Avatar of Queen Raidne
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  • Old Guild Username: Raidne
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    1. Queen Raidne 10 yrs ago
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Current Teaching myself web development by trying to fix some BBCode bugs/features in the Guild is probably a bad idea. Oh, well.
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6 yrs ago
Depression is literally soul-sucking.
7 yrs ago
If school were less hard, it'd be less interesting. I still want it to be less hard, though.
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8 yrs ago


Maybe I'll update this.

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Also I expected someone to acknowledge the significance of my call for a fleet. I'm a little saddened lol

*Anubis coughs quietly in a possible future post*

And go ahead, Burning Kitty
It depends - what did you have in mind for the agent?
@Burning Kitty@Assallya@Dnafein I'm calling a moratorium on this discussion for now before people say things other people regret, the discussion stops being a discussion and becomes an argument, and then the RP dies.

Also, NanoFreakV2 and I, after talking about it and combining what I've said earlier and what Stargate does with Goa'uld shields on the show, have arrived at this:

  • Energy weapons are better against Goa'uld shields, kinetics are better against hull
  • The more concentrated the energy weapon, the better it is against Goa'uld shields
  • Large kinetics (think MAC cannons, nukes) are somewhat effective against Goa'uld shields; smaller kinetics (generic missiles, small railguns) are nearly useless
  • Similarly, large energy weapons (think 2km long laser beam-ship) somewhat effective against hull, while smaller energy weapons (generic staff cannons) tend to dissipate.
  • These are guidelines. Weird situations will arise that lead to exceptions.
@Sep If it makes you feel any better, I had to find it too, I'm just a little too busy to join right now.

I definitely had total confidence in this RP's ability to leave the runway. I'm a very self-confident lady.
RP's are like ordering your favorite food. Every once in a while, it's more fun to be pleasantly surprised.

...while being careful not to whack the Venator with her tail end.

<Snipped quote by Queen Raidne>

So the Force can read computers? The guards are all holographic, they are a computer program.

...totally missed that! Interesting.


That changes the fight somewhat, but not completely. Palpatine still has an initial advantage; Luke can predict the shots of a training robot, so Palpatine should be able to predict incoming fire. Just not as well.

I'll edit my post.

Let's be honest, though, Palpatine is alone on an enemy ship. Barring the intervention of Anubis, it won't end well for him. Of course, it's debatable if Anubis' intervention will end well for Palpatine either.
Okay! I think I got everything. Those of you TL;DR'ing (I'd prefer you didn't, that post took two hours, and then I spent another hour editing it down to as short as I could), you should be able to get away with the hider and looking at your @mentions, if you have one.

@Burning Kitty
I know you said straight to the brig, but it's Palpatine. His well-honed reflexes and general Big Bad Guy nature means that there's got to be a fight scene. I'd feel guilty missing the opportunity, otherwise!
The Imperial Shuttle
Hordes of Death Gliders swarmed toward the shuttle. The shuttle's escort ships went out to meet them... and slaughtered the incoming fighters. No fewer than four ships moved into position around the shuttle, some from either hyperspace, some conventionally. Many of those ships deployed their own fighters. Sensors were a tangled mess of unidentified ship markers.

A frigate-sized craft contacted them:
I am Captain Frye of the USS Creed from the United Federation of Planets. We cannot act as your shield forever. I suggest lowering your shields and allowing us to beam you aboard our ship.
'Lower our shields? In the middle of battle? Madness!' Captain Bonma thought. "Focus on point defense! I want those fighters dead!"

That, at least, was going well; between the four ships and their fighter-escorts, Captain Bonma felt as safe as a practically-unarmed transport shuttle could in the middle of a pitched battlespace. The shuttle had even scored a kill on an enemy fighter. As the fireball dissipated, a strange, almost organic ship hailed the shuttle.

“A jump point vortex will be opening to your starboard. Make haste into it and you will be clear of the battle, try to avoid the edge.”
Either stay in the middle of a firefight or evacuate? That wasn't a hard call; whatever a "jump point vortex" was, it had to be better than here. If the shuttle's hyperdrive was functional, Bonma wouldn't even be here right now.
"Do it," ordered Captain Bonma. He spared a glance at the Emperor, who remained quiet for now.
"Enemy frigate, low on our six, closing," the sensors officer reported. A black ovoid decloaked behind the shuttle. The enemy Al'kesh's shields were flared orange as allied capital ships started to target it.

The shuttle shook; something started making an eerie, high-pitched howl. Emperor Palpatine stood, readying himself.

"Our shields are down. Engines disa-"

Anubis' Mothership
Marnon could hear Anubis' shout of rage all the way from the third auxilliary control room. The room was deserted; even in battle, it wasn't important enough to guard. All essential functions were overriden by the Pel'tak (bridge), and if the Mothership was ever so damaged that the third auxilliary was needed, the mothership would probably be doomed.

Whatever Anubis had wanted from the alien shuttle, he clearly wasn't going to get it now; according to the sensors, one of the enemy ships had destroyed the shuttle. If that wasn't enough, the debris was instantly swallowed up by some sort of vortex. An Al'kesh and a few Death Gliders, still burning hard for the shuttle, made it into the vortex, too.

This was new. Nothing quite made Anubis this angry except for, perhaps, SG-1, but Marnon didn't recognize any of these ships. The Tok'Ra high council had to know about this. There was a slight problem, however, in that Anubis was losing. When Anubis lost, he tended to get a bit killy. Given how little time there'd been to supply the Mothership, and Marnon being undercover as the minor Goa'uld in charge of logistics, he was concerned.

Blowing his cover would be a drastic step, but in the last five minutes alone, a fleet of unkown ships had just challenged Anubis and started slaughtering Death Gliders. He turned back to the abandoned computer terminal, spoofed a maintenence cycle on the secondary comms array, and sent a message to the fleet of enemy ships.

[text only]
I am a Tok'ra agent aboard Anubis' mothership requesting extraction. Sensors detect no ring platforms on your ships and all of Anubis' fighters have been deployed. Please advise. This channel will remain secure for the next five minutes.

Fire burned in Anubis' soul. How dare they? Had they no sense of self-preservation? The newcomers would feel his wrath.

"Apparently they don't understand the galactic power structure. Pick one of their ships and teach by example," he ordered.
"Yes, my lord," his Second Prime responded.

@Thecrash20Anubis' Mothership unleashed a hailstorm of plasma fireballs at The Liberator. The onslaught was continuous and unending; stray shots caught Death Gliders and enemy fighters alike.

[@Matuas]@eemmttThe Death Gliders were starting to thin. Clearly the enemy would win fighter superiority, but Anubis' loyal Jaffa would take out their fair share. Anubis redirected the Gliders from the Imperial Shuttle to attacking the two smaller enemy vessels - the Adenn and the Myth. The Death Gliders completely ignored enemy fighters, aiming to die honorably.

"My lord," his Second Prime said. "Just before the shuttle was destroyed, we detected an energy stream from it to an enemy ship."

If it weren't beneath him, Anubis would have sighed with relief.

"Order the Al'kesh to disable its shields, and transport a contingent of Jaffa aboard with a tracking beacon."
"There's too much interference from enemy signals, My Lord. We need to move closer."
"Then make it so."

@Burning KittyTwo more Al'kesh decloaked on either side of the Creed's Alpha section, opening fire with the underside turreted dual staff cannons. Bright blue plasma charges (powerful bombs) followed.

Hyperspace Vortex
@DnafeinThe Al'kesh's shields flickered; something in the vortex was causing a gradual, slow depletion of its shields. Two Death Gliders had also made it into the vortex. With such a pleasantly limited number of options, the Jaffa manning the ships chose to fight with honor. The Al'kesh fired volleys at the Ahel with its underbelly turret, trying to maneuver to stay behind the Ahel. The Death Gliders did their best to serve as a distraction, performing strafing runs against the Ahel.
The Imperial Shuttle Cockpit
Captain Bonma heard a quiet hissing sound. His forehead was wet, and something was digging into his back. Outside the viewscreen was a swirling mass of red and black. Behind him, the cockpit's cieling had crashed into a twisted mass of friction-welded metal. The seal was incomplete; precious air was leaking. The comms officer was bent unnaturally over a console, pale. There was no trace of the Emperor. As the cockpit tumbled uncontrollably, he could see a strange, almost organic, ship fighting a small frigate and two fighters. There was nothing for it.

@DnafeinHe toggled the two switches necessary to enable the emergency distress beacon. It went off once and then the console sparked violently, singing his uniform.

Like a gift from a higher power, his flask drifted down into his lap.

USS Creed, Alpha Section, Brig
@Burning KittyThe strange tingling sensation faded. Palpatine was looking at two guards. He could sense two Imperial Officers with him, and knew there were eight guards. He couldn't sense the guards. They were droids, or something close to it. 'Betrayal, already,' Palpatine thought.

He drew a deep breath, closing his eyes, ignoring whatever the guards were saying. They were insignificant.

This situation was insignificant.

He had not risen to power only to allow his fate to end here.

Deep within himself, he found the reserve of bright, burning hatred, pure and more powerful than any force he'd ever known, cultivated by his master. His master, who had taught him mastery over the power of raw emotion, until Palpatine's mastery had exceeded his master's, proven by his master's death. And Palpatine's master had done the same to his master, and so on, all the way back to the first Force user's pathetic, faltering steps into the light of true power. Palpatine channeled his anger, reaching out, making the Force obey him.

Darth Sidious let the breath go, his eyes opening as his lightsaber engaged. Immediately, he raised it in a block, deflecting phaser fire at another guard. The two imperial officers went for their weapons as well. One was immediately hit by phaser fire; the other got off a single shot at one of the guards before he, too, was hit. Before the full force of guards could attack Palpatine, he Force Pushed a few of them into a wall.

He was alone, surrounded, on an enemy ship. His reactions were slower than normal - predicting droids was hard.

He was pissed.
Just to make sure I've got everything that's happening straight right now:

-Anubis disabled the Imperial Shuttle's hyperdrive and sent Death Gliders to retreive it
-The Endeavor launched fighters toward Anubis, and currently are trying to secure the Imperial Shuttle - but need covering fire in order to do so.
-The Starlight Lance joins formation with The Endeavor, deploying fighters.
-The Creed splits in three; Alpha goes to the Shuttle and offers to beam Palpatine aboard, Beta and Gamma attack the Ha'Taks
-The Rorqual is jumping around the battle's periphery with a small cadre of ships as protection; the rest of their fleet is chipping away at the Death Gliders
-The Liberator's dragonflys tear apart Death Gliders while the mothership warps into formation with the Endeavor and Starlight Lance
-Her'ak's Ha'Taks: one fires at Endeavor, two at the Starlight Lance, one at Beta and Gamma sections of The Creed
-The Ahel attempts to get the Imperial Shuttle into a jump vortex
-The Myth cloaks immediately, jumps to escort the Imperial Shuttle, and fires missiles and railguns
-The Adenn ally themselves with the Starlight Lance, move toward the Imperial Shuttle, and fire at the Ha'taks, launching fighters against the Death Gliders.
-The Kuriotes continues to take everything Palpatine says with a grain of salt, and fires at the Imperial Shuttle. That'll ruffle some feathers!
-The Creed attempts to disable the shuttle and then beam all aboard it to the brig.

Just looking at the Imperial Shuttle, we've got:
  • Anubis, who wants to capture it
  • Endeavor, Starlight Lance, the Myth, and the Liberator, who are attempting to defend it
  • Creed and Endeavor, who want to deboard Palpatine
  • The Ahel, who is attempting to jump away with it
  • The Adenn, which wants to destroy it

Oh, and the Creed also attempted to disable it.

This is going to get... messy. I love this so much you guys, you don't understand.

Also, my apologies for the delay; I was with my family for Memorial Day weekend.
@RandomCerebrateI'm waiting to open it up until after this fight; I'd rather it got resolved before throwing new characters into the mix.

Given how the Goa'uld use plasma against each other, I'd imagine the shielding would be reasonably effective against it. The only established thing so far with regard to Goa'uld shielding is how concentrated the weapon's energy is. The more concentrated, the more effective.

I'm working on updating the zeroth-post summary and responding to PM's; I should have a post up once that's done.
I should have a post up some time tonight.

Also, what kind of plasma?
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