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| ๐–ฃ๐– ๐–ณ๐–ค : 9 APRIL 2018 | ๐–จ๐–ญ๐–ณ๐–ค๐–ฑ๐– ๐–ข๐–ณ๐–จ๐–ฎ๐–ญ๐–ฒ : FAMILY โ–บ ALONE | ๐–ซ๐–ฎ๐–ข๐– ๐–ณ๐–จ๐–ฎ๐–ญ : HOME โ–บ HINOTORI HIGH |

The bing sounded like a siren in the heavy silence of night. Maki crawled out from under her blankets, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She reached for her phone, the light blinding her for a moment.

[3:08 AM, 9 APRIL 2018]

Another bing erupted in the pitch darkness of her room. She tried to remember her passcode as a bing punctuated the unlock noise. Bing. Maki stumbled through a couple of the apps running on her phone. Bing. Bing. She paused her music. Bing. Bing. Bing. Bing. Closed out of a webpage. Bing. Bing. Dread built in her stomach as the notification light on her phone practically strobed. Bing. Bing. Bing. Then a message popped above the rest.

[ew. i think u better not show up tmrw ๐Ÿ˜œ]

Her fear roiled into anger as she no longer delayed the inevitable. And inevitable it fucking was. Bing. Bing. Bing. Bing.

It was a massive group message. Most of the recipients were phone numbers that she didnโ€™t recognize, but betrayal came as there were names pulled from her contacts. Words. Emojis. Memes. There was a variation in the delivery of everyoneโ€™s disgust and slander, but the meaning was all the same. And at the beginning of the chain, like a crown atop a pile of filth, was the picture. Excavated from someone close to Maki, it was the final pat of the shovel on her social grave. She glared at it. Bing. Bing. Bing. Shaking, her fingers muted her phone, and she dropped to the side of her bed. Maki crawled between the sheets. Sleep probably wouldnโ€™t come, but at least she could stew in angerโ€”alone. Bing. Bing. Bing. And the notification light strobed.

Maki was awoken by barely muffled laughter coming from the first floor. She grabbed her phone to check the time. It was an hour before she needed to be up, but she knew that if she didnโ€™t get up now... she wouldn't. Reo and Yuuto were her older brothers, twins because there wasn't to be silence in the Ito household, currently attending university. Still, they would show up for breakfast most mornings. And today was particularly notable considering that it was the start of the school year. She grunted as she pulled herself out of her bed and eyed the battery on her phone. In her exasperation, she'd forgotten to hook it up. It was running on electric fumes. Unfortunately, she could only get a little charge as she got ready for school.

An hour, or so, later Maki walked down the stairs to the first floor. By that time, the aroma of breakfast filled the air. She entered the kitchen to the conversation turning silent. Her father had been speaking to her brothers, but he grew silent and cold. Maki could feel him bristling from the entranceway. Her mother turned, a smile on her face before it faded. Despite spending time in the country with her aunt, Maki hadnโ€™t changed her look. She wore the school uniform in the basest of senses. The blue pinafore dress had the top two buttons undone, her loose tie spilling from it. Her sleeves on her dress-shirt were rolled up, her wrists suffocated by black cuffs and bracelets. Her fingers were anointed by clunky rings and adorned in black paint. Black tights were ripped with fishnet hose peeking out from the tears. Black boots, speckled with a myriad of spray paint droplets covered her feet. Around her neck was a leather choker, and her black hair was pulled in a lazy ponytail with streaks of neon poking out. Her makeup was dark with thick, black eyeliner and matte velvet-purple lips. She had her jacket thrown over her shoulder, sleeves pinned up, and her bag draped over her wrist laying on the floor.

Reo and Yuuto stopped mid-bite of breakfast, glancing between Maki and their parents. The atmosphere became even colder. โ€œMaybe you should just grab your breakfast and head out,โ€ her mother said, stretching a smile across her face. She was already in her nursing uniform and packing her lunch. โ€œDonโ€™t want you to be late on your first day back. Isnโ€™t that right?โ€ She glanced at Makiโ€™s father. The man said nothing.

โ€œSounds good,โ€ Maki said, grabbing the toast and fruit from an empty place setting. She pocketed the apple and wrapped the toast in a napkin before sliding it into her bag. โ€œI'll be late. Work and sh-tuff.โ€ A lukewarm goodbye greeted her ears as she left. Maki had forgotten the state sheโ€™d left things in. Her aunt had been far more filled with laughter and smiles, and the countryside had lacked the vitriol that Kyoto contained.

Halfway out of the door, her brothers clamored out of the chairs and followed her. They called after her, and she paused. The golden children, both of them had gotten into the university of their choice on a mixture of sports and scholastic scholarships. Everyone at Hinotori High had loved them. Reo was the louder one, prone to wearing brighter clothes and dragging his brother around. Yuuto was a little more reserved but far more charismatic. Maki couldnโ€™t count on two hands how many girls in her grade had had a crush on her brothers. A lot of weird slash fiction had crossed her desk during that time. Maki fought back a bit of stomach acid remembering that.

โ€œWow, Sis, you really want to piss them off, donโ€™t you?โ€ Reo asked, hands on his hips.
Yuuto frowned. โ€œI donโ€™t know why they thought anything would change. Youโ€™re just you.โ€ He sighed. โ€œYou hear fromโ€ฆโ€
โ€œToyashiro?โ€ Reo finished. โ€œIโ€™m still ready to kick his butt.โ€
โ€œAfter me, of course.โ€ Yuuto huffed.
โ€œThanks,โ€ Maki said, smiling for the first time that day. โ€œIโ€™ll let you idiots know if I need your assistance. But I think I can manage.โ€
โ€œJust donโ€™t kill him,โ€ Reo said, laughing.
Maki shrugged and started to walk away.
โ€œIโ€™m serious.โ€
Yuuta perked up afterward. โ€œSeriously, Maki. Please take homicide off your to-do list.โ€
She continued to walk, hiding her growing smile.
โ€œI donโ€™t think sheโ€™s going to.โ€
โ€œYou still know that cute receptionist at the police station?โ€
There was a pause, probably punctuated by a wink from Reo if she knew her brother. โ€œOh, I know her alright.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re gross, Re-re.โ€

Used to, the walk to school was something that looked forward to. This morning, she just slid her headphones over her head and let the music drown out the world around her. Everything was a monochromatic blur as she moved through Kyoto towards Hinotori High. The occasional bing erupted from her phone. Maki knew she could silence the notifications, but they were fueling each of her steps.

Bing. Bing. Bing. Silence. Maki passed the threshold of the school, and her gaze rose until she saw the crowded schoolyard. Chatter was abundant and people clumped together in groups. Exchanges of the personal and electronic nature happened. There was a lot of catching up to do. Maki pulled her bag tighter on her shoulder.

It was then a shadow eclipsed Makiโ€™s downward vision. She looked up to see Funai Hina standing before her. Maki sucked at her teeth. Theyโ€™d never been friends, but Makiโ€™s reputation had always kept Funai at arm's length. Now there was nothing stopping the other girl. Maki would have been an idiot if she hadnโ€™t noticed Funai was the first to comment on the message chain.

โ€œI was hoping they cleaned the grounds a little better,โ€ Funai said, glancing around at the crowd that was forming around her. โ€œThereโ€™s still some trash here.โ€
Maki fully removed her headphones and stuffed them into her bag, unfortunately crunching her toast.
Funai put a hand to her ear. โ€œI guess the trash doesnโ€™t have a mouthโ€ฆ for once.โ€ Some laughter chimed from around them both.
Maki narrowed her eyes.
โ€œNot that we havenโ€™t heard about she uses it.โ€ A smug grin spread over Funaiโ€™s lips as she looked up at Maki. While shorter, Funai's stance oozed vapid superiority. That's it. The combination ofthat and Funai's words finally snapped Maki into action.
โ€œWhile we're talking about it, Funai, why donโ€™t you suck mine and move the fuck out of my way?โ€ She smiled as she walked past the other girl, shoulder-checking her as she did. "Terribly sorry, Dog Face Funai." Now it was her turn to flash a flippant grin.
Funai whipped around, her long blonde locks cascading around her face. She was trying to hide her anger. โ€œYour smugness wonโ€™t get you far. Wait until after school. You won't be able to engage in your favorite pastime with a busted lip.โ€
Maki pivoted, walking backward. She flipped the girl off with both hands, her glossy fingernails catching the sun. Figuring that she could make them really regret the โ€œpsychoโ€ comment, she licked the length of her right extended finger and then spit to the side. Funai took a step backward as the crowd behind her was avidly filming.
โ€œBring it,โ€ Maki said, turning back around and hurrying out of the schoolyard. She could already hear her phone going off. Bing. Bing. Bing. โ€œFuck me that was stupid,โ€ she grumbled.

It was the beginning of the year, meaning that the authority figures needed to blow their hot air to a crowd of disinterested teens. Maki found her way to the assembly hall. She took a seat near the rest of the third years, but far away enough that she didnโ€™t owe anyone their personal space. Dumping her bag in the seat next to her, she fished out her uneaten appleโ€”the toast an unfortunate casualty. She kicked her feet onto the back of the chair in front of her and waited for assembly to start up. The sooner today began, the sooner it could end.

| ๐–ณ๐– ๐–ฆ(๐–ฒ) : N/A |
Ignore the post. I was working on it and didn't see the new one pop up. I'll edit it, and try again later.

That's what I get for doing research on early 1900s lighters. Curse you, weird need to be somewhat historically accurate. *shakes fist into sky and all that*

UPDATE: I edited it. Trimmed out most of the dialogue as it would contradict what Madmoiselle Noir said. So, hopefully, it flows and doesn't seem too stilted.
So, the mysterious figure in the woods was a woman. That being said, Moses wasnโ€™t so regressive as to let his guard down. Anyone could be dangerous. A child with a knife and a well-placed view of oneโ€™s legs and arms posed just an equal threat as a grown man with a pistol. But it seemed as if Mademoiselle Noir was, in fact, also a guest at Wilde Hall this evening. His shoulders relaxed under his coat, and he quickened his pace to fall in step with her.

โ€œAh yes, letโ€™s,โ€ he said, agreeing that they should move a bit more briskly. Moses had to guess she was French given her accent, but he couldnโ€™t begin to decipher what she might say in her native tongue. The only bit of French he was familiar with was from rum runners out of the French Caribbean, but the accents and dialect were so vastly different he wouldnโ€™t know where to start. If she cursed at him, heโ€™d know, but he couldnโ€™t imagine that she was prone to using a sailorโ€™s tongue.

As soon as theyโ€™d traveled a ways on the tight wooden path, another figure joined them. Moses jumped. He blushed in embarrassment and hoped the cut of his jacket had hidden the scare. Attempting to wave that off, his fingers dived into his coat in hopes of fishing out his lighter.

The next person in the woods seemed to be another guest. Mask, nice outfit, and a genteel nature that didnโ€™t suit someone that would be idly wandering the woods at night. He searched his pockets as the man, Mister Violet, introduced himself. His nature was immediately off-putting to Moses, and the older man tried not to sigh too loudly into his unlit cigarette.

โ€œDeacon Gray,โ€ he said, having been spoken over by both of the other party-goers and not given a moment to label himself. Finally, heโ€™d procured his lighter from his coat, his fingers glossed over his small bit of โ€œprotectionโ€ to get to it. With a quick, very practiced motion, Moses flicked the top on the lighterโ€”resembling a miniature candle snufferโ€”open. A few metallic cranks of the flint-wheel and a small flame erupted from the nickel box. He lit his cigarette in silence before flicking the top back down and pocketing it.

It seemed as if he had all but been forgotten about as the Mademoiselle Noir honed in on Mister Violet. He let the smoke trail from his lips as he moved forward, taking the lead.

@Romero@Lady Selune
The only nitpick I'd have to point out is that Nyarlathotep does already exist as a malevolent being, so unfortunately you'd need to pick out another Persona.

Whoops. And here I thought I did my due diligence. I guess I straight missed that. Apologies. I blame the browser on my phone. It loves opening all the advertisements on that site as large as it can. Probably to slowly drive me crazy. Or maybe to coerce me into 17 new phone plans. Same thing, right?

Anyway, I changed it on my sheet and edited the skills and transformation accordingly since the vibe is less spooky demon and more death-god croc mom. Which is great.

The Tower has some interesting Personas, like sentient demon genitals and Satan on a toilet. Just to mention a couple... that confuse me.
words words words "Dialogue."

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| ๐–ฃ๐– ๐–ณ๐–ค : 9 APRIL 2018 | ๐–จ๐–ญ๐–ณ๐–ค๐–ฑ๐– ๐–ข๐–ณ๐–จ๐–ฎ๐–ญ๐–ฒ : FAMILY โ–บ ALONE | ๐–ซ๐–ฎ๐–ข๐– ๐–ณ๐–จ๐–ฎ๐–ญ : HOME โ–บ HINOTORI HIGH |

โ€œMaki Dialogue.โ€
โ€œReo Dialogue.โ€
โ€œYuuto Dialogue.โ€
โ€œNPC Dialogue.โ€

| ๐–ณ๐– ๐–ฆ(๐–ฒ) : N/A |

| ๐–ฃ๐– ๐–ณ๐–ค : 11 APRIL 2018 | ๐–จ๐–ญ๐–ณ๐–ค๐–ฑ๐– ๐–ข๐–ณ๐–จ๐–ฎ๐–ญ๐–ฒ : COUNCIL MEMBERS & THE HAWKGUYS | ๐–ซ๐–ฎ๐–ข๐– ๐–ณ๐–จ๐–ฎ๐–ญ : HINOTORI HIGH |

โ€œMaki Dialogue.โ€

| ๐–ณ๐– ๐–ฆ(๐–ฒ) : N/A |
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