Avatar of Rin


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11 mos ago
Knife of Evil is too great, prince of the robots meets his fate! Auchtertool no longer fight, killed by the wizard lord this night!
11 mos ago
Robot Prince of Aucthertool, over thy robot kingdom rule! Electronic lord of war, destined to reign forevermore!
1 yr ago
Happy Hogswatch!
1 yr ago
Still not sure why Guel Jeturk is getting isekai'd to the Paldea region though but I can roll with it I guess.
1 like
1 yr ago
The closest thing I can think of like that was that a scoop of ice cream in a glass of coke was a treat when I was a kid.


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"What's that, Saturday? You think it's a bit cramped back here? Maybe... Maybe I should just sit on your lap then, hmmm~? Then there'd be more room for everyone else~"

Ah... Why had Mistress Arinne had to say something like that? Saturday's had to hold her head down for the entire car ride, since... She wasn't sure why, but what Arinne had said made her feel strange and... Not exactly uncomfortable but...

Her cheeks felt rather warm as she stepped out of the car, sticking close to Arinne as her mistress obfuscated the minds of the police. She wasn't especially skilled at forensics (really, she was more skilled at what came before such investigations) so she really couldn't offer much help aside from her usual duties... Although thankfully others wer already taking care of the work for her. Saturday's head tilted as she watched Lillia work with her flowers, watching them as the stems twirled to point in different directions. Hmmm, why would they be pointing so close though? Was the killer really that sloppy?

@Raineh Daze
Thinking about it, this so-called "Jack the Ripper" had been rather... Inefficient. The way their victims were killed, hollowed out of all organs and left as an empty husk, clearly would've taken far more time than was really necessary. It wasn't clean or methodical, and with how slowly it would take it seemed like the killer was some kind of sadist. That was-

Once again, Saturday's trail of thought was interrupted by her mistress's teasing. Wh-what was that about... About her getting squishy? And Arinne using her as a... As a...

Reluctantly, Saturday put down her latest biscuit. And as the investigation teams were listed off, she curtly nodded and spoke for the first time since entering the room, although her voice was so soft and quiet that it was barely audible.

"Assignment confirmed, Mistress Arinne."

...And just for a moment, just long enough so that he would notice, her eyes focused sharply on the uncoath young man who had called her mistress a child. Even if it was in jest... For some reason, hearing him tease her like that made her feel something in her chest. Something hot, prickly and uncomfortable, something... Unfamiliar, but most unpleasant. Whatever it was, she'd have time to ruminate about it later.

Seems interesting, so I might try and figure out an idea. But we'll see how that turns out.
Saturday couldn't help but tremble slightly as she felt Arinne's hand on her head. How could she be so... So... So like that in front of all these people? She wouldn't mind it nearly as much if it wasn't for all of them... And the things she said! Saturday definitely wasn't like a kitten! Kittens weren't... Kittens weren't like her, and she wasn't like a kitten. Even if it felt nice to have Arinne pet her like this...

But no, no she definitely wasn't like a kitten. And there was no way anyone else would... She belonged to the Ar-Rynesarte family. She belonged to... No-one else. That was that and that was all there ever would be. Her life belonged to Mistress Arinne, and no-one else was allowed to... To f-f-fall... For her...

The poor girl was so overwhelmed in her thoughts tht she could barely pay attention to what Arinne was even saying right now. Really, it was probably for the best that she'd went over it with her earlier this morning. Anxiously, she began nibbling on another biscuit, and another, and one more... Really, she just hoped this would all be over soon.
Arinne entered the room, and Saturday followed behind her.

...Even though she'd met some of these people before, she still felt awkward around them. Really, "met" was about all she'd done with them. She'd never really talked to them, after all. Even if she'd tried to, she wouldn't have really gotten far. Arinne was the only person she could talk at length with, and with anyone else the most she could really get out were a few mumbles before she had to make herself scarce. People were just... Not her strong point.

It was so much easier to deal with dead people, really.

Silently, she took a seat as close to Arinne's as possible and hunched down in her chair, shoulders sunk and head lowered as she quietly took a jammy dodger and began munching on it like a mouse. Really, she already knew everything Arinne was going to say... Why was she even here? Couldn't she just... Get to work already? It would be far less awkward than having to deal with all this...
So this was a weird idea I had but Vita helped me work it out so here we go I guess.

I have an idea that I need to figure more out for but still, interest!
Caster ~ Alice

"Oh... Oh! That's right!" The tiny girl with the wonderful hat was right! If only Alice had stayed in the park to begin with... But now they would definitely all find Dorothy! With her help, and the somewhat plain yet pretty girl who felt strangely familiar's help... And the kindly older gentleman too, they would definitely find her!

Taking the offered hand from the somewhat plain yet pretty girl who felt strangely familiar (really, once Alice calmed down she would need to ask her name), she led the group to the park, all the while worrying about Dorothy. What if a bigger dog had shown up? What if she'd been chased off by it? What if she'd been decapitated? Oh no, no, that wouldn't do at all, no! That would be terrible!

"Ah... Ah, there! That's where we were when we saw the puppy!" Alice frantically pointed at a flowerbed covered in red and white roses. "Yes, yes, Alice was telling Dorothy about how they should just paint the white ones to match the red ones, and then... And then the puppy! It was so cute and fluffy and friendly! And then Dorothy was gone. Where did Dorothy go? I miss her..."

Caster ~ Alice

Ah, she wanted to help her, she really wanted to help her! Alice knew she shouldn't really talk to strangers, but this girl... She seemed like she knew this mage. She wasn't entirely sure how but something about her seemed strangely familiar. Maybe they'd met in a past life or something? Oh, but that wasn't important! What was important that she was going to help her find Dorothy! She and her Serv-

...Her Servant... Her Servant had a...

...What a wonderful hat she has! Is... Is that really a...

For a moment, Alice was entranced. No, surely it couldn't be... Did she really have a bird perched on top of her hat? How wonderfully whimsical that would be! Just like something out of a fairy tale! Alice knew all about that kind of thing, after all. And she was so small, even smaller than Alice herself... She looked so cute! Maybe after they found Dorothy she could invite her to a tea party. She looked Japanese, after all, and the Japanese did like tea... Unlike Dorothy. Dorothy was weird and liked coffee. And thought jelly was something you spread on toast. That was jam! Americans were so strange...

...Oh right, Dorothy! She had to find Dorothy!

"Ah, thank you, thank you! Alice lost Dorothy and... And..." The doll-like girl thought for a moment. When did she lose her again? Oh right... "There was.. A puppy! We saw a puppy near the park and... And Alice looked away for just a moment and then Dorothy was gone!"

Well, at least it seemed like she'd find Dorothy soon. Not only were the little bird-hatted Servant and her Master willing to help, but a kindly old gentleman had shown up too and expressed his will to help too! Turning to the man, Alice curtsied once more and gave him an angelic smile.

"Thank you, thank you! Alice is very thankful for your help too, sir!"

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