Avatar of Richard Horthy


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15 days ago
Current Casual RP has wayyy too many guests looking at it to not be constantly be scraped by AI.
1 like
20 days ago
On the anniversary of his death, I would like everyone to take a moment and reflect upon the fact that the world hasn't been quite right since Harambe was killed.
22 days ago
You ever want to RP, then you look at the sidebar at the New section and see "1x1 Master/Slave Stepsister MxF" and go, "Actually, I'm good. I don't wanna RP anymore."?
29 days ago
When was the last time you saw more than 100 users online on Roleplayerguild?
2 yrs ago
Oh quit being such a joyless sob. And respond to my 1x1 DMs, dammit. you really complain that nobody wants your 1x1s and you ignore me. harry potter and the audacity of this bitch, ya'll


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@Bright_Ops Great - looking forward to it!

Also, I think I can safely say that I have enough interested people here that i'm going to launch the OOC tomorrow. Look out for it then!
@Psyker Landshark Good to see! As for the Mandalorians, they were rarely ever a unified force from my understanding. So even though the pacificst elements would still exist, I think they wouldn't hold the same amount of influence just because of the circumstances they find themselves in.

Also that SW lore in general is sort of a nightmare...so I just use a "Use whatever works and what makes sense" approach and I encourage you to do the same.
@Kuro Very nice! Though if i'm gonna be /tg/ then i'll suggest maybe giving her a DC-15S carbine, since it'd be more handy to use in the tight quarters of a starship. But it looks pretty good!
@trenenp To be honest I had made most of this with Legends canon in mind. But in this case i'd more just be really just wondering what a force occultist would really be doing in the CIS remnants, and how they evaded detection by people like the Inquisition for so long
@ReedeThe23rd Yeah, wonderful! Works pretty well, I like Markus so far.
@ReedeThe23rd Pretty good! I wanna ask just how well-known you'd imagine Markus to be in the grand scheme of the Alliance, just for clarity's sake. I think it works a bit better if most people don't really know who he is and he's just a random politician from some Ag World to most guys, but some people who are probably refugees from the Mid Rim would be more familiar.
@Eviledd1984 Great, looking forward to it!
@Eviledd1984 I do like the "refurbished battle droid" idea! Though if there's one thing about it, I think an explanation for how he survived after the shutoff of most of the Droid Armies could be in order, as well as how his programming was altered when he was transferred from the M1 chassis into the BX one.
@ReedeThe23rd I like the exiled politician approach a lot. So if you want to get going with the sheet, post it up and I'll take a look at it so I can give some better comments about it
@Eviledd1984 Cool! What's the character?
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