Avatar of rush99999


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5 mos ago
5 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
6 mos ago
6 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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6 mos ago
Men of the Internet! TRIPLE N IS OVER! The month was long and the challenge hard. To those who faltered, I wish you better luck next year. And to those who stayed strong, I say... enjoy your freedom!


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

Most Recent Posts

I need you to settle a disagreement a friend and I are having. Is Keratia pronounced 'Kuh-ray-she-ah' or 'Keh-ra-tee-ah'?
Talogan watched as Nox once more flew down to the shipwreck and entered the wreck itself. As he listened to Nyx describe the general layout of what appeared to be the captain's quarters of the ship, Talogan also considered the task ahead of them. They were outnumbered, had no easy way of approaching the shipwreck, and had no clear way of telling what was leading the drowned. The coming battle would test not only his mettle, but also that of his crew. Just as Maglubiyet had intended most likely. "Shit!" Nyx exclaimed suddenly.
Slightly startled by this, Talogan quickly turned towards her as the sound of singing emerged from the shipwreck. "What's wrong?" Talogan asked when Nyx returned to her body.
"I'm sorry captain." Nyx said. "As Nox was about to look through the closet when a hand reached out to him. He was able to avoid it but... I got hasty and called him back before I could actually get a good look at it. Some sort of white hand though. It looked like it was coming straight out from the closet though."
Talogan was about to reply, but stopped when Hurrik called for his attention. Talogan followed Hurrik's pointing finger down to the shipwreck, where the drowned had come out of hiding to answer the call of the song. "Hmm..." Talogan said as he watched the drowned move around below. "Haunting song. White skin. Commands the dead..." A moment later, Talogan turned to his crew. "I know what's commanding the drowned." Talogan stated. "We're going to be dealing with a banshee."
Does Talogan know what happens if a Witch Bolt is cast into a body of water with multiple creatures standing in it?
So far, Talogan knows that the unknown creature commanding the drowned has white skin, commands a mob of the drowned using a song that - while hauntingly beautiful - does not exert any influence over the living, and is probably not a siren (Which dislike ugly creatures such as the drowned.) nor a sea hag (Which have blue skin rather than white.) either.

With these clues in mind and a religion check of 15, would Talogan be able to hazard a guess as to what could be down there?
Can the HP of a creature be discerned simply by looking at it or does a fight have to start before the health bars are revealed?
Out of curiosity, what does the Keratian calendar look like? Is it similar to the Gregorian calendar of our world or are there certain differences notable enough to be seen at a glance?
Talogan watched Nox as the parrot flew about the shipwreck while also listening to what the other members of his crew had to say. The captain sifted through each piece of newfound information, taking the most useful items of intelligence and using them to aid in crafting his strategy. Once Nyx had finished speaking, Talogan tapped her on the shoulder to call her senses back to her body. Once Nyx was back, Talogan spoke. "Once you've reestablished communications with Nox, have him try and enter the ship." Talogan ordered. "Make sure he knows to be stealthy about it, and to leave if he encounters any of the drowned."
I'm guessing a 4 means Talogan doesn't know.
How long will it be before the next high tide?
From how I read the post, she wants to hit the ranged thug with both spells, but will go for the melee thug is she doesn't have the ranged thug in reach.
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