Avatar of Sanity43217


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4 yrs ago
Current Space: The final frontier. The womb: The first frontier. Somewhere between those two: the ocean.
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4 yrs ago
Lost? Confused? Lacking direction? Need to find a purpose in your life?
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I feel bad making you change! You where here first, I have other ideas. Also, please correct me on any inaccuracies I have on the lore! I am more of a dark horse guy!

You are all good. I got plenty of character ideas floating around. It’s really no trouble.
I’m building a villain concept as well that doesn’t have powers, but is very well read. Think Deathstroke meets Lex Luthor. He is going to strike each hero in their weakness.
And here I am working on a character with no powers.

I did consider a Batman Fan Boy.
Alright, which of these sounds like the best fit for this role play @trenenp
  • San-El/Samuel Danvers. The love child of SuperGirl and Power Boy
  • B'yll T'lenss. A Green Martian who returned to earth to learn more about the Martian Superhero Martian Manhunter.
  • Braden Shields. the new Green Lantern of Sector 2814.
I might write up a new character and leave Atlantis to @Birdboy. We obviously have contradictory ideas of how Atlantis operates, and having three people that can manipulate water seems a little excessive. So I will begin work on another character.
Two Atlanteans? Things going to get interesting.
Also, @trenenp Taox doesn’t use a Hero Alias currently. He used to operate under the mantle of Aqualad, but hasn’t done so for nearly ten years.

@Exit Do conventional firearms exist?
I’m honestly quite disappointed this has happened. I for one knew going in that it would be a fairly linear story, that had clear boundaries so don’t really understand why people would join it, only to kick up a stink when they aren’t allowed to directly contradict the already established lore of the RP.
Like I was genuinely looking forward to some good character interactions and character development within the scope of working together to get stronger to fight the Beyonder.
Imagine directly defying pre established lore within an RP, just so you can write out a weird power fantasy.
Seems interesting. I got a few potential character ideas floating around.
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