Avatar of Polaris North


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Welcome to my Bio, random person. Yeah, my name is pretty redundant (Polaris - North Star, North... well north.)

Things you need to know about me?

I live in the Philippines. I'm a student and life gets a bit hectic so please understand if I suddenly become more sporadic when it comes to replies.

I'm involved in a lot of fandoms (mostly anime) and as long as it gets my interest, I'll join. My range is from free to casual [or well, as long as I can get it from the post I'm replying to]. I'm more of a fantasy kid than a slice of life but I think I can join something like that. I'm not much of a romance writer so I keep myself to PG-13 and not exceed anything else.

Most Recent Posts

Is Garfield currently witnessing the formation of the group that would give him the biggest headache in the future
They weren’t real, so what was the big deal? Maybe having them made was really that expensive… Or maybe they were really rare. Huh.

They weren't real

Yes. They definitely aren't real. They'd never cause the apocalypse or curse your entire bloodline or give you mystical powers for a big price. Never!

Garfield ran a hand through his hair as he dismounted the tree with a huff and a cat in his arms. This usually doesn't happen in Gravity Falls but there he was, helping a young lady with her cat that had run up the tree when she had accidentally let it out of the house. Of course, it just so happened that Garfield was heading down the Diner and passed by the incident. She tugged on his flannel and pointed at the cat and he just couldn't say no.

So now he had scratches on his arm but at least the girl was happy. He ruffled her hair and told her to make sure the cat doesn't get out of the house again. He stretched his arms and looked over the scratches. They weren't deep and he could just wash them at the diner. So he continued on, losing himself in his thoughts again as he walked.

He entered the diner, making a cursory glance over the occupants of it. As someone who had lived in Gravity Falls his entire life, he prided himself in knowing who everyone was. Especially for someone like him who helped people out on a regular basis. Surprisingly, it wasn't as active as he had expected. He gave the waitress a nod of his head as he approached. Garfield knew that Sidney - the oddball of their little town due to her odd black and white pigmentation - was there and someone called out to her.

He looked back at the waitress. "Breakfast special and uh..." He ordered and the waitress laughed at him when he trailed off, teasing him about his coffee consumption and if Emma was grilling him about it again. He rolled his eyes. "I didn't drink anything earlier. Spare me the lesson. He groaned out and she simply laughed and jotted down his order onto her notepad and shooed him towards the booths.

Garfield looked over to Sidney and the tall person, narrowing his eyes at the male because he couldn't-



He walked over to the boy and patted his back. "Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged back to this small town." He said with a small smile. The boy and his family had left Gravity Falls a couple of years back aside from Greg. To see the kid back at their little town was certainly surprising but Garfield couldn't wait to tell Emma. She would certainly love to hear all about what had happened to the family. "How've you been?"

He turned to Sidney and gave her a nod of his head. "Good day Sidney." Garfield had always kept an eye out for Sidney - mostly because of her oddity. But she was as normal as the next person and didn't pose any real threat so he let her be. Her energetic personality certainly brings a bit more color to the town.

@AmpharosBoy @Rabidporcupine
Man, that reminds me. I still need to make Emma an actual character because she's likely going to appear more.

Because then you'd have both the Tired Dad and the Supportive Mom.

She will 100% adopt everyone
Let's do it guys. Yall should find Gar's witch friend
<Snipped quote by Polaris North>

Kaya is evil, s'all I'm gonna say.

... I'm starting to get that feeling.

Yep, yep, they're all teens who are far too curious for their own good and he has to follow them around.

Man, wouldn't it be amusing if the first time they saw him actually interacting with any supernatural force (instead of intervening to make sure the kiddos are safe) is him negotiating with a gnome about town boundaries.

"No, you can't come into town looking like... that."
@Polaris North


but really, now im thinking Gar and Jack could have some sort of father/son-ish thing goin',

They could, definitely. Perhaps that'll develop more overtime?

@Polaris North

You don’t want that many kids? I can’t imagine why not.....


Mostly because these kids get in trouble


... dude

I swear if Gar and Em ends up adopting all of you-
Here's someone for the road.

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