Avatar of Senhara


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11 mos ago
Current "Your Friends: You have no friends" sadge
11 mos ago
Slipspace rupture detected. Slipspace rupture detected. Slipspace rupture detected.
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2 yrs ago
In case of assault by hostile forces, use provided Ravens.
2 yrs ago
If visited by a half-zombie clone with a stutter, use provided sentry turrets
2 yrs ago
In case of assault by killer dolphins, use provided battleships.


Fuel Rat Defender

Most Recent Posts

@Nate1008 the United Empire wouldn't accept someone who's insane. Also, you need to describe the weapons more as I have no idea how strong they are.
@BigPapaBelial I like it, especially since I'm part Native American. Approved.
@Lionel Samson I don't particularly mind that, EYE2 is actually really similar to that, it's a sniper with close range capabilities (although is not designed for it at all)
@Cleverbird I agree. I'd much prefer if it were more of a tank tank. Now that I know it's purpose I think I would much prefer if it were a heavy siege unit with those specs. It shouldn't be able to spin around like hell to deal with something that goes really fast

Tired rn, sorry for my grammar and my overall inability to process things
@Lionel Samson something with a shotgun or only blades, designed to quickly close distances or dash behind cover before getting struck. Something along the lines of that.
Yeah true, @Cleverbird, I was just worried since a lot of medium machines tend to be agile. Lasers and railguns are a thing. You can potentially run stealth but a relatively powerful weapon hitting you could kill your machine right there and then, so it needs to be quick.
@Lionel Samson seems good, however it looks like it could be countered by extremely fast CBQ builds, might want to take a think into that and editbif you want. Otherwise it's fine for posting into the character category
The main thread is now live here!
The new members of the Snowbirds sit within a standard United Empire troop dropship racing through the sky, the hull rattling as wind and snow hammer against it. It isn't the most elegant of transports, but it's the fastest, plus it beats the cold of being in a convoy. The troop dropship starts a soft gentle bank, the pilot leaning to the side and craning his neck to face the HELIX pilots. He grins, letting out a mumble that develops into a full sentence. "We're almost there, folks. Sorry for the bumpy ride, but she's been running transport the past few days. Do whatever you folks do, but for the love of God don't rip a hole through the metal, she's pricey to repair. Oh and, the leader of your squadron wants me to tell you your HELIX Frames are already there and being tuned, plus he wants you in the cafe as soon as we touch down. He's a weird guy all right, don't let him scare y'all off, ya hear?" A cheeky smile spreads across his face, his eyes returning to the controls and the pure white distances ahead.

From the windows on either side, the only thing that fills their view is the white clouds and faceless snowy ground. Cold out there, thankfully their destination has proper heating, instead of what the flying brick has. The relatively quiet expanse makes for a good feel on how distanced people can get, not too long till their destination thankfully. Perhaps now would be a good time to strike up a conversation with the other pilots on the plane.
Critical Shell - A Mecha Roleplay

Main Thread

The year is 2075 roughly 40 years after the AI war that nearly ended humanity. The world has recovered, for the most part, civilization rebuilt. Two main groups control the world, with smaller factions squabbling beneath them both. United Empire and Vertex, they control their halves of the world. Vertex rules under a dictatorship, while the United Empire a monarchy. Pressure is being placed on the United Empire as Vertex slowly pushes closer and closer to their territory.

Amongst the forces are HELIX Frames, giant legged war machines originally made by the AI. Both factions control armies of their HELIX Frames, them being their multipurpose destroyers. Controlled by a neural interface planted in pilots, the Frames move as a human does, naturally and with great agility. Using these machines, armies can strike with superhuman abilities that show their strength in battle. To make these machines even feasible, Phalanx drives are used, which were generated by the AI as a new power source. A miniature nuclear fusion plant, able to generate a unique shield called a Phalanx Shield, these drives were used for their military applications.

Vertex is moving ever closer and closer, raising tensions sky-high. With the military of the Unified Empire on alert, scouting is done to watch over the nations, one of these groups is called the Snowbirds, a Canadian HELIX Frame squadron watching over the edge of Alaska, ensuring that Russian Vertex squadrons do not move in. The leader of the Snowbirds pilots a machine named EYE2, known for being one of the top pilots in battle simulations. With these rising tensions, he has been tasked with training recruits to fight back against Vertex if they so choose to attack.

The new pilots have been moved from training, or retraining for veteran pilots, to directly under the control of EYE2's pilot. Today is the initial meeting of the new pilots and the first operation. The pilots have already been assigned new bunks, hangars, and operation details. It's a simple scouting mission, plus overseeing the setup of long-range scanners for the detection of mass movements.


1. No mary sues, powergaming, metagaming, or being overpowered from the start, this is a standard rule.
2. Don't be an asshole to other players, please do not take IC actions personally.
3. Posts should be at least one paragraph long, and a realistic amount of detail is ideal, however, please do not pressure players by going too into detail.
4. Discuss with the GM if you want an antagonist character.
5. Any questions, concerns, or requests should take place in this thread.
6. You can have as many characters as you want, so long you don't burn yourself out.
7. This roleplay is death enabled! You have been warned.

Pilot Sheet Template:

[b]Pilot Sheet[/b]





[b]Misc Info:[/b]

HELIX Frame Sheet Template:

[b]HELIX Frame Sheet[/b]



[b]Class: (Light, Medium, Heavy, etc.)[/b]

[b]Role: (Scout, Long Range, Interceptor, anything you think it fits)[/b]

[b]Equipment: (Weapons, utilities, defense, etc.)[/b]

NOTE: This is my first time GMing, so please don't be put off by that. I want to get better at roleplaying and being a GM, also the fact it's been half a year since I last roleplayed here.
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