Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Help Arknights wants so much AP


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Also, I pray you didn't get Siegfried. He is useless.
Asterios - New York

Even this early in the day, it was impossible to miss the site of nearly ten feet of horned muscle, such sites rarely being seen on the streets of New York. Unless, of course, they happened to appear in the middle of the road, looking around bewildered at his sudden change of location. Equally as lost was the motorist who suddenly found his path blocked and tried to swerve out of the way with no success. The impact, though definitely wrecking the car, failed to have much of the impact that one would expect on its target--not even a bruise as the massive figure looked around.

"Master...?" Asterios mumbled, looking around for any sign of the missing figure--and source of the missing contract. Nothing. Fortunately, without Mad Enhancement it would be a little while before he ran out of mana, but to not disappear he'd have to find someone else... and how would he do that? For all a massive city's mazelike properties, it was nothing that he had ever experienced. His chances were pretty much reliant on someone magical taking note of the out of place Servant.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the only sort of person liable to take an interest, with a small crowd already gathering despite the time of day, intrigued by something too big to be realistic--including the man angrily shouting about his car. Not that Asterios was looking to say anything any time soon, despite looking down at the crowd.
Then Thief II flipped things on their head (though Karras voice is hilarious), and Thief III went into the keepers. Shame they never remastered the thing.
@Crimson Paladin I've only just turned off sigs after ages and... Thief quote? xD
Sir Tyaethe Radistirin

Good, they were starting to work together--but a far cry from pinning her down with this sort of style, which is what they had to do. So long as the paladin wasn't surrounded, then she was confident that she would remain undefeated. On the flip side, if engaged from both sides with no armour and no bladed weapon to simply split the opponent... well, that would be game over. But for now, their first effort had gone awry; Fleuri's stumbling delayed a co-ordinated response and Klaus had yet to take into account that the wielder was moving even more than her blade, relocating to beyond the pair and using her hefty sword as a shield to shove away Fleuri's attack.

That she was now sporting a wide grin would not be any consolation when the deflection was followed up with an arcing slash that would get the both of them if they came close--and, frustratingly for anyone used to serious fighting, still manage to include a small flip backwards to gather herself even more breathing room.

@Noodles@Crimson Paladin

Lilianna Belwiss

"... oh!"

The grey-heared woman took her leave of the captain and made her way to breakfast, pausing to hand her daughter over to Abigail--excitedly talking about becoming Fanilly's new head made. As much as she would have wanted to play right now, they had a guest over and it was her duty to retain a proper air in public. Moreover, given their guest had come from the court... it was best to be ready in case there was some task or other that had been prepared for them.
Sorry for the delays, I'll have a post up tomorrow.
Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

Ah, the ship that they would have to board wasn't the small dinghy that the man had lead them to, instead one further off shore. She had been about to say--a rowing boat was both completely unsuitable for someone of her stature and hardly efficient. Yet this new vessel provided greater challenges... though she and the others here could unquestionably captain a ship and perform the necessary duties, there were but three of them. It would undoubtedly be easier with more people to fill the rowing benches...

Ozymandias' sweeping the drunks off the deck was hardly conducive to such a thing, and the Rider got a rather unexpected poke to the chest from an irate blonde: "Praefectus, three people is too few to man a galley. These men might be pirates but they will be more than able to manage the sails and row."


Maybe it wouldn't have been apparent to the others--certainly, she didn't think this batch of Servants could be called experts on naval history and nor were the Masters--but to an alchemist such as herself, it was second nature to consider the construction of items and their manufacture. This ship was... odd. The old man said that it had been ages since it sailed or had received any attention, yet it sat in pristine condition. Not that wooden ships were delicate creatures, yet it was odd...

Nor was it the ship's strangest thing. Naval designs hardly underwent rapid development in such an era but... it would be possible to have an early multiple-deck ship during the Trojan War but it was very unexpected. And the construction was far more solid than Meran expected of a ship left for years or even decades.

The expressionless girl's eyes tracked to the old man. Just who was he, and what was this ship?
And here's a certain Saber-maniac's lineup:

You can find the /GO APK just by searching for "Fate Grand Order APK EN" (without the quotes). First result, download and open, it'll ask if you want to install from unknown sources. Bit annoying to do this every update but it works fine.

Meanwhile, also in Scotland:

I have some more 4*'s.
Mordred looks good in a suit.

Now, to really confuse Nanoha:
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