Avatar of Rune_Alchemist


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current I just can't. This is too much. Berserk was so influential on so many things that I love. Goodbye, Miura. You'll be missed by many.
4 yrs ago
Migraines ew
4 yrs ago
Welp apparently discord servers are having some pretty bad Latency issues.
1 like
5 yrs ago
Well I just got my mitts on the Links Awakening remake. Excus eme while I disappear for a weak while I relive my childhood
5 yrs ago
Migraine killed me today. Posts tomorrow.


Hello! Welcome to my little bio.

Not much to say, really. Just a horror game protag that likes writing and playing vidya games when I'm not being chased by the cosmic forces of darkness. (I'm a security guard that works night shifts usually).

Have some dancing medjed.

Most Recent Posts

@Lucius Cypher
Allllright, after much deliberation, brainstorming, and finally getting my lazy butt in gear I finally finished writing up the entrance exam. I think I got everything right, and I realize I could have probably done some flashier things with the spells buuuut I feel like this suits Isil a bit.

Well, either way do tell me if I messed up anywhere. Changed a few things in Isil's Character sheet, mostly in her history section and added the rest of those memorized spells.

Oh boy this Nat 20 for the second test. There goes the rest of my luck for the game.
What are you guys talking about

its an excellent disguise

Lia listened quietly to everything, but mostly Pox. That was only a theory. Nothing proven. Multiple worlds existing and whatnot. Old religions stated the Machine Gods came from an entirely different place, but it was usually passed off as simple religious zeal. The point made by Pox however, was beginning to make sense...which meant...she was no longer in Ivorthain. Lia's shoulders visibly slumped, a crestfallen gaze overcoming her features as she turned to Nale.

"...No." She quietly replied to Nale. "Well...I don't remember who built me. Or anything from before the time Master Baylock found my barely functioning body and core and repaired it. Though, he told me never to go to the place I was found. He never gave a straight answer and I never pried." She gazed down at one of her hands. "And yes, much like a human body my own has its own needs and maintenance. I do not require food nor sleep, but I must do routine maintenance to make sure my gears are not worn or damaged. I am made from a highly magnetic cobalt alloy so I am not easy to damage...but repairs are annoying. Without proper machine making tools..." Her voice trailed off, falling silent once more.

The stranger that had rescued them taking to writing something on the table with blood. Well, desperate times and measures and all that. He seemed most uncomfortable, and Lia wanted to give him a hug, but from what she could gather it was something about a gate being present and the next floor was near, and he'd be able to talk more there.

"...oh dear." Lia held a hand to her face as he proceeded to rather comically make his way up some stairs. It was actually kind of cute. "Well it is a pleasure to meet you, Sir Ahnciel." The Automaton gave a brief nod to her companions. "Hm...I think most of us can agree as soon as those two are finished checking the store rooms we should get moving."
I'm eager to see how Dirka takes this. Lets see what happens, shall we?

~~The Illuminator~~



"Hmm? Lose my prophet?" Iva laughed, standing up as he gave Dirka poke on the forehead. "Ignorant child. You think I did this without plan or cause? Dirka, darling you give me too little credit! Breaking her mind is exactly what I wanted! And needed!" He waltzed slowly over to the both of them. "Besides...she is not suffering from Magic backlash, no no. This is the Libraries will. Our will. Little La-Zha's will. She knew what she was getting into." He would attempt to forcibly take Lazhria from Dirka.

"Quickly. I must return to the library remake her body while her mind is still malleable." The various Aho'Nohg that had been summoned alongside their creator had regained their senses and were slowly crowding around Dirka and the unconscious Lazhria. While they didn't seem hostile, Dirka would be able to tell this was not a subject Iva was going to budge on if Dirka refused.
The Gnome seems pretty good for getting us up to no good with side plot things.

The goblins, while fun, would have a very short lifespan if they tried to steal loot from Isilfarrel.
Alright, well, back from thanksgiving things

I'll get up a post tomorrow. My relatives gave me a migraine.

Lia studied the man curiously as he went on to speak. Comrades? Them? Were they? That felt...wrong, to say right now, at least. He was quite the optimistic one, but perhaps that was what she needed. Baylock always told her to be more optimistic about things, but where was the point in that? Especially now, after he was...gone? Even so, the mans behavior and enthusiasm was, in part, seemingly mildly infectious.

"...I'll try to remember that," For the briefest of instants, a small smile seemed to appear on the lips of her face. The dozens of intricate pieces of metal that made her face plate making a facsimile of a smile. "Sir Pox." But it was gone in an instant as he went on to explain more of his House and origins. Blessed Isle? Thirteen Houses? Foreign, completely foreign. She had hoped that he was simply from across the seas, but no. Not even they had things named as such. Not that it mattered for now.

"Eh?" Lia recoiled slightly as he stepped forward, hands clasped together. His passionate, quick speaking was not unfamiliar to her, and if it was possible for a robot to blush at being called a 'marvel without compare', she'd be doing it. She might have been a custom model, but there were far prettier, or more functional out there than she was. She was just a servant, nothing less...nothing more.

"Aha...w-well," Lia's gaze turned away from Pox, a metal hand coyly running behind where her ears would have been had she been human. "That is quite alright. Master Baylock often told me I should be more curious myself." The automaton's expression returned to a neutral state as she continued in a mildly robotic and practiced tone. "I am indeed, an Automaton. Servitor Custom Model CH-71A. Designation Primalia. Repaired and returned to service by Master Baylock and his associates." A formal introduction. "I am unfamiliar with the terms you use. The Golden Lords...First age. Automaton were as numerous as humans were I am from." She paused, thinking for just a moment. "We are even worshiped as gods, as the Old Machines in certain parts of the world." Averting her gaze once more, she continued. "...but I am happy that you find me interesting."

Before any more jovial conversation could be had, however, they were interrupted by one of the other humans. A clattering of his sword on the table indicated mild annoyance? Impatience, perhaps. Uriel, did he say his name was? Certainly had a point.

"Uriel, was it?" Lia replied. "Shouting at our rescuer will get no results. Something seems to have happened to his words to prevent him from speaking. I'd say he'd have artificial vocal cords that were damaged...but after being introduced to magic here...perhaps a curse." A logical conclusion. "I also would like to know where we are though. This certainly isn't Ivorthain - magic like these creatures do not exist. Those bird...people do not exist, either. Only Humans and automatons such as myself."
Well, since everyone else is posting their CS's early. Here's my pretty much finished CS. I've gotta finish writing up the entrance exam, but I should have it tomorrow.

plz go easy if there are any problems. This is only my second D&D thing.

Boy all these neutrals and here I am gonna be straight up Evil. This should be fun.
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