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Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society the RP.

Bex kept her opinion to herself when Chippendales popped back. She was here to try to be a part of the team, and he seemed to be the ringleader of this mission. So, she just smirked, mumbling something about his excitement on the male stripper comparison being the same as a chain-smoking, slot-loving Vegas 60-something. Only they thought that โ€œThunder from Down Underโ€ was something to be impressed by. Bex wasnโ€™t. It was more that she didnโ€™t care for shows of men taking off their clothes but come onโ€”have some Australian pride. She did. Whatever that meant.

Her eyes flitted over the screens and saw herself on a few of the monitors, in pure She Devil fashion. She then fixated on the ones with her other new partnerโ€”the one with the sword. Demonslayer. Yeah, Bex liked that name as much as she liked to chew ice chips. Her attention went back to the mission at hand. They were infiltrating the circus. Not interested in giving grubby carnival-lovers a free show, she was fine with just handling the lights. People needed to pay money to see Bex Minogueโ€”and not in some garish, sequined hot mess parading around on stage. Sheโ€™d leave that to Chippendales and the Bleh-le-bubbies. Hm. That insult was a little too try-hard. Sheโ€™d have to workshop it.
Bex wasnโ€™t wearing all white to a circus. So, she swiftly changed, having kicked her stuff into a temporary corner. That was probably for the best, considering they were headed to Gotham. A place where no one should be surprised that Batman goes around unseen. Crime could have easily been measured like one does with smog. But it probably did a lot better job of rotting you from the outside in.

She glanced around as they entered, crinkling her nose up at the smell. Porta-potties, fried food, and the unwashed massesโ€”only one appealed to her. Her phone softly dinged, and she fished it out of her back pocket. Bex never brought a purse, anywhere. Yet, she was distracted from seeing who messaged her when she felt a carnival heckler hone in on her. She angled the brim of her hat at the man by the strength tester. Her brow rose, not that he would see or know why.

Bex smiled wildly. โ€œYeah, come on, babe. Get me one of those stuffed animals. Pwease~โ€ Her inflection went from its usual sardonic tone to that of a love interest in a teenage drama show. โ€œI could never do it on my own.โ€ She figured the hot assassin-boy would probably roll his eyes at her, but she was told to play nice. What was nicer than pretending to be someoneโ€™s girlfriend?

She checked her text message about that time. Her lips twisted. ๐š‚๐šž๐š›๐šŽ. ๐š‚๐šŽ๐šก๐šข ๐™ด๐šŽ๐šข๐š˜๐š›๐šŽ ๐š’๐šœ ๐šœ๐š ๐š’๐š—๐š๐š’๐š—๐š ๐šŠ๐š›๐š˜๐šž๐š—๐š ๐š‘๐š’๐šœ ๐š๐š’๐šŒ๐š” ๐š๐š˜๐š› ๐šŠ ๐š™๐š›๐š’๐šฃ๐šŽ. ๐™ฐ๐š—๐š ๐š—๐š˜๐š  ๐™ธ ๐š ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐šŒ๐š˜๐š›๐š—๐š๐š˜๐š๐šœ. ๐š‚๐šŽ๐šŽ u. She texted back.

INTERACTION(S) | Daph @dreamingflowers & "Sexy Eeyore" @FunnyGuy

Migi wouldnโ€™t forget how Lorcan was so quick to throw her to the metaphorical wolves. Sheโ€™d barely held in an eye roll as the giant man flailed around like a child and pouted out โ€but, mommy, they are bad people too.โ€ She sidled close to Falfer as he spoke to her, shrugging at his words. โ€œMaybe theyโ€™re paying a toll for the air theyโ€™re taking up there.โ€

Yet, that guard seemed smitten, as everyone was with the gorgeous trickster, and was fine to let them pass. Migi wondered if anyone else had figured it out yet. โ€œLetโ€™s not forget what the tall-folk do for a perky set of chest mounds.โ€ Migi partially wished that she had slid some coin in on that bet. Sheโ€™d make a killing from the other burrahobโ€™s lack of knowledge about the prisoners. The most useful ones didnโ€™t have any knives up their sleeves. Those that looked like the weak link held the power. Well, except for the rich boy. He was just there to make them all look good. She smirked and moved on with the others as they passed through the threshold and into the city.

Varone elicited a whistle from Migiโ€™s lips as they walked through it. It wasnโ€™t as fancy as some of the cities she had visited, but it was nicer than she thought this horrible area was capable of. Usually, cities set upon by dangers both external and internal were buildings piled on top of buildings until it was an uncomfortable tortoiseshell of population. Here, things seemed to lay out like a nice, expensive rug.

Yet, she hadnโ€™t been kidding when she mentioned wanting to sit and drink. Her feet felt like sheโ€™d done the dark rum dance over smoldering coals. Instead, she was sober, fully clothed, and not at all being paid fancy lordlings for her shenanigans. Here, sheโ€™d pay someone to be able to participate in the slightest bit of fun. So, she was more than pleased when they found a tavern that didnโ€™t have a set of eyes and an expectant hand guarding the door.

Raddek excused himself to the bar as the others disseminated into the tavern, proper. She followed the eagle-eyed woman and hoisted herself up to a chair. When the girl just ordered some water, Migi gave her an eye. โ€œDidnโ€™t realize that fish walked on land and used swords. Water wonโ€™t sustainโ€™ yah unless youโ€™re breathinโ€™ it.โ€ She stood on her chair, catching the attention of the serving woman. โ€œAye, your cheapest ale that I could be drowned in and a hearty bowl of whatever soup youโ€™re makinโ€™. Iโ€™ll throw in extra if you scrape the bottom for all the good bits. Maybe throw in a bread heel or two if you got them laying about. Thank you!โ€ It was probably the nicest that Migi had ever been around them, but then again, she had no reason to be mean to those that were working hard for whatever paltry sum they made. She figured that everyone in the group had been in that situation at one point in time. Why belabor the laborers?

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Jack flinched as one of the wolves jumped at their patron. The old doc was more than capable of steeling herself in this fight, though. Jack had nothing to worry about. While she had let loose a series of questions and jokes from her lips, the severity of the situation was getting dire. It reminded her of the old days. Except sheโ€™d had human-sized walls of metal between her and the thing trying to kill her.

When the supermutant, Ahab was it, bellowed out his sermon-like battle cries, Jack just nodded her headโ€”the brim of her hat bobbing. She leveled her gun towards a wolf about the time her concentration was broken by a rumble in the woods. It sounded large โ€œI was just joking!โ€ she exclaimed into the ether, sure that neither gods nor creatures gave a shit.

People were yelling and barking orders, some more coherent than others. Jack could only clock their one supermutant compatriot, the other having farted off into the woods to go take a shit or murderโ€”maybe both. She backed up, closing rank between them. A few blasts from her pistol rang out, singing the muzzles of a smaller wolf, trying to draw its attention away from the heavy hitters. The smaller one, though technically larger than it should be in nature, lunged at her. An energy blast to its face sent its trajectory off, and she whipped out her smaller gun to put a well-aimed bullet in its ear and out the other.

โ€œIโ€™d give my left ear for some air support right about now. Metal rain is very refreshing.โ€ Jack peeled off a couple more shots, trying to pull attention to her and allow those with the caliber to damage the alphaโ€”damage it. Sheโ€™d just annoy the damn thing. And it didnโ€™t need any more rads from her glowing personality.

Most regarded her with nothing but a side-eye, while others went on with their conversations as if nothing happened. Bex wasnโ€™t there to have all eyes on her like a bedazzled Lisa Frank poster. She was there because of the niche spotlight that showed her as a โ€œhero.โ€ She was far from a proper sidekick considering the array of demonic powers stretched far and wideโ€”far and wide. The biggest reason for her transfer was that the magical part of the Justice League was championed by people unable to handle Bexโ€™s rapid-fire personality. The closest was her mentor, David, and even he constantly threw timeouts at her. So, this arrangement was supposed to beโ€ฆ better. Sure, she fit into the median age, but it seemed to be filled with the same โ€œstick up their assโ€ cardboard cutouts as the rest of the Justice League. They just wanted to be strapped into the leagueโ€™s pre-worn spandex like the hero-obsessed mini-meโ€™s they were. Bex was in the process of rolling her eyes when one of the Girl Scouts broke away from her troupe to try to spike Bex some cookies.

She cocked her head to the side and looked down at the other woman. Daphne, was her name. One hand went to her hip while she slipped the ring of her cellphone over her finger and idly spun it in the other. โ€œI know,โ€ she said to the otherโ€™s compliment. โ€œDaph, is it?โ€ She brought her hand from her hip and reached towards a frill of the otherโ€™s dress. โ€œI donโ€™t recognize this designer. The stitching is hand done. Donโ€™t tell me you made this yourself?โ€ She didnโ€™t even wait a beat for Daphne to respond. โ€œItโ€™s cute.โ€

Bex lowered her hand. โ€œYour hair on the other hand needs to be shortened and layered. It brings down your face. You have a cherubic smile. Donโ€™t let it drown in gender normsโ€”โ€ she leaned in, her breath warm and the smell of her like a crackling fire, โ€œbecause you are the only one here, in my opinion, with balls.โ€ Bex pulled away and winked.

Her eyes went to the screens behind Daphne, and she pushed past the other woman to approach them. She left her things sitting in the middle of the room. Bex didnโ€™t expect anyone to grab them, but it was apparent that no one was showing her where sheโ€™d be living during this fun โ€œadventureโ€ in a childrenโ€™s afternoon show. Her lips, covered in the color โ€œheartthrobโ€, twisted. โ€œA circus, really?โ€ She still idly spun her phone. โ€œPeople still go to those? Or are you guys just returning your clown costumes?โ€ It was then that she pointed at the young man in the three-piece suit. โ€œChippendales, over here, looks excited.โ€

INTERACTION(S) | Daph @dreamingflowers & "Chippendales" @Crimson Flame
I'm alive! Sorry about that. This week has been a shit circus (updated from the usual show.) Between interviews, car collision places, car rentals, emergency family stuff, a lot of work, and trying to get a friend packed and moved out today due to an escalating situation... what is free time?

But I have tonight off... and then starting Saturday I should be good. Thanks for being patient with me, oh mighty Poo.

I liked number 2, but it looks like I'm in the minority. How dare.
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