forms, not even Rogue Bat could recognize them. Following her own advice, she quickly lept into one of the alleys of the city and transformed back before hurrying out of the area. Gods, she hoped the others made it out safely.

Oh, yeah! I forgot about that. Well, I'll wait for another turn then.
Well I hope not.

Wonder if we can post continuously for interaction...
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