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sorry, work is kicking my ass. I will try to get a post out by tonight.

Um...Btw guys, Teelfa is currently in her human guise. Lol No one should really even know she's a monster girl atm. Probably not even Bart unless he knew when he invited her to the guild. Her trying to keep the identity on the down low and all

Changed my post a bit.
Yang Bethlehem

@ShwiggityShwah Ozzy

She mentioned her journey and he nodded excitedly. "I've got a map! We should compare notes! I've been some places I couldn't think more highly of!" Treating her a bit like a tourist like him. "The nature. The history. The festivals!" He swooned. "Even the demon realm's got some fun spots... but mind the locals." he added.

"I see, tell me more. I would like to see those places you recommended one day." Yang smiled excitedly and she listened to Ozzy, she also made a brief list on where to visit too. "But if you're planning to go to Zipangu, aside from the four temples, there's also the capital, famous dragon priestess and Hakutaku scholars."

Actually. Yang raised a brow as she settled an eye on Ozzy briefly as she assessed her. Noting the lack of horns that the Hakutaku has, she pondered if she was taught by one. "As I was saying, I think you'll like the Hakutaku scholars. They're kind of like you but study on everything. Whatever knowledge you want, they probably have an inkling on it."

"There's the Oni mountains too but I think you would want to go there last." She waved her hand at that, recalling the drunken tirades that occur daily.

"But the eel village near my temple are nice too, they serve the best dango." She recalled the local village close to their temple and sighed, so much things she missed there. "Oh, Dango is a sweet. My apologies."

She explained her temple and he nodded, snapping his fingers. "Ahh, so despite the focus on propriety, respect, martial prowess is something still to be strived for? I guess that's not so different from here." He listened to her talk about the master. He clapped his hands lightly when she proclaimed loudly the prowess of her master. "Sounds awesome, but also sounds kind of rough. I mean you're trying to just teach students and get better yourself and suddenly people out of the blue just want to fight you? Are they going to teach if they succeed? It doesn't make sense to me."

"Haha, that's what it means to be the master. You carry the White Tiger temple reputation and quite literally, the face of the White Tiger." She said and then shrugged her shoulders when Ozzy asked what happens if one loses. "If the master lose, then that's that. The other person gets to proudly say, they won against the legendary master of the White Tiger temple."

"As for the master? Well, he'll still teach and be part of the temple but won't be eligible for taking the master title until he retrained himself to prove himself worthy again."

"But...if that really happens. I might actually be called back to the homeland." She rubbed the back of her head, and sighed at that with one eye closed. A feeling of annoyance but also apprehension sat in her guts.

After all, someone have to step up in an empty position that's been seated for so long.

He folded his arms and closed his eyes trying to think of the reasoning. Maybe it was just the culture.
"I guess there is the need for competition. I wonder if the same thing would happen here? Maybe your White Temple should expand." He grinned, thinking it would be a fun idea. "White Temple, Pravar Chapter." he announced with a wave of his hands. "Actually those fighting tournaments would be a very good outlet." Better than those super violent coliseums.

"Oh no, no, I cannot do that. Personal teaching is one thing but opening a school branch on ones own?" Yang sat straight up as she leaned forward and waved her hands fervently. "That's taboo."

"But yes, the point of the fighting tournament is a test of martial skill and to improve oneself." She quickly turned to the new topic as she leaned backwards, recalling some of the more barbaric smaller coliseums and frowned at that. "Coliseums aren't my taste."

He directed his question back at her his hands cupped in his lap. "You said you were questing to increase your martial arts techniques. If you don't mind me asking, how does that work? Are you like the wondering hero? The beast hunter? The paragon of justice!" Despite the silly titles, he did make each sound pretty epic.

"Well, the road to become a martial artist and a master is...beyond just physical. Even I don't know what's the next step." Yang features softened a bit as she realized just how large the difference between her and her master. "There are just some things fist can't solve, you know?

"Haha, that's too much of a praise. I'm merely a humble disciple seeking their path." She laughed it off and blushed slightly at that. "I suppose I'm the busy-body monk?"

"What about you? They call you the wandering scholar?"

@ZekariVoblis Teelfa

Yang turned to the new member and she rose up to bow towards her respectfully.

"Greetings, and welcome to our guild." She greeted her politely as she welcomed and made the latest addition of the guild comfortable. She even showed her an empty seat that she can take next to her.

"Don't be shy, make yourself at home.


Ditzy Stoneclub


Ditzy watched apprehensively even as the arrow soared, and it struck the apple. What Ditzy slowly realized was that Freyr actually did what Saburo asked, hit the apple with out piercing it.

He widened his eyes at that and brows climb to the top before he smiled as he jumped excitedly


Even after the ceremony, and mission as they hand it in. Ditzy had nothing but that image burned in his head as he mimicked Freyr posture, draw and release.

"Hey, hey, how you did that shot?" Ditzy asked Freyr eagerly like a child, he never really understood how's that possible. "Ditzy would probably break or snap the bow before that."

He felt envious of that, he never realized that such a thing was possible.

"But did you keep some of Saburo arrows? It feels...wrong to just give all his arrow out to them." Ditzy questioned, Saburo seemed so happy when talking about arrows and it didn't sit well to give it out to others so easily.

Not to mention it will make him sad, and he didn't wanted to make Saburo sad. He liked Saburo better than the couple. This still had nothing to do with trash as well, but Ditzy felt that no one will probably answer that.

Hearing the siren, Haley, spoke out had him waved at her in greetings. "Hello, Haley Wellington, I'm Ditzy Stoneclub!"

"I wanted to go and play with the other goblins here...but its late, and we haven't take dinner yet." He said when Haley asked on what they should do next.

Oh well. Ditzy can probably play with them the next day.
@PaulHaynek@ShwiggityShwah@The Irish Tree

Yang Bethlehem

"Ah, the art of Dou then?" Yang nodded, she heard the berserk art before. It was a dangerous style and one that a person can lose themselves if they aren't careful.

Hmm. She hummed, an idea formed inside her head as there was a possibility they can help each other. But it was risky, and she was no master though. Perhaps she can offer insights?

"Well, I think I can help you a bit with the Dou style if needed." She offered to Magnus, she will need to take steps to ensure its safe.

Hearing Ozzy talk on her having student had her in smiles and she waved it away bashfully.

"I think you're thinking of me too highly. I'm not qualified to teach yet," She commented to Ozzy but sighed as she thought objectively on Magnus build.

It was indeed optimal and almost perfect for a fighting build, alongside with the right height and probably weight. Yang felt slightly envious on that particular body built.

"Oh, its nice!" Yang recalled her journey here, it was unusual and she had to learn the local language but it was a sight to behold. "I get to see so many different places and new people!"

One other thing was how different the culture and new monster girl differ from one another, though she'll admit they're much more aggressive compared to Zipangu.

"Ah, the temple accepts human primarily but monster are accepted." Yang pointed out as she recalled another detail. "We do have monster as students but those are rare, mostly they come as challengers against my master."

"But I think they'll be disappointed, they've been trying even before I was born and my master is still the head of the White Tiger temple! Haha!" Yang proudly jested and sweated a bit even as she realized the implications of that. "Yeah, he's definitely still the head without a doubt."


Ditzy Stoneclub


He didn't know what was going on, Saburo had suddenly went ahead and issue a challenge to Freyr. Wasn't he already in the competition? His slow mind tried its best to keep up even as things spiralled quickly beyond his comprehension.

"Uh, Miss Nagare, won't he die if Freyr hits it anyway?" Ditzy asked Nagare as he tugged her clothing, his head tilted to the sides. "Isn't that cheating?"

Ditzy really didn't understand the challenge, and the way everyone surrounded them, it made him frown. He recognized those looks, one that look ready to do bad things.

"No worries, Miss Nagare. Just stay close to me, and I'll beat them all back." Ditzy said to her as he unslung the sand bag, and readied to fight back.
I'm so sorry for the long delayed post.
@ShwiggityShwah@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree

Yang Bethlehem

"White Tiger temple is one of the four main temples and located the on the western side of Zipangu. Traders from the outside world often land there first, so perhaps its where they hear of us." Yang happily explained to Ozzy before she recalled one of the more popular reason. "Or the yearly fighting tournaments held by our temples as well."

"But as to what a disciple do? Well, that's a bit more simple." She rubbed the back of her head sheepishly "We're students that graduated from the temple and permitted to travel the world."

"Some learn medicines, teachings, but most of us journey to improve our martial arts before returning." Yang proudly stated that before deflating her shoulders a little at recent events. All that martial strength can't do anything at times.


During that, she noticed the new-comer and bowed her head towards her quickly. "Greetings."

Although one of the other details she noticed was that this mothwoman was much more...different. Not unlike her previous partners, this felt elderly. The closest she can say is that she has her old master presence that had been around and alive longer than she was.

Then again, it could be just her. She pushed the thought away as she invited the mothwoman to the guild. "Welcome to our guild, it's a little beat up for now but we'll get that fixed soon."

She cracked a joke to alleviate some of the brevity in her and mood.

"So what does an anthrophologist does besides the studies of relation and culture?" Yang cringed slightly through her smile as she had no doubt absolutely butchered whatever his profession name was. She never heard of that profession before from where she came.

Yang then moved and invited Ozzy and Magnus to sit down as they chatted for the night.

"Speaking of which, which school of martial arts you came from Magnus?" She asked him curiously, the boy looked strong. Minusing the choice of the horns and mane aside, she was interested in learning his arts.


@AzureKnight @PaulHaynek @13org

Ditzy Stoneclub

"Ah, Freyr is competing!" Ditzy eagerly said as he pointed to the tournament and rested on Freyr from afar. Unaware that he was at Saburo's attention.

"He's the one with the long bunny ears. You can't miss him!" Ditzy described to Saburo. "He's too likes to talk about arrows, though Ditzy didn't understand alot of it."

"But how many arrows have you make? You must make a lot if you're so popular." Ditzy made some small chat with Saburo, his request all but forgotten as he conversed with Saburo. "And who normally use your arrows? They must be strong if you only let some use them."

"Papa only know how to make tables and shape wood parts though, oh!" Ditzy then excitedly showed his father greatest handiwork, though it never really seemed like it, the sandbag weapon he was carrying. "Papa said this was the best thing he made for me!"

His lifted his sandbag to let both Saburo and Nagare see it. The thing he had dragged or carried all the way throughout the journey was a sandbag, rather than a traditional hob-goblin club. It was much smaller compared to the clubs.

But on closer inspection, if Saburo deigned it worth the effort to do so in his opinion, a quick glance at it would reveal that the sandbag was indeed well-made and crafted to absolutely last. The exterior looked beaten up but it was only the pattern of the hide than any actual worn or tear, the whole thing seemed solid like a block.

The sling that Ditzy held had also multiple threads that looked like spider's silk underneath it, all woven tightly and intertwined in a criss-cross pattern to ensure flexibility but also sublime tautness when weight or force is applied. Four of them crossed one another to ensure that proper distribution happens as well.

It looked ordinary on the outside but Saburo will note that it was indeed something that a master craftsman made through experience, practicality, and functionality foremost. That a weapon of this degree of craftsmen required showed that the user was not ordinary as well since it was designed to take as much punishment and force.

Well, there's the odd hob-goblin.

But yeah, sorry all on my side, I'll reply on Friday. Works been getting a bit rough.
Its the timing, I suppose and it being right after the trailer, it being bowser and the art does a great job in keeping it IC.

It then ballooned to beyond anything anyone had conceived of, considering that there's even an event dedicated for her in Japan soon IIRC.
@The Irish Tree@ShwiggityShwah@PaulHaynek

Yang Bethlehem

Yang yelped a bit when she was carried by Magnus before given a piggyback ride, she was too shocked to say anything for a moment but she smiled after a bit.

"Thanks." Yang tightened her hold around him and rest her face on his back. It was nostalgic, to say the least since the last she was given a ride like this was by her master when she was a child.

Much to her surprise, Magnus had carried her and ran at a constant pace without breaking at all until they're at the guild house. She herself probably was only capable of maybe half-distance of what Magnus ran. She was once again amazed at how wide the world was, she had never thought such a feat was possible.

I need to focus more on my training.

"Take a breather." Yang waited for Magnus to recompose himself and they stepped in. She greeted master Bart with a bow as she prepared herself mentally for their report.

Her eyes, however, fell on a small monster girl that looked like an owl if her guess was spot on. She wondered if this was a new addition to their guild. Hearing master Bart introduced them to each other, she raised one of her brows for a moment.

Him? She wondered if master Bart made a mistake in addressing the latter, but then again, it wasn't like her mastery of the language was perfect. Yang put it aside when the newcomer made her introduction.

"Nice to meet you, Ozmodius Skyway." She bowed her head and brought her hands together respectfully to Ozmodius, her accent clearly indicating that it was of foreign origin, similar to those from the eastern lands. "I'm Yang Bethlehem, disciple of the White Tiger temple."

She didn't know what exactly the second part meant but the way she carries herself reminds her of those Hakutaku, beastmen scholars. Perhaps she was one?

Ah well. Yang pushed those thoughts away, it wasn't her business to delve deeper.

Then when Bart ask for a report, the moment she dreaded arrived. She sighed and was about to speak up before Magnus spoke out first.

"Our client machine failed mid-way in flight." She said but tightened her fist at that before lowering her shoulders. "It was my fault, I, once again take full responsibility on the matter."

At this rate, she won't be surprised if master Bart asked her to split open her stomach as a punishment.


Ditzy Stoneclub


Ditzy looked upwards at Saburo, his interest rose as he saw the man sword. He had never seen that one before, it was so different from the usual swords he had seen.

When Saburo asked his question, Nagare opted to answered in between the time it took Ditzy to formulate his answer. A moment passed but he replied to Saburo, he had seen it briefly from afar but they looked very different.

"Freyr said your arrows looked good, and he wants to compare Vieran arrow to yours!" He answered truthfully and innocently with a wide smile before he tilted his head sideways. "And papa said stealing is bad, so Ditzy won't steal."

He also wondered how one steal style, perhaps Saburo meant the way the arrow dress up? But arrows don't dress up, do they?

"But you look strong, why make arrows? Ditzy don't understand." Ditzy then pointed to the longsword behind him, he was curious to know why. He didn't look like a smith or Fletcher from appearance. Then a moment of inspirtation struck him as he figured an answer to his own question.

"Oh, it's fun, right?" Ditzy said.

Making stuff was fun, he recalls his father face each time makes a drawer or cupboard for them to sell. He always had a big smile on his face and often proud of it, at least, until Ditzy accidentally damaged it.

Go ahead and post your char response or reaction first if you want. I don't mind.
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