Avatar of Raineh Daze


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Help Arknights wants so much AP


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Oh, the current GPU market...


The tiny heroic spirit looked around at the restaurant again before chirping the affirmative, "The lines aren't getting longer and everyone has the correct order." Of course, there was more to it than that, but she didn't exactly have a good view of the kitchen to assess their actual skill or efficiency in that domain nor how they would handle an actual emergency or an immediate surge in customers.

Of course, she would have been the first to object to her Master eating in a subpar environment, so the question was entirely unnecessary.
Good luck on your zombification!
Cat In Water?

"Do we have to go down here?" was the immediate complaint, Tanja poking her finger into the stream and giving it a horrified look, "It's cold, and wet." Not mentioned was anything regarding "dangerous" or "possibly deeper than I am tall", largely because the worst outcome in her mind from the latter was getting lost and swept downstream.

Of course, there didn't appear to be any way to progress without getting thoroughly soaked, so unless Erika was feeling in the mood to backtrack and chase after the other group...

Anyone else got anything to say? Or questions to ask before they can post?
Tyaethe Radistirin

The vampire sat up on her mount, taking in the carnage... and then slouched back down again, apparently having decided that immediate fighting wasn't going to happen for any other reason. Not that her observation of the scene was entirely helpful... albeit accurate, "Captain, this broken gate leads to the capital and has a good view of the road."

Not, in and of itself, necessarily indicative of much--but they had been travelling for most of the day, and the dead messenger must have set out late yesterday. Something, one might expect, that would have forced them to head past this entrance either directly or bypassing it. If it had been under siege by this girl and whoever was with her... well, how did he get all the way to the capital, then?
I'll post tomorrow.
It's okay. xD
"Do you think there are underground wolves or something?" Tanja wondered aloud, crouching down to look at the grisly wound on the bird. They were pretty far down, so it wasn't like it could be normal wolves or the like making their way down. Unless wolves knew how to operate elevators? She wasn't sure that this was within their normal abilities but if they could disguise themselves as grandmothers, then... well, who knew what a particularly dedicate one might do. "Or did it come down here with its throat torn out and get killed by mushrooms?"

"I'm still not sure what behaviour is normal in this time..." the robot wondered, standing up again and looking back at Erika.
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