Avatar of Raijinslayer


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4 yrs ago
Current Merry Christmas boyos, don't forget to, like, be a good person and stuff. Also start thinkin of a new years resolution you'll actually go through with.
6 yrs ago
Status update: staying up all n8ght fuckin sucks and procrastination is a vile temptress.
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7 yrs ago
4 months into this hole 'being a responsible adult thing' and I've come to a conclusion: It sucks and I want to go back to the days where I didn't have to plan out my game time.
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7 yrs ago
Was supposed to be productive tonight. . . will try to be productive in the morning
7 yrs ago
Taking a short break from posting till Monday/Tuesday, hopefully will feel more creative and less brain-dead


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@rocketrobie2True, but given that they're keeping a forward momentum and using their li!mbs as the weapon, they'd already havr at least an arm in the way, so it would be able to completely re-seal. Also, given how you said they are separated into individual hexes, does that mean there are gaps? If not, then it'd be hard to imagine one hex easily sliding into pace unless it moves above or below it's brethren oo move, notto mention that this also creates another opening in the shield, if I'm understanding this ability!ity correctly.
Map looks good on my end though I think I might have misread some people's posts because I thought we were a lot closer together. As for the shield, I imagine it working and looking almost identical to how @DracoLunaris showed with the Spartan, only difference being Tug's is bigger and having the ability to move the modular panels around.

Though as for the size the map makes it look too big. I meant to have the shield cover all the newborns but, again, I thought everyone was closer together. The max size I imagine the shield being able to go is about the size of the support colum in the map.

Okay, gotcha. That was what I was thinkin' as well when i posted, as you didn't make it sound like a big ol' thing as the map would suggest. So Marnie isn't likely inside the shield, and given positioning, I shouldn't have to redo the post, yeah? (Also, is Sera going to be able to break it, or is she just cracking/weakening it?)
@DracoLunarisYe, at least that's how I imagined the scene playing out before the attack.

so my logic here is that "her shield up to encase all of the Newborns" does include Cymophane, that if seraphinite was to stomp off away from everyone it would be in the opposite direction to the crystal gems and that Marie is between the cg and Tug/Chloe and thus not in Seraph's way so she ain't been pushed. finally aqua and blood are off in the gem temple having a dramatic character moment together.

Everyone who was on the old map but has not posted since then have been deleted.

also the shield is hexagonal and modular so I am not entirely sure if my dome Idea is correct but I am imagining something like this

obviously correct me if you think I am wrong.

Okay, my problem with this is that I wrote that Seraphinite was heading towards the exit(which is where you placed the crystal gems). As such, even though Chloe stopped her, she was still facing the direction, and I'm assuming she was thrown in the direction as well, and in my mind, it wasn't a light toss either(I'm imagining somewhere around where the drone near Cavan is). Also, this places Marnie inside of the dome which begs the question of how large the shield was meant to be, as I assumed it was only put up to create a barrier between Sera and Chloe.

@rocketrobie2Can you explain more about the shape and size of the shield, that Tug made for this occasion, as that seems to be one of the major points of contention here.
@GutshotI'll keep it in mind for when I actually manage to get my own PC(which should be soon if everything goes well), but at the moment, I own no electronics of my own besides a $50 kindle.
@PrivateVenturesI feel that comparison comes with a heavy bit of irony now, given the current administration.
@PrivateVenturesUh. . . I dunno. Maybe Izzet? My knowledge of the guilds aren't good enough for me to really be sure.
@RyouguYe, my guy's Rakdos leaning was less to do with not caring for his own being and more about being free. So whiule he could get with their flow, he was probably to concerned with staying alive to really be considered a proper Rakdos, but he was useful as his semblance of sanity meant he could do better negotiations with other people than most other Rakdos.
@RyouguWhen I was making my Rakdos guy, my mindset did kind of get in the way to the Rakdos way of fighting, though to be fair, my guy was more careful and controlled than the usual Rakdos scrub due to his Azorius roots. His set was running with a good amount of lifelink to support the damage I was likely going to take with my offense.

Nasir, Drosil, and Revali

A few days prior, Drosil's Quarters

"D-Divinesdammit!!" In a darkness barely illuminated by candlelight, Drosil bent over panting in exhaustion, his hand curled into a fist against the ground as he gazed with disdain and despair at the magic circle underneath him. His labored breaths, laden with muttered curses, would break into a fit of harsh coughing, splattering the stone floor with fat red drops of blood and phlegm that obscured the runes and lines that had taken him painstaking hours to create. A circle that would've taken him hardly one before his body had been . . . diminished to such a foul state. Looking down at his ruined work, his labored breathing gave way to a mirthless chuckle.

"Search for clues, he says, try to find out all you can. Tch, even if it's naught but a wild goose chase, what did he expect from me? From Shadar? Two cripples who don't know a damn thing or a damn person in this blasted city, one who's a monster and the other who can't even manage one. . . Lousy . . . SCRYING SPELL!!!" In a rage, the decrepit summoner lashed out with his remaining hand, nocking aside many papers, books, and even a few candles. Looking at the small flames burning atop the wicks, he noticed that he could easily just push one into a pile of books he'd been studying. Burn everything in this room within minutes, himself included. The thought held in his head for a moment longer, before quickly being dismissed as he reached out to right the fallen candles, hissing slightly as the hot candle wax spilled from the top, singeing his hand as it rapidly hardened atop his flesh. Looking down at it with his lone uncovered eye, he reached out to scratch the wax off, only to be reminded once more of his current condition. ". . . not even a stump is left to gesture with. Ends right at my shoulder. . . *sigh*."

Running a hand through his bedraggled hair, Drosil couldn't help but feel empty as he considered the truth of his situation. He was crippled in both body and magical ability, unable to do the only thing that gave his life meaning, that made him of use to anyone. Now, he was almost certain, he was kept around more as an object of pity then anything else. If it wasn't for Shadar, then Drosil would've left the castle long ago, either in a carriage. . . or a coffin. "Not that anyone would likely even care if I did. They'd say a few words, but I'd be easily forgotten within the month, just the quirky mage that ruin his own future. Heh, Perhaps I'd live on as a cautionary tale of dabbling in dark magics. 'Don't make packs with demons and shades, lest you end up like the poor bloke that crippled himself with such forbidden spells. Poor fool killed himself shortly after, unable to live on anymore. If you listen closely, you may even hear the agonized cries of misery his ghost makes as it struggles to work even the smallest miracle, only to be met with failure time and again, for all of eternity.'"

More joyless laughter filled the confines of his quarters, only to slowly degrade into wretched, body-shaking sobs of sorrow as Drosil curled in around himself, letting go of his grip on the world, the shadows of the void rolling over him. He'd been letting Shadar prowl about more and more recently. It made things easy. Kept his mind off his own useless existence, if only for a bit. Instead, he could just be one with the void that he went to when Shadar walked the plane of reality, allowing himself to let his mind empty of everything. In times, he wondered if this was what death felt like, this oppressive sense of nothingness that so often filled the void these days. And just as often, if not more so, he wondered if he should ever leave this plane. He was not but a poor, useless cripple, incapable of even minor conjurings, much less anything that could be considered useful. Like an old cow, he often felt that he'd rather be put out of his misery then live as a useless carry-on as he did now. At least then, he wouldn't have to worry anyone anymore.


Drosil watched the proceedings of Joachim's revelation through distant eyes, wondering why he was even here. What use did he possible bring to this exchange. The only magic he had left about him was his Divine Gift, his Creation, and the Phoenix soul that burned within him. His ability to control the latter two, however, was all but gone along with his magic. He was dead weight, plain and simple, and that was likely all he ever would be from here on. Still, downtrodden as he was about his fate, he couldn't help the slight stirring in his heart as his lone eye fell upon the newly appointed Queen of H'kela, his swirling eye detecting the numerous magical taints that hung in the air around her. She was a true master of the dark arts and so he wondered if she could. . . but whatever the case, it was best not to hope for anything. At best, he wished for an explanation of why his magic was leaving him. That, at the very least, would give him some measure of peace.

As the meeting came to a halt and group separated, Drosil would approach Revali, clearing his throat in order to gain her attention before giving an appropriate low bow. "Queen Revali, It's a pleasure to meet a pracitioner of the arcane arts such as yourself. My name is Drosil Maeneld, a researcher from the Arcane University of Jasi, and I was hoping you might do me the honor of a short audience, a discussion of shorts. It'd be best if done. . . away from the Cyril and the others, as the subject is of a matter I'd rather not discuss where they might hear." Looking down towards the ground momentarily, Drosil's hand went to cover the remains of his right arm, a feeling of shame and despair washing over him before he shook it off, pasting the polite smile over his face once more. "I'm certain that you're busy, so if you'd not, then I shall trouble you no longer."

Revali's eye slowly traveled to Drosil, and only after he was finished speaking. Though he was over half a foot taller than her, the sort of look she gave him was one undeniably of looking down at something else, examining closely and then, deciding in a moment, there was nothing of interest there. To the untrained eye, it would have been the appearance of distaste, and for Revali it was certainly a close thing... But it wasn't quite on the mark. Rather, it was simply... indifference.

"If you insist..."

With the way the last syllable was sort of drawn out, lingering in the air between them, it was clear just what the Queen of H'kela thought of the possible conversation. However, she it wasn't an out-and-out no, so as she turned to begin to walk it seemed that he was meant to come along. The nearby Nasir, meanwhile, was given a direct invitation with the way she beckoned towards her guard, but that was the only pause before she set off towards the door at a brisk pace.

"Let me guess... You're wondering what you can do now that you've ruined yourself so thoroughly, so you're finally deciding to go ask someone with a little more experience in the dangerous matters you tried toying with for a bit of help."

It wasn't a question, but a statement.

The Queen barely needed to beckon Nasir over as he was already making long strides over toward her. He had the lower part of his wrap had been pulled up since they had arrived in this city. Not only did he find many of smells offensive but he did not want these soft people to see his face. It was better if he was a faceless and mean man from another land. His desire to go to the Queen after the events of the ritual was doubled by the presence of this interloper that was walking up to her brazen as could be. Were these people so undignified that they did not even understand their station? Who was this cripple who would dare afflict the vision of royalty with his visage. Nasir's mask concealed a cruel smile when he had been beckoned over. Ah yes, it would be good to vent his frustration on this man. It would not be a good fight, but, he would settle for a good beating.

However, when he arrived the Queen was just talking to him. She was not sending him away or giving Nasir the order to remove him. Nasir hissed a breath of irritation through his teeth as he arrived. He turned and gave his Queen and solid salute and then turned to the old cripple. If Revali was giving him a disinterested look and tone, Nasir was openly hostile. His dark eyes glared at the man, staring a hate that is born only from someone who thinks you are unworthy to even live. When Nasir turned to face the man he tapped the but of his spear on the ground suddenly, placing himself between the man and his Queen. Based on the few words he had heard Revali speak, this was not just some beggar or wretch. He was something connected to the Dark Arts. That set the guard on edge. Even the weak of body could be dangerous when they wanted to be. He would need to be more on guard than normal.

Nasir took his place by Revali and making sure to keep himself between the old man and his charge. He stayed silent. Unlike this man, he knew his place in the world and speaking for the Queen was not his place. Nor could he lecture her about harming herself when she had him or any of his men that would gladly have sacrificed their nails for her ritual. It was hard to guard the Queen's personage when she injured herself so suddenly. He gathered his energy for a moment and formed his Cohesion ability while he listened. He extended it to Revali, if she would accept. He knew she was a far better hand at magic than he was, in the Dark Arts in particular. He wanted her connected to him so that he could have access to her magical instincts and she could use his own trained reactions. That would make this man less than a threat to say the least if he was an assassin. As a secondary aspect, the two of them would be able to communicate silently if it needed to be done.

Revali's less than enthusiastic response didn't phase Drosil in the least, having expected such a response from what little he could figure out from her during his observation of her behaviors during the meeting Cyril had convened. Her guard attempt to cow him with a glare, or so it seemed to Drosil, but the summoner was more interested in the light pallor of magic that surrounded the man, his good eye swirling as he studied it. I guess it only makes sense, given H'kela's penchant for militarizing magic, that she'd have a guard with the ability to use it. Still, he doesn't seem the type and. . . what is that? The vortex of gold and emerald would follow the flow of magical energy as it spread away from the man towards the Queen, seeing through the veil to discern it's function.

"Interesting. . . " Drosil eye glittered with curiosity as he slowly came to understand this strange magic he witnessed. While really a simple concept, connecting the minds and senses of multiple individuals, the amount of control and mental fortitude to be able to keep up such a spell was nothing to sneeze at. He looked towards the man again with a newfound respect before turning his head back to the queen, having listened to her promptly guess the situation with almost exact accuracy. "You speak as if I have a litany of experts of the Dark Arts to go to, your Majesty. It's a rather niche area of study, especially within the borders of Barcea. But still, your assumption is almost perfectly correct. While some matter of direction for my life would be fantastic, I'm more curious as to why my injuries have led to a decline in my magical abilities ever since the fight with the Advisor."

Reaching into a pack by his side, he pulled out his notes on the spells and spirits that he had used in that battle to give him the power he had accumulated. In it one would find intricate details of the planes that he had drawn from, the magical circles he'd used, and the exactitudes of the many rituals he had performed, from the simple lighting of incense sticks to the acts f self-mutilation he had enacted to draw the spirits to him from their world of shadows and death. However, instead of moving to hand them directly to the Queen, he presented the book to the guard she had brought with her. "Given the aura around you, good sir, I assume that you have have enough magical knowledge to search for curses, hexes, and the like, so if you would like to look it over to ensure it's safe for the queen, then please be my guest. Though, if you wouldn't mind, I have a question to ask you. That spell you cast earlier. . . is it something common in H'kela, or something that you created yourself. Given the complexity of it and the lack of groups of soldiers during the war that seemed to fight in a manner that used such a tactic, I'm inclined to say no, but I could be wrong." While his face remained as peaceful and passive as he had seemed up until that point, his swirling eye gazed at the man with a somewhat challenging glare. He knew how the H'kelan's valued strength, so he figured a little powerplay would be needed to get at least some respect, though he also noted that Revali wasn't the average H'kelan either. Looking at her, he couldn't help but be reminded of the librarian from the Renata library that he had briefly met before, as their demeanor bore an extreme resemblance to each other.

"Don't answer that, Nasir. If he happens to be on the right side of things, he'll learn soon enough." The Queen didn't wait for the guard to reach out, her instead taking the papers without hesitation. With the grace that came with plenty of practice she both walked and read at the same time, but she did so with a sort of speed that almost seemed unnatural. What should have taken hours, at the very least minutes took her just a few seconds, and soon she was holding them back out to Drosil; the mage would only have a moment to take them before the Queen released them whether he had a grip on them or not.

"If I had to put it simply, you were broken, Jasian. You went up to a superior force with all of your arrogance and perceived skill, and you cracked as it was crushed right in front of your eyes. It's a matter of confidence now, and of the kind that can't be cured with medicine." She did not look to see just what kind of reaction she might have received from her words, her gaze already turning to Nasir instead as she said, "If you're lucky, starting over with the very basics, as if you never learned magic in the first place, might awaken something in you. I'd also check how you summoned those shades once again though; preferably with someone who has an idea with what they're doing. I, however, don't have the time for you beyond that. Next time maybe consider you have a contact to two of the greatest masters of the Dark Arts already."

For her head guard, she had something different to say entirely. "I want you there in Kyora before the King arrives. The Phantasm seems intent on keeping others out of it as much as he possibly can, so if it happens to end before the main group arrives I at least want a witness there, who saw what happened and what was used. Take good notes if you have to." She reached up ever slightly, adjusting the heavy cloth on her left shoulder, briefly a careless flash of sheer disappearing just as quickly. "Don't concern yourself with me. I'm going to return to the comforts of my own home."

Nasir had not planned to tell the man anything. He was not going to speak unless he was addressed directly by Revali. He really had nothing to say to this cocky green-lander. He had dabbled in things that were beyond his ken and found them far too much for himself. He looked old, perhaps he wasn't though from the odd way he carried himself,and had been outclassed by the young Queen he guarded. That was something he found rather funny. Then again, suddenly Nasir was in a better mood when he heard Revali give the man the dismissal. He couldn't keep the smile from his masked face and it touched his exposed eyes slightly. She might not have been as assertive and commanding as he might like her to be, but, no one could brush someone off quite as well as the woman he served.

The Commander looked down at met the eyes of his Queen as she gave him his command. He let out a slow breath through his nose, irritated. He knew there was a great deal of wisdom in her words. There always was in truth. Going out to see what this Phantom was going to do and making sure to arrive before the anticipated group was a good plan. However, the details of that grated on the old soldier. He did not want to leave the Queen without his vigil in these times of strife. His men were good and he trusted them, but, he was the core of the fighting force. Her last statement to him was an impossible order to follow. His eyes darted to the side for a moment seeing the material underneath her over-clothes. He turned his gaze back to her eyes just as quickly. His eyes were hard and rebellious, but, that passed just as quickly as his previous glance had been.

"I will do as you command, Your Majesty." Nasir gave her a small bow. He did speak again though while his head was bowed. He spoke in a low voice he hoped only she could hear. "It is my purpose and station to concern myself with you, Your Majesty. I can not fulfill that last order." he raised his head and returned his gaze to her. His look was one that said he would follow his orders without another word, but, he did not like it.

“Heh. . . I wouldn’t think you the kind to make jokes, your grace.” Drosil said with a dry chuckle, tapping his notebook against his side as he went over the litany of mental note within his, considering all of the formulae and minute details of the rituals in closed within. As she continued on, a frown crossed his face for a moment as he tried to recall who the queen could be talking about, as no one that he knew besides himself was versed in the dark arts. In fact, the only time he could remember meeting another practitioner was. . . “Hmm. . . I’m not too sure how welcome I would be if I did have the capability to venture back to those two. Accidentally laid waste to her garden during a summoning ritual, which I can’t imagine her being to happy about, hehe. Still, I shall heed your advice and, hopefully, find someway to reverse this. I thank you for taking even this short amount of time to entertain my question.”

Again he bowed to her, thinking back to his time in his homeland, of the courts and behaviors of those in power. Like Kori, Revali was a different sort, closer to a scholar of the University(albeit a closed off, anti-social one) then the ruler of a kingdom. She seemed to lack the interest of ruling, but he doubted that meant she lacked the ability and skill. I wonder what the kingdom of H’kela will be like in the coming years under her reign. Ruminating on these thoughts, he wondered if he had anything else to say before making his departure when the Queen mentioned about sending her guard out to head of Cyril and the others in making way for Kyora. This turn of his attention also meant he caught the flash of flesh underneath the robe, though like Nasir, he was quick to look away, if a bit red in the face. After that bit of shock, he collected himself quickly before coming upon an idea of sorts.

“Your Grace, if I may interject. . . has your man ever been to the land of Kyora? I’ve no doubt he could make his way there quickly, but as a seasoned traveler, I could guide him there quicker then most, having knowledge of several ruins of arcane origin that offer quickened transit between here and there, as well as just natural shortcuts via underground tunnels and ancient magically powered transit systems. There is one in Barcea, for example, that could cut quite a bit of time off the journey, though it does have a rather. . . Unorthodox security system.” Turning towards the guard, he looked the man up and down, scratching his chin as he muttered to himself under his breath, his voice fluidly sliding between a multitude of languages, though returning to the common tongue for those listening to make out the words ‘shark automatons’, ‘pain in the ass’, and ‘welts the size of large coins’. Soon coming back to his senses, Drosil turned his attention back to the Queen, waiting for her reply, or possibly even that of her guard if he deemed to speak his probable distaste for the idea.

If asked why he offered such a thing free of prompting, he’d respond simply. “Force of habit from my time in Jasi, I don’t like owing favors to nobles, royalty, or anyone for that matter. Leaving a favor unpaid is generally considered unwise in the political climate of our oligarchy and anyone involved with it, as it’s leverage that can be easily used against you. I’m certain that a similar philosophy could probably be found in your own country of H’kela, no?”

The Queen's response to what Drosil had to say was simple and short: "I don't care." Her gaze then turned back to Nasir, her saying, "You know your mission at this point. How you accomplish it is up to you." With that, she kept continuing on her way, at a slightly brisker pace; clearly, she considered her part of the conversation done, and wasn't interested on being pulled back in once again.

Nasir watched his Queen go. His face set in a grimace of irritation. There was nothing to do about it though. She was completely right. He did have his orders and he would complete them. Nasir had never been one for disobedience when it came to direct orders. If he ever threw off the orders of his superiors then his men could do the same to him. He was an example. His teeth gritted together slightly as he released the Cohesion he had sent out to Revali. His dark eyes turning to face the crippled man he was left with.

"I am finding myself in need to a quick path. You have a way, it seems." his voice was dripping with contempt in its deep rasp that passed from behind his veil. "The way you mentioned sounds dangerous. Is it as fast as it is dangerous?" he asked, his accented speech adding a little more throaty and music to the words he spoke than there should be. Nasir turned his body toward the man fully and flexed his hand on the haft of his spear. "I am thinking we may need more people to go this way. I can not use my men for this, Her Majesty will need them all." Nasir let out a slow breath through his nose. Trying to relax himself and finding it worked slightly.

Here he stood. In a place he did not like, talking to someone he did not like, about a plan he did not like, going somewhere else he would not like. He waited for the man's response. He hoped he already knew of some people who were planning on taking this route, or another safer yet still fast way. He could not wait to arrive with the body of the group traveling with the King here. It would be slow and ponderous. He needed to make sure he arrived quickly and in a way that was unexpected. If this Phantom was as dangerous as they seemed, they would need surprise and un-orthodoxy on their side.

Watching Queen Revali walk briskly away from Drosil and her guard, the mage couldn't help but wonder if this woman even wanted to rule. Everything about her demeanor suggested an individual who would rather spend all their time researching within the darkest depths of a library, not leading a country. Well, at least she didn't just blow me off completely as I expected, though I wish she could've bothered to be a touch less cryptic with her advice.

However, before Drosil could ruminate on the woman's words or why in the name of the Divines she walked around seemingly naked beneath her cloak, the guard approached him about his proposed short-cut, as well as if he knew of any others that would be willing to go. Scratching at his chin, the summoner's eye going to and fro before coming to a conclusion.

"I have a good idea about who would be willing to accompany us, and if I'm correct, he's likely already on his way. So we best hurry. I'll fill you in about the shortcut as we travel. It's a rather fascinating discovery, actually, and says a lot about how the ancient peoples of this land differed from us in their perception of magic." And so it would be that Drosil would drone on and on about the subject of ancient magic technologies and ruins as he led the man through the castle. While likely to be a tad dull to one that didn't live and breathe magic like Drosil did, it wasn't all useless trivia. Between his talk about ancient formulae and magical energy degradation, he'd note the many different types of traps and guardians he encountered, their likely attack patterns, weaknesses discovered by studying their remains. By the time he finished his little lecture, they'd be coming around the corner to witness the backs of Christopher, Vesta, and Alice. "Ah, looks like he had a similar idea as you. We should probably hurry to catch up with them, yes? I still need to gather a few supplies from my quarters before we head off. I assume that you don't need anything, right, . . um. . I'm sorry, I don't believe I caught your name."

The man was annoying. Not only did he insist on speaking even though Nasir was not even remotely interested in the topics he was going on about, he continued to speak. Nasir supposed it was the curse of being in a land where you could find water anywhere. You could afford to run your mouth when you lived in a land where being parched was not common for anyone but the street rats and beggars. He did listen when the man he traveled with mentioned weaknesses and some of the guardians they might come across. The Commander gave him no response though. The less he had to speak that language the better. Language changed the way you thought and Nasir wanted nothing of the Green-lander's thoughts in his head.

Seeing the other ground gave him some heart. At least they did not look as mangled as this man. Perhaps they might have had some sense in their heads and not dabbled in arts they were not ready for. As the cripple stopped speaking and asked him name, Nasir looked at him for the first time since they began this little voyage. "Nasir na Jahlin K'heldra." he answered, no hint of emotion in his voice. "Commander will suffice for your needs, Nasir, if you must." The Commander turned his gaze back to the other three people, starting to take their measure. "You are correct. I am ready to travel. Go get your things." the last part of his statement came out as a curt command, issued from a man used to being obeyed, "Make haste. Slow us and be left." without another words he moved off toward the other group, taking long strides. The faster he got all of this over with the faster he would be able to get home and back to his purpose. Nasir raised the hand not on his spear and hailed the group. "I am Nasir na Jahlin K'heldra, Commander of Her Majesty Revali's Queensguard. I understand you are leaving. I am coming with you." He stopped and proper spear fighting range and nodded to them, like the matter was settled.

Christopher gave a slight start when, suddenly, a voice rang out, and it caused him to turn suddenly to face it. Briefly, he thought that the Paladin had found him or had found out his plan, but he berated himself for that ridiculous thought; this new man's voice wasn't too much like Dubois', and clearly Christopher himself was just being twitchy. Briefly his eyebrows rose ever slightly at the sight not just at the H'kelan Commander, but Drosil at well. For a moment he almost said no, but a twinge in what was left of his arm held his voice for him. He at least kept himself from reaching over to grip it slightly, so the moment of near refusal passed without even the slightest acknowledgement.

He sighed, shrugged, and then said, "Sure, whatever, but hurry up. I'd rather get out of here before anyone tries to stop us." Christopher didn't have any problems working with a H'kelan, not having reservation like a blue-blooded Barcean may have had, so perhaps it was fortunate that he was the one leading the group along. Despite everything, he was prepared to give Nasir a chance... In a way, just like he was ready to give Drosil a chance as well.

"If either of you need anything, we'll be waiting at the servant's entrance in the kitchens."
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