Avatar of Shadow Dragon


Recent Statuses

6 days ago
Current My kitty is about to die......11 years of the most perfect kitty I ever could have asked for....
4 mos ago
I watched the monster, the one that had ruined my life. Always watching, never resting. Then I struck. And the mirror shattered.
1 like
4 mos ago
Ready the deathray!
1 like
5 mos ago
My poor kitty is dying......her lungs are full of fluid
6 mos ago
1 like


I'm a 23 year old RPer trying to get back into this site lol. Here's a link to my interest checks if you want to know more. If you want to talk to me on discord, msg Shadow_Dragon#0908, though I may take a while to reply. Shio vinult wer darastrix plisoic.



Most Recent Posts

Blackpelt:Willowclan Camp (Camp Borders)

Territory borders


He pads off down a overgrown path, and his tail flicks. He walks down the thin trail, and sniffs the air, looking around. "I....need to tell you something. I can see dead cats. Like Goosefeather. I see them everywhere. I have a hard time telling between the two sometimes."
I'm still here. I'm in some rps that won't post in months, lol
This looks fun!
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

You joined this battle yourself. If either of you still want to fight, I will be your opponent.

Of course I joined the fight. What, did you expect me to stand by and watch someone die without doing something about it? But don't mistake that as something 'honorable', I just want what's left of the body.
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

<Snipped quote by Blackmist16>

<Snipped quote by Webmaster>

*Appears between the three of you, standing on the hull of a ship shaped like a dragon's skull*
I happen to agree with the skeleton. Change of tactics, Lieutenant.

Why is it every time I go anywhere, someone tries to kill me?
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

*The repulsion wave builds in force, pushing back against you*

*He swings his scythe, splitting the beam in half so it flows off to either side of his body*
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

*The beam is followed by a repulsion wave*

*A pulse of raw power reflects the beam back*
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

*The ships shoot you with enough force to eject you from the dimension*

*His body disperses into a ruby smoke, and flows around the beam*
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

*The forces that surround me keep it intact and push against your body*

*He shrugs, and rends space around his body*
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

*Punches in your direction, disrupting you*

*Your hand rips in two*
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