Avatar of rush99999


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5 mos ago
5 mos ago
It was nice knowing you, 2023. I only hope the year that comes after you is just as nice to know.
5 mos ago
6 mos ago
Hey, Witch Doctor! Give us the magic words!
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6 mos ago
Men of the Internet! TRIPLE N IS OVER! The month was long and the challenge hard. To those who faltered, I wish you better luck next year. And to those who stayed strong, I say... enjoy your freedom!


*Insert adventurous back story of adventure here*

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I was wondering, do the pirates of Keratia use the Black Spot or some other kind of symbol to convey death threats to those who incur their wrath?
"Those nobles have a lot of fine clothes stored on this ship."
"They certainly do, Talogan. Though some of these pieces seem more foppish than fine to me."

The greataxe struck Talogan's face with tremendous force, knocking the hat from his head and the amber-tinted spectacles from his face.

"Ridiculous hats. Oddly shaped shoes... I don't even want to know why that barrel has shoulder straps. And just look at these spectacles. Why are the lenses tinted?"
"Probably because they find it fashionable."
"I believe so, Velvezal."

Talogan looked to where the hat and spectacles had landed on the deck. The hat was alright. The orc had been aiming for Talogan's neck, so the axe blade had gone nowhere near the hat. However, the spectacles did not fare as well.

"Here, hold still a moment."
"What are you doing?"
"Just hold still, Talogan."

The blow had cut the spectacles in two. And while one of the lenses was only slightly cracked by the fall, the other lens had been smashed to pieces and its frame had been bent all out of shape.

"The color of the lenses goes with the color of your skin quite nicely."
"I believe so, Talogan."

When he looked back at the orc, any trace of the usual cold stoicism that adorned Talogan's face was gone. In its place sat a blistering fury that would give even a rampaging tarrasque pause. Talogan leaped forwards, dropping his hand crossbow and producing a dagger in its place as he went. With a furious bellow, both blades began to glow as Talogan stabbed them into the orc. Once they were in as far as he could get them, Talogan twisted them both ways for good measure before yanking them free. "KILL HIM!" Talogan roared to his crew. "KILL HIM NOW!" Gone was the exchange of sharp blades and sharp words. Gone was any thought of single combat with the strongest foe. All there was now was the overwhelming need to see this wretched greenskin DIE.

Yeah, that's 50% off for Talogan's health bar. Oof.
Pretty sure I know who the greataxe rolls belong to though.

Concentration save DCs are half the damage received, right?
All necessary edits have been made.
As Angus approached the chests, the sound of Azzen crying out in pain as he was shot by the kobold met the Highlander's ears. The bard was in danger. And seeing as he had provided Angus with a considerable amount of healing earlier, the Highlander was honor bound to come to the tiefling's aid. Moving at speed, Angus left the room he was in and proceeded to the location of Azzen's cry, sheathing his claymore as he went. With Sarfyr's dying screams having soothed the Highlander's anger at his current predicament once and for all, his mind was no longer clouded and he remembered the promise he made to stay out of the melee. A promise he now had every intention of keeping. Angus slowed to a stop as he joined Najila on the stairs. Azzen's cry had come from this direction, and sure enough he was there. Leaning against a wall at the base of the stairs. Looking as if he was a single stiff prod to the forehead from keeling over.

What kind of armor is the Orc Kaptain wearing?
Holland sat in the warmth of the fire, sipping a bottle of Sunset Sarsaparilla. Ever since he parted ways with Sheriff Dalton, the concerns that Holland had filed away were slowly but surely bubbling to the surface. The fact that almost everyone was talking about what he had those concerns certainly didn't help matters. What was wrong with the Mayor? Was she going to be alright? Had her days finally been numbered? Was there nothing Holland could do to help? Holland's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a single gunshot ringing out over the festivities.

Holland just sat there for a moment, blinking in shock. Had he really just heard that? Was there something wrong with his ears? Who would be shooting at a time like this? Why would they be shooting at a time like this? Holland regained focus just as a burst of gunfire rang out. Followed by a resounding boom as something exploded near the gate. Holland jumped to his feet. Something was going down. Something he should probably be helping with. All previous concerns forgotten, Holland dashed for the gate as he readied himself for a fight.
Would it be easy to guess how long it'll be until the storm is upon us?
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