Avatar of Ruby


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4 mos ago
Current Thank you, Match Day gods.
4 mos ago
Like...CerealKiller Hackers?
5 mos ago
Thanks, Dad.
5 mos ago
Shit, that's every God damn day.
6 mos ago
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.


Unless you want to offer RP, I don't care, you're better off not sending it my way.

Most Recent Posts

Banned because I don't want to agree with you but I do anyway

F*&k paraphrasing, we live for the minor details

You broke...that one rule I just made up. Yeah. Sorry. Three months for you. Bye.
Hello there! Just wondering if the username Sounds of Silence would be applicable for a name change?

Too many characters.
Did you just DELETE my post?

<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

Oh really? Hm. The more you know.

<Snipped quote by Superboy>

I agree. The naming/description thing needs a touch up. People assume you're a shit writer because you're in the free secction, or assume you're a pompus ass because you like the advanced side of things.

Call me crazy, but it kinda pisses me off.

Crazy. :D
Hi. May I get my name changed? Just to Anti-111.

The dash (-) isn't allowed in names.
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

Yeah, just like the Pixies in my backyard are a fact. They make this excellent syrup from trees that goes great on waffles.

<Snipped quote>

The only difference in perspective is regarding what counts as logic. Now your story keeps changing;
First its "this is bad cause I say so."
Then its "I didn't have any constructive counterpoints."
Now its "I did have those but I wasn't ready to give 'em at the time."

You're supposed to pre-heat the oven first. Pro-Tip.

<Snipped quote>

If that's what you call discussion I'd love to see what you call a debate. Could prolly sell tickets for that.

<Snipped quote>

<Snipped quote>

No shit, Sherlock. How long did it take you to figure that out? If you're trying to de escalate the situation YOU caused then you're doing a super terrible job at it. What sort of reaction were you expecting to get from that stunt you pulled? Turns out when you piss someone off they ACTUALLY get pissed off. Who knew, right? Was I suppose to pretend your asinine behavior didn't rub me wrong?

<Snipped quote>

You said: "Also as someone who participated in the Arena format for nearly twenty years I can't say I think anything Dias has mentioned are ideas I think are fundamentally good at any level."

That's legit you saying everything on said list, including the idea of a friggen Rulebook which you only walked back after the fact, is bad FOR NO OTHER REASON other than your supposed 20 year record. So forget providing any kind of logical rebuttal as to WHY you oppose such things. Forget trying to have an actual discussion in what is supposed to be a discussion. And now you're here trying to pass this off as being perfectly fine?

"I disagree because I know its just bad. Trust me gaiz."
"Eh, I didn't actually have any reasons, womp womp~"
"Oh, I DID have reasons. I could tell you...but I won't."

<Snipped quote>

"This is a community thread discussing Arena and by the current measured topic – how to improve it."
So either throwing my two cents into said public discussion apparently triggered you, which would explain that knee jerk reaction you had, or for some delusional reason you're saying me tossing out ideas makes me an Elitist? O_O

Holy crap...

<Snipped quote>

Bubble is looking more likely, though personally I still lean more in the other direction.

<Snipped quote>

You tell me, Strawman. =P

<Snipped quote>

So your "vibes" governing shit around here is compared to me getting pissed off at your nonsense? Dafuq? O_o

<Snipped quote>

1: I have interest in giving this Arena a try if it had a different approach to things.
2: I did step away from it.
3: I have no direct affiliation with this Arena.

I'm a new player around here. Doesn't matter that I showed up because of Mobius' tournament. His tournament is the only reason I found out about this place, I didn't know you guys existed. Do you NOT want new players? If the TZDL brought fresh faces to your site, shouldn't that be a good thing? Now I'm just confused. Are you just wanting people with no critical thinking skills or opinions of their own? Like, seriously, at this point now I'm just completely lost on what your priorities are.

<Snipped quote>

Based on your post? I doubt it.

<Snipped quote>

Considering that despite being pissed off at you I'm still capable of rational thinking? I mean this entire time I've been doing nothing but reacting to what others are saying. I haven't begun speaking in weird languages yet, that's usually a fun show to watch. Also still obviously maintaining my sense of humor to boot. So yeah, having a productive dialogue is pretty much dependent on what others have to say.

And if your goal was to have a "productive dialogue" I would LOVE for you to elaborate on how "these ideas are bad because I say so" was even remotely looking to accomplish that aim. That's the thing you're failing to realize. Your response wasn't you conveying that you wanted a "productive dialogue" it was conveying you being asinine. And then acting suddenly perplexed by the reaction you got. AND THEN having the audacity to turn around and accuse me of being toxic for it? Are you nuts?

<Snipped quote>

Its not about our beliefs being compatible. Its about whether or not something makes logical sense. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but not all opinions are magically correct. That's why you put forth ideas and then examine them. I've already told that other guy, I don't work here. This isn't my job. As such, I'm clearly not the one who has ultimate say cause I'm not the one who is going to be putting in the time on it, not unless I'm A) getting paid for my effort and B) getting the job title that goes along with that sort of job. There's been zero attempt to encourage me to stick around here or offer up my services for free.

I wasn't even planning on saying anything else beyond throwing up those suggestions, that was until I caught sight of your response, which I've already gone over ad nauseam. You wanna disregard my feedback? Hey, its your house. But if you're gonna talk shit, then I'm gonna check you whether you like it or not. In the future, maybe don't act like that. That way you can avoid situations like this.

Since you're new(ish) let me illustrate something for you.

On the Guild we try to keep conflicts private. It's the internet, they're gonna happen, people are going to be petty and emotional, and they usually have versions of reality that don't really match with reality--so conflict is inevitable but when it happens we prefer it happen in private so it doesn't waste the time and energy of others who just want to RP.

Your above post? Should've been sent as a PM.
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