Avatar of Renny


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4 yrs ago
Current "An apology is a promise to do things differently next time, and to keep the promise." - Ging Freecss
4 yrs ago
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla
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4 yrs ago
“I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.” – Albert Einstein
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4 yrs ago
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” ― Rumi
4 yrs ago
“Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls, and asks the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer.” ― Javik
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@vancexentan Totally the cheesecake.
I'm showing interest here

Dungeon Entrance

Oben stood near the rest of the party, his own anxieties beginning to surface. If not for the obsidian skull concealing his eyes and features, it would've been noticeable. Instead, however, no one could see the truth. His deepest fears, the inky darkness that was his past, the void that kept him at arms length of most everyone. All they could see was the timid smile plastered beneath the front row teeth of the mask. He had opted to keep to himself this morning, after he had purposely made a fool of himself the night before, it was probably better to exercise some control, else the others may think him a jester of sorts.

He pulled the sleeves of his black jacket over his wrist. The only real uniqueness to his black clothing, shirt and trousers, leather boots buckled which were high and tight, was the dirtied fur that lined its collar. Tyche had believed that his armor would be worth something, so they visited the market earlier in the morning to gather some funds. It was best to save up as much as possible. He would have to make due with what he started off with all those years ago. Tyche assured him that his skills would make up for his lack of armor. Still it was tough departing with it.

The others looked to be getting along with one another, which made him tilt his head ever so slightly at the party. He honestly didn't get it, interacting with one's Familia was one thing; they were practically family, a unit completely devoted to one another. But this black-kettle of crudely thrown together ingredients was far less. His brows crinkled together behind the mask and after much consideration he decided to observe everyone more closely from there on.

Oben took a step forward, nearing the rest of crew. He took a calculated pause at the cat-girl, allowing his intrigue from last night to pour out of him. He shimmed in his clothes a tad before forcing it all down. Outwardly he gulped before placing a hand on the back of his head and directing his voice towards Dahlia. Oben started to reach up and clasp the tall man's shoulder but decided not to at the last minute. "This should be too fun," he cheered, a warm smile visible. "Going down into the dungeon with a party of awesome people, oh man, I'm getting way excited now. Let's hurry."

Oben fisted the air as he marched into the Dungeon, iron nodachi swaying on his left-side as he did.
Atalei stared down at the downed Flag, submachine-beam gun aimed at its wreckage. For a moment he pondered if he should pull the trigger but he did it anyway. A hailstorm of purple light peppered the surrounding forest, exploding the Flag. Atalei reported in, a scowl hidden behind the comms. "Target eliminated." He shifted Kyrios back into flight mode and headed away from the destroyed base. He headed back in the direction of base, offering a half-hearted thanks towards Wesker. Not as if he entirely needed the help, a part of his pride was slightly bruised but they had to work together.

Atalei sat back in the cockpit. "This could've gone better."
I can't pass this up. Sign me up please.
@Nerevarine@Tenma Tendo@Letter Bee

Sorry guys. Life is going to get tough and I'm involved in a few Rps, I have to take a few off the schedule and this is one of them. I thought long and hard about it, forgive me for any interruptions. Hopefully I haven't ruined anyone's plot.
@Indra Benkei is ready for review.

Little Valhalla

Oben held his hand limply, his shoulders drooping as he sauntered a few feet away. The inviting air of Little Valhalla had quickly turned majestic upon the appearance of a dapper old-man. He was hunched over but carried an exuberance that defied his gray hairs. Odin had grabbed Oben's attention completely. Even still, his hand throbbed badly. Guess he knew just how strong Dahlia was now, enough to be terrifying at the least. Once Odin had disappeared behind a wall, leaving them without his esteemed presence. Oben shook his pained appendage at Dahlia before dropping to a low-crouch, rubbing the gloved-hand delicately.

Back turned to Dahlia, he twisted so his pouting lips could be visible. "You didn't have to hit me. I just wanted to touch her ears a little," he pinched the air tightly "Like this much."

Saying that Oben stood back up and jogged over to the cat-eared girl. As he passed Dahlia, he smiled at her. "I'll ask this time. I promise."

He held his nodachi in place, keeping it from swinging as he approached her. He tried to look inconspicuous but his curiosity was beginning to bubble-over. "So your ears, I think they're really cute," his voice was casual and innocent. Tyche always taught him to open up with a compliment when it comes to girls. He kept his hand from reaching up to grab them. " Can I... Can I touch 'em?"
Atalei shuddered inside the Kyrios' cockpit. He cursed himself for allowing his guard to fall so easily. "Roger that. I'll put down the rabid dogs... Sorry guys." he said through gritted teeth, as he shifted back into flight-mode and pursued the high-mobility unit. He fell into a state of focus, near callous, and ultimately resolved to be heartless. "I won't be the reason Celestial Being fails, I refuse."

He was coming up tight on the custom flag and still he found it hard to land a definitive hit. They flourished through the air like tossed willow trees, ducking and dodging into each others paths. Atalei looked up and around at the Flag currently strafing away, looking to be preparing for an intense maneuverer to get behind him. "Nghh! Trying to outdo me and Kyrios is a big mistake." The custom flag swoop up and around, getting behind him just as expected, but in that very moment Kyrios spun tightly, shifted into Gundam mode and was facing the flag with renewed vigor. The sunburnt Gundam aimed its submachine beam gun and fired viciously at the mech. The flag unit dodged most of them and the few that hit looked to had been purposely done. It zoomed passed him and Atalei could imagine the smug laughter coming from within the Flag's cockpit.

"Shit! I'm not done yet!" he yelled, shifting into flight-mode and pursuing the target.

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