Avatar of Shadow Dragon


Recent Statuses

11 days ago
Current My kitty is about to die......11 years of the most perfect kitty I ever could have asked for....
4 mos ago
I watched the monster, the one that had ruined my life. Always watching, never resting. Then I struck. And the mirror shattered.
1 like
4 mos ago
Ready the deathray!
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5 mos ago
My poor kitty is dying......her lungs are full of fluid
6 mos ago
1 like


I'm a 23 year old RPer trying to get back into this site lol. Here's a link to my interest checks if you want to know more. If you want to talk to me on discord, msg Shadow_Dragon#0908, though I may take a while to reply. Shio vinult wer darastrix plisoic.



Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

*As if it were reacting, the ground below both of you begins rumbling*

*He spins his scythe under and around his body, leaving hair thin cracks in the air*
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

Alna knew about it via bit of scrying, but Vin didn't.

Vinashy just came along to kill stuff
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>


*He turns suddenly, sending a red lance of life corrupting power spearing through the closest monitoring creature, obliterating their lifeforce like a snuffed out candle*
Blackpelt: Entrance to the nursery


Blackpelt watches the loners from the darkness, his smaller frame making him seem almost apprentice or even kit sized. His tail lashes in stress and anxiety, his exsuasted mindset giving him too many thoughts to deal with at once. Why are they here? They're something off about them, but I can't put my claw on it. They seem dangerous, but I don't know why. He licks his paw, rubbing his face to try and get his fur to lay flat again, but he's too on edge. He slips out before they see him, and he heads to Fernstars den.

Once he gets there, his tail gently taps Honeypaw. "You aren't fighting, are you? Your pelt spiked for a moment. Everything ok?" He looks them both over, then gently gives Honeypaw a lick on the head. "You're too stressed. Whatever happens, the clan will protect you." He settles down. "So. What's gotten you so upset Honeypaw?" His eyes study her, intense, but not accusing.
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>

Fight, where would the fun be in running?

Fair. In that case, let's rip them apart.
Pokes your eyes
<Snipped quote by Shadow Dragon>


Do you wish to leave, or fight?
@Shadow Dragon

Hm I suddenly have a sneaking suspicion we are being monitored.
*Looks at you.*
Do you feel it too?

*He shrugs*

Yes. But what are they looking for?
Another bump, why not?
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