Avatar of rush99999


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6 mos ago
6 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
6 mos ago
7 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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7 mos ago
Men of the Internet! TRIPLE N IS OVER! The month was long and the challenge hard. To those who faltered, I wish you better luck next year. And to those who stayed strong, I say... enjoy your freedom!


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

Well the signs were easy to see for you, but they weren't easy to see for the Lord, his priest, and a bunch of guards so I kinda hinted they'd be hard to determine.

Ah, ok then. Next time though, could you make it a little more obvious? I'm not the kind of guy who notices hints that well.
Post edited.


You may want to edit your post too now, considering how some of it is a response to my pre-edited post.
Remembered what just now?

You remembered just now that vampires aren't all that common in this world. That's the only explanation I can think of for why it took you 4 days to let me know.

EDIT: Also, I'll edit my IC post. So try not to call Hobnob crazy before I'm done.

And you only remembered this just now?
Hobnob had taken a seat on the opposite side of the table from Kayden. All 9 other members of his crew stood behind their boss with varying degrees of curiosity on their faces. Hobnob had already told them what had been told at the house of their next possible employer. What they heard interested them greatly. Hobnob couldn't say he the prospect of what they were facing didn't intrigue him either.

"From the description of this Strater character that the mole lord gave us, I think it can be safely assumed that if we accepted this contract, we'd be dealing with something incredibly interesting" Hobnob said "Which is excellent, because incredibly interesting is exactly what we signed up for".
Hobnob's crew murmured in agreement.
"Having said that" Hobnob continued "In preparation for the quest that this guild will soon embark upon, I humbly submit a plethora of enchantments and traps devised by my crew and I that we believe will aid in our upcoming endeavor". Behind him, Hobnob's crew produced a wide variety of convoluted blueprints that detailed workings of runes, traps, rune traps, trap runes*, and many other weird and wonderful things.

*Yes, there is a difference between the 2.

Quick question, does Starkvale have a vampire slaying guild that we could refer Pembrook to?
Well Strater is described as a peculiar man with a funny look that takes a lot of will power to say no too. He also causes priests to say that he is bad news and gives of a danger that wealthy old mole lords can't put out of their minds. With all that is mind, I've come to the conclusion that Strater is a vampire.
I have a feeling that I can guess what race this Strater character belongs to.
I most certainly will not.
Felix turned to face where the noise was coming from. Had he not been so surprised by the sudden exclamation, Felix would have wondered why his sword was in his hand despite the fact that he had only thought of drawing it and had yet to actually do so. Felix's view of the deep voiced individual was obscured by a collection of rocks. Felix remedied this by quickly moving over the rocks to find and hopefully aid the person who was being attacked.
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