Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Help Arknights wants so much AP


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Sir Lancelot

"This is my victory," Lancelot stated, adjusting smoothly to the anticipated attack and stopping only at the last instant, shining blade held gently against Bradamante's throat, but not quite cutting the skin, "Your ability is great, but your fighting style is almost the same as Sir Gareth's."

Or close enough. There were precious few people in the world who went in for rocket-propelled spears.

Alkyrieaze von Einzbern

Continuing to watch Altera's somewhat awkward approach to the dessert--it really was a new thing to her, wasn't it?--Alkyrieaze continued, "A new Master, one that had summoned Berserker or something similar. When he commanded the Berserker to stand down, they didn't just not work--a weak Master or some skill would obviously cover that--but instead got turned into a simple power boost. Obviously, if the only insurance we have over mad Servants going out of control and destroying the city starts making it worse... well, the old grail wars will look like nothing."
I think we should, yes.
Daji, random Chinese guy, Locusta seem fine? Bit confused that Daji has average luck given her notes.

We're going to have to work out how Umu and Locusta are related.
@Reflection The... roleplay's closed. There isn't an unoccupied slot unless someone only does one half of a pair.
Tachibana Hibiki

Ah... that was true, by rushing in on her own, there was a chance of ending up in a situation that she couldn't just punch her way out of. But if she didn't hurry, then they might not make it in time, and it really didn't matter if she got a little beat up in the process of rescuing someone. Besides, as scary as this place looked, it was all a very normal type of scary; like large wild animals rather than something like the Noise.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine!"
Unfortunately, Japan doesn't have the best dairy industry...


  • Master of Saber: Tlalarielle Quadrefortiana
  • Master of Archer:
  • Master of Lancer:
  • Master of Rider:
  • Master of Caster:
  • Master of Assassin
  • Master of Berserker:
  • Name: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
  • Class: Caster...?
  • Appearance:
  • Personality: The cheerful and bubbly Emperor of Roses, someone determined to do everything she can with passion and expecting others to match that passion--chariot racing, arts, love... though apparently "self delusion" is in there too, as Nero's grasp of her own singing ability is... quite poor.
    A great appreciator of beauty, "Beautiful young boys are good. Beautiful young girls are better. My singular preference is beauty!"
    All of this still falls behind her ego. It is as big as Nero herself isn't.
  • Stats:
    • Strength: D
    • Endurance: D
    • Agility: A
    • Mana: B
    • Luck: A
    • Noble Phantasm: B
  • Class Skills:
    • Independent Manifestation: B-. Although manifested independently, the complete collapse of human history would still affect her. Yet despite the individual appearance and physical body, she still relies upon a Master for mana to fight with?
  • Personal Skills:
    • Imperial Privilege: EX. Skills she normally wouldn't have can be gained momentarily because she declared it. She gains skills such as Riding, Swordsmanship, Arts, Charisma, Tactics etc. At this rank, burdens to the body can be acquired, such as Divinity. Yet despite being such a fundamental component of her abilities, she seems quite reluctant to use it over magical involvement?
    • Migraine: B. Exactly what it sounds like.
    • Ten Crowns: A. The method is vague and disadvantages are meaningless as the smell of the ocean fills the air. A seeming vestige of a much stronger protection, yet it still grants automatic success on any save, no matter how implausible or the conditions that would be required to meet it. Furthermore, her existence as a Servant or anything else is suppressed--even when fighting, to all senses, she appears human.
  • Noble Phantasm(s):
    • Name: Aestus Domus Aurea
    • Rank: B, used as an attack.
    • Type: Anti-Formation
    • Appearance: Behold.
    • Effects:
    The construction of a zone of absolute imperial authority, a stage for the Emperor to reign triumphant--none may leave until the performance is over, and within its boundaries enemies are weakened whilst victory is placed within Nero's grasp. Often by launching a fiery explosion of some sort or another, but it can be used more subtly than that.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Name: Tlalarielle Quadrefortiana. Call her Elly. It's much shorter.
  • Age: 9
  • Appearance: Those are some... interesting eyes you have there. Her taste in fashion is quite interesting, too.
  • Personality: She's pretty cheerful and innocent, not consumed by the sort of self-centred sociopathy magi seem to succumb to far too easily. Though it's not like she's altogether lacking in it--if it seems like it's the right thing for her to do, then of course stealing is okay... it's all part of God's plan, after all. At times it's hard to separate childish opinion from some actual idea of what might happen.
  • Abilities: A true prodigy of the Quadrefortiana family, with the best of all possible elemental affinities and a staggering amount of mana available from her circuits... somewhat heavily offset by all the limitations in skill that come along with being a child that doesn't have the family's magic crest. She can make basic things work, but it's still a child's work--no matter how complicated it is, she only has so many components to work with. That doesn't mean an inept magus wants to just blunder into a bounded field... only that an experienced one can puzzle it all out easily enough. And, naturally, she lacks anything much in the way of direct capabilities.
    What makes her particularly interesting is her unusual eyes. In many regards, they seem to be almost Pure Eyes: Tlalarielle can see spirits, see the flow of magic, and penetrate illusions. In essence, if something is actually there, then she will be able to see it (and for illusions, work to take it apart). What stands out about them is their uncontrolled ability to see into the future. Taken to be a gift from god, they have been dubbed Mystic Eyes of Revelation--but like any revelation, what she sees isn't controlled in any sense, nor do the portents revealed need to be clear.
  • History: Elly's family was quite pleased with her for most of their life--oddly religious for magi, they nevertheless felt that this was a proof of their devotion, a child whose potential alone stood far above any of them... even before the consideration of her eyes was taken into account. Why, it was even those eyes that alerted them to the grail ritual being prepared.
    As faithful magi, it would be remiss of them to allow a holy artefact to be used for personal gain... and so, they sought out a catalyst, in the form of a corroded cross, and prepared a summoning circle... but nothing happened. The ritual denied itself to both of her parents, a cousin, even a bastard they only vaguely acknowledged.
    And Tlalarielle volunteered. She was told not to, that her skills were insufficient, that going halfway across the world was a terrible idea. But she insisted, saying that she knew she would be there. Obviously, they still didn't listen. So... she took the cross and ran away from home. One of the problems, after all, with keeping someone trying to follow prophesy is that they might just get too lucky.
    So... her family obviously isn't too pleased with her right now. She ran away from home, and took quite a lot of money with her, and even summoned a Servant. But if this is the divine plan, then they'll come around... hopefully before the money runs out. That's her hope.
  • Other:

The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.

The first and only utilisation of the Fuyuki Grail took place at the dawn of the 19th century, and became a disaster. Only meant to be a ritual to amass energy, it devolved into an all-out fight far sooner than anticipated; the founding families were devastated and the activated Grail was destroyed in carrying out an act of vengeance.

But mages have long memories, and the allure of granting a wish or brute-forcing a way to the Root was tempting, noted by less fortunate families as a possible option... one almost destined to be simply a thought experiment, until the new millennium. Factions within the Mage's Association stirred, funded by remnants of the Einzbern. For all the flaws of its outcome, the victor's wish had been granted; if one could source a replacement for the Greater Grail then another Grail ritual could be established.

The site chosen was Mifune, and the Association went to work seeking a suitable vessel not yet seized by the church; looking for a true facsimile to the Holy Grail. Still within the country, transporting pieces of the original Greater Grail to the site was no difficult task, unlike replacing its features... the original magical circuits forming the Greater Grail were something impossible to make in the modern era. But where quality was lacking, quantity was more than available: dozens, hundreds of lesser homunculi were created, each a single part of the replacement machine, fusing alchemy and kabbalah to fit each creation and its circuits to their exact purpose.

The stage was set, the mages' holy grail found and forged into a wish-granting core for the ritual, leaving behind a physical shell of itself to act as the lesser part. In two years, the final Master would be selected, the final Servant summoned, and the war would begin. Everything was going to plan, and soon the first intentional Holy Grail War would begin...

With one flaw.

Since the first Master was chosen, the lesser Grail has been missing.

2007, Mifune City. We have an even better bridge than Fuyuki.

"Not the best" sums up every post I ever do. XD
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